Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 849: 9-headed savior

On the first day of formal contact with the Marvel 199999 world's intelligent creatures, Kane had Ma Zi, an American ocean horse. 172CM, 56 kilograms, with flesh on his body, thin clothes, and no touch, which is what Kane likes.

As the saying goes, the same rice keeps hundreds of people, and the people raised in the rural ravines are relatively simple. Of course, from another perspective, it can also be understood as ignorance and stubbornness, such as Anne's father.

But Kane doesn't matter. It's just something that can be done by brainwashing. Is it difficult?

Looking at the simple folk customs and Annie's face, Kane did not harm this town and the people in the town, nor did she take Annie away.

Kane feels that a near-perfect sweet memory is best to find a way to seal it, and whenever he thinks about it, he can continue to interpret this sweet, and following him, it is bound to be red and black, and nothing good can stand this kind of Passing away, so just keep Anne in her husband's state.

Kane also kindly arranged a spare tire rider, Mark, who could never be changed.

Change one's consciousness only, and the goal is not as self-conscious as the Winter Soldier. The brainwashing process is easy and will not recur.

Kane also gave Mark a little bit of superpower, really a little bit, [the spy is heavy], like Jason Bourne, the gene targeting operation has only improved by a few percent in all aspects, and the skill is enough Comparable with Daredevil and others.

Go online in the middle of the night, and linger in the middle of the night. The next day, say goodbye to your cheap father-in-law and your lovely wife Anne. Kane takes a bus to the nearest airport and flies to New York.

In the airport waiting hall, a representative of a well-known financial consortium appeared politely to Kane: "Your replacement documents are here. Your special plane is already waiting." Small black velvet bag.

Kane took the bag, nodded and said, "Remember an address, a person's name, help me get a credit card deputy card for her, and the monthly overdraft limit is 200,000." Said to report Annie's name and address.

"Okay." The representative didn't talk much, always smiling, and looked very professional.

From the Mojave Desert to New York, Kane has transformed into a young and wealthy successful person, the heir to an ancient mysterious family in Europe, a noble.

The so-called nobility, to a certain extent, does nothing. A special wealth management fund will make money for it, and the nobles themselves should just engage in some hobbies of their own.

Rice bug? No, people are also involved in the operation of civilization, and their contributions are not small, such as the consumption of various luxury goods, and for example, to feed a lot of people who work for them. This is the power of capital, this is the beauty of vested interests, countless people feel unfair for this, but in fact it is just hating themselves for not having a good baby.

Kane's money is of course not from a serious route, but from crowdfunding, and the participants are the death accounts of countries around the world.

Kane is very careful because he knows the idea to fight the money, including Hydra and other organizations.

Of course, he was not afraid of them, but he did not want to cause excessive butterfly effects, which caused the invalidation of the prophetic information he had.

The other Kane are good hands that ruin history and never follow the script. He is not because he is lazy.

After arriving in New York, he stayed at the Plaza Hotel on 59th Street.

He chose not to live here as a ‘pronoun of celebrity’, but as he rushed into Central Park across the street.

At dinner time, a Michelin hotel on the other side of the General Square.

The well-dressed Olivia came down from the luxury Lincoln, smiled and thanked the waiter who drove to the door, and then stepped on the catwalk to enter the hotel.

After the name was notified at the service desk, a waiter led her to table 12, on the second floor, next to the window, you could see the square fountain, the neon had been lit, and the scenery was excellent.

After reaching the second floor, Olivia took a deep breath, then hung another smile on her face that she spent a long time to practice. Keeping this smile is uncomfortable for her, but it gives a nice look and feel, and is most suitable for her face shape and facial features.

She is Australian and comes to Murray to find her dream. Her dream is on the Broadway stage, but she needs to fill her stomach and have a place to live.

"I am compromising for my dreams" This is the reason she gave herself to appear here. She is ideal, even if it is a bad old man, she must sell herself successfully, otherwise she will pay for the dress She will have to go to the relief station to find food in the second half of the month.

Then she saw Kane, a rich man with a look and temperament that made both men and women jealous.

"Why, is it too different from what you expected?"

"Sorry, it was unexpected. Olivia Kelsen."

"Clark Kane, nice to meet you." Kane said, holding Olivia's finger.

Then, not far away, she put on thick makeup and gossip. She looked crazy at the lady here and said with a smile: "Are you surprised when the netizens meet !?"

The lady was first embarrassed, then shocked, and finally thoughtful, of course, she did not forget to discharge Kane throughout.

In fact, she has been discharging for a while, so much so that her sportsman is already very unhappy. But what about that? Packed toys only.

After sitting down, Kane raised his hand, and the waiter came over, Kane said: "The pace is faster, I'm hungry."

The waiter nodded with a smile, standing a little further and informing the cook with a throat wheat.

Kane whispered to Olivia: "That one has been discharging, and I worry about causing too long to cause water and electrolyte disorders."

Olivia's smile seemed much more real. Although slightly frivolous, at least she felt relaxed.

After that, concentrate on enjoying the food. It's not about ordering, but the chef makes dishes based on the diners' face after observation. It sounds a little magical, and many people are willing to try it for it. In fact, to a considerable extent, it uses efficient information collection, and then chooses what it wants. It is more a gimmick to look at the meal.

But the meal is really good, exquisite and delicious. Even the amount is well controlled, it will not make people feel full, and it also ensures that all meals before and after can be enjoyed without being stretched.

I ate Olivia's living expenses for one year after a meal, and then I went back to the hotel to roll the sheets.

Straightforwardly embarrassing Olivia, but she still obeyed. She wouldn't feel a loss if she didn't earn a penny just for Kane's appearance and weapons. The best male **** is not covered.

It may be that the rich people have some quirks. Okay, after rolling the sheets, Kane proposed to take a walk. Olivia actually wanted to get a good night's sleep, but she didn't forget that she came to serve others, not to enjoy.

Then she found that Kane was more intimate than she thought, and the clothes from the inside to the outside were ready, unexpected fit, luxurious and restrained.

So she accompanied Kane out for a walk.

After a little rain, the air was fresh and cool, but it didn't make people feel too cold. It felt pretty good. The two walked into Central Park and chatted with each other.

"Why do you like being an actor?"

Olivia was startled.

"Why, is this question too private?"

"No, just didn't expect you to know that I am a stage actor."

"From some details, the flexibility of the limbs, the situation of the muscles, and the feet, I have practiced ballet and suffered a lot."

"The observation is really keen."

"Occupational habits."

"Oh, would you mind talking?"

"In fact, it's nothing. I found that the good ideas of investing in others, sometimes failing due to lack of execution, etc., but most of the time it is profitable, so I was awarded the title of winner, but in fact it is Relying on capital embezzlement and exploitation. The difference is that the eating phase is not so ugly compared with some of its peers. "...

Kane's seemingly frank, unconsciously affected Olivia, let her gradually open her mind and talk about her dream. It originated from a kind of greed and wanted to experience different roles in life. Later, it turned into acting to taste the taste of life that is basically impossible to taste in reality.

"Do you think I am superficial? Pursuing the illusion of vanity."

"Everyone has the power to dream, and it is a respectable thing to work hard to realize the dream. Seriously speaking, you are cleaner than me, no stealing, no robbing, just selling."

"You say this, it makes me feel a little bit self-confident."

"Has been hurt by the word" sell "?"

"No, you were hurt by your self-deprecation, someone as good as you ..."

Kane replied: "It will still be engaged in a disgraceful business. Many of my colleagues like to dress up as an indispensable member of social functions, such as financiers, entrepreneurs, etc., but they are all omitted. The fact that they are first and foremost qualified and even extremely greedy exploiters. "

"It sounds like you hate these."

"No, I just ridiculed this hypocrisy. I don't know when I will start when I have money, I have a lot of money, I have a lot of money, I have to go to high-end clubs, and I'm linked to the concept of being tall and literate This is a kind of recognition, which is to praise and envy the despicable. "

"... sounds heavy and depressed."

"Yeah, so I sometimes wonder, do you want to try a civilized purification?"

"Huh?" Olivia was suddenly shocked, Kane said lightly, but she didn't know why, but made her shudder.

"Speaking and talking became babbling. I was paranoid. I had to get some physical therapy during the break. This might make you feel more balanced. This person is finally flawed." Kane used self-deprecation to talk about the topic. Pulled back.

In fact, he is indeed thinking about whether to come to a civilized purification. He was born from the black Kane, this black, naturally is not just talking.

"Ah, the people I met with are already waiting." Kane walking on the tree-lined road suddenly said so.

Olivia looked at Kane's eyes and saw that in the park, the bright spherical street lights were shining, and a man dressed up in a dark night fleece was sitting in a bar chair , With his legs folded, his face could not be seen clearly because he was wearing a hood, nor did he know how Kane used to recognize it.

"Will you wait for me here? Just a few minutes."

"Oh, well, I'm fine." Olivia replied quickly. She is actually curious and suspicious.

Meeting at the park so late, the meeting was dressed like that, and combined with Kane's words, there was always an ominous hunch. It was not like a good thing, but she was reluctant to let go of Kane, not only because Kane was rich.

Kane walked over to sit next to the hooded man and said, "Your father is a member of the 101th Airborne Division. Fighting for freedom, you think freedom is not suitable for the public, and you should control the wisdom of leadership. In the hands of such people, what is the original reason? Rebellion? Then? Did you see too much 'truth', fully agree with this theory, or treat it as a tool to the top of power? Alexander? Pierce . "

Pierce did not answer Kane's question, but said: "You said, you will tell me your identity, now, I'm here."

"Be stingy!" Kane sneered disdainfully: "So anxious to take control of the situation, step on me under my feet, and then ask why I would understand you so much about Hydra? Even knowing clearly that you are just Launched the 'Insight Plan'? "

"I have to say, Pierce, your vision is still too narrow. I understand that people are short-sighted, or you feel down-to-earth, and your vision can only sway in this small circle. I am a little disappointed, I originally wanted you You can have a broader perspective. After all, you are already the director of SHIELD, and you should have heard a little about Xian Gong, Cree, Scrooge, and even Chitarians, but you still only want to think about this Something happened on the remote little planet. "

"Humph!" Pierce snorted in disagreement.

"I know what you want to say. You want to say that it is because of this that you are anxious to realize the Hydra's concept, let the world submit to the Hydra's feet, cancel national borders, unify the world, unite strength, and then talk to alien People PK. "

This time, Pierce was surprised because he discovered that Kane turned out to be his confidant. That is how he pursued and idealized.

Yes, everything is changing, and the core philosophy of Hydra is not static. Or to put it this way, any organization with the nature of MLM brainwashing has a tall ideal to be a gimmick.

This gimmick is the threshold for brainwashing and the core idea. Then there is the specific content, a brief summary: the goal is ambitious, the process is tortuous, and this is the glory of hard work. For the ideal, there is no turning back, even at the expense of sacrifice.

Until now, the Hydra has rarely mentioned the supreme leader who existed before the recognized history of human civilization and was exiled for being too strong. There are only a handful of ancient conservatives who still insist on them. 'Far Star Project'.

For modern people, it's too low to invite an alien to come back to be a dad regardless of life and death. It's not attractive at all.

Pierce upholds this. Even if he doesn't agree with this theory, he can think that once he succeeds, he will be a manager and a man, and then money, women, and material enjoyment will come.

In addition, Hydra parasitic on the body of various countries, sucked a lot of blood, rich, and technical, so it attracted some ambitious people, opportunists, and people who eat violent meals.

"Your idea is good, but you just think about it, and it doesn't have real value. The reason is very simple, your plug-in is not big enough. You can understand it, that is, your strength is not enough, and the highest is just a mortal. The limit is to mass produce some fish. No matter how good the plan is, it will be smashed in the face of absolute strength. "

Pierce said in a deep voice: "So who are you? Mutants, strangers (derived from Cree's experiment)? Or something else?"

"I am the master, my origin is beyond your cognition. In my eyes, this universe is numbered 199999, in other parallel universes, even at the peak of the Hydra ’s career (World War II, Red Skull, Baron Sitrick) , Baron Zemo exists at the same time), I want to hug my thighs, because my philosophy coincides with the Hydra, and can fill the embarrassing situation where the Hydra has no strong man. Of course, in my eyes, nine The Hydra is just a crowd, and it is not worth the effort to retain and support. "

"The reason why I am talking to you here is because I am a newcomer as a part of the master, and I am a bit lazy and do n’t want to build a legionary force. So the opportunity for the Hydra is here. Your opportunity is coming, of course, Look at your performance. Good performance, you are free here, bad, you will be a puppet. "Kane pointed to Pierce's head.

Kane stood up, pointed his finger at Pierce, and his movements were slow. Pierce instinctively wanted to resist, but in the end, he could only watch Kane pointing at his heart, and then he felt a heat flow. Followed his fingers into his atrium.

Next, he felt that the heart pumped no longer blood, but magma, spreading all over the body along the blood vessels. He wanted to call, but couldn't make a sound at all. He wanted to move, but couldn't even blink.

Just when he thought he would be burned alive, the pain of burning and tearing stopped. Then there is the indescribable sense of power, and the ultimate pleasure that has never been experienced.

What you get with the power is the information. It seems that the information is wrapped in the power that he injected into his body. When the power unfolds, the information opens.

This information let him know what happened to him, and let him understand how the newly acquired power can be used. In addition, there are some super-sophisticated knowledge, some of which are complete, and some are only partial, but there is no doubt that any one of them is taken out and changes the civilization and world pattern profoundly and profoundly. The most rare thing is that these technologies are closely connected with modern human science and technology, and there is basically no difficulty in implementing them.

At this time, Kane's words reminded him: "The Hydra has been looking for mythological weapons, DNA of vampires, genes of werewolves, and artifacts of this sort. Now you should know that it is the practice of begging for fish. Good Do it, Pierce, do n’t engage in those small actions that do n’t go on the road. The whip lashing the lion will only make him angry or even crazy. It will precipitate for a few years. After all, from now on, except for the death, your life is endless. Your lover, your regret, there are opportunities to recover or make up. "

When Kane said this, he had left Pierce and walked in the direction of Ovilla: "Whether it is a vain or a sincere heart, I approve of your philosophy. You are not allowed to accept the two of Sitrak and Zemo Let them develop on their own, I want to see what tricks they can play. Zola can be your think tank, Viper (Mrs. Hydra) can act with you to play tricks, and raise your own weight, I believe you will too. Oh, and tell Zola that the Red Skull has its mission and no longer needs him to manage. Finally, no one knows who I am except you, remember this. "

After Kane left, Alexander Pierce sat in the chair for a long time.

The strength was obtained too easily and was too powerful, which made him feel unreal.

Compared to suddenly having a ‘daddy’, he felt that he had received too much.

Simply put, with what he got from him, he can be absolutely sure that this new father, the map is very big, the earth, human beings, it is nothing to them at all, just a temporary stage, it may even be Disposable.

Instead of calling himself a god, Kane gave Pierce a high glance. Master, this word is chewed carefully, full of authority, unfathomable ...

"Director, Director! Are you okay?"

Pierce awakened from his reverie and glanced at the other party. It was his subordinate, Brock Rumlow, the head of the SHIELD fast reaction force, which was the crossbones.

The crossbones of Marvel 199999 are a small person, not 193CM, 132KG, but his Hydra ’s first professional brother has not collapsed. Now Pierce is just popular in the Hydra organization. The crossbones are natural. Become his capable general, and fight against him.

"I'm fine, better than ever." Pierce said with a smile.

"Secretary, I was in a trance just a few minutes ago, and the rest of us are the same, I doubt ..."

Pierce waved his hand, "I know, no need to worry."

"Secretary, time has passed, shall we wait?"

The words of the crossbones made Pierce realize that Kane had erased some memories by making the crossbones in a trance, as a guard, they were secretly guarding around him. It is impossible for Kane not to be found. Now Tidu Not mentioned, apparently erased.

"Don't wait, tell your men, I am quite satisfied with the team's performance in this crisis response test. Let's go, let's go back to the headquarters."

The headquarters of SHIELD at this time is the Trident Building in Washington, DC, on the Potomac River Island, not far from landmarks such as Capitol Hill, Lincoln Memorial, and Liberty Monument.

Pierce returned home on a Kun-style plane.

At this time, Kunshi has not yet been mass-produced, but all models have been finalized. At present, the "Insight Plan" has just got a glimpse, but the propulsion power is insufficient. The International Security Council will not be deeply touched until the Chitarians use the cosmic cube to open the wormhole to trigger the battle in New York. Mass production.

Back at the Trident Building, Pierce let the crossbones settle down first, and then went to the secret base with him.

An hour later, Pierce was at a secret base. In front of him were his backbones, including the crossbones, the leader of SHIELD ’s security forces, Jack Rollins, and senior agent Hitville, and Carlos, the head of secret research. And, behind him, is the cultivation tank of the Winter Soldier Bucky who is already thawing.

"You guys, tonight is destined to be loaded with Hydra Memorabilia, and even a night written in the history of human civilization. You are all my assistants, you will gain strength, you will have the opportunity to write your own legend, Honor yourself and Hydra. "

When Pierce raised his arms, his hands turned into four tentacles, each piercing into his private heart. The movement was too fast, and the four didn't have time to react.

Afterwards ~ ~ was convulsions, and the wailing wailing from pain.

After a while, the wailing was small, the four of them gasped and knelt down on the ground, but soon they began to feel the vigorous power in their bodies, and the dark purple light wriggled under their skin, something like a deadly virus attack, But it looks more horrible and strange, their pupils spread, almost occupying the entire iris, leaving only the outermost circle, emitting purple light, like a halo, making the eyes look very unique.

"Hoo! Huh!" They had smoke in their mouths, like toner, black.

"I'm sorry, I still lack some control." Pierce apologized, but his voice and expression were obviously proud.

After a few minutes, the four people basically returned to normal, but there were occasional purple flashes in their eyes.

"Strength, go down and you can taste it yourself. What I want to emphasize here is loyalty, HeilHydra!" Pierce finally shouted.

"HeilHydra" four people raised their arms and shouted in unison ...

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