Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 906: Deep into the disaster area (middle)

Kane is from D wire.

The education he received has formed some basic cognition, which has always affected his behavioral logic.

For example, work hard to achieve results, vigorously work out miracles.

Even with the broadening of his horizons later, he realized that hard work is not the most important factor in determining success. He still firmly believes that even those rice bugs who want to succeed must also work hard to please their father. Kind of effort.

Against this background, the success of Sentinel Bob Reynolds is a naked face. His success proves that as long as a person lives well, it is not a problem to **** powder and steal, and stand still in life overnight. The pinnacle, hard work for a lifetime, can't keep up at the right time, in the right place, and doing such a seemingly deadly thing is effective.

The presence of the sentry not only denied Kane's efforts in the first half of his life, but also the meaning of struggle in the second half of his life. This caused an unimaginable crit to Kane's little mind.

It can be said that the sentinel cannot be erased, and his thoughts are not accessible, and the way forward will not be tasted. ,

In other words, this is a coercion. Envy and hate the envy of Dacoo.

Anyway, Kane's relevance has already been established, and the sentry must die.

Seeing the sentry at this time, Kane felt itchy and wanted to go directly to kill the opponent.

But after all, he did not hold back, not worrying that the sentinel's death would have a big impact on the Hydra's next action, but that there were accounts of his interests.

The gate of the sun.

This special door opened by the sentinel's power is still very valuable. Kane's greedy nature is not simply the power of the sun, but the independent universe with its watch.

This universe was once called the sentinel universe in the Marvel World, and only the people of the sentry family can be connected. For other people, it is a universe of hearts that exists in the spiritual world of the sentry.

Kane also vomited about it at that time: "Still you feel that the hanging Bilian is not needed, so that the saints who have the saying of" small universe "burst into tears ..."

Looking at this matter now, there is a more logical explanation, that is, a universe that can be reached through the transition of spiritual power. Its uniqueness is that the stellar power there is extraordinary, and it is easier to follow the spiritual power of intelligent creatures. interactive.

To put it simply, the Sentinel was born because of the discovery of such a special huge treasure. Since then, he has lived the extravagant days of mines in his home. Compared to the black panther in Wakanda, he is underground.

Kane does not have much time to study this special channel, which can only be opened by the authority given by the sentry.

However, preparations have already been done.

He is the evil spirit and the lord of the swarm. One person is both civilized and can be transformed into ten million when needed.

He felt that some first-class violent groups were needed, and he set up tricolor swarms in Bohet Star, Moss Bellheim and Titan.

Now he feels that he needs to explore a scientific research project, and naturally he can cultivate brain worms specially used for research and development.

Just on the Black Sun, 20 brain worms have been trained and activated, and they are currently instilling knowledge. How many brain worms that meet the requirements will eventually be born, and it is still not good. Unable to pass the test, and there is no other project to serve, then it is destroyed, he is the master, not the kind father. At least on the cruel side, he is more like a worm than any Kane.

Kane, who didn't rush to make a knife for the benefit, continued to play his planetary transformation in Kuiper.

For him, this practical lesson is also quite interesting. He has exploded his hands-on ability and encountered many problems that he did not think of in advance during the specific operation.

Although he is completely held by his technical skills and extraordinary strength, this kind of operation that is difficult but can be overcome by some thoughtful means is the most seduce, not too frustrating because it is too difficult. It won't get boring because it's too simple.

This is the first time he has encountered such a good project without deliberately looking for it, such as freshness and difficulty.

From the perspective of ordinary people, the cell reproduction speed of 2 meters per second can fully use the concept of 'superproliferation', but it can still be slower from the perspective of changing the astronomical scale of stars.

Needless to say, he packaged small stars with Dyson **** and created a power source for the Black Sun. Even the **** of the universe, Igo, is stronger than him.

After all, there is still not enough energy.

When there were infinite gems before, although it was just a **** of wealth, but after all, it was a purse, which can be used for hands and feet, and now it has to be carefully calculated.

Cells like this are mainly powered by the Black Sun's stellar furnace. If Ken is investing a lot of extraordinary power, then it is definitely not the current speed.

But he was not willing.

The divine intuition makes him always feel that something is waiting for him in the future, a matter of life and death. This is also the main reason why he formed the Tricolor Swarm Corps.

From the spring of 2008 to the new year of 11 years, it has been three years since the universe was even counted, and the task was completed. He only started the base and officially entered the farming era.

Extraordinary strength is his wealth and money, and his family has great business and consumes much space.

God is not easy to pretend, snap a finger, nearly half of wealth will evaporate.

On the contrary, it can be like the cosmic cube in the hands of Nick Fury, and the eye of Agomo in Guyi's hand.

Reluctance to ring the finger of the people of the earth to avoid the damage of the super bereavement virus also has considerations in this regard.

In the Marvel Universe, the earth is definitely the most disaster-prone world, and there is no one. Every third difference is the crisis of annihilation. Like filling this black hole, God is not good enough.

If you are selfish, you can still be calm and unrequited without asking for a return. Otherwise, you really have to invest heavily to catch up with the scenes of Sheng Mien and Dou Mihou.

If he made a dwarf planet refuge like this now, he would be able to see it, it was nothing more than hard work. Stellar energy does not disperse anything, it is just fusion energy on the scientific side, not expensive.

Of course, his technical value is very high, but this thing can be said that knowledge is priceless, and can also be given away for free. Moreover, this refuge is just a fish, not a fish.

In short, even after the transformation, he threw it away, not distressed.

While staring at the progress of the transformation like the chief engineer, watching the disturbing scenes on the earth.

This kind of drama is also a little less watched. When the disaster is staged around the world, human beings will not be in the mood to show the drama of ‘natural disasters and mercilessness’, let alone torture, so let ’s watch and treasure it.

As the saying goes, heroes come out of their mouths, and the really wonderful thing is always the story. At least what happened in New York is really nothing to Kane.

It ’s like some people ’s complaints about horror movies: “Death to death is just a family. You have to leave one for the sequel, and put it in the war movie. This is the number of kills caused by a shell. It ’s because the story is so good that it is more frightening than killing a camp or a regiment ... "

Robert felt that he and his party were suspected of shifting from war movies to horror movies. If the Jamaica area is still silent, then after crossing the intersection of Road 164 and Central Park Avenue, it feels like a ghastly ubiquitous.

The destination of this trip, Queens General Hospital, is on the northern section of No. 164 Road, and there is a bar where George had been at the first outbreak point of the super-destructive virus explosion, which is less than 2 kilometers away.

This area is dominated by residences. They are all independent residences with lawns in front of the door and small courtyards behind the houses. They are different in size, some are high-end, and some are low-end, but the difference is not big. A small pile of roads is divided into rectangular areas, and then mixed with some functional facilities, such as gift shops, laundry, pharmacies, pizzerias and so on. It is a typical community.

In such a place, it is not easy to be serious about wanting to do it. After all, it is a low-rise residential house with plenty of light, and as a living community, it is full of popularity. Every family must pick up the facade. It is not barren.

The answer is ghosts.

Obviously there are people, and the number is still quite large, and you can even feel the kind of depressed restlessness, but when you try to focus on finding something, the feedback you get is almost nothing.

Jack used the equipment in the car to bring up the dynamic information map for logistical support. On this electronic display chart provided by Hill, he could see the red dots all around the team, each red dot, all Is a mutant.

Robert said self-confidently: "This may be the benefit of being wise, knowing how to benefit and avoid harm, and how to be afraid."

Robert is right, from the outbreak of infection to the present, there has not been a decent wave of corpses, mainly due to the wisdom of the zombies. No one wants to be a cannon fodder for a charge, and it is almost the same for dead friends to die.

But Robert said a little less: also because of wisdom, the zombies occupy the facilities very steadily, often infecting a district, and after a few hours, there will become a nest.

The nest is not only a barrier built up with utensils, but also a play of organization and construction.

Communication, series connection, planning, construction ... this is the inevitable of intelligent life.

The harsh external environment is prompting them to change their mindsets quickly so that they can unite more efficiently and hug together to keep warm.

Although the contradictions are almost irreconcilable, the two sides of wisdom have engaged in a series of non-combat interactions for their own purposes.

This is also the origin of Nick Fury's series of strategies to deal with zombies, the main reason for which is to appease the hardest hit areas.

Due to the intelligence advice given by Hill, Jack ’s choice of this route is actually more particular. Although there are many zombies, there are no powerful gangs, and most of them exist in the form of small groups or scattered individuals. Even if there are some powerful special funerals, it is actually not a fear.

This is also the reason why they did not encounter any decent physical threats all the way down here.

The rescue operation organized by the Hydra is another diametrically opposed situation.

To the people who eat melons, they seem to pop up suddenly, somehow in the disaster area.

But if you understand their past, it is not difficult to understand. They are the thugs who have fought with the lighthouse officials in many places in New York.

There is a saying that you are not afraid of not being good, but you are afraid of not being good.

Hydra overthrows the slogans of rulers and vested interests, at least it sounds a bit meaningful. But they armed gangsters, gangsters, and villains as pioneers, and this operation was very boring.

These people have the power, just like they have the money, just say "spray!" ’Spent profusely, doing evil and lawlessness.

The good intentions expressed by them are absolutely distorted.

For their evil deeds, the backbone of the multi-headed snake can only curse a few words that the dog ca n’t change the feces, and then let the boss restrain the men, their control is limited, only to ensure that the general direction is set according to them. Can't control it.

The New York thugs did not take viral infection seriously. After the underwriting and the early stage of infection, they took advantage of the official personnel to organize disaster relief, shot black guns, raid, grab the site, hey, police officer or something, did a lot of bad things .

But the virus spreads more and more fiercely, and they naturally suffered the damage.

A few seconds ago, he was still his own, and a few seconds later became a violent beast. This sudden change and attack from the people around them hurt the New York thugs very much.

After all, their team is maintained by the so-called ‘Brotherhood’. The basic sentiment is not much higher than the comradeship, but the discipline is really not very good. Therefore, it is easy to chaos in the face of the attack of acquaintances.

In addition, all kinds of special mourning made them sore.

It can be said that the flow of the fake American team can positively compete with the enemy. Although the rest can not be said to be up to death, but there is nothing good to end.

Killing the unprofitable, rubbing and touching may cause infection, and once there is the possibility of infection, should it be kicked out of the team, or should it remain in the team?

In short, facing the test of silver expensive, the team of New York thugs who performed well in the previous torture with the lighthouse official, the team collapsed very badly.

In the end, the backbone of the Hydra took a look.

So go east.

Jimo, the Hydra's mouthpiece, said to the public that their disaster relief team opened a refuge point at Lake Success in the north of Nassau County (northeast of Queens, there are several connected golf courses nearby), which is wide enough to be suitable for building A series of functional areas such as security and isolation.

In fact, Nick Fury and the Mystic Master have blocked all areas west of Hempstead in Nassau County, including Lake Success. The New York thugs discovered this when they evacuated there.

With no hope of evacuation, and hearing that the official principal, Nick Fury, who released the 8.5 million people in New York without letting the virus spread, would only ask the Hydra father for help.

It just happens that the Hydra also intends to continue to fight against the official lighthouse country, and there is a so-called ‘we also rescue, but more practical” rescue operation. The success lake area has also become the place where they deliberately sought to establish a resettlement area.

The Hydra pressured Nick Fury through public opinion.

Nick Fury said that the disaster can be done, but the rules are the rules.

The Hydra knew that Nick Fury had the ace in his hand, and he didn't dare to jump too much, so he didn't invest in the stealth aircraft to transport equipment.

The stealth aircraft is also a valuable item for them. They were captured by Kane ’s troop soldier Ren, and they felt a lot of pain for a while. They also rescued people as if they were snatched back by the aircraft. It was sold to the lighthouse country when it changed hands, and the base that studied the Pegasus project had very strict security measures, and the Hydra failed to complete the infiltration.

The stealth aircraft is reluctant to use, but the Hydra still took the opportunity to show its strength. A large blackfish sailed directly into Manchat Bay.

Manchat is just north of the Lake of Success, less than 3 kilometers away, it can be said to be close to it.

The people who eat melons said that 666, the multi-headed snake is so powerful, and such a big weapon is lurking in the vital point of the lighthouse country.

But in fact, the **** fish is different from the **** fish. This time, although it looks like the black technology ship that was suspended in the air and bombed the cruiser with high-energy particle weapons, it is actually much worse. This is a submarine, or a product modified on the basis of the Maoxiong typhoon class submarine.

Nick Fury is also very hurt for the almost demonstration performance of the Hydra. The waters are indeed the difficulty of the prevention and control, but all around New York is water!

Brooklyn, Queens, they are actually in an area called 'Long Island', cut off from the East by the East River, mainly relying on a few bridges, and connected to the sharp Manhattan like ice cones. .

This kind of terrain structure, if it is just to prevent people from evacuating, it will be much easier. Once the bridge is guarded ~ ~ A water surface will be basically blocked, but the virus will ...

As for the **** fish of the multi-headed snake, Nick Fury let him pretend that ratio, in fact, if he wanted to, as long as it had not entered the Long Island Strait, the Hill could send it to the Dragon Palace.

Nick Fury allowed the Hydra to engage in this way. Naturally, he didn't change his attitude towards them, or believed in their evil. I really thought that they were here to save people.

His thinking is: Hydra doing things here is better than doing things elsewhere. After all, here is a pit now, not afraid of doing things. At worst, it can also involve part of the energy of the Hydra.

Big black fish delivered a batch of equipment, and Nick Fury also sent a batch of relief supplies on behalf of the official, such as tents, medicines and the like.

The other is basically on-site financing, for example, heating, it is now the new year in January, the temperature is low and the sea breeze is blowing, refugee resettlement is not easy.

The thugs in New York seemed full of energy, and soon organized an 'expedition'.

Jim Brother boasted for them, saying that they were going to one of the hardest hit areas that even the official did not dare to dabble in, Flushing, north of Queens.

In fact, they are interested in New York LaGuardia Airport on the east side of Flushing across Flushing Bay, and even on Rex Island a little west of the north side of the airport.

Rex Island is the largest prison in New York with an area of ​​more than 420 hectares. It had held 10,000 prisoners during its peak period. Many of the New York thugs are very affectionate about the place where there is only one bridge connected to the outside world, and there are still many good old friends who are still detained there.

The previous nuclear explosion did not allow the rioting there to escape, which is really regrettable for them.

They hope to use this opportunity to complete the "humanitarian rescue" along the way, and then tell the world that prisoners are also humans and have the right to survive ...

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