Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 928: The new officer takes office

Zhao Wenrui found that his two goals were not so easy to accomplish.

Needless to say, the pioneering mission is equivalent to signing a military order and dying if invincible.

It ’s not difficult to think about it. This kind of mission, failure often means that the pioneers are completely slaughtered by zombies, and even the opportunity to overturn is extinguished. What kind of scene is self-evident. How can it be irresponsible?

Like a captain who is silent with his ship, is it ethics and the last decent? After all, it is said that the ship has floating territories. The captain ’s words are a decree on the ship. Such a large power naturally has to bear the corresponding consequences.

Zhao Wenrui's designation was a former marine lieutenant officer who was dismissed due to mistakes and later became a foreign mercenary. Therefore, he can accept the concept of the captain dying with the ship.

Coupled with system gold finger, this is not panic.

He believes that he needs to do this in order to make up the lesson as soon as possible, quickly absorb the relevant information of the zombies, Obonin Kingdom, and even the world, and transform it into information and knowledge that can be related once it is involved.

Another question is a bit at a loss.

Although Zhao valve is a family, there is no serious fighting code inside the dog blood palace.

One of the main reasons is that the old man, that is, the grandfather of Clevin Zhao, who cleans himself up because of objective factors, is an only child, and works in the same way.

Boss has been trained according to his successors since he was a child, and he has already set a point. Clevin, the second child, has not been ill-treated. After all, the resources are relatively abundant, and there is no need to balance each other.

In addition, Klevin longed to be a general to fight zombies since he was a child, so his family has one article and one weapon, each has its own good. Model.

However, Zhao Wenrui firmly believed that Clevin's death was strange. He believed that there was no flaw, and that it was the biggest flaw in itself. This positive accident often appears to be full of loopholes, and even unexplainable and unbelievable, because natural events will not be deliberately done as artificially, and every place seems reasonable.

Thinking about it, he can only relax the range, the enemy may come from outside, and some people do not want to see Klein Zhao lead the pioneer.

But in this way, there are many more suspected objects at once, not to mention him, even if he is the old man of his family, there is no energy to find out a short time.

In the end, Zhao Wenrui forced this matter to the bottom of his heart.

He has already made mental preparations for himself, and after the big deal, he will save some food, and he will personally Zhang Luo. Compared to the pioneering task, this hard work is nothing.

Only by making achievements in pioneering missions, can we have sufficient status and authority. We have gathered celebrities from our families to investigate this matter during the mission. Even if we check now, we are relying on the power of others, not necessarily relying on it.

Meeting the king on August 5 is actually the last stage of taking office, and it is also a good thing.

On the 6th, Zhao Wenrui embarked on a journey.

As a result of 13 defeats and 13 defeats in 20 years, the people of the Kingdom have long lost their enthusiasm for holding off and seeing off, but they have cursed a lot.

Of course, there are conspiracy theories, saying that the Kingdom is doing this to reduce the population.

All in all, only the relatives and friends of the soldiers and engineering soldiers who really came to see off at the scene, like the separation from life and death, the atmosphere is quite deteriorating.

"General, are you impromptu speeches to encourage morale ..."

Zhao Wenrui glanced at the chief of staff of Jonathan, who was the guardian of the dog-head **** arranged for him by his family. Participated in three pioneering battles, retired from the whole body, and added officials to upgrade, people were given the nickname 'Transfer to Expert'.

He didn't know what the old man thought, but he even arranged such a character with the obvious attribute of "loach" as a staff member. He was not interested in investigating it anyway. He wouldn't believe this kind of person anyway.

"There is also a good one who is stepped into the mud, easy to be contented. I would rather they think this is a mission to survive, rather than think that the kingdom has any new ways to deal with zombies, new weapons."

"There is no hope, it is easy to collapse."

Zhao Wenrui laughed: "Then? Killed me, fled back, and said I was bitten by a zombie? Even if the king would spare them, the Zhao family would not. From the moment they took the Zhao family's money, It ’s very clear that I am dead, but they are still alive, and their family members are in trouble. ”

"..." Jonathan wanted to beat Zhao Wenrui with a stinky face, but he couldn't because Zhao Wenrui told the truth.

This time the core personnel of the pioneering team can be said to be a group of people who sold their lives to the Zhao family.

The process is not too complicated.

First of all, as a soldier to eat food, many people in the kingdom choose to be a soldier, it is against this concept.

But to be a soldier is not just to eat food. There is also a saying that obedience to orders is the duty of a soldier.

Therefore, whoever wants to join the pioneering forces at the top of the army can only be the leader.

Secondly, under such a background, Zhao Valve paid for the settlement fee and doubled the settlement fee. What does that mean, do I need to say more?

The same is true for him, including Jonathan, Xu Yizhongli. If the coach is killed this time, he will return unharmed and wait for him.

So Jonathan was particularly attentive this time, and Klein Zhao Guoran was as arrogant and arrogant as he expected. What Jonathan didn't expect was that Clevin also had a set of fallacies that could fooling some people.

Zhao Wenrui doesn't think he is a fallacy.

Actually, he doesn't care much about these on-the-spot claims. Performance is made, not blown out. No matter how good the explanation is, what is the use of eggs?

So his attention is basically on the golden finger.

His golden finger is a system with gamification characteristics, but it is more suitable, for example, it is also a zombie enemy, and it is also a steampunk.

There are many limitations to applying this system, but these limitations are not worth mentioning relative to their advantages. Among them, what satisfies Zhao Wenrui most is the systematic legal effect.

This effect is similar to radio wave radiation. In the radiation area, all humans will be affected by the brain and become a ‘standard population’.

As for what kind of standard, in fact, there is only one: to support the leadership team with him as the core and obey the main commands issued by this leadership team.

Correspondingly, the people are the people, the soldiers are the soldiers, there will be no militias to say, what do you think of picking up weapons to defend your home, you do n’t have to think about it

After weighing some gains and losses, Zhao Wenrui still felt that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. He believes that a group is most susceptible to doing its own thing. A piece of sand is not only unable to gain cohesion, but will pull each other's hind legs and become a constraint for each other.

And he, the new officer took office, lack of prestige, the most worrying thing is that the command is not moving, or the following people are violent. Using the system gold finger to smooth out such a big problem, you can wake up laughing with dreams.

It's a bit ugly to say, if this is a pioneering task failure, no one will complain, and find a room beam to hang on the rope.

The train driven by the steam locomotive was flying on the railway without the whistle, but the movement was still very large.

However, few zombies have been attracted by him along the way.

One is because the number of zombies in this area is limited, and the other is that dozens of confrontations come over. The zombies have learned to be good, knowing that this is not equipped with a triangular shovel head, and the wheels on both sides have wheel wheels, and they can also be accessed from the inside. Opponents of large tinned canned meat spitting deadly bullets.

And Zhao Wenrui has a sense of sight and armored train riding on the Iron Fortress City. Because of the fear that too many zombies will become a large number of rubber-like natural brakes, they have been specially designed in the front of the car ...

After arriving at the destination, Zhao Wenrui got out of the car and understood why it is called Zangjingu. There are a lot of maple trees. This season, the maple leaves are red and the breeze is blowing away. The eyes are red and yellow.

Theoretically, even in the north, the maple leaves will not be red until September-October.

However, in today's world, the global climate is generally cold, so just after autumn, most of the maple leaves have changed color.

The railway comes from the east, draws a line near the letter ‘z’ in the Tibetan gold valley, and heads west.

This is one of the few achievements of the 13 pioneers.

Speaking of which, Zhao Wenrui must admit to catching up with the good time. When he took office, he also encountered the tactics of picking rails led by intelligent zombies, but he basically did not encounter it again in his last term.

Wisdom zombie seems to be dead.

But correspondingly, the super-sacrifice virus has also become more deadly.

As far as Zhao Wenrui is aware, there are currently two main ways of spreading the virus, one is biting and the other is droplets.

It can be said that ordinary people are almost finished once they are faced by zombies.

And the newly infected zombies must be powerful and fast zombies, so even if a zombie is attacked into the stronghold, the stronghold is also very easy to fall into.

At least half of his predecessors, because the work of "Anti-micro-disease" did not do well enough, was touched by one or two zombies, and quickly formed a tide of corpses, which was defeated.

In this regard, he also has a unique advantage. His system comes with a small map function. As long as there are zombies, there are monitoring units or facilities nearby, then the zombies will be "seen", with red dots on the small map This means that unless he is negligent, he will not be easily touched by zombies.

"General!" At the small station, the leader of the forerunner, Major James, saluted Zhao Wenrui who got off the train.

"Relax, major, how's the preliminary work done?"

"The command center has been successfully completed."

Zhao Wenrui smiled, and said that this answer was also clever.

The preliminary work did take the command center as the core, but not only the command center, but also usable stations and so on. Only the command center was completed, which shows that the preliminary work was not completed as planned.

Zhao Wenrui didn't care about this major. His golden finger shining army system is similar to the game of starting a base car. As long as there is a barrier for him to land the command center of the system core, it is enough.

After seeing the real thing, Zhao Wenrui also understood why he only completed the construction of the command center.

James apparently built this command center according to the specifications of modern bastions. The amount of engineering is not small, or even beyond expectations. You can say that the major is very conservative, and he cannot be said to not work.

Of course, Zhao Wenrui also considered another important factor, that is, the engineering soldiers have no sense of security and refuse to really carry out pioneering work. James can only make certain choices. After all, in reality, it is not the percentage of the will of the peak. What Baitong can implement is too inhuman, with great resistance, and low effectiveness. This account will not be counted, so this work cannot be done well.

Arrived on the first day, Zhao Wenrui did not rush to give orders.

This made the engineer soldiers who had arrived earlier, and even the officers and men who arrived with Zhao Wenrui, feel a little relieved.

Has long been rumored that the young general is arrogant and arrogant. They are worried that Zhao Wenrui will randomly order some orders when he comes up. Should he listen or resist?

"What do you know? It's not that Craven is calm and experienced, it's the transfer expert Jonathan around him that really makes the final decision. Craven simply came to gilt, and he made the results in two or three consecutive places, and the people withdrew. "

"So what shall we do? Can we go back to China to rest together?"

"This is hard to say."

"So licking Jonathan, is that what we have to do?"

"You're wrong, Clever wants to get things done hard, and wants to punish us like this, it's not a word, so the prince who is annoying is unhappy, I'm afraid I can't live for three days."

"I'm confused, who should I listen to?"

"This requires your own wisdom to judge ..."

"I'm going, is this Nima okay? By guess?"

"Scattered, the gendarmerie came, be careful eating military sticks."

Engineers are also soldiers. Even in peacetime, it is forbidden to whisper and gossip about gossip.

The night passed, and the officers and soldiers who were waiting for the verdict-like anxiety ushered in the first order of Kelvin Zhao on the second day.

All personnel, in accordance with the number of their units, in units of squads, met the highest commander.

"What is this for? Encouragement? Intimidation? Or both?"

Many people scoff at this set, political work is very important, but it is too rough. It's all about this time, how effective can it be? It's a waste of each other's time.

The focus is indeed political work, but Zhao Wenrui issued this order, not to say something bitterly, but to formally brand these people with a shining system.

In 12 hours, the core command center of the shining system has landed.

As the saying goes, since the end, you must trust the referee.

Although Zhao Wenrui is far from familiar with the shining system, he also has a certain degree of skepticism. But he still decided to go on the system to open up the situation.

He is not a young man. His life experience makes him full of awe of reality. He knows that managing people is the most difficult thing to do in many of his work, and there is no one.

Especially at this stage, even if he has personal charm, he has not yet been able to infect anyone. Prestige has not been established. The authority is completely obtained by the position of pioneer commander. It is almost impossible to open the situation quickly, but the time varies. People, the system tells him that after 16 days, there will be a wave of corpses coming from the north ~ ~ No matter from which point of view, he thinks he would rather believe it is better.

"I have two proud abilities. First of all, I have good memory. In just one time, I can remember each of your names, looks, voices, and even small movements. Second, I am very confident in knowing people, Only apply the amount, and do n’t bury people who are incapable. In the future, everyone will have to eat in a pot. I do n’t want to say any nonsense that is equal in personality, but I still want to say that in order to live better, we need to understand each other. Cross-correlation ... "

Zhao Wenrui met the officers and men of each class, almost the same set of words. It ’s not as good as it is, but it ’s not annoying. In general, it ’s okay. At least the officers and soldiers have changed his speculation. People who can honestly speak out to eat in a pot, consider each other, and take care of each other are either good at acting, or really cognizant, and people would rather believe the latter.

In this era of sad reminders, there is always hope, otherwise the life will be too bitter and too difficult.

Just like this, Zhao Wenrui started his pioneering mission. Zangjingu was only the first stop. To a certain extent, it was the buns chewed by others. He chewed it again. Although it sounds simple, it is not easy for him, a new official with little prestige, to do well, even if he has golden fingers ...

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