Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 923: Sentinel 1 wave

"Bob, kill this bitch!" Billily roared in awkwardness.

The sentry smiled helplessly: "Billy, calm down. I really want to divide life and death. New York is gone."

"If it's gone, it's gone, anyway, there are zombies everywhere."

The sentry was silent.

He and Billy are both New Yorkers. He grew up in Bushwick, Brooklyn, a few streets away from Glendale, Queens.

I originally wanted to return to my hometown as a liberator. As a result, New York has experienced such a catastrophe. Many people and things have become images that only exist in memory. That kind of people is nothing, nothing can never go back. The feeling made him feel a sense of regret that lost his roots.

Billy doesn't feel the emotion of the past now, his heart has been filled with resentment and hatred.

Hates not only Rennes, but also the sentry, who hates the sentry at critical times.

He knew that Ren Enqiang was outrageous. If he let go with the sentry, it would be equivalent to releasing nuclear bombs non-stop. In that situation, he did not want to see such a thing.

However, he felt that even if one side wanted to counsel and endure, it should not be a sentry. At least the sentry should not be so weak as soon as he got started. Is it that he and the sentinel alone are worried that the fighting between the two sides will cause New York gods to be burnt? It was obvious that Ren had shown weakness first to make a concession, but at this moment the sentry could not take a strong attitude. This was what made him excited.

Of course, this is Billy's perspective.

And from the sentinel's point of view, it is not necessary to play those virtual ones. How can the face and the momentum be able to suppress the other side? Anyway, it's impossible for both sides to speak up. In this case, the advantage of speaking out is just a downgrade.

Ren, controlled by ai, is a pure experimenter form. After confirming that there is no way to fight anymore, he is ready to find new testing opportunities.

But Kane asked him to bring a sentence to the sentry:

"Otherwise, let's go to the ground and have a happy battle?" He pointed to the sky.

At this time, the special vortex energy field engulfing extraordinary power had collapsed. Within a radius of 100 meters, under this wave of energy waves, no stones larger than the thumb belly could be found.

But in the secondary impact zone 100 meters away, the damage is much lower, which is the embodiment of Rennes' superb power control technology.

Kane sent such an invitation, naturally it felt that this was an opportunity. If the sentry was invited, the creation of the simple colonial star was suspended for a period of time, taking the opportunity to kill this person who caused him by the nature of ‘original sin’.

It is a pity that the sentinels from the small people in the city, not to mention being self-serving, are definitely not short of people who have been cleaned up by life. When he was kicked and scolded, he could smile right, and he didn't take it seriously. Like, Ren, a mechanical invitation with little emotion and into words, could easily catch it.

"Let's change the day." The sentry said: "Now the zombies are rampant, want to kill a refreshing, some are not the goal? And before I came, I heard that Washington is being swept by zombies."

Ai is not Kane. He has completed the task of inviting to fight, and the target clearly has no plan to fight, so he will no longer talk nonsense. As for the sentinel's suggestion that the zombies should be killed now, instead of chasing between the super heroes for some inexplicable reason, sorry, it has no such consciousness at all.

Kane ’s remote control still interjected, and Ryan showed such a shameful sentiment, and sent an invitation to the green skins tens of meters away: "Hey! Do you want to take your hand to give you a ride?"

Naturally, the green skins understand that this is the other party's feedback for their performance of the 'station team' just now. They are worried that they will be slaughtered by Billy's evil fire Billy as a vent target after slapping their **** and leaving.

Although the Sentinel looks good to speak, everyone with a clear eye can see that his relationship with Billy is not a subordinate. At that time, Billy has to target them, and it is impossible for the sentry to kill them.

So the leader in the green skin responded: "Is there a suitable battlefield? We now want to fight a battle, death does not matter, but don't be abused."

Kane felt the true emotions of the green skins by Rennes, and shook his head secretly, saying: "Green skin blood is also only suitable for making chaos cannon fodder. Although this creature is very funny, but from the perspective of genetic technology However, there is something unique. This work by Brother Mao (the **** of the green skin of the Warhammer World) is still very classic. Even the devotion to study the technology of the Warhammer system cannot be optimized and improved ... "

The genetic technology represented by is very high-end even if it is viewed from an extraordinary perspective.

This system is the same as the type of Warhammer Four Evil Gods playing, both of which are chaotic systems. It's just that the four evil gods are combined with negative elements, while the one who engages in the second brother Mao is relatively more pure, and has won the three tastes of chaotic logic and random creation.

It is precisely for this reason that the green skins will be born with a variety of intelligent and shining "boys", such as "reformed gun boy", "burst kid", "rocket boy", as well as Jiba, Dajiba series .

It can be said that the scourge value of the green-skinned descent itself is not lower than that of the super-sacrifice virus, and even more difficult to follow. It's just that its strong side has not yet been highlighted.

For example, survive and heal by light and action. Buried in the soil, watered it, and watched it again in a few days. Before dying, now it is alive and kicking, and the recipes are wide, but the pigs are ashamed.

And even more terrifying is that the green skins are unisexual. They do n’t need to hey, dandruff or something. The conditions are right. They can grow things like fart, let alone flesh.

In addition to the "beast reform technology" that Niubi and Kane deserved.

Warhammer green skin can be said to be a race that can be opened with any opponent. If the other party plays technology, they can use the garbage of the battlefield, household garbage, etc., and they rely on 'I am thinking about ...' Produce a bunch of costly weapons that are only suitable for them.

Even the starships such as the ancient giant junk can be diyed out by hand. How high is the upper limit of their beast modification technology can be imagined.

The only weakness of is unreasonable belligerence.

As far as the Warhammer universe is concerned, the green skin is definitely a clear stream. In that dark universe, every race is fighting for survival. Only the green skin is fighting for hobbies. Their war-like characteristics can be said to be a chaotic system. Cornerstones, without such a first goal, they have no incentive to do things creatively.

Kane deity has been trying to replace this war-thirsty trait with other traits, but until now it has not been as desired.

C Kane also doesn't like this kind of uncontrollable feature. He doesn't rate it low, but he doesn't want to get started with it, or he can create a low-cost green army.

Ren finally carried more than 20 green skins in front of Sentinel and Billy, and transformed into a distorted light and shadow with an improved version of hp world.

At this time, Billy was very angry, and the surface seemed to calm down. He asked the sentry somberly: "Why? You can pull him into the sentry universe."

"Intuition tells me that I will do it in my heart. I haven't tried that person's deep dive before."

"Intuition !?" Billy Hey laughed, "This is your account of a good brother who is still alive?"

The sentry frowned, showing impatience: "Billy, stop it. I just don't believe the situation just now. You can't understand it. Please understand my difficulties."

"Hah! You mean that I'm making trouble unreasonably? Did you understand my difficulty? I just died almost a moment ago."

The sentinel lost patience and his voice appeared heavy: "I came in time, and you are still alive, and did not suffer much."

Billy's eyes widened and roared: "I'm hurt so much, here!" He smashed his left chest with his hand. After he finished speaking, he twisted and flew away like a Hulk.

The sentinel looked at Billy's back and thought for a few seconds. Finally, he didn't chase. He thought to himself, "It's better to leave Billy alone."

This is the point where his emotional intelligence fell off the chain, or that he did not really understand what Billy cares about, and how to appease Billy.

If he catches up in time and jokes with a low profile or a hippie smile, Billy has a face and goes down the steps, but now, Billy sees that the sentry does n’t even come to pull him back, and he does n’t 'S anger was more and more victorious, leaving the organization, and the thought of working alone or finding a strong organization came into being at once ...

On the other hand, Kane does not care about the life and death of a few green skins, and ai is a 'real person'. The green skins said that if they want to find a suitable battlefield and lively battle, they will send them away. The battlefield, the battlefield of Washington!

After sending the person, Ren said: "Good luck" and it flashed directly.

Is the time when the super funeral virus exploded and the tide swept across the city.

The green skins were pitted with blood, and they said it was lucky, but they were dead!

But actually, not!

The outburst of super funeral in Huafu is characterized by a rapidly changing corpse tide, a typical surgical procedure, and a huge momentum, but many details are missing.

As the saying goes, the rain is drizzle and the land is wet.

There are quite a few people who have a strong ability to adapt to emergency situations, and have no lack of luck to hide. After the corpse tide, the situation in the disaster-stricken area of ​​Washington is not as complicated as that in New York.

Is a wrestling force that is not used by many forces as a stage. When it comes to zombies, the types and number of special mourning are lower than those in New York.

In such an environment, the green skins are still not easy to survive, but they are not a deadly situation.

Under the continuous stimulation of various difficulties, including playing the best food, the group finally made a powerful step towards the green skin.

External appearance, their faces are getting more and more square, their jaws are gradually protruding, with the legendary ‘Earth-bearing’ pattern, fangs are protruding out of the mouth, the nose is more and more collapsed, and the sound becomes urgy ...

Corresponding to their appearance, they suddenly feel that they have opened their minds, and the eagerness from their hearts makes them unable to use intuition to repair the weapons that are missing parts and damaged or burned the ammunition.

After a period of time, the beast changed weapons to appear in their hands. There are enhanced versions of cocktail bombs, flamethrowers that use fuel from gas stations as raw materials, and even some uninvented inventions such as jet traps. Shooting like a flying claw, the target's head and body are "bitten" in two, which is comparable to the bite force of the adolescent Tyrannosaurus. The specific principle can only be said to be very civil, but it can really make people unconscious.

In order to survive, this group of green skins confuses more surviving humans to join themselves.

Those who have not experienced the corpse tide, it is difficult to have an intuitive understanding of the horror of the corpse tide, but the survivors of Washington know that it is a desperate scene, really like a tsunami tsunami, usually Can't think of so many people in a city.

The memory is fresh enough, the psychological shadow created is large enough, and it is still not out of danger. It is still threatened by virus infection, and even people around it will change when they do not know when they are infected.

Under the persecution of this kind of survival crisis, many people can't care about what will happen in the future, nor will they become ugly green-skinned monsters.

Just like this, the ranks of the Green Skins expanded rapidly.

As the political center of the lighthouse country, the armed forces here are still relatively strong, and there are also many hoards of military supplies. Although many were taken away and destroyed when the official evacuated, there are still many.

With the help of insiders, the green skins said that the machine was picking up the leaks, and the green skin black technology, even at dawn, just pulled up a team that could just win tens of thousands of brainless zombies.

Especially after occupying the largest scrap car yard in Washington, just a day later, many punk-style green leather vehicles are on the road.

With this kind of saying that the tank is not the tank, the car is not the car, looking at the ugly and heavy, but also revealing the cute and stupid green-skinned weapons, the mobility of the green-skins, the combat effectiveness has reached a new level.

In addition, the main body of the corpse tide was seriously injured by the incendiary bombs thrown by the fighters of the lighthouse country. The green skins have successfully staged the trend of the mantis catching the cicada cardinals in the post-play code. .

The lighthouse country also noticed this situation. However, they did not have that energy control, and they were also frightened, because the two capital cities of Charlotte and Atlanta were also successively blown out by the super mourning virus. This time and again the stimulation made them unable to calm down at all, and their confidence dropped to an unprecedented trough. It was too weak to defend the Great Lakes region with all their strength. How can you go to fight street fights with green skin and zombies?

Nick Fury couldn't take it anymore, his Omega plan was too big. Although Nick Fury didn't really compare the upper limit of 100 million asylum people Kane gave him to screen people, but this is after all an operation that covers the world, involving more things, for example, the rulers of various countries Feelings.

Speaking of this, as acting director of SHIELD, he had to give some explanations to the gold masters of SHIELD.

The Beacon State has been accounted for. He really tried his best. The SHIELD burrowed out of the nest. The Avengers also intervened. He also invited the mysteries, even with unknown help (Hill), even after underwriting. The soldiers who maintain order in the city have not let go, and he was flicked into a cannon fodder with his green-skin blood.

It can be said that it is hard to do better than any other person. The incident happened suddenly, and both the speed of response and the power raised were more powerful than the official. What else do you want?

Therefore, the performance of the axiom in the hearts of the people has been affirmed by the members of the Security Council.

It ’s just like Nick Fury ’s usual saying to his subordinates: “I do n’t want to hear the word 'best effort' because it often means that we can't do well. We are a special department, and our speciality lies in others We can do what we ca n’t do, and we can do it if others do n’t do well. So what I want is not a matter of how hard you are or what you ’ve given. "

Now the Security Council is almost the same attitude. The purpose of establishing SHIELD is to concentrate resources and technology, and to build a team that solves the crises that countries will try to solve that will pay a huge price, or even cannot be resolved. They don't want to listen to SHIELD's efforts, but want SHIELD to manage the crisis.

Of course, they are also reasonable. At this time, it has been seen that it is impossible for the super-sacrifice virus to be contained in New York. It will have a profound impact on the entire human civilization and even this world.

It is precisely because of this that the powers behind the International Security Council have now begun to prepare for many strategies and regulations including closed-door lock-up, emergency mobilization, and state of war.

This is of course a trivial matter, not to mention what kind of negative impact such a decree will have on normal economy and production, as well as people's livelihood. Just the direct loss is an astronomical figure.

Therefore, all the powers hope that SHIELD will do something for them to reduce this loss.

For example, to evacuate overseas Chinese.

Obviously, Nick Fury ’s Omega plan, since New York spanned 2,000 kilometers to the Salt Flats of Utah, did not conceal the powers for how long, and they hope that Nick Fury will cooperate with them and show a wave of 'no abandon, no ', To stabilize the hearts of the people.

Can Nick Fury say no? No, his Omega plan also requires the cooperation of the ruling countries.

As a country, the powers themselves had similar plans for succession and extinction. Nick raised his mouth a little, and they immediately took the pole.

Is mainly concerned about where to send it.

The follow-up is due to the lack of future. At this time, even these ruling people have opened their brains and started to talk about dreams. The personnel delivery effect displayed by SHIELD and Hill shows them thinking about a possible refugee direct investment. Send to other planets suitable for human survival.

Anyway, it's all Zenith star technology. What can't I think about Mao is more wonderful? Quantum channels, wormholes, distance are no longer a problem ...

Buy the gang of powerful guys who treat him as a jingle cat. Nick Fury did not dare to say that the Kuiper Belt colony dwarf planet is being built. I have 100 million refuge limits in my hand, but ambiguous, trying to fool it.

But the big guys all have a think tank team behind them, just rushed to his operation, and people smelled it, knowing that he had another trick, instead of farming and building cities on the saline-alkali plains where the birds do not shit.

After all, this is not a game to play ~ ~ You can play Bixi with a nightmare difficulty and play farming. This is a reality. Even if you are not very optimistic about the spread of the super-virus, you will not choose the place to go to Greenland. Utah's salt flats are strong, at least Greenland has enough potable water.

What about the Yanping area? Obviously it is a transfer station, a quarantine area, and a wave of anti-epidemic identification is carried out without being disturbed, and then go to the real refuge.

So when the super-lost virus in Washington DC exploded, Nick Fury was talking to the representatives of the great powers, that is, the Council of Five.

He also felt helpless. His Omega plan needed to be helped by the powers, and the power in his hands was limited, and he could not satisfy the appetites of the powers.

Correspondingly, the directors also have to pull this skin, after all, the relationship is tens of millions, or even the future of a nation. Although the powers are usually very large, free support, interest-free loans, and huge sums of money, But at this moment, they must also fight for it.

In New York, the situation deteriorated rapidly with the withdrawal of all forces. Among them, Grant Ward and the Rex Island prisoner army he led played an important role ...

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