Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 937: Refuse to give in

Since the establishment of the hunting corps ranch base, Zhao Wenrui's biggest feeling is "famous".

People are so ‘enthusiastic’ that they ca n’t wait to kill them in a tank truck, with few luggage and enough food for a few days, to join the ranks of homestead numbers such as queuing.

This is not a wait, but a hard work every day, and it takes a very high security risk.

But even so, it is still a rushing scene.

Zhao Wenrui doesn't know how many speculators there are, and how many are the poor who really need them.

He did not have time to visit the investigation, and the people who were systematized were qualified engineers and professional technicians, but EQ was not enough to complete such tasks.

Then it can only be roughly counted by the defense forces.

Defensive troops are not credible, how credible they really are, only God knows.

At this time, it showed that his shortcomings with insufficient knowledge came. There is no such thing as a buddy who has received a letter. Otherwise, even if you are running around in Oboning City, it is still good to ask some well-known private detectives to do this.

Dragons and snakes are mixed and uneven, there is a risk of latent state, and on the surface, more than 2,000 people are staring at you, waiting for you to say a word, changing their life's destiny.

Some of them, almost everything, only bought a one-way ticket, if they can not get proper placement, they are likely to die within a week.

On the other hand, the blaze system has hard rules, a camp account for 4 people.

Like many other settings of the system, it is condensed, representative and conceptual.

This camp not only means 4 people, but also means the daily life that matches it.

It is precisely because of such rigid and rigid regulations that systematic workers have an astonishing work efficiency. Dedicated to their duties and hard work.

In a deep level, this is the set of ‘the king treats people by the country and gets the report of the country’.

If the treatment cannot be guaranteed, then there will be a problem, and it is an interlocking problem.

In Tibet, because of the lack of confidence in whether the young pioneer general can successfully fight this battle, most of them are on the sidelines. There is really no way to go, and they are willing to take the big risk of people.

Zhao Wenrui promised to absorb the population at that time, the benefits were also promised, and even subsidized 50% of the carriage fee (deducted from the daily necessities after arrival).

This kind of way of waiting for vacancies first, and then bringing people in batches by train, basically comes as many vacancies as there are people, so that the contradiction of 'unevenness' does not appear.

But this time, chasing the ups and downs, and suddenly a group came, and the problem came.

On the fourth day of the trouble, the trouble maker said: Some people who came in the same batch, some people ate well, lived well, and issued clothes (transformed into workers), but some could only eat the dry food brought by them, and sleep in the wilderness at night, He hasn't done much work, and the gap is so big, is he cheating?

Zhao Wenrui put down his affairs and came to the scene to improvise a few words.

There are more than 2,000 people who say less, but not much, and his experience in the past and present is not daunting.

The first sentence of his opening was very subversive.

He said: "I can't give you justice."

It was hard to suppress the clamor of the angry people, he continued: "In theory, at such a moment, I should not use words to stimulate you. After all, this is a dangerous attempt. Once the riot is triggered, the result will be both losses. , For me, it ’s not cost-effective. "

"But I did it in the end. My class is not yet sound. There are too many things that need to be done by myself. There is not so much time to make you happy again and again, so I said something harsh but more practical, instead of sounding good. , Carefully ponder the nonsense that is useless. "

"There has never been fairness in this world. If there is, human civilization will not be exposed to unreasonable viruses during the prosperous period; if there is, our fathers and grandchildren and even us will not pay so much, just for You and your family can survive; if there is, then I will not stand here and say, you listen below. "

"I have made some achievements, but more importantly, I can have a stage to play. I can start to support the years of myself and my family in most of you. I still have to study in school, Studying is mainly because my surname is Zhao. "

"I won the starting line of my life, and I was born with a golden spoon in it."

"Is it fair? Not fair. Can it be solved? Basically can't be solved. So how to deal with it in the end? Endure, and self-confidence."

"The situation is similar now. Because I can't satisfy my needs while satisfying your wishes."

"Some people may ask, is my need so important? Is it important that some people often have meat on the table, while others are hungry?"

"My return is yes, yes. It is precisely because I insist on satisfying my needs as the first priority that the Tibetan gold valley has successfully recovered. Of course, the Tibetan gold valley has not encountered the problem of surging 2,000 people in 4 days."

"I'm not disgusting, and I'm not accusing you of being wrong. If it's causing embarrassment at this time, someone must stand up and be responsible. It can only be me and the official behind me. We are not doing enough to control , Underestimating everyone's enthusiasm and courage. "

"I sent the report to Shangfeng the day before yesterday and suspended the transportation of people. But the reply given above is that the people who have gathered are either piled up at Oboning Station, or piled up here, and finally chose to pile up here, they finally chose to pile up here , Because Oboning Station is really too small. "

"I can't give you the fairness you want, I can only give you a few words, these are just a part. And it is the part that does not help solve real problems. Now we say something useful."

"Even if you are envious or jealous, my policy will not be changed. Why is the row number? Everyone knows. As for the number hopping, let's say so, in order to get as many qualified workers as possible, and to ensure the construction efficiency. , I would rather face the complaints of other people and let them suffer from hunger. "

"Did you see these soldiers armed to the teeth around you? For them, you should be familiar, the regular army of the kingdom, but here in me, I am doing the work of the police, and the gun is aimed at the people."

"Why do you do this? Because we are fighting a war. There is no tenderness in this war, but only sweating and painful choices."

"The first day I came here, I sent my guards to the front, because they were the only corpsemen who were ready at the time."

"And if there are more serious problems, I will go to the frontline myself, just like I did in Zangjingu. I signed a military order, and if it fails, I will be guilty of death."

"This is our war. It is cruel to the enemy and a little bit cruel to yourself. If you come here, you will be considered your own. You have to learn to endure my extreme practices."

"Speaking of this, I thought you were mentally prepared in advance, but obviously I was wrong. I will take part of the responsibility for this. Specifically, it will help those who ca n’t stand my **** way to buy return tickets, and pay according to points. With the corresponding money, you have to travel a long way and do short-term work. For those who choose to continue to endure, I promise to start two days later and provide a meal of meat porridge until the mansion is obtained. "

"I emphasize that these two commitments are the only way to pay for my previous misunderstandings. This is the only time. If there are still people in the future, I will see another kind of ruthlessness."

Zhao Wenrui's public speech came to the ears of the king and some powerful people later in the day.

Most of them gave excellent reviews.

The good point is that instead of making random promises when the situation is not good, it is further pressured, but it has given some sweetness.

It is already very good for a young superior to have such a performance.

And in the hunting corps ranch, the storm has not completely subsided, the zombie fish squadron arrived.

After the system gave a warning prompt, Zhao Wenrui saw a long snake in the area that was rapidly moving and composed of small red dots from a dedicated device.

Just look at the moving speed of these little red dots on the electronic map, you know that it is a violent corpse.

Zhao Wenrui wiped off his cold sweat, thanking his cautious character once again played an important role.

Because he was sufficiently vigilant about the mission prompts given by the blaze system, he had an extreme start to throw all his resources on the camp account, thus obtaining a sufficient population in time.

In addition to guaranteeing enough workers, these people mean that he can quickly put the rangers trained by Zang Jingu into use.

This part of the Ranger existed as a member of his basic squad before he did not enter the battle.

Looks like a correspondent, or a medical soldier, dressed in a royal costume, and is heroic.

But in fact not armed, not only did the zombies come to be abused, but even if they could not restore the state of the corpse in time, they would not continue to degenerate, pointing to the loss of all the accumulated combat experience, which is equivalent to Xinding.

Zhao Wenrui always chooses the rangers who are close to becoming veterans to give priority to arming. In the past few days, nearly 40 rangers have been armed.

If it is not a grain production capacity, he can put in more.

In addition to being assigned to 4 patrol positions, in groups of two or two, day and night shifts, the remaining more than 20 people formed the quick reaction troops.

Zhao Wenrui is willing to let this team take the initiative to clear the zombies nearby and reduce the pressure of guarding (small stocks of fish zombies may also lead zombies along the road to participate, and then the momentum and threats will be multiplied). Dispatch, but in the hands, to cope with unexpected needs.

It seems that this cautiously really used the right place. If you let Kuaigang go to the outside to clear the fight, the outside is happy, and the family is attacked by the fish-touching force.

The sweatshirt fence is very effective for sporadic zombies, but once the number is 20, it is not very safe.

Lack of attack position can not be inserted, or a little crowded, the zombie may bypass.

Zhao Wenrui also can't figure out whether the zombies are blindly obedient or have duck-like instincts. In short, once the first zombie chooses to bypass the fence, then the second and nth will appear soon.

When there is an active target, they generally won't hit the stakes, especially if the active target is still attacking them.

These were tested during the Tibetan Golden Valley. So by looking at the scale of this zombie team, Zhao Wenrui knew that relying on the sweatshirt fence and a limited number of patrol rangers could not stop this wave of attacks.

Due to their best efforts to build a camp, the railway gate has not been built yet, and the zombies can easily bypass the wooden fence from there.

By breaking through this fragile line of defense at the speed of swift corpses, it takes less than a few minutes to kill the core area of ​​the stronghold. At that time, I am afraid to enter the zodiac rhythm.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui let the fast reactionary forces take the initiative to attack, and finally had to run toward an open area with unknown security. Even if it caused a small zombie riot, try not to let the fast corpses touch the fragile defense line.

The zombies have a certain memory. Once they have an impression of the defense line, they may turn around and re-attack the defense line when the target is too far.

So it is the best insurance not to let them see the line of defense.

Zhao Wenrui commanded the battle at the command center.

Here, he can substitute into the perspective of God. The intuitiveness and control of space and emptiness are not comparable to those of head-up.

Although there are more than one hundred cadavers, Zhao Wenrui is not panic. He has confidence in his rangers and confidence in his command ability.

He even has time to let the rangers temporarily disperse and clean up the scattered zombies in the wilderness.

At the same time, otherwise, the three rangers who seduce the squadron of swift corpses, following his series of commands, successfully seduce the group of zombies.

Because it is a long snake, the short zombies can hardly see the frontmost situation, so the segmented seduce is the most secure.

Is also the three rangers. The first one rushed to meet the zombies, shoot two arrows, and then ran to the left, leading away a part of the zombies.

The second place looks at the same time. It also releases the latent state, rushes to shoot two arrows, and then runs to the right.

As for the third person, it is used to make up for the leak. In case there is still a small group of people who are not attracted, she will pull the hatred.

Ranger's running speed is very fast, only when the corpse of the violent violent erupts, can it be comparable to the ranger running.

But the outbreak time of the swift corpses is very short, that is, 5-7 seconds, so as long as there is enough space, even if a group of swift corpses is pulled, the ranger has the opportunity to kite them.

When he was in the Golden Valley, he had little experience with Zhao Wenrui, and the command was relatively rigid. Later, there were some good changes.

And now, Zhao Wenrui is obviously more able to play the special skills of the Rangers. He will plan a relatively long route for the Ranger and limit an arrival time.

Then, he let the ranger shoot freely.

Under such instructions, once the ranger is away from the distance, it will slow down and turn around during the run. This will not only give zombies substantial damage, but also stabilize hatred.

Once the emotions of the violent corpses are detonated, they will often ignore the explosive charge.

As a result, people did not catch up. Instead, they slowed down due to sequelae. Only the speed of ordinary zombies can be recovered after a while.

In this way, it is quite meaningful to make its killings released in advance and meaningless, while reducing its threat, and also winning more time to output damage to it.

In order to stabilize the hatred, Zhao Wenrui directed the strange ranger to let the swift corpses explode again.

This time, their speed is slower, but they are itchy to the target's teeth. No matter what they do, they are muddled and chased to the end, and their physical fitness is restored a little, and they are all used, so the situation is getting worse.

Zhao Wenrui feels that the time is ripe, while letting the strange Ranger lead the zombies to the designated position, while asking the main force of the quick reaction troops to gather, preparing for the team's cooperative output.

As a result of three rounds of shooting, one of the two violent corpses was killed to only a few heads.

The other way was also under the time difference tactics, and was led to the designated area a few minutes later ~ ~ Another round of slaughter.

There is also a part of the zombies in the area followed by the fish zombies squadron. They are not able to move at the same speed.

If this situation lasts too long, and no target is found, they will stop chasing and open three times on the spot.

The third strange ranger, under the guidance of Zhao Wenrui, seduced this wave of zombies, played around, and made them crazy.

No matter how crazy it is, there is no use for it. If you ca n’t catch it, you ca n’t catch it. As a result, the main body of the fast reaction force, except the squadron of swift corpses and fish, was calmly found and slaughtered. task.

Although this battle is a bit of a brain drain, in general, it is smooth and smooth, and there are no twists and turns. Zhao Wenrui still feels very cool and has a small sense of accomplishment.

However, he did not take it lightly. He believed that a larger number of fish zombies might be on the way.

Moreover, I am afraid there will be more than one in the future.

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