Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 869: On which one is better

The kingship has no eternity.

Kingship is never sacred.

And Odin is a qualified king.

In addition to beating, killing and killing, he also played a lot of tricks, including thinking of Nick Fury, for the justice he identified, never leniency.

From this perspective, the three chapters of Thor can be regarded as the retribution that Odin did in the past, and the initiators have no intention of coming out and mixing up. Sooner or later, they will have to pay back.

C Kane, who has this idea, has a special attitude towards Odin.

There is not much admiration, but he will never despise it. To a certain extent, this is his kind. Because he has reached this level, at this level, the general policy of action is similar, but there are some discrepancies in specific aspects.

Because of his extremely high vigilance towards the Immortal Palace, Kane did not appear directly in the Valkyrie Hall controlled by the evil spirit cell worm this time, but instead of using the former Rocky to pass in the enemy and let the ice giant come in. On an island.

After a period of development, the evil spirit cell worm has eroded Asgard very much. As a simple example, some of the fish that were eroded to explore the map were eaten by the Xiangong people and cooked, so the evil spirit cells that survived many times than the famous water bears on the earth once again parasitized.

With such a diffusion capability, it is entirely possible to stage a fairy tale biochemical crisis.

Therefore, Kane's jump landing point can be set very carefully and casually.

Odin deserves to be strong to a certain degree of existence, just like Thor had hammered the Rainbow Bridge not long ago, waking him up in a coma. This time Kane arrived, Odin knew. This is divine instinct. Kane ’s smuggling technology is no better, and no leakage of gold body repair is in place. It is aimed at existence. Of course, Odin, who is not strong enough, has no sense and must pose a major threat to him. People or things.

Odin observed it secretly and found that Kane didn't seem to be playing shady business, so he played with a friend who had a good wine and greeted him generously.

Of course, this is also a reminder. If Kane was re-installed, it was probably the enemy who had a shotgun.

Kane said: "Well, welcome to try such a grand, I also deal with it as a" formal diplomatic contact "."

So after he came to this universe, he completely let go for the first time and showed the most real form.

His true form is not close to the people, at least in terms of the aesthetics of the earth or Asgard people, it is an inhuman monster.

Like Black Kane, his waist is full of tentacles, but unlike the tentacles of the old dominator, his tentacles do not have the blasphemous, dirty, and blasphemous, dirty feeling of sticky and smooth, with bristles, It is more like a beard, and the rune rings like gold hoops are very regularly set, which is reminiscent of the gold hoops.

The cyan light surrounded him like fog and smoke, which is the power of space gems and time gems. The combination of green and blue into cyan represents full integration.

The upper body of C Kane is a two-color armor with silver inside and gold outside, which is produced by the top non-physical category of evil spirit cells and is born to be worn, just like the mythical Athena.

The armor is naturally gorgeous and arduous, fully reflecting Kane's understanding of aesthetics, violence, and powerful technology.

The biggest characteristic of this armor is the brilliant streamer. Since people look real and make people feel that it is a ray of light, not something real, diametrically opposite contradictions, forming a unique style, it is very mysterious.

C Kane ’s eyes, beyond the white, are miniature cosmic stars, deep and vast, which make people unable to peep at their emotions, and at the same time are the most inhuman features.

Above his head, there is a blurred crown. This is the feedback given by this universe when he was growing up, which means that as long as he is willing to obey the law, he is the king of the crown, because his mind and body are indeed up to the maximum allowed by this universe. Of course, it is a position, not a specific force.

Compared to these, C Kane's most high-profile feature is actually an indescribable line of old-time dominators.

The indistinct appearance is manifested by him, and unlike other old-time dominators, his qualities are descriptive, but unobservable. The short answer is that the longer you stare at it, the more you want to interpret the information, the more you feel the feeling. Without thinking, everything is plausible, even imagination can not.

In addition to this, it is the burning flame just like the surface of the sun. This is the field energy of God. It is composed of divine thoughts and divine power. It is the same as the mixture of human biological and spiritual fields, but it must be powerful. Much more, not only dominant, but also distorts the law, which is the general state of God's domain.

Such a Kane, not to mention Odin, is Sol with a simple brain circuit, and after seeing it, he can understand that the other party is definitely above his own in terms of life level. It is not uncommon for him to be able to catch fire or smoke, or to glow all over his body, but it is the first time for him to feel this kind of light when looking at it from a distance.

The tentacles danced, and Kane seemed to drift slowly on the Cotai Strip, and soon walked into the avenue leading to the Rainbow Bridge.

Kane saw the mighty guard by the avenue, and the crowd near the central city area was crowded and welcomed. As if the Asgards had arrived, Odin could not help but play.

The main points of the guard of honor are majesty and glory. The mighty division can not only have a deterrent effect, but also make the popular people feel honored to have such a guard.

The immortal palace is popular with martial arts, and it has done a great job in this respect. Whenever he passes by, the corresponding majestic guards will salute, powerful, uniform, one after another, moving in clouds and flowing water, pleasing to the eye.

"My name Kane, came here across multiple universes. Some hastily, presumptuously, did not bring any gifts. Seeing the world tree system here is quite impressive, seeing the happy heart, it is a icing on the cake. The annual ring of the world tree to be liquidated will continue for another thousand years. "

Kane's voice resembled Huang Zhong Da Lu, overshadowed Qi Ming's bell, and resounded throughout Asgard.

In fact, he did not use any language, but only a long roar, but the roar of the roar through the divine nature penetrated the soul, let every life know what he meant.

With this whistle, Asgard began to glow.

Even if the light is viewed from space, it can still be clearly seen, as if the whole world is burning from inside to outside and getting brighter and brighter.

Accompanied by this high appearance, the distant earth groaned, sounding like the rattling sound of the old tree shaking its branches.

The abnormal light reflected the magnificent cities into white with white dazzling eyes, but the light quickly dissipated and turned into countless rising spots.

This light spot is like a glowing dandelion seed, and it is like a soul lamp held by a fairy ceremonial man holding a grand funeral or mourning ceremony.

The Xiangong people feel the 'Fairy Spirit', which is extremely refreshing and comfortable, and makes the whole environment reveal the power of the fairyland feeling.

This power existed in the earliest Asgard, and Odin grew up in such a fairyland, but later Xiangong people forgot this feeling, and correspondingly, it was the reduction of Shouyuan. It has been reduced to the lowest level now, and some of them cannot even reach the age of 5,000.

13th-level magic, life ocean.

On this one, Kane will clean up all the essence of Shennian from the advent of this universe to now!

In addition, the power of time and space gems must be used, because for this technique, he is temporarily connected to the nine realms at the same time.

In addition, the use of this technique also draws energy from the outside world of the Supreme Wizard Department.

Taking it as the foundation, it thoroughly squeezed the nine realms one by one, and finally concentrated their divine power to be displayed in Asgard.

After the invasion of the evil spirit cell worm for a period of time, the location of the Nine Realms was discovered.

Then, according to his observation and speculation, Kane basically understood the gameplay of the world tree.

Simply put, it is to gather the power of the other eight realms to power Asgard.

Going deeper, the observations involving Black Kane's dark love craft universe—life and soul—are necessary factors for breeding and transforming extraordinary powers.

To go further, the world tree system has other functions, such as discharging negative energy to Nifelheim in a similar way to waste.

Nilfheim is at the bottom of the world tree and is closely connected to the ice and snow underworld, or that the underworld is actually a part of Niffelheim.

To be more complete, Odin's predecessors have established an extraordinary system with the life planet as the node in the universe. Through the operation and control of the system, they can influence each other, and Asgard is the biggest beneficiary.

However, no matter how strong the system is, it can't escape the rise and fall with the change of personnel, the cosmic law of the beginning and end, the gods at dusk is the end of Asgard, or it may be Nirvana rebirth, depending on whether the controller has that power. .

This also explains the reason why Hella returned to Asgard in the three chapters of Thor, and the strength will quickly recover and improve.

High celestial fighters like Hella and Odin have already **** with Asgard in terms of rules. If they are mobile phones, then Asgard is the charger.

Odin has the power of Odin, and Odin's father, Bohr, has the power of Bohr, all the same thing.

Heimdall said that Asgard is not a place, but the people. In fact, there is another explanation that the Xiangong people are an important part of gathering and absorbing the power of the Nine Realms.

The power of faith, although the immortal palace did not deify anyone, but they worship the tradition of fighting heroes, this is a power of faith. Whoever wins the three troops and is recognized by everyone will become the target of the power of faith, which can be used to mobilize the power of the Nine Realms and strengthen themselves.

Therefore, the name of the war and the throne are very important. The former produces sincere belief power, and the latter is a coordinate, so that people's belief power has a specific drop point.

Kane did not know whether Odin knew the secrets of the system, or if they understood otherwise. It doesn't matter, just know it.

His operation this time was to use the world tree system of the Immortal Palace to conduct a thorough search and even squeeze on the Eight Realms, thereby extending Asgard's life and bringing the gods to dusk for thousands of years.

In his cognition, from the perspective of the past, present, and future of the fairy palace, the background of the thunder **** chapter is actually the gods approaching at dusk, so a broken house is difficult to cover the rain, and the country will perish, there must be evildoers scene.

In the end, as described in the dialogue between the three chapters of Thor and Rocket Raccoon, look back. What can be described as disaster-ridden? It's just that all the poison is coming back to the heart. The monsters that were made at that time were smashed very intensively, and it was not much more difficult than crossing the sky.

And now, with the launch of the "Ocean of Life", the entire Asgard is cheering, and after being sucked up, an indescribable high power envelops the world, making people living in it feel more than before Excited a lot.

Kane sideways said to the void: "Hella, how much can you understand your father's agony? At that time, it was actually back to the light, which is a little stronger than the short-lived epiphany. Continue to fight the universe, I am afraid that even the last words will not be used. It ’s written, maybe when the gods will arrive at dusk. All the celestial palaces are dead, who do you love, or hate, what is the point? "

Odin made a move, which seemed to be kind, but in fact it was cloudy.

Kane went back in a similar way. It is not rude to come and go, and add some material to make Odin uncomfortable, so while playing the ‘Ocean of Life’, Odin ’s eldest daughter Hella is also released from the earth.

The death **** Hella, the correct name should be the Lord of the Ice Underworld, the guardian of the Nine Realms, Hella.

Her priesthood is in charge of the Nine Realms.

Even higher is the death of one of the five creation gods, a female, and many celebrities under her pomegranate skirt.

For example, Deadpool is first-rate for the goddess of death.

Another example is the tyrant, in order to gain the favor of the goddess of death, but no less thought.

Another example is the collector Talia Diwan, who existed in the same period as the goddess of death. The two bets that the collector lost, and the curse will never enter the kingdom of the dead, so hegemony also beat him to death.

Since Hella is the master of the underworld, then her power should be in the ice and snow underworld, or Nivelheim, how can it be Asgard?

This is again related to the world tree system. Asgard is the only golden apple on the tree. Hella is the **** of death, referring to her management area and her fiefdom, but the related forces must be unified from Aspen. Garde extraction.

As the dusk of the gods approached, and the nearest distance to Hella, the diminution of the divine power was the smallest. This is why she appeared so bullish in the chapter of Thor. Instead of sitting in jail, she could explode and kill her father. Dad is really old, and her power will eventually decay because of the divine nature.

In fact, the position of Hella is very important. Whether the Xiangong department is ultimately completely cool, or Nirvana reborn, mainly depends on the performance of this position. However, Odin and Hella have problems in communication. Hella itself is also affected by the nature of divine power. It is arrogant and arrogant. It has been over 5000 years of imprisonment and I do n’t want to understand anything. Too.

At this moment, although Kane released Hella, Hella did not appreciate it, but asked in a cold voice: "What have you done to me."

Kane smiled "to help you get rid of some negative effects. They are not pure darkness, just parasitic evils on it. It allows you to use your brain more than violence."

"Humph!" Hella snorted coldly, twisting her waist, while showing her unique charm and madness, while walking towards the central city, as if the welcome was for her.

Odden's eyelids jumped and the eggs were painful. The host advantage was lost to Kane's generous gift. Kane sent Hella backhand, but he could not bear it.

Fortunately, Hella seemed to listen to some of Cain's words, without shouting in public, shouting her identity, exposing the old man to humiliate him, the situation was not too bad, and quickly returned to the banquet orgy, ordinary people did not need Know these family matters.

In fact, Hella did not have the main reason for the attack on the spot, not to save face for Odin.

In her eyes, Odin is a person like Rocky, stubborn, treacherous, and ruthless, his daughter is pitted.

But she is not Saul, and her hatred of Odin is not simply a grudge.

She now gives Odin a face, the biggest reason is the fear of Kane.

Strong enough to not know where the upper limit is, so strong that she felt trembling in her heart.

She is cold on the surface, in fact, to maintain her limited dignity and arrogance. Although a prisoner couldn't figure out how proud she was to face the person who rescued him, she just didn't want to be deflated. It was her temperament.

Now that she is back in Asgard, her strength is rapidly recovering, and she has to join forces with Odin to deal with Kane.

This is Hella ’s real idea. She has a fierce thinking for the king, and she wo n’t feel that she is with Kane because Kane let her go.

Asgard today, few people know Hella, many people think that Hella is Kane's female companion.

Some people whispered in their hearts: "This lady is really coquettish. On this occasion, meteors are walking in front of their men. Seeing that the small waist is twisted, it is completely disobedient and old. What if you are a big lady? In that way, the temperament is so good that it matches the man in her family.

Compared with the ordinary people's mentality of watching theater, Sol is completely confused, a series of shocks, Kane reached the extreme when he performed the "Life Ocean". As for Hella, he also thought that he was with Kane, I felt that this woman's arrogant and fierce look, like to make trouble, compared with Kane with many tentacles below, this head has more horns, one by one, but it is a good contrast.

The appearance of Hella has made the welcoming ceremony that would have been complicated and lengthy much shorter. Kane said something subtle when he introduced himself before. Although ‘The Tree Ring of the Ending World’ combined with ‘Renewing the Thousand Years’ is intriguing, it is not difficult to fool.

Especially the effect of Kane's "Ocean of Life" is indeed extraordinary, everyone can see it for everyone, that is, if it can be renewed once, it can be renewed many times. This word can give people hope, and it can not be returned successfully. This is very good.

Odin also used it as a reason to celebrate and announced the carnival. Although the reception was not over yet, Kane and his party had just entered the heroes ’corridor, but most Asgards were a little rough. They did n’t care much about these festivals. At the beginning, he sprinkled out the petals prepared in advance, and he ate and drank.

To say that the life of the Asgard people is indeed very good, with a long reproduction cycle, a limited population, and advanced technology with extraordinary characteristics. They work for an hour or two every day, and have a lot of time to eat Hess Fart girl.

Of course, Asgardians are still very popular, in addition to soaking in taverns, it is also a great pleasure to learn more about martial arts.

The atmosphere in the Throne Hall is different from that of people who can be hailed when there is a celebration outside.

Hella glanced around unscrupulously, with a contempt and demeanor.

Saul, the three warriors in the fairy palace, Schiff, and the guard are all a little uncomfortable with this.

But Odin waved back his guards, including the Xian Gong Warriors. Saul, through the experience of the king's heart, was much calmer than in the past, and did not jump out to blame.

Hella pointed to the mural on the top of the palace and said to Odin: "You used this kind of thing to deceive the latecomers and make them forget me, and forget the fact that your throne was built with the skeleton of a hero?"

Speaking of throwing a few black swords, the ceiling shattered, revealing the old mural behind. Odin took Hella as the vanguard, commemorating the war in the Nine Realms.

Saul was originally planning to attack, but was naturally attracted by the hidden murals. Combined with Hella's words, I am afraid that there may be other secrets to knowing things.

Hella glanced at Sol and Friega and said again: "This is the new heir you cultivated, and it looks like no hero. This one, another wife? Just look at her expression, she doesn't know me. , And what you did at the beginning, it ’s really pitiful to live with a false personality for so many years. "

Odin behaved indifferently, and even smiled: "Welcome back, Hella, although I didn't anticipate the way back," Kane said.

Kane smiled and said: "Just for fun, if you think it's a problem, it's easy to erase completely."

Kane snapped his fingers.

Then Hella suddenly grew numerous vines with thick toothpicks. These vines were entangled nearby while weaving at a very fast speed.

Hella knows badly and tries to struggle, but once she releases the power, she will be absorbed immediately, and these meat vines also pierce the inside of her body like a soft needle, and generate a huge suction. Force, she can clearly feel the crazy passing of her life, her body is completely shrivelled, just less than 2 seconds, basically mummified.

At the end, Hella looked at Odin with a reluctant and eager look.

"No, Kane, our family affairs are still our own."

"Alright." During Kane's speech, the movement of the meat vines all stopped, and then withered and inactivated, disappeared into a line of ashes, and Hella's lost power was returned to a part, which did not look as scary as it was Now, in the middle of her forehead, there was finally a glowing red mole, which looked quite strange.

Kane did n’t look at Hella from beginning to end, and smiled at Odin: "I know a god, this is the universe, called Igo. The special life born in the universe took millions of years. Self-awareness and learned to use power. Today ’s body is a planet. His goal is to assimilate the universe. For this reason, divine flowers are planted on many life planets. Once fully bloomed, they will completely devour the planet. "

"In order to complete this great cause, he spent a lot of time, combined with various intelligent life, hoping to give birth to a bloodline heir with the same ability as him, as long as he assists him in doing things, or eats like food, but his divine power The growth rate is accelerating. He has killed a lot of heirs. This palace can't hold each other. All kinds of corpses are very spectacular. "

Odin did not know if Kane mocked his weakness in dealing with Hella, but he decided to be tougher rather than blindly soft. He said: "Sorry, such a thing is contrary to our ethics. Cognition, I do n’t know where it ’s interesting. "

"Oh, then it seems that you are similar to the views of right and wrong of the Midgard people. I lived there for two years, and my life is very contradictory."

Hella, who was slow to come, was a little difficult to stay away from Kane and stood at the starting position of Queen Frigga. Silently watch Odin and Kane talk.

In the wars of the past, Hella also experienced life and death, but none of them impressed her and shuddered.

This is the first time in her life that she has experienced the misery of being a weak ant like a ant. This one has helped her out of poverty and explained some past reasons, and even there is no lack of exhortation to teach, only because of a word, can make her suffer Died. Just like she is a chicken and a sheep, she usually feeds it, but once needed, she slaughtered and ate the meat immediately.

As a king, blind bravery is not enough. Hella is also clear. She made her choice and made her stand.

In fact, Odin is also very scared. The power of this **** is like a member of the gods group, even higher. During his heyday, it wasn't that daunting, but now it's the dusk of the gods.

Although it was postponed for a thousand years, it was still far away, not to mention that "charging" also took time. He estimated that even if he used the taboo power of sacrificing the lives of his people and extracting the power of Asgard, he would still lose.

Of course, this is actually an illusion. Odin thought that the "Sea of ​​Life" trick was played by Kane solely by his own strength. A **** who can restore Asgard's millennium consumption, his own power naturally exceeds this value.

If you let Odin know that Kane has fully integrated the time gem and the space gem, then it may be possible to think that Kane now has the ability to open the window in the Nine Realms at the same time. After all, the Nine Realms overlap every 5000 years, and it is not a few years. , Its position is relatively orderly.

Although Odin was successfully bluffed by Kane and overestimated Kane's combat power, after all, he was an old river and lake who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

Indifferent, let alone panic, he asked Kane: "This Igo, may I ask, is he your friend?"

Kane shrugged. "Isn't that right? I learned it through prophecy. I need the only son who has inherited his bloodline to do things for me. I plan to find clues from him. If he is not honest, just Eat him, anyway, in the near future, he will also die in the hands of his son. After all, it is a piece of cake that has been saved for tens of millions of years, so it is a pity to waste so much. "

Everyone present felt horrified. No one thought Kane was bragging.

Odin smiled: "It turns out that your ability to predict can be so detailed that I am very interested. Is it convenient to talk?"


"Please allow me to host a banquet on behalf of those in Aska and express my heart."

"Oh, thank you, Midgard's food tastes okay. Enjoying good food is one of my interests."

Kane re-humanized, Odin also put away his sharp gun, personally guided, went to the banquet hall.

Asgard ’s ingredients are very helpful, natural and pollution-free, and the taste is good, but the cooking method is a little simple, mainly grilling and stewing, and overall it is a little greasy, because it is not like the Middle Ages, fruit Everything is cooked and cooked, and cooked can make perfect, barbecue technology is really good, tender and tender outside, crispy skin and meat, accompanied by fine wine, eating very enjoyable, suitable for informal and refreshing eating method.

Odin started the dining table politics, and Kane also took advantage of the power, so he did n’t mind the wind and the air, and felt that he could be arrogant and arrogant anyway, showing the prophecy. The Odin family watched the projection version. Raytheon's second, third, and later parts of the reunification are related to it.

Sure enough, no one in Odin's family can eat.

Hella's eyes were beating with madness, and he had come to Asgard in that year.

It was n’t to rush into infinite gems. At that time, the hegemony did n’t have that idea. He used the most simple method to complete his family planning feat. One planet after another was captured. All he needed was taken away, and then half of them were randomly killed.

The result is that Hella assisted Odin and successfully defeated the tyrant. At that time, it was not the peak period of the Xian Palace, but it was also the era of fire and oil, and the tyrant could retreat all over the body and leave Asgard without leaving. The small trauma also made Hella remember deeply. It can be said that on her hunt list, she will go if she has a chance.

Unexpectedly, a few years later, the Asgards ended up in this guy's hands.

The key is to suffocate! Haila felt aggrieved for Sol. The heart said: "The old lady's cheap, you can also pick it up?" She especially hates the kind of mercy that kills the sword by killing the tiger, and is a good obsidian for you.

Thor, who is more sighed about Rocky, is still a brother after all, and the death is really miserable.

Odin could not help but sigh, but as a king, he was more concerned about the fact that the dark elf did not die. This is the pot of his father Boer, but as a king, he could not prevent it, but completely Believe that there is a certain legendary information, he is also wrong.

Friega is the calmest of a family of four. She died early, instead of having to suffer the pain of losing her beloved, and she is also decent, deserved to be after the fairy palace.

Recently, because Rocky fell into the cosmic energy vortex along with the Rainbow Gate, she was very uncomfortable. First, she was sad for Rocky ’s unknown life and death, and second, she was sad for Rocky ’s betrayal.

This time I saw that Loki was still growing up, and finally did not shake his position. She courageously faced her own destiny. Her thoughts were well-understood, and she was a good son, both parent and child.

In addition to Hella's suffocation for Asgar's people being picked up by the Bully and his party, she also suffocated by her ending in the original history line.

She won the throne and lost the whole world. Her subordinates, including the magic wolf Fenrir, died again after the resurrection. The only surrender also betrayed. She ended up being an orphan, without a subject, and then compensated Asgard destruction. This ending, in her view, is really disgusting.

Kane said lukewarmly and did n’t know whether it was salting the wound ~ ~ or comforting words: "The kingship has no eternity. I have to exhaust in certain timelines of a certain universe. Fight to death. After changing this timeline, there will still be many such timelines, even worse. "

Odin calmed down and asked, "So how did you deal with this destruction?"

"Similar to collector Talia Diwan, except that after his wife could not bear the power of years to choose to commit suicide, he focused on the collection, and I focused on the acquisition of power, which is also not eternal, but At least it ’s a long way, until I think it ’s time to end it, or the day it ends. ”

"It's a good idea, it's hard to imagine how you found the climbing stairs."

Odin asked this question from the heart. Asgard's World Tree gameplay is already very grand. As the king of Asgard, he can be said to be the essence of the Golden Apple.

But even so, it was still not enough for him to see the stairs to higher ground.

Kane smiled: "It can only be said that I am more fortunate than you in this respect. In the universe I live in, there are strong people who live by eating the universe, unlike pseudo-engulfing like the Yuan Beast. They are a complete digestion of a universe. Everything in it, to serve as your own nourishment. "

In fact, Kane did not say a word, that is, the strong man of this universe, but he was born well, and he was born with strong strength, including Igor and the five gods of creation, but they are basically high and low. Go, or stand still.

Kane ’s remarks made Hella ’s eyes shine. She insisted on conquering a wider territory. In fact, she wanted to gain more power. Although she did not know the specific gameplay of the world tree system, she knew that the larger the territory, she acted as The power of the Underworld Lord is greater.

And now that she was almost killed by Kane, she is eager for strength ...

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