Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 886: Conspirators

After breaking up with Nick, Kane turned directly to the Hill and greeted Maria Hill before heading to the work area.

In terms of information, the technical system of the Evil God Swarm has been integrated.

Kane directly entered the practical operation stage, using his own flesh and blood as the bed to give it relevant information, and thus the original evil **** insect was born.

Taking this step, the operation is not difficult, but the cost is relatively high, and Kane just made three primitive evil spirits and stopped.

Even if the plan goes smoothly, this time it takes 3-5 years to recover.

Now without the infinite jewel backing, he also had to plan carefully.

The biggest difference between the original evil **** insect and the evil **** cell insect is that the degree of information enrichment is different. The former is tens of thousands of times the latter.

It can be said that the primordial evil **** insect is the original packaged state of an entire worm system, just like the Zig ample female nest worker bees of the StarCraft universe.

The appearance of the primitive evil **** insect looks like a deep blue hovering. Compared to snakes, it is a little shorter and thicker; compared to maggots, it is a little longer. It has succulent tentacles on the front, stacked scales on its body, and 6 tentacles on the tail, which at first glance look like some kind of squid.

This is a larva, which has not yet fully grown. Kane put it into the cultivation tank to speed up the cultivation and fine-tune the details.

After all, this species is a new creation, with only theory and some parameters, but there is no template for shaping.

The relevant information that Salary King and Black Kane gave him is the original version of the data affected by the laws of the old universe.

These data were used in Marvel 199999 and will inevitably be affected by the laws of this universe.

The supreme extraordinary power brought by the Supreme Gem can reduce or even decipher this effect to a certain extent, but the specific situation will only be known after trial.

So Kane added the head of ‘Supreme’ to his Evil God Swarm System. In order to make it easier to call it, he became the Supreme God Swarm in the end.

While Kane nurtured the starter of his Legion of Insect Swarms, Nick Fury was preparing for the big operation.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s lack of thugs also deliberately recruited a group of soldiers from UN.

Specifically, it comes from the five major powers behind the International Security Council, involving the strengthening of the monsters. The five powers are all very active. Nick Fury has also given a boost. The monsters bought 500 sets at a time, and the other is the cloak.

In order to supplement the household, Nick Fury sold the standard outfit of the Avengers to the SHIELD.

He is now the uncrowned king of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the crises caused by the Hydra are indeed severe, so he came and went to facilitate the purchase of cloaks.

But when it comes to specific purchases, there is still competition.

The lighthouse country's weapons company applauded this potential high profit and launched the polymer armor.

The company said that since Ken is willing to spend $ 300,000 for a set of armor, we also have good things.

Facts have also proved that the combination of polymer materials + ceramic composite module armor has indeed very good protection performance.

But compared with the fur coat provided by Nick Fury, it is significantly worse. Intuitively speaking, the weight of 26.5 kg of equipment is a problem.

Although after the strengthening of the monsters, the soldiers' physical literacy has been greatly improved, and their bodies are all awesome by the athletes of the Olympic-level iron man competition, but this is equivalent to carrying a bag of face on their body. The weight bearing is still criticized. After all, the soldiers still have to carry other tools, ammunition, and weapons. Lin Lin finally got it. The weight is not light. Whether or not to add this 26.5 kg, the difference is quite big.

The second is to carry shock protection, better cloak.

To put it bluntly, the warrior in the cloak is more dropped and exploded, and will not easily be damaged by shock waves.

This effect can be achieved mainly because the protective mechanism of the cloak is to penetrate the target texture and provide protection from the inside out.

In addition, it is like a second skin, which is fully integrated with the user's skin. It can even be said that every hair of the human body is properly contained in the storage cavity of the colonization, and the colonization participates in the skin's waste disposal process and will Regulates the body temperature raised by exercise, turning waste heat into a part of power.

Such sharp biological armor naturally requires special nutrients and control systems. So there was a special colonial spine.

The appearance of the spine of the colonial spine is similar to the spine of the driver's suit in {Pacific Rim}, and it looks like a big centipede.

The back spine line is also the connection port of the colony. When wearing it, it is like wearing a jumpsuit. Put on the lower body first and then put on the half body. Tighten the bite.

Where the opening bites, it locks the spinal column of the colony, and finally ends at the position of the tail vertebrae, and the inner nail part of the colony is completed.

The most expensive is this part, it is highly active and controllable.

If it does not involve combat, it is basically enough, light and flexible, and fits like wearing a thick diving wetsuit.

The soldiers also need to hang the module armor, which is as easy as using Velcro, easy to disassemble and install, and strong enough.

The soldiers rated the cloak quite well, and the more representative statement is: it is like a part of my body, making me think that these parts have grown like this.

Such a good thing is naturally no lack of people coveting its technology.

But Nick Fury has long learned from Kane that the key part of the cloak is the advanced use of genetics and bioengineering. What is its design structure and technical content? How to realize these designs? It ’s a golden place, so it ’s not afraid to read it, it ’s useless to understand it.

This is actually the reason why Kane was willing to trade these products to Nick Fury. There are related manufacturing equipment, repair equipment, as well as the nutrient solution it needs, and even the properties of the stocking can be changed as needed, but the principle is not changed. It can only be used and not imitated.

So for that point in the world, Nick Fury generously stated that if he intends to study, he can provide the finished product, and he will not take the opportunity to charge a high price, and requires only one, that is, do n’t do small actions with the people participating in the operation. .

There is no upper limit for greed in such matters in various countries. The front feet provide them with cloaks, and the back feet ask if the devil can trade.

Nick readily agreed, but said that the Devil Worm wanted to buy it and got three times the price, because this is limited.

As soon as the five nations' eyes lit up, they asked, is there any limit to the colony?

Nick nodded: "In addition to the supply will not be too fast, and need to increase the price of 30% as attribute customization and transportation costs, other issues are not big, theoretically how many sets are sold."

Soon, Nick negotiated several orders, even if he knew that the memory of the colony was a one-time input information, which could not be erased, that is, the exclusive lifelong system of armor, the purchase of various countries was still very active, and the minimum was set at 3000 set.

Correspondingly, the monsters have been more cautious, but Nick feels that procurement is only a matter of time, and most people ca n’t stand the temptation of power, especially in the context of people with nothing.

In order to keep the action confidential, Nick also spent a lot of time thinking.

Within the SHIELD, he only carried out a small-scale selection activity.

Through technical competition, more than 20 people were selected to form three combat groups: Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. It is a fighting group like the Cavaliers.

Then, the three groups were armed with the inherent power of S.H.I.E.L.D., and then rushed into the running-in training mainly on urban counter-terrorism.

This is naturally for outsiders. Nick knows that SHIELD still has the eyes of the multi-headed snake. He wants to make the other party think that he is satisfied with the strength of the Cavaliers and their special team. He thinks that such a combat team is almost enough. Too.

In fact, the manpower called through the International Security Council was armed and trained in a desert base in Utah.

It was Clint Patton with the eagle eye and a sergeant sergeant code-named Tomahawk.

Tomahawk Henry Cullen is a field agent who has emerged from the process of Alexandra Pierce and other Hydras lurking in the backbone of SHIELD gradually withdrawing from death.

In fact, this person is one of Pierce ’s eyeliners. In order to create a clean background for Musk, Pierce arranged for Henry a treacherous person, let him fight reasonably, against the somewhat infamous crossbones, to As for the use of positions by the crossbones, it was suppressed.

As a result, Henry's ability to be "righteous" was not bad, and Henry, who was so protagonist, was picked by Nick and later promoted to become another one after Coulson, Eagle Eye, and Black Widow. General.

Its specialty is fighting, good at making hand axe and fire axe, and has a special skill.

As an instructor, Henry and Eagle Eye worked together to recruit elite soldiers. In addition to imparting combat skills, they also allowed them to adapt as quickly as possible to monsters and colonies, as well as agent-style combat.

Then there is the understanding of advanced equipment, including some targeted training, such as how to use radiation detection devices, how to deal with tough and fearless enemies. These are all directed at the characteristics of the Hydra's combat power.

At the same time, Agents of SHIELD also spread out, searching for the whereabouts of the escaped prisoners.

Nick Fury deliberately told these agents half-truth, those who escaped from prison were marked with special equipment and could be found within a certain distance.

He did n’t tell lies. SHIELD added a heavy metal polymer to those people ’s diets. They will form siltation in the human intestines and stay for a long time. The result is like swallowing a passive positioning device. general.

This is not the first time this Aegis Bureau has been used. Nick deliberately did this to paralyze the spies inside.

In fact, the ones that were actually used for tracking were those invented by Bruce Banner and Tony Stark, and even the specific operations were the responsibility of the Avengers. The progress shown by Agents of SHIELD was a fake progress.

According to a period of secret observation and comparison, Nick Fury believed that the Hydra had indeed been fooled. They knew the movement of Agent Aegis and even arranged traps for the meter, waiting for Agent Aegis to jump in.

More importantly, the Hydra thought that it knew the progress of SHIELD ’s investigation and the prepared action plan, so it was still developing in secret, and there was no rush to fully explode.

This is what Nick Fury wants to see most. He was afraid of the full-scale outbreak of the Hydra, but he was not prepared yet. The result was bound to be heavy losses and severe damage to various places, which in turn caused social unrest.

I have to say that Nick Fury got it right this time.

The Hydra side is darker than the original Hydra.

It can be said that it is precisely because they have superb technology and strong power that they are more stable and seek more.

They want to overturn the old world and create a whole new world at once.

They knew that such a great cause could not be done by hooligans and gangsters. Those people have become bad habits, let them burn and loot, create chaos without problems, but let them restrain themselves and establish a positive image of the new forces, they are totally unable.

Therefore, the night pot is still a night pot.

The Hydra's plan was to build a new system of rule on the mob's corpse.

For this reason, the mob need to be sacrificed after finishing their dirty work.

All deployments of the Hydra are working hard for this big plan.

Supporting the Red Vest movement of the Beacon State is but a pilot project they have engaged in, absorbing experience and rebelling experience.

For the Hydra, the most troublesome question is how to make gangsters and hooligans obedient.

The most lacking of these scums is discipline. With strength, they are rampant. Even if they eat and drink well, they love to show off their clothes.

As a result, the appearance of black leaf hemp helped them solve the problem.

Black leaf hemp not only can be used in the project of "Enhancing People", but also can be used as the main raw material to make a pill called Mengjing. Mengjing has a great damage to people's will, but can easily make people obey.

Unfortunately, anything that happens is a matter of probability. If the stall is too large, it is easy to travel. Sharon Carter recruited Rennes and others to form a special team to clean up a drug den ~ ~ Because a drug lord was too greedy, the normal operation chain was interrupted, leaking his feet, and being killed by God. Shield found.

Looking at the escalating events, even the high-end capabilities of organizations such as the Fake American Team and Fake Black Panther were captured, and the confrontation was only a small step away from upgrading to a full-scale war, but the multi-headed snakes were 'skilled' and regained control. .

This excites the Hydra's top management.

At the same time, the performance of Rennes also made the Hydra's top level more afraid of the super heroes of the rulers of the more modern world. In someone ’s words: “It ’s easy to overthrow those mortal rules, but it ’s hard to deal with those rulers’ super eagle dogs. ”

The Hydra seniors couldn't come up with any way to win the Super Heroes. After thinking about it, they felt they still had to start with the mortal ruler.

If they can overthrow the rulers with a thunder and quickly stabilize the situation, resulting in the fact that the rulers have been replaced and possess nuclear weapons, then the Super Britains will have no fundamental justification for confrontation, and if they do not hesitate to cause social unrest In spite of the threat of nuclear weapons, they must uphold justice, then they will stand opposite to the people.

The Hydra is working hard for this goal. The first pilot is the leader of free capitalism-the lighthouse country. It is precisely because of a series of events that the lighthouse country is unstable both in social order and political situation. The Hydra believes that there is a high Probability will push the current ruling team down and replace them with puppets.

In this way, both hands are holding the power of powerful cards, and have fun in the conspiracy contest.

2010 is about to pass, most of the lighthouse people are immersed in the Christmas + New Year holiday, which is their most important holiday and consecutive holiday of the year, and the multi-headed snake has also completed the arrangement in full preparation, ready to use this holiday to get the lighthouse in one fell swoop The two goals of the country-the president, and nuclear weapons ...

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