Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 931: System and soil approach

On the day of Erben's establishment, there were only 200 meters of the northern gap in the entire Tibetan Gold Valley, and the two directions of the east railway bridge adjacent to it.

For Tibetan gold valley, the area of ​​more than 1 square kilometer is not as good as the defense.

On the third and sixth days of Zhao Wenrui ’s arrival in the Golden Valley of the Tibet, there were small stocks of fish zombies.

Especially on the sixth day, there were 11 swift corpses.

Thanks to Zhao Wenrui's psychological preparation, the strategy of adding a row of wooden fences to the undershirt worked.

This is still all the way to the north. If there are some people coming from the iron bridge to join in the excitement, then kneel.

Therefore, this area is seemingly safe.

After some thought, Zhao Wenrui finally decided to erect a walled gate at the other end of the bridge, plus a wooden whistle tower.

Because either side of this road is either dense forest or large rocks, it can be said that building such a defense on this passage of more than three hundred meters long and several tens of meters wide is cost-effective.

Later facts also proved that this step is quite wise.

When his ranger was in the Qing Dynasty, the zombies on the east bank of the river were triggered, causing a wave of small outbreaks. These zombies were killed along the railway bridge. Fortunately, the wall gate blocked, and the wooden sentry tower provided more The far horizon and shooting distance actually killed this wave of zombies before the Zhaimen and the outpost were completely destroyed.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable, because another part of the Ranger is held back by the zombies in the north of the gap and cannot be reinforced. The Tesla Tower and the facilities are not far back here. It is a structure that is completely guarded by danger and not implemented Kite tactics.

After experiencing this wave, Jonathan advised him to give up clearing the second valley north of the gap.

Zhao Wenrui did not heed this suggestion, but continued to clarify. Even after the number of rangers came up, in order to speed up, he was killed by the impact of the violent corpses. On several occasions, he was killed by the face, and then shot in front of him, even some individual rangers. Was scratched.

However, as several rangers became veterans one after another, and the total number of rangers further increased, such a dangerous situation finally became less and less.

On the tenth day, even Jonathan rejoiced for Zhao Wenrui, because a fish squad composed of more than 70 swift corpses and mad zombies was killed from the north and triggered an outbreak of all zombies in the area.

If the area was not cleaned up before, then this wave of raids alone might make the stronghold kneel. This does not count as another small eruption caused by the east bank of the river.

Leaning on the fence and the sentry tower, more than 20 rangers won this wave decently.

Then there were no zombies in the whole area.

Further north is a valley road over 1km long. But the limit territory given by the blaze system is a drawback of Gudao.

In other words, Zhao Wenrui has no way to continue to expand and spread the Tesla Tower and defense facilities.

Zhao Wenrui did not know why the blaze system forcibly demarcated the territory. It seems to involve system control.

If he was allowed to repair the past, he might be disturbed by an overwhelming and powerful group of zombies. As a result, his mission of hiding the golden valley would become ten dead.

So for the shining system, drawing this line represents controllability, just like the strategy he adopted in Yanggugudao.

Ok. The valley road, which is nearly one kilometer long and not more than 300 meters wide, cannot be used. But he still has the opportunity to set up a good defense system.

The first one is the Gudaokou. From this entrance, it is a topographical structure of an oil jar with two small ends and a large middle.

The Gudaokou is actually the bottom of the oil altar, because the other south-west entrance is narrower, only less than 100 meters.

This mouth is a natural stone bridge, and the turbulent river is redirected to the east, flowing through the natural bridge hole below. Zhao Wenrui intends to build the line of defense on this end of the bridge. If the first line of defense fails, he will retreat to this line of defense.

Behind this line of defense is the second valley, about half the area of ​​the main valley, which is roughly irregularly rectangular, long from north to south, and narrow from east to west.

If the second line of defense is broken, Zhao Wenrui plans to organize people to play circling tactics here, so things like wooden fences and sweat bags will be prepared here, and the other is the pit, which is also a weapon for pit zombies, but The position of the Ranger will be more demanding. It's not so easy to play like a wind.

The third line of defense is a gap of two hundred meters not far from the railway. If that line of defense is also lost, he can basically hit the gg.

On the 10th day, just after the first line of defense was built and 4 rangers were arranged to stand guard on the whistle behind the wooden wall, he could not wait to organize the rangers to kill the iron bridge and began to clear the zombie on the east bank .

Especially in the north and along the river, the persimmon picks up a soft pinch. There have been two small outbreaks here. There are a lot of zombies and should be cleaned relatively well.

This is indeed the case. After a long time, Kung Fu was cleaned up and received a batch of systematically recognized supplies.

At the same time, Zhao Wenrui also stopped further investment in farming, and began to explode soldiers in the third barracks.

After calculation, he concluded that by the 16th day, he could have more than 70 rangers.

Relies on these 70 rangers to resist a wave of corpses of thousands of mad corpses and violent corpses.

It doesn't seem difficult to just look at the numbers. After all, it's ok for an average ranger to kill more than 10 zombies. The rangers kill the zombies in this area. The average figure is far more than this ratio.

But it can't actually be counted as such. One by one, a handful of handfuls, and a surge of waves, there is nothing comparable at all, mainly reflected in two aspects, one is the destructive power of the zombie, the other is Your own kill time. The trade-offs are longer than ten times.

But it can only be like this. Zhao Wenrui feels that he has made almost no big mistakes in fair self-evaluation. Even if he does it again, the process optimization will not be improved any more.

The key is the balance of combat power and economic development. The other is the occupation and planning of the land. The three are absolutely in the balance. They are mutually constrained. The soldiers are few and too dangerous. The previous few zombies and fish are likely to kneel When there are too many soldiers, the economy will not develop. Later, there will be no money to explode the soldiers and no money to build facilities.

Without paying attention to the occupation and planning of land, lack of production space, insufficient utilization of natural resources, and no space for strategic deployment, the tactics that can be adopted will be very limited. Keeping one wall behind and kneeling when broken, this lack of flexibility tactics , The risk is too high.

At least until he acquired system skills such as rapid self-destruction and fire-line construction, he had no way to explode buildings in a timely manner and allow engineering soldiers to explode construction to quickly pull up new lines of defense, which could only be compensated by longer-term planning.

Moreover, space is very important anyway. It not only represents more resources, more space for exhibition, but also means the possibility of trading space for time.

The system explains in this respect that engineers cannot be built when the zombies are too close, nor can they blast buildings when the zombies are too close, and all populations are based on various buildings unless they are blown up, Otherwise it will not evacuate.

This makes it possible to maintain the minimum order even in the most severe moments, and to facilitate emergency deployment and execution to the greatest extent. It is not that the order cannot be executed in time because of personnel confusion and congestion.

But correspondingly, the zombies will break through the facilities, and they will get a quasi-preparation. The corresponding population will definitely become the new zombies, and because of the recent transformation, they are full of vitality, which is equivalent to the violent corpses. of.

Such pros and cons need to make more articles in the planning of the construction site, and want to write this article, enough space is a basic requirement.

To expand the space, you need to use force to clear the front, then you need to patrol to prevent it, and you need to lay the Tesla Tower in the past. This is contrary to the development of the economy.

Therefore, even with the assistance of the blaze system, the establishment of human strongholds is still a difficult task. The key lies in how to balance several needs to achieve the goal.

Relatively, Zangjingu is already a novice. After all, it is only necessary to keep a few key ways and passes, what if it is an open area? There is no danger to guard, and I do not know in which direction the zombie wave will come from ...

On the 12th day, Zhao Wenrui stopped the camp plan to transform the wooden house, and applied a large amount of wood to the front. A wooden wall of a standard unit costs 10 gold + 3 units of wood. It doesn't look much, but it doesn't work much.

And his current standard warehouse construction technology has not been lit up, too much production is easy to form waste, only reasonable use, is the most economical.

This time even Jonathan didn't beep.

From the perspective of the post-mortem, since Zhao Wenrui came to the Tibetan Gold Valley, almost every decision was made without error. In Jonathan's perception, as far as the current development status of the Tibetan Gold Valley stronghold is concerned, it can reach this level in 120 days. Both are considered qualified, and Zhao Wenrui used it for 12 days!

This is a miracle in itself, a huge miracle constantly piled up by small miracles. He still has the courage and confidence to scold Fang Qi and point in front of Zhao Wenrui?

And just looking at an order issued by Zhao Wenrui, I knew that I was preparing for the war. The mountains and rains are coming to the wind and the zombies' good feelings also give Jonathan some bad hunches.

Hedong's cleanup work is relatively smooth, divided by railway lines, the north has been basically cleared. A lot of resources have been harvested, but there are no ore veins, even if there are, it is too late to mine the Tesla Tower in the past. At least 16 days ago, the input will be greater than the output.

To the east, the entrance to the Tibetan Golden Valley area is already in sight, and there is also the border of the border set by the shining system.

Zhao Wenrui ordered the Rangers to stick to this boundary, and after the zombie was wiped out, they would ignore it no matter how far away.

The center of gravity began to turn to the south of the railway line, which is also theoretically surrounded by mountains, consisting of several large and small valleys, deep or shallow, or zigzag or straight.

With the increase of rangers, it is already possible to clear troops at the same time.

And Zhao Wenrui deliberately put the veterans into battle, let the recruits step forward to become the main attacker, so as to better sharpen them and advance to the veterans as soon as possible.

This of course reduced the speed of the overall annihilation, and even made the situation a little more thrilling. After all, the veterans pressed the battlefield, which would make the firepower insufficient, and the rate of fire also decreased significantly.

And Zhao Wenrui will personally command at this time, he also needs to master the skill proficiency, and will use the circling and kite tactics.

As the saying goes, Kung Fu pays attention to people, he can obviously feel his progress.

The jerky and nervousness was gone. He could play well and had a good intuition. It was like a gun feeling. It was very subtle and difficult to describe accurately in words. When it did exist.

When he can calmly grasp this intuition, the rangers at the forefront of the battle can rely on his instructions to perform coquettish positions and intersperse between zombies.

Is currently only providing fine positioning assistance for a ranger. He believes that in the future, he can open more at the same time.

Zhao Wenrui also knows that this technique belongs to the dangerous operation. Swords are not right. They should n’t be encouraged, but the reality is very strong.

Before he grew up, he faced a nightmare-level task, and the risk was about the same as routine. It had to be used as a craft to get used, used, and researched.

Otherwise? Hello, I am good, safety is the first, and the final retreat is irreversible.

Jonathan obviously couldn't understand Zhao Wenrui's set.

He felt that the young man had tasted a little sweetness, and then took the road awry. Too extreme. Look at the Tibetan Gold Valley stronghold. The camps and wooden houses stretch. The east bank of the entire railway line runs from north to south, and all are residential houses.

This community, known as the Binhe District, is only a few tens of meters wide on the east side, opposite the river is mulch and zombies, and on the south side is a dense jungle, even the daytime is creepy, and the lumberjacks are not too Willing to go deeper. It is better in the north, a forest where the head and tail can be measured. The railway will be surrounded from north to west, the river is in the east, and the riverside is in the south.

Such an area that is not particularly safe, has now moved in close to 2000 Dingkou, as long as a zombie breaks in, the situation is unimaginable!

Jonathan ’s prediction is correct. The Binhe District is indeed the weakness of the entire stronghold. If this area is captured, it is really too late to bomb the house.

However, Zhao Wenrui is not as worried as Jonathan.

More importantly, Zhao Wenrui is not as worried as Jonathan.

People like Jonathan Zhao Wenrui were not uncommon before. They were rational, serious, and detail-oriented. They had a strong sense of suspicion. From worrying about industrial pollution, carbon dioxide emissions to melting of polar ice and snow, and the extinction of species, they were all very concerned.

But it ’s just worry, when it ’s full of truth, then when you ask them what they have done to solve or alleviate these problems, they will ‘er ...’.

Zhao Wenrui feels that the best results of this kind of people are nothing more than in line with the description of the phrase "usually talk about the character of the soul, and report to the king".

Zhao Wenrui knew that he was in danger. He used to believe the system before, and then he won.

He didn't choose the right one for himself, or he was lucky and proud.

What he wanted to say is that in life it is inevitable that when you have little assurance, you have to make choices.

In addition, people sometimes have to believe something.

What he believed at the time, the core is that the blaze system is reliable, not exist to pit him.

Otherwise, his career could not be started quickly.

Now that he has the spare power, he began to make some detailed articles and remedy it.

For example, houses are built.

This is not within the scope of the blaze system, but the so-called remedy mainly refers to the blaze system that is not involved, and he feels that it is necessary to have a reason for reason.

Moreover, this remedy is not purely done now, but has been paved before.

For example, within the scope allowed by the system, he ordered the camp to rebuild the wooden house in strict accordance with specific specifications and models.

There are three wooden house shapes provided by the Shine system. He specifically ordered that the two-story wooden house with an attic, built on the outer layer of the community, and the side facing the street must be a gable, that is, the one without doors and windows. Facing outwards, and not allowed to have eaves, etc. to facilitate the climbing structure.

Although this is not beautiful enough, it also affects the use to a certain extent, such as lighting, travel, etc., but only needs to build a wall between households, a community will become a qualified village, the gate is closed, whether it is People are still zombies and they do n’t want to enter easily.

He ordered people to arrange shooting holes in the wall, really holes, or a small piece of iron pipe embedded in the gun body, if necessary, you can shoot from these holes.

Of course, the base is not rich enough to fire guns for every household, so this hole is more of a spear.

Zhao Wenrui has been specially practiced. A small street, the walls on both sides suddenly stabbed a large number of spears, making the small street like the legendary death tunnel filled with institutions.

In addition to the community wall project, the other is the pit project.

The shining system provides a trap to prevent the enemy from injuring the enemy. The simple one is called wood thorn and the horse is high-end.

Barbed wire is actually a high-end product. Zhao Wenrui couldn't help crying and laughing for a while, but after reading the instructions, he understood that it was indeed high-end.

Barbed wire is generally difficult to break the zombie's flesh, the kind provided by the shining system can be, walking in this barbed wire area is equivalent to being alive.

It is a pity that it needs to be purchased at a technical point, and now it lacks the capability of mass manufacturing.

Can't be made, but you can learn its creativity and DIY by hand.

He delegated tasks to households, allowing the people to make use of idle manufacturing, sleep 2-3 hours a day, and a week's time, they can be arranged properly to allow their homes to have multiple insurances, most people still want to do it.

In addition, Zhao Wenrui collected this kind of work products from the people on the basis of meat.

This is equivalent to squeezing out part of the work capacity of people who are not recognized as qualified working population by the system.

Zhao Wenrui also let someone observe, through rewards and other incentive policies, continuously optimize, reduce processes, strengthen performance, organize the plan, and finally become the standard plan.

Obtain standard solutions and then teach them to people to increase their capacity per unit time.

And more things are done, more used, the technical aspects can be constantly updated, pits, shark tooth spears, and soon become similar, it has become a very talked about craft .

A good flip board pit, usually walking and jumping is completely okay, and when the wooden bolt is pumped, it immediately becomes a deadly black pit.

Although these earth science and technology are not as good as the shining system, they are not even called the system, but Zhao Wenrui believes that with the passage of time, the earth technology can also shine and complement the shining system.

Zhao Wenrui is a person who does superfluous extravagance. He was courageous and grounded. With more and more benefits brought to people, people gradually fell in love with this commander.

Old Calendar August 20, 2109, Zhao Wenrui arrived on the 14th day of the Tibetan Golden Valley, 48 hours before the corpse tide.

In the valley area north of the Iron Bridge, all zombies were cleared.

The flashing system pops up a prompt to complete the hidden task and clear the valley.

Rewards: 1. Ranger bodyguards, no matter what kind of start, there are always 4 ranger guards. These 4 rangers are super rangers. They are the existence of growth potential selected from many ordinary rangers. They are veterans and can Upgrade to level 20. Once you die, you will be re-selected from the ordinary ranger.

Evaluation: You can warm the bed when you enter the room and kill the enemy when you play. Is there anything better than this?

2, reward 2 free attribute points, used to improve the host's body ability.

Evaluation: From ordinary to extraordinary, it depends on it.

Remarks: 10 or more, each increase of 1 point requires 2 free attribute points, 15 or more, each increase of 1 point requires 3 free attribute points.

3, reward 200 science and technology points.

Evaluation: If you want to end the life-style management of the precarious life as soon as possible, just do it more.

4. Reward special talents, aura of excitement, within 100 meters of the protagonist radius, plus 1 morale.

Evaluation: Since then, you are also a flag.

Suddenly jumped out of this reward for completing hidden tasks, which made Zhao Wenrui cool, and everything is quite affordable, beautiful.

He did not hesitate to convert 2 free attributes into 1 smart attribute, which increased him from 12 to 13. Strengthen the long item, make the long item more vivid, and become a killer skill that can be used to calm down the field.

The main influence brought by the improvement of wisdom, including the time to slow down the effect and duration of the skills and the cooldown time of the skills when commanding operations. The benefits can be said to be immediate.

On the afternoon of the same day, the selection of four guard rangers was decided.

Zhao Wenrui is a mature adult, and there is nothing to hide about the normal physiological needs. Jonathan also agrees with this, and even jokingly said: "Everyone is at ease now, and I thought you were overweight or ascetic."

Zhao Wenrui didn't understand: "I understand too much, and everyone is worried that chrysanthemums are not guaranteed. Can asceticism be?"

"It's easy to get abnormal."


"Do our business, the pressure is great, each has its own way of grooming ..."

"Then you are ..."


"good habits!"

"Your hobbies are also good, but you must cherish your body."

"I will pay attention."

It ’s easy to say ~ ~ But it ’s really not easy to be restrained in this matter. Yan value and figure are online, and there is no lack of potential. Looking at Shuxin and using peace of mind, such a girl is seduced by itself, which is temptation.

Moreover, compared to becoming a heroic model who can conquer good wars and has a first-class moral character, Zhao Wenrui feels appropriate to self-pollution, put out some flaws that are harmless and elegant, and show him as a flawed excellent commander I don't live like that, and some people are relatively at ease.

This can be regarded as the wisdom of life. There is still no way to talk about Gong Gaozheng, but the shining system brings too many technologies and phenomena that are not easy to explain in detail. This is the problem. If you are more aggressive, the image is magnificent, and those who have little control over themselves If you are confident, you will not be able to sleep.

That's it, for these reasonably reasonable reasons, on the night of the 14th, he had two guards, which officially gave Clevin Zhao more **** hats.

In the early morning of August 21st, the biological clock woke Zhao Wenrui, refreshed and in good condition.

As soon as I had breakfast, a system warning appeared, and the 24-hour countdown, the corpse tide is coming ...

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