Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 904: Deep into the disaster area (on)

When something goes wrong, time always has a sense of suffering.

Now Nick Fury, Maria Hill and others have a similar feeling. Time is spent in seconds.

So Kane went out to install the Swarm Base, but it took a few days in total, but he felt that he had left for several years because December 31, 2010 was too long.

Kane came back this time and made a big deal, because he brought Chuang Shenxing back directly from the Kuiper belt.

In the Kuiper belt, there are very many stars and ice-like stars that are the main components, and Kane brought it back along the way.

Although he has excellent abilities, he can't be out of nothing. On the way back, he thought that it would be better to transform a dwarf planet than to spend divine power + complicated technology to build a colony satellite that is 60 kilometers long.

To him, the engineering volume of the two seems to be different, but the former is more technically difficult.

If only the technical difficulty is high, the trouble is that if you want people to survive in it for a long time, you need a lot of water, air, etc. These substances still have to be collected.

So thinking about it, he decided to build a colonial moon in a more worm-like way and eat a star!

In the Warhammer 40K world, there is a kind of insect swarm active in the universe, Taryn. They are more terrifying than the Zerg in the StarCraft universe, and they don't have the behind-the-scenes dad like Sarnaga, and live more purely.

Taryn worms eat one star after another, not only the life planet, but also the planets that have the material they need to eat, and the stars that have been eaten by them can be said to be true scum.

Kane took into account his own evil **** cells and the newly completed genetic system, and found that he could do the same.

Of course, what he is going to do is a complete transformation, not a bite.

After the Black Sun returned to the solar system, Kane greeted Hill and flew straight to Chuangxinxing.

The diameter of this star is about 1102 kilometers, and the surface area is equivalent to two Shu lands, more than 960,000 square kilometers. Looking at it from space through sunlight, it is iron gray and has no atmosphere.

Kane put them directly on the road to prepare the evil spirit engineering spores. These spores are equivalent to a football, the number is 120,000, produced by ovulation, and now they are put in from the outer pod of the Black Sun. Such as thousands of long snakes roaming.

After flying to a given location, they use their concentrated nutrients to reproduce on their own.

Its reproduction effect is like a jellyfish, a round head, dragging long silk feet behind it.

They fly around Chuangxinxing, like playing hide-and-seek. With the growth of silk feet, they gradually connect with each other. A large net with its core as a node is gradually formed on the outer layer of Chuangxinxing. Snare parcels.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Sun probed the energy tube, just like the aerial refueling of human technology, flying and pouring energy into this large net to help it continue to grow.

The Black Sun has a star as a power source, and this energy output is still available.

With the rapid energy supply like current conduction, 120,000 engineering insect spores began to hatch quickly and grew into a huge cyst.

Immediately afterwards, Ito, with a diameter of more than 10 meters, began to multiply at a rate of 100 meters per minute.

From a distance, they are like long and thin hairs, and the ribbon is generally vertical to the ground under the action of gravity. They will contact the ground of Chuangshen in more than 20 hours. By then, the length will be more than 120 kilometers. The 120,000-track ladder will be completed.

Maria Hill was the first person to observe this operation. He lamented Kane's powerful ability. While this show is indeed in line with the concept of "miracle", there are some small complaints in his heart. Why can't you snap a finger and solve the virus problem.

She also knows that this kind of grievance is actually quite unreasonable, Kane did not owe anyone, but she was stimulated by the scenes of tragedy staged in New York. When she thought that similar tragedies will be staged in the world, she was calm.

In addition, unconsciously, she has become increasingly dependent on Kane. The more dependent you are, the more you expect.

I hope everything will have a satisfactory ending.

In the case of the super virus, Hill's expectation is that the virus is contained, not that the orthodox human can only escape from the earth.

She always felt that Kane could do it.

What she complained about was that if she wanted to help, why not make it more thorough?

Is it easier to transform a planet with a diameter of thousands of kilometers in a short period of time and transport it to the earth, than to completely kill a virus?

The fact is that for Kane, it is really easier to transform the planet.

A simple analogy, transforming the planet is just to find a piece of ice to turn into water, and to eliminate the virus is to strip all the pigments into the water. You ca n’t do too large operations. Make sure that the other substances in the water are in their original positions And status.

Of course, using the power of infinite gems, snapping your fingers can indeed solve the problem. But that was beyond the limit of the strength Kane was willing to pay for humans in this universe.

"Humans are not going to be extinct, it is just another inflection point." This is his real idea. He told Hill, but Hill did not realize that this was the focus of his decision.

Colonizing the satellites, and getting this thing out, Kane felt that he was suspected of having a dad.

Mankind has survived all the way up to now, no matter how good or bad it is. It has always depended on its own head and the spirit of perseverance.

Relying on the divine power to get a refuge, it really ruined the style.

It will even destroy the chance of human evolution and make hundreds of millions of deaths in the future become of great value.

Therefore, he raised a mouthful with Hill and said that he did not want good cabbage to be swallowed by pigs. It was not prepared for the bureaucrats to engage in personal fraud, nor was it used to test human nature. He will draw back a few red lines as a criterion for selecting asylum-seekers, or simply learn to kill the bully and choose immediately, so that at least he will not feel obliged.

In fact, it is not a question of whether phrenic should be irresponsible, but that people do not want to put their energy on how to get on this retreat.

However, this reason is too divine (magic) for the worldly humans, just for the so-called evolution, for the so-called struggle to survive, the style of continuous self-breaking, the 7 billion people are alienated, and countless families are destroyed. ?

Indeed, the Kane deity cannot do this. Kane Zhao ran to the Cosmopolitan area of ​​the SC universe, and still played a rescue. This is the earth of the parallel universe. In theory, it should be more like a house and a black feeling.

What's more, the emergence of this super zombie virus has also been implicated in Kane's acquisition of infinite gems to change the inherent history.

But the other way around, Kane and Nick Fury said when they negotiated. This was a bargain, which could have been taken by chance, but it has been done openly, so I won't talk about it in the future.

That means, on the one hand, I understand the value of infinite gems in the future, and I do n’t think it ’s cheaper to sell it.

On the other hand, the inherent historical line has been changed, and other bad things have happened, let alone this is Kane's pot.

Nick Fury and Gu Yi fully understand the meaning of this, so even in the face of the super-destructive virus disaster, they did not find Kane theory.

But then again, others can say, can Gu Yi and Nick Fury represent human beings? Are they elected by humans? They just use their positions and have the right to know and use the gems of time and space. Who said they have the right to dispose of them? This **** boy's cub is not distressed!

If you can't talk about it, different positions have different reasons. Some people think that the truth is the biggest. In fact, this world has always been based on what happened. The most bizarre things happen, it is justified. No matter how good it is, it is just a statement ...

The lighthouse president ’s show has landed, and the survivor rescue operation is broadcast live online, which has become the highlight of a series of reports.

In other words, this rescue operation was actually a change of direction, selling bitter dramas, in order to let the people in other places understand, it is not that the ruling party does not do its best, but the situation is too extraordinary ...

The vehicles of the rescue team are four 'Streck' armored vehicles.

The biggest feature of this armored vehicle is the ‘instant kit upgrade’, which can be installed on the front line.

Like this time, when he learned that his opponent had anti-armor weapons like rocket launchers, Jack they urgently added fence armor.

Four vehicles came out of JFK Airport and walked on Rockaway Avenue. The road was not smooth.

Yesterday ’s nuclear explosion caused a runaway accident on all roads in New York, especially on the main road.

Although after a certain amount of treatment, it just tried to make it aside and vacate a way out, which made the avenue changed to be known, plus a large number of New Yorkers gathered at the airport at this time, so whether it was Rockaway is still Farmers, both are blocked.

Stryker is like a boat traveling against the water, ushering in the flow of people. Most of the people who withdrew looked calm, but the atmosphere was not good, and there was an indescribable sense of depression.

Captain Jack, guide Allen, Robert and photographer Charlie are in the lead.

After Robert obtained the consent of Jack, he specifically asked Charlie to shoot selectively and make a narration:

"Although we have experienced successive misfortunes, we have opened several emergency shelters immediately to accommodate asylum-seekers. This is the people who were evacuated in time under the guidance of the announcement. Less than 13 hours have passed since the nuclear electromagnetic explosion attack. Now, it is very difficult to achieve such a speed of disaster relief. In the past, when we mentioned our country, we always said how good the equipment is. Now, I want to say that the spirit and professional integrity of our public officials are also remarkable. Clickable ... "

As far as the profession is concerned, Robert is more reliable, knowing what qualities of live news to get now, and guiding as much as possible to the positive and positive aspects.

The thousands of kilometers of roads are unobstructed and even disappointing. If you do n’t pay attention to the expressions and overall atmosphere of the passersby, it feels like the situation after the Super Bowl is over, except for many people A little messy, nothing else.

But when the vehicle approaches the Jamaica area, the style of streetscape is completely different.

The conversion was very sudden, and the interzone was only 100 meters?

Anyway, it feels like just passing a small street without a name, everything becomes different.

People can hardly be seen here. The camera arranged on the vehicle can occasionally catch a flash of the figure. Most of them are people, and the speed is too fast.

Jack asked Allen: "Is that a special infection?"

Allen shook his head: "It shouldn't be. I don't mind showing the traces in our vision, most of them are my own."

Jack oh, there was no more details. I heard Alan ’s introduction when I was at the airport, and I knew who I was.

Robert was sensitive to news value, suggesting that Charlie turned on.

Allen has not received professional training, and sincerely made him face the camera, he would be nervous and behave unnaturally.

The quickest and most effective solution is to achieve the goal through some tips. Like now, the atmosphere of the conversation is very natural. Robert took over the interview as an interview, and he did not need to notify Allen in particular. This effect is very good.

"You mean the guardians?" Robert asked.

Allen ’s “was embarrassed by the expression of your second two expressions”, and then politely replied: “We are all called by the name of the wine, the agent of SHIELD is called Budweiser, and the person of the Avengers is called the dragon tongue. Lan, the other is XO, the coolest and most powerful! "

"Oh, S.H.I.E.L.D., the headquarters is in Washington, DC. The Trident Building is also a landmark building. They are organized by the International Security Council. The special teams come from various countries. It is indeed a good thing."

"Although the Avengers are a new concept, their performance is very spicy and amazing! It was them who defeated the capture of nuclear weapons at the Minot Air Force Base and the president's hijacking at the critical moment yesterday. Iron Man is one of them."

"Who is called XO? Is it a volunteer?"

Alan shook his head: "No, their identity is very mysterious. Some people say that they are aliens, but I think they are humans on earth, and they are closely related to SHIELD and Fulian because they are also equipped with cloaks, but they are very high-end. The place where they appear is often the most dangerous and chaotic area. Without their suppression, the situation is not what it is now. The reason why those infected people did not gather in large numbers and launched a powerful impact on important targets ~ ~ It's because of them. "

"It feels like you adore them."

"Yes, my life was saved by XO, from a death claw."

Robert said: "Then let me tell you a little secret. The relationship between XO and our official is closer than you think. The two super fighters in this operation are using the same type of cloak as XO ... … "

As he gestured to Charlie secretly, Charlie turned off the camera after taking pictures of Allen's shock, rejoicing and other expressions.

This is also a kind of news broadcast technique, which hangs the appetite of the audience and gives them time for emotions to brew.

It must be said that this kind of broken chapter is very effective. Many people around the world are paying attention to the super bereavement virus incident in New York. Officials of various countries now do not want the official collapse of the lighthouse country. a period of time.

It can be said that as the situation has developed, the beacon country has been hit hard and even collapsed is inevitable. It is precisely because of this that countries appear to be tolerant and they need time to prepare for harvest.

In addition, disaster relief is a universal humanitarian cause that is universal and politically correct. Whether it is true or false, at least an open attitude should be positive.

Therefore, this rescue operation vigorously promoted by the President of the Lighthouse State and his team was broadcast at the official request of the major media of all countries, and it is an emergency broadcast level. This is not clear to Robert. His boss is afraid that he is under pressure. poor performance.

So far, the performance has been very good. It has already become the hottest news in the world, and the popularity is still crazy.

However, the new category soon appeared unwillingly, and it is also the red and purple host today, the DJ anchor of the Hydra organization, Jim Brother ...

Infinite Supreme Wizard

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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