Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 847: God doesn't kiss me right now

Ankasen B, one of the twin stars using the same orbit with sister star Ankasen A, the hometown of the Myra people.

Black Kane arrived here this time in a very formal way, not by drilling a hole or a crack, but by opening the Dark Star Gate.

As long as the coordinates are known, as long as the target has the concept of darkness, Black Kane can open the door anytime.

The super vortex of dark energy is formed with a wave that spreads the folds of the universe, and then is the shining light of the starship transition.

Hundreds of millions of rays, Junlin Ankasen B.

"I want this world, and I can't see a trace of skylight. I want this world to sleep in the dark."

Black Kane's order is the will of the evil gold man.

The arriving starships began to move in a large scale. They appeared in the far-star orbit of Ankasen B in a short-distance jump, evenly arranged, and then began to deform.

The so-called Decepticons are just the words of the game of Black Kane, or in other words, the common forms endowed to the evil gold people, in fact, they have no fixed form restrictions.

The evil gold man is another kind of insect swarm, one is the crowd, and the crowd is one. Each of them can find their position in the group, which is very clear and does not require special reminders.

When they need to implement the Black Kane's order, they will change according to their needs, including the avatar node network, and then become a super metal shell that wraps the entire planet.

"It's just a three-dimensional piece puzzle. When the strength is enough, it feels the same."

From a distance, Ankasen B first had a bunch of large satellites, and then it felt like the entire planet was under construction, surrounded by scaffolding, and then the outer layer of the scaffold covered the deck, and the situation inside was completely invisible. Covered strictly.

There is no more sun light and heat pouring, and even gravity is affected to a certain extent, the tide of the sea stops (the tide here is generated by interacting with the gravity of Ankasen A), and it becomes a dead water. The sudden drop in temperature and the rapid formation of cold airflows have led to the emergence of hurricanes, adding to the already harsh climate and environment ...

Leaving aside these, Black Kane soon got some news that he was interested in, such as what is alive in this world.

Just like doing a cardiac imaging, the darkness and evil power in this world can be used as a contrast agent in itself, and the situation of its circulation and distribution is reflected.

"It turned out that the world would die like this, and I thought how deep it would be, and the result was pumping oil!"

Black Kane whispered, allowing the remaining starships to be stationed outside the star shell in a fleet mode, and he opened the door directly into Ankasen B.

The place where he arrived was the largest ocean in the world. The tidal effect basically disappeared, coupled with the lower temperature, it felt like a big lake in winter.

Black Kane was not interested in admiring the cold night scenery. After inspecting the situation of the sea, he went straight in.

He still has Kane's cautious foundation and did not get into the battlefield in one step.

In the sea, he showed his true appearance.

All along, he has not been completely shaped, and like a grown-up boy, after a while, he has seen some new changes.

In general, the upper body is human and the lower body is tentacle. This is not equal to being a half-person. In fact, he was a non-human from birth, and there is no need for normal people to eat or breathe. Such a way of supplying energy is too primitive and inefficient for him.

Compared with before, now he has a lot of "eyes" in his upper body, as if it is the relationship between vortex and vortex, with a clear texture. Many unspeakable mysteries are inside.

This is the infamous status of Black Kane. It is not as dominant as the authentic old branch. It will never be like the old branch. Unless his twisted position of the order camp is also lost, it is more special than blackening. Situation, the probability of evolving to that step is extremely low.

From the macroscopic external point of view, the place where Black Kane is higher than the king squid is that his tentacles are more, and the other is his self-illuminating, very strange black light, like smoke, like lightning, and obviously black. Yes, but even in the darkest darkness, you can still see the light directly, revealing a sense of separation from the whole world.

That is the dominance of the deep black field, or that the **** domain is not wrong, the intensity is enough, the technical level is enough, it is not particularly stable, just like his control of the dark force, because his mind is always light Is insufficient.

Black Kane swims quickly, but his posture is very beautiful, just like a real aquatic creature, he soon touched the bottom of the ocean more than 8,000 meters, but this is just the beginning, because there are seafloor fissures here.

The fissure is not stable. From time to time, there are vibrations and collapses. There is also a lot of high hot water flow, and there are already steam bubbles. This is because something is fun to play at the bottom of the fissure.

For such an area as dangerous as the erupting volcano, Black Kane said that he had no feelings. He was strong enough to support him to enter the star to swim, and the inside of the planet is also not to mention. This harsh environment in front of him is roughly equivalent to the ordinary People encounter windy winds and showers, and their anxiety is so nasty.

Further down, the field of vision becomes cloudy, but the sense of light is strengthened. That is the light of magma. The turbidity is because the water is being boiled here, and it is obviously not the filtered potable water.

Go deeper, if your mentality is good enough, you will find that it is also quite beautiful. The turbid current is like an alternative black cloud, and the magma is like a burning earth. , The invisible is not complete, but full of presence.

The divine existence of the Saab line is between the direct bloodline and the incarnation of the black goat cub. Black Kane feels that he should be a collector. The relationship with Saab is like worker bees and queen bees.

These divine monsters finally discovered Black Kane, just like a full-fledged hyena, when they saw a hungry lion, these guys lowered their eyes and walked briskly.

However, it is very difficult. Lions are actually no-skinned creatures, not to mention the majesty of the king, especially the male lion. When they guard the territory or the harem, they are indeed strong when they are torn off, but their hunting ability is not very good. Food caught by carnivores is also a common occurrence, and even the hyenas are not hungry, as long as it arrives, it must leave something. Whether it can be done or not is another way of saying it anyway.

Black Kane is even more overbearing, he means, I have secretly approached you to this extent, then you all have to die!

The black energy tentacles, blooming like the sun's glory, can no longer be described as much, but spread all over the field of vision, like the sky overturning!

These divine monsters are much weaker than the scarlet cloud. In front of Black Kane, they are like sheep under the tiger's claws, and they can't do any effective feedback except trembling, let alone counterattack.

Black Kane is not only a villain, but also a sect of cruelty.

"Thank you for your rough digestion of the origin of the world." Black Kane said that he also knows to be grateful. In order to repay, his swallowing is more detailed, which prolongs the death process of the other party, and can taste more carefully how he was treated a little Eat it.

The entire eating process lasted more than 600 hours, during which Black Kane sent a letter to salary king Kane, telling him how to plunder the world's extraordinary roots. Roughly speaking, it is to kill all the intelligent life in this world, wait for all its soul to return to the original, look for a special energy flow, and devour it.

Since there is no soul running away, the special energy flow will not be lost, and then it will become dominant. This is like the low temperature that turns the water vapor into ice dust, which is easy to pick up when it falls on the ground.

This special energy blended with the three strange substances is the extraordinary foundation and the source of all extraordinary changes. Once it joins the natural cycle, the extraordinary energy will be continuously produced, eventually making the entire planet extraordinary.

"According to the whole theory, the earth-like world is rich and oily. How about, all the killing, the meat is rotten in the pot, and it is safe to lose, at least it can save thousands of years of hard work, think about it." Said so.

He knew that salary king Kane would not do that, he just wanted to tease each other. The salary king, including the deity, is a very boring character in his opinion.

Compared with Black Kane, Salary King does appear to be too strict and would not joke about such topics.

Of course, he also has to admit that Black Kane's intelligence is valuable.

Black Kane was willing to share information with him, but his guard against Black Kane became heavier and heavier.

For example, the latest reply from the deity over how to deal with the command information of the dark cybertron core has been put in place. He said that he shared information with Black Kane, but he said nothing.

The reason for the gossip is mainly to fear that Black Kane has any bad ideas, because the deity ’s ruling on that person is completely obliterated. You do n’t need to get the information that the other party has.

In this regard, salary king Kane is the best executioner. Because as long as he is given time, he can create an unimaginable extreme temperature, kill everything, leaving no trace at all.

Salary King Kane meticulously executed the deity's ruling and personally killed the one. Although he speculated based on known information that the other party was to survive, he slept in such a state of isolation, isolated with heavy energy, and avoided any soul activity, that is, hiding a hope and waiting for a result. It is probably to send a message.

He did not know why the deity made such a choice, but he believed the deity unconditionally.

In addition, he also received a secret order that if he found that Black Kane had violated certain sensitive points, he would be executed. The upper limit of the attack theoretically has no end. Once he is ready, regardless of the cost, coupled with mastering the back door set by the deity on Black Kane, he can definitely achieve a one-hit kill.

The only problem is that all of this seems very dark. As he said when chatting with Black Kane, we unconsciously became the most hated person we used to be.

There was not much disappointment and forgetting, but just felt that another goodness was broken.

"Continuous hard work, non-stop efforts, and pursuit of strength are for guarding these beautiful, not forced to make painful choices. But now, we clearly have such a powerful power, but still making cruelty Choices, sacrifice one after another cherished. Are we not high enough, or have we lost, or have we never ignored everything high enough to let ourselves complicit? "

Salary King Kane feels more and more philosophical.

Of course, most of the time, the things he does are still relatively grounded, in short, farming.

Unconsciously, he is also seeking a result. He wanted to see, when the power reached the upper limit he was pursuing, was it really supreme, or at the same time looking at the small mountains, and looking up to see Nine Heavens again.

Black Kane didn't have the emotion that King Kane paid.

Although both of them have the characteristics of dying to death, Black Kane is more in line with the concept of "just fighting for the day and night".

He can be said to be instinctively doing something that Kane wouldn't do, but it was either doing things in reverse, or thinking more concisely, and not thinking about some difficult issues.

Such a black Kane, also seems a bit silly and funny.

For example, after he killed the divine monster in the trench fissure, he showed off to the salary king Kane again: "I have eaten up again, but I am too lazy to pull another 5 trillion, no, now on the number, it is already 6.7 trillion black evil family members, now how to digest, online, etc. is very urgent. "

Black Kane did not brag, the total is indeed close to 6.8 trillion, this is because the evil gold people started another round of eating and eating in Ankasen B, although limited, not as enjoyable as the quiet wilderness, compared It's more like snacking, but the snacks also grow meat!

What's more, the core of the evil gold man has fallen below the 100 billion mark, because Black Kane has never sent the dark force core. This has led to the birth of more heirs, many evil gold people have pulled up their own evil warfare group, seemingly quite a group of demons and flurry of dances, so that the total number is rising spontaneously.

This is certainly not a good thing, because hungry is faster.

What Black Kane does is equivalent to collecting scattered evil foul everywhere. The original trajectory of the universe is the process of increasing entropy, and there will be more and more negatives. His collection like this is to promote the concentrated outbreak of evil foul and eventually form a wave of destruction It is inevitable.

His control will also become lower and lower, and eventually he will be like a king wrapped in his subordinates, and he will have to embark on the road of cosmic destruction.

But Black Kane had little burden on it.

In his view, this is not the case, and he is simply not qualified to confront the old supporters. He has such a chance of making black with black, and he has such a chance. Salary king, hum, guerrilla warfare. Could it be tens of thousands of years?

However, after all, the problem is the problem. If you can't make up for the shortcomings of the mind, it is also not enough to tear the front with the old support.

Black Kane looked at the dark, dark sky shining like three stars, which was the original light of the fleet. They were absorbing solar wind and cosmic rays.

Talking is better than nothing, the life of the evil gold man is to kill, kill, eat, eat, snack time.

"Unfortunately, with these things, there is no way to support the old."

Despite having a large army, Black Kane did not swell. He is well aware that even if the evil gold man gets more support, he can't grow to the point where he can help him with the old support on the key battlefield.

Because he did n’t give them the possibility to make progress, and the universe did n’t. They could only increase the number. Once he failed, they would think of the mechanical monsters of Dark Cybertron, but it would take more time to sweep in. Garbage dump.

"My chances of winning are also not high, unless I can make a fortune ..." Black Kane wondered where his victory is, not in this universe, it is better to get strategic resources from other universes, that is, the old supporters are in Each of the universes that they invaded was mainly looted.

Strengthen the mind, strengthen the container, climb to the level of God, and the demand for rare things is only magical things.

"It seems that I also need to dig a bit internally. The power I gained this time is used in this regard!"

Black Kane's seizure of power this time is partial to the soul, which can be understood as the will of the world or the aggregation of spirits. This kind of thing, even after being digested by Shabu collectors, he dare not swallow it, because the mind is his weakness, if he swallows it, his self-consciousness will be washed away and lost.

Saab dared that because of his divine thoughts and container capacity, he could overwhelm this power, and then slowly absorb and digest.

He can also digest slowly, but he does not want to wait, his digestion efficiency is not good, this digestion he has to retreat for thousands of years. In addition to digestion, there is another method of use, which is the method used by the Kane deity to deal with the servants of the evil **** when he was in the dark HP, and used to form a soul shock and 'wash' the message.

This kind of flushing can wipe out the toxins in the knowledge of evil gods, and can also weaken the residue of the three old branches in his body, thereby reducing his internal troubles, making it easier to suppress and improve control.

In addition, it can also be used to better control evil gold people, especially evil heirs of evil gold people.

However, Black Kane is not prepared to choose this one, and feels that it is not worth using on the evil heirs. It is just a cannon fodder. Moreover, there are too many evil heirs. This resource, the individual uses a considerable amount, trillions of dollars to divide, it is very crap. Too. It should be concentrated to do big things.

So in a blink of an eye, it was another 600 hours.

More than 2,400 hours have passed since the invasion of the dark Cybertron. In the terrestrial world, Colonel Zod has successfully destroyed the Catholic Church.

After Turzcha, the Catholic Church had no more cards. There are several powerful gods in the Myrtle Palace, and there is the Dark Ark, but these colonels are nothing. His new nuclear fire army has won these forces in front.

What dissatisfied Colonel Zod was that the Catholic Church still had a part of it. They left a team of Catholics after the incident of the unification of Brasov.

At that time, the Catholic Church had basically lost the future. Almost all core members were not optimistic that they could survive the extraordinary crisis and rise in the future.

Against this background, the atonement, which has always been the darkest road and the evil road, aimed its center of gravity at Turzcha. They had made relevant preparations very early, mainly not for Turzcha, but for Baiyaki.

The subordinate servant race of Bayacchi is also an interstellar race, usually a servant of Hasta, but also serves Turzcha. The core transaction of the Brothers of the Green Flame, which brought the followers to the other side after the ‘Final Dawn’, was Bayacchi.

Hasta is a very powerful old branch. Correspondingly, Baiyaki, as his servant, can also gain more magical power and technology, which is not easy to engage.

The followers of Baiacchi in Turzcha are easier to deal with. The Atonement needs Baiyake ’s interstellar knowledge, and even hopes to tame them as navigators. It was for this reason that the study of Turzcha was relevant.

After the gods were unsealed, and the pot was broken, he planned to combine his knowledge of faith and simply sell the land-like world to Turzcha to gain benefits.

This is not the case for the benevolent factions. They also want to save the Catholic Church, but their idea is to find God.

The Renai School has always been used to ink. It was originally difficult to succeed. I do n’t know if it was a hero in the troubled world. Suddenly there was a bitter monk who awakened and contacted the fanatical believers mainly composed of bitter monks to form a hymn , Carrying two holy items, set foot on the road of looking for God.

This time I never returned.

Colonel Zod destroyed the last base camp of the Catholic Church, and he did not see the rescue of the chants. Later, when I learned that I was running away with such a group of fanatics, I naturally felt a little bit hurt.

To conclude, there is a group of these really devout guys. The Catholic Church has a chance to rise up in the ashes, and it is a very complete new life with the carrion removed. If it is allowed to find the tomb of God ...

So Zord can only contact salary king Kane.

If God is the **** of faith, the most likely place to live after the dead body is the astral realm.

The relationship between the outer plane and the astral plane, just like the relationship between the outer atmosphere and space, is much easier to enter and exit.

The chant group went to the astral world to find the tomb of God, which is the ruined kingdom of God and the burial place of corpses. It can only be to see if the salary king has any idea to find it.

In general, it is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

This point of salary is naturally very clear. In addition, he also knows that because the entire universe is almost harmed by the old branches, the outer plane and even the astral world are also darker and more evil. He sent ships to look for it. To be honest, he felt that there was not enough to fill the hole.

Then Salary King naturally thought of Black Kane's family.

After thinking about it, he decided to wait and see if Black Kane would have a super war in Ankasen B. If it happened, then there is no need to mention, cannon fodder is to die for the war.

Then this time, until now, he raised a mouthful with Black Kane, and lied to Black Kane, saying that the deity sent another avatar to take away the person with the core of the dark Cybertron. Too.

Black Kane actually does not care about the long existence that resembles the deity. The strategy has always been the focus of the deity. He is not interested in worrying and is tired. He thinks he can just greet his main task.

Salary King hopes to borrow someone to go to the Star Realm to search for God's Kingdom. He agrees. His attitude towards evil gold people is not as intimate as other Kane's treatment of his people, but a kind of casual squandering attitude. Perhaps this is because of this Like the money you win on the table ~ ~ you get it too easy, so you don't cherish it very much.

In short, he sent three-thirds of the evil gold people to do this. Ankarsen B side except the star shell, as well as a mobile unit and his direct dark fleet, all the power was scattered.

A huge team of 30 billion evil golds and dozens of times heirs of this evil figure has entered the astral world and started a full-scale exploration journey.

The amount sounds exaggerated, but in fact it is not much different from a drop of water melting into the sea. Star Realm is really too vast. Even more than the universe, because the universe is a building created by the Genesis God to a certain extent, and the Star World is the construction site when this building is built. The total area of ​​this construction site cannot compare with the building with a high height, but it is outside. The connection is more convenient. The etheric realm and the astral realm are confused with each other. They are all walking and walking to the next crystal wall system.

Then one year later, the Catholic Church and the chant group were not found, but an artificial creation was accidentally discovered.

The evil gold people are also convenient to contact their god, Black Kane, and they are told by prayer. Black Kane is still in the boring 'washing' information, combing the self, and taking a look at it, interest comes. Because he discovered that the creation turned out to be a Kun-style transport plane ...

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