Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 939: Assault Infantry comes online

Facing obstacles, in general, zombies will try to bypass the obvious path, but if the urgency value or hate value exceeds a certain limit, they will cross the line in a straight line, or push forward in a destructive manner.

On the 12th, the night attack of the fish zombie triggered a new situation, that is, when the zombies were too winding around the road and continued to reduce staff, even if there were no targets nearby, they would rampage and start straight forward.

For the zombies, the rangers on the arrow tower are basically invisible, because the rangers ’equipment basically isolates the possibility of being regarded as a“ meal ”, especially when there is no large movement action, and the sound when shooting is again Covered by the wind, and studies have shown that the sight of the zombies will also be affected at night.

The combination of these factors leads to the zombies unless they are relatively close, otherwise they will not be particularly interested in the arrow tower and the ranger above.

In this context, their goal is still the original ‘human touch’.

Obnin City humans once thought that zombies have a more sensitive sense of smell than bears, and can smell the scent of prey a few kilometers, or even dozens of kilometers away.

But in fact it is not the case. In the case of long distance and super long distance, what attracts zombies is actually the spiritual energy field.

The more people there are, the more magnificent this kind of field can be. For zombies, it ’s like people in the dark wilderness, looking at the lights of the town at the end of the line of sight. I do n’t know how far away, or whether I can walk straight. , But it is confirmed that there are towns there, because the lights illuminate the sky, which is obviously different from the dark and invisible in other directions.

But it must be said that this is a big and modernized goal. The zombies just know that the direction is the canteen. When they get to the canteen, they will enter a state similar to "only in this mountain". Can they eat? Rely on smell and sight to distinguish hunting.

As a result, Zhao Wenrui was slightly embarrassed to find that the zombies who touched the fish did not pay special attention to the turrets in the dark, surrounded by rejected horses, and continued to reduce their staff, but the continuous reduction of staff made them violent, so they went straight forward, even relatively quickly. The price, through the rejection of horses, came to the mine.

Even if the Ranger opened his tarpaulin and showed his sweat shirt as he asked, the effect of pulling hatred was very general. The zombie after the rage was a rib that recognized death.

This means that during the whole process, there is no long-term output opportunity for the arrow tower. The arrangement of the arrow tower + refusal horse array is a little more than a gain. The investment is large but the return is small.

The two fish-finding zombies came from the general direction of the mine site. Eventually, all the zombies that rushed through the refusal area were killed by fast-reaction forces and circle tactics.

Although there were no casualties in the mine, the damage was severe, and the safety barrier was only the last trace.

The so-called security barrier value is the system's default effective protection strength. Once this value is reset to zero, it means that zombies can basically invade the inside, and the result is a massacre.

And in this nearly-played night battle, Zhao Wenrui discovered a detail of the zombies. That is, when they cannot plug in to attack a specific target, the hatred value is not stable and can be diverted.

This time the mine was able to keep it because the zombies who had no attacking position were taken away in circles, and the remaining efforts to open the cans, although they were very serious and passionate, were shot continuously, and soon There was a problem of no personnel replenishing the attack position, and the subsequent lack of strength eventually failed to break through the main facility of the mine.

Because the fast reactionary forces needed to protect the mine, the eastern defense of Qingcao Town was severely tested by two other fish-touching zombies.

The zombies that touched the fish and the zombies in the wrapped area, the total number of the two is close to 500, but the defender has only 16 rangers, so that the wooden wall is broken.

If it was n’t for a long period of shooting to stabilize the hatred, and the earlier use of the sweatshirt, causing the zombies to still besiege the arrow tower after opening the gap, the situation is really big.

Afterwards, Zhao Wenrui was also a little bit afraid, deeply aware of the unreasonable of taking things for granted and the "single wall mounting".

At the same time, I am also thankful that my cautious style has played a role. Before he opened the mine, he faced two options. The quarry is in the west and the iron mine is in the southeast. He needs both of these mines. The latter is a necessary resource for training assault infantry.

After the Battle of Zangjin Valley, he used the acquired technology points to purchase training rights for the assault infantry, but they have not yet been converted into real profits because of the lack of system-approved so-called iron ore.

Weighed again and again, he finally chose a conservative approach because of caution, one-way expansion, rather than go hand in hand, otherwise it is estimated that the two lines have collapsed.

At 9 a.m. on the 13th, Zhao Valve's lack of investment was finally in place.

Zhao Wenrui did not ask or question, but chose to deal with it coldly, showing an attitude of ‘having money is money, playing money without money’.

Then Zhao valve could not withstand the pressure.

Because the powerful group represented by the king is not a good culprit. As soon as they saw such a situation, they directly inquired whether Zhao Fan was in difficulty, and they did not need to support it. There are not many people investing or making additional investments, and are willing to share their concerns with Zhao Valve.

These people don't care if Clevin Zhao betrayed his family or not. As long as he fights for the kingdom and gives the kingdom down to the kingdom, without delaying their gain, then there is no problem.

From the current development of Zhao Wenrui's new stronghold, Qingcao Town seems to be stable, and it may even be a lossless victory ...

Old man Zhao has opinions about Zhao Wenrui, but he has no hatred for money. Especially the Corpse Hunting Ranch, after this place was conquered by the pioneering general, it had a big impact on the food business of the Zhao family.

If Zhao Wenrui can successfully establish a stable stronghold this time, it is of great benefit to Zhao Valve.

On the 13th, along with the supplies, there was also Bruce Zhao, the elder brother of Clevin Zhao.

In Zhao Wenrui's eyes, the name is not so good, because it is translated as Zhao Lin.

Zhao Forest has been trained as a formal successor since he was young, and he is old-fashioned and polite at a young age.

Zhao Wenrui thinks this is a good thing for him. If it's the kind of over-living brotherhood that can pull anything, his Xibei goods are easy to expose.

He greeted Bruce at the station. When he first came up, he said that since the leader played, he has changed so much that even he himself is surprised.

The "precautionary shot" is so direct that no one is there.

Next, it was more like a 'Welcome to Leadership Inspection Work' show. Zhao Wenrui took Bruce to walk around and explain the situation here.

The Ranger who is more interested in Bruce, he basically did not hide, tucked him into the barracks, and understood the process of the birth of the downstream hero.

And frankly: "Technology is not in my hands, all I can do is to freely control production and creation, and people."

Bruce asked casually and said: "So does the other party mind if we send someone to pick up technology?"

"I think it shouldn't mind." Zhao Wenrui added: "In fact, as far as I know, as early as the late Battle of the Tibetan Valley, some people in the military have done so in various ways here. Old man There was no movement over there, I thought my family was not interested in this stall. "

"It's not that I'm not interested, but I'm afraid I'm embarrassed."

"I have a hard time? This system, the army, is just a borrowed tool for me. The easier it is to get started, the more proof that ownership and supreme command are not in my hands."

Bruce smiled from the bottom of your heart and patted his shoulder: "You can have this kind of understanding. The family has always been worried that victory makes you mentally inflated, forgetting that the other party is only using you as a gun, the family is only Is your most reliable backing. "

"Relax, I ’m not stupid. The more support the other party gives, the more it means that the other party has choices, not me. I want to send people to come directly at home. I ’m also picking myself and selling it. Take advantage of the price. "

"..." Bruce felt that the old man might be wrong this time. His younger brother did not betray his family, but it was indeed much more changed than in the past. The original Kelvin Zhao wouldn't pit himself like this.

I pit myself? Zhao Wenrui didn't think that he felt that this matter could be explained by Master Qi Baishi's saying, "Learn from us, live like me".

Shine system is basically an interrelated system. It seems that steampunk, in fact, some high-end places are higher than the cutting-edge part of the modern industrial system he knows.

This means two situations. First, the highest-end part is too difficult to deconstruct, and the technology cannot be pulled down.

Second, the deconstruction needs to be supported by other links. Substitutes will seriously reduce performance or increase costs, and do not have a practical price / performance ratio.

For example, the Tesla Tower of the Shining System. Not to mention its core components, even the iron frame on the base is new material technology + manufacturing process for the kingdom. If you want to get this technology, there is no real thing.

Zhao Wenrui did n’t even mind letting Bruce visit the warehouse of different dimensions, and said, half-jokingly, “I was worried that you would be jealous of my luck like everyone else.

Bruce laughed very lively and said: "Where, I am too happy to be too late. We can be brothers, can you treat me badly when you are developed?"

Of course I can't handle it badly.

Why should I be ill-treated?

Compared to the construction site, various creations, the army or something, Zhao Wenrui cares more about himself. The ‘perfect plan’ is his root, and the rest are nothing but objects.

The train on the afternoon of the 13th brought the materials and steel he obtained through the transaction.

Obnin guards an iron ore with rich reserves and excellent quality, so there is no shortage of steel.

However, the processing technology of stainless steel is relatively complicated, and the output is not high, so the price is much more expensive.

And stainless steel is the only iron ore that the system can recognize and transform into 'shining iron'.

Zhao Wenrui purchased a batch of stainless steel by changing tents and work clothes to stainless steel.

After was exchanged for Shining Iron, the training of the assault infantry began. For him, the only use of Shining Iron is to make assault infantry.

Assault infantry is full of steampunk elements, steam-assisted power exoskeleton plate armor, which is reminiscent of the plate armor of the cold weapon peak era and the power armor suit.

Assault infantry is also equipped with a single piece of electronic night vision glasses and breathing mask.

It's just that their breathing masks are not dust-proof, but more like chemical protection. There is a tube connected to a backpack-type device.

This equipment provides special oxygen, which can keep the assault infantry in a state, while also leaving room for strengthening. For example, through the change of the gas inhaled, the infantry can be excited, passivated and so on.

Zhao Wenrui spent a whole day conducting various non-actual combat tests on the assault infantry, so as to intuitively understand the combat capabilities and characteristics of this class.

After, there is a continuous training of assault infantry in the double barracks.

At the same time, he also asked the non-system chemical workers in Qingcao Town to open kilns to burn bricks and collect materials such as masonry from the ruins.

The ruin area was built on a mound about 1 km west of the quarry. As far as normal site selection is concerned, within a few dozen kilometers around, no better location can be found. The terrain is high, so there is no need to worry about the problems such as stagnant water and mosquitoes. The view is wide, and the distance between the stone yard and the forest area is moderate ...

However, such a stone-wood mixed city fortress appeared to be very weak in the face of the dinosaurs who were unafraid of death when the sound of the gong was slammed.

In addition to tactical concepts and other issues, Zhao Wenrui felt that the original pioneers faced a very serious problem, that is, there was no way to solve the problem of immediate mutation of combat troops when they were injured. Being able to ride a face is a situation that is almost bound to be faced by sticking to one side.

So if you are a little careless, you will lose all of them.

This is also an important reason why he prefers to let the regular army of the kingdom be a policeman instead of going to the front.

Shining soldiers are bitten or scratched and will not mutate.

And now, as the assault infantry joins the battle sequence, the fault tolerance rate becomes higher.

On the 15th, the first batch of kiln bricks was fired, together with the bricks and stones obtained from the ruins, a brick and stone barrier was built at the eastern end of Qingcao Town. The defense force here has a qualitative rise.

On the 16th, with the improvement of the refusal area and the tactics in the west, a group of fish with more than 500 fish became a free inspector of new refusal horses and tactics.

The biggest difference between the old and the new is that the new refuse is immediately wrapped with barbed wire. Zhao Wenrui specifically bought wire drawing machines and a large number of wire rods to manufacture a large amount of wire, and then used manual methods to earn points to mobilize people to make wire mesh in their spare time. The production capacity is still considerable.

Although barbed wire has very few chances to puncture or pierce the skin of zombies, when they are rushed too violently, there is a higher probability of getting entangled. And their formation is always very dense, which will cause problems of tripping and trampling, which will become a mess and the group will slow down.

Zhao Wenrui also learned a lesson this time, did not let the soldiers shoot at the arrow tower, and simplified the road complexity of the refusal horse array.

Facts also prove that the maze is not used at all, it will only make it difficult for others to identify the road, and to deal with brainless zombies, a few simple twists are enough.

In the face of the assault infantry's rifle, the zombies quickly violently, they can directly see the assault infantry, and the straight line does not seem far away.

Can really launch a straight charge, you will find that this choice is particularly difficult, in short, across the fence and the pit, during the continuous shooting and being killed, you have to withstand the push from the back.

The result is that the scene of group people turning back and forth repeatedly appears, just a few tens of meters away, the steps are difficult, and the corpses pave the way.

Wait until it's hard to ride a face, there is not much fighting power. Zhao Wenrui issued an order to let the assault infantry withstand the pressure and approach the shooting.

After the inspection, there was not even a middle-level injured person, let alone damage.

Zhao Wenrui has an intuitive understanding of the combat strength and protection of the assault infantry. There was a bold battle of cleansing.

It took most of the existing combat power to kill it from the eastern barrier of Qingcao Town. It took about 60 hours to comprehensively clear the southeastern region, including the iron ore area, until the system defined It was only about 500 meters outside the boundary of the area before it closed.

At the same time, in the internal affairs, he did not rush to build the Tesla Tower and the mine. Instead, the camp was converted into a wooden house, and the residential area in the core area of ​​Qingcao Town was completely finalized.

In this way, the system's available population and money are further increased, but the food production capacity gap has further increased. It was he who pre-sold the camp account returned from the camp account to the wooden house in advance, and the batch of grain brought by Zhao Valve only supported the pattern.

Zhao Wenrui's plan is to explode the lumber yard, and then use the advantages of more money and more wood to quickly establish a defense system for protrusions in the southeast region. While mining iron ore, let the zombies play the game of spear and shield.

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