Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 941: Say the opposite

Infinite Sorcerer Chapter 941 says anti-anti-sound novel online listening

There is still a wave of potential crises in the corpse ranch that needs to be addressed.

Zhao Wenrui hesitated how to deal with it.

In theory, he is inclined to solve the problem by exploding soldiers.

He is very clear that compared with the overall number of zombies, he is not a battalion general who is full of soldiers, and he has never been able to break away from the category of "small fights".

From a practical perspective, the soldiers are more flexible.

However, a sudden news made him change his mind.

This news was learned on the afternoon of October 7th. The Battle of Hulu Valley took place in the Tibetan Gold Valley. If the three sections of defense had not been dismantled, the main area of ​​the Tibetan Gold Valley might fall.

After Zhao Wenrui left the Tibetan Golden Valley, his successor is no longer a military and political grasp, but a cultural and military match, with the main text.

The new official took office, and the Tibetan Golden Valley was quickly divided into several districts. The main district, including the small pocket-like area, is the essence of the entire region, and then the North Valley. It is the area connected to the main area by a gap of about 200 meters.

In terms of land area, Beigu is not as good as Iron Bridge East.

However, there are many mountains and valleys in the eastern area of ​​Tieqiao. There are no large flat areas, and the land is corroded. Therefore, the value is relatively low. It needs to be cultivated for ten years or eight years by planting special vegetation to be truly used by the kingdom.

The north side of Beigu, bordered by a natural stone bridge, is now called Hulukou.

Although Hulukou is not even half the size of Beigu, the terrain and soil quality are very good.

People soon hit their minds on this land.

As a result, the line of defense will continue to push north.

When Zhao Wenrui fought here, the boundary line drawn by the system was the top of the "gourd". Zhao Wenrui looked at the long canyon and once thought if he could build this canyon into a multi-level defense pass, just like one by one. The urn is average. Imagine that he feels that his defensive ability should be very strong.

But in the end, he still didn't do that.

One is that the Tesla Tower can not be passed over, and those facilities that cannot be built to build the system.

Another one, he feels that the system draws this line, it must make sense. If he exceeds it, it will probably cause big trouble.

It ’s a pity that his successor did n’t have a systematic reminder, nor was he cautious enough, and he wanted to get rid of it. As a result, a wave of not large scale was triggered. The third line of defense at the 200-meter gap was desperately resisted, so that the main zone was not lost.

In this campaign, the death toll exceeded 2,000, and the economic loss was not small. It was almost 15 times that Zhao Wenrui had attacked the Tibetan Golden Valley.

The Battle of Hulukou was like a pot of ice water, which made the Aobo Ning people shudder, and also made Zhao Wenrui think differently.

He wondered about the particularity of the soldiers, which determined that they could only exist under the control of the blaze system, but most of the facilities could be handed over to others.

So he finally decided to invest more in the facilities of Qingcao Town, rather than blindly exploding soldiers.

In this way, until October 18, which is the 59th day of his coming to the corpse ranch, when as many as 40 stocks of fish zombies entered the corpse ranch at the same time, they faced an innumerable number of shining soldiers, and many Layer elastic defense system.

Multi-layer elastic defense system, including wooden walls, masonry walls, barbed wire fences and shark-tooth spear traps. This kind of hybrid system of "soft and hard" applied by Zhao Wenrui has many combinations. Once brainless zombies are caught in it, they are often at a loss Wucuo, and then tossed desire to die. Often a small amount of combat power can use this facility to kill zombies that are ten times as many.

Of course, it must be noted that this system was born in response to the characteristics of zombies in the corpse ranch area. The area is open, and the zombies in the wandering state naturally form a more scattered pattern, and the probability of triggering a corpse tide is very low.

But again, because the terrain is wide and there is no shelter, it is easier to feel the human mental field energy, so the invasion is more frequent.

He reported the information to the military without reservation, so that his successors could designate defense strategies.

In addition, he has repeatedly stressed that try not to use those weapons that make loud noise, such as artillery. To this end, he specifically pointed out that he believed that there were hidden dangers in the Tibetan gold valley, because in the battle of Hulukou, the defense forces repeatedly used mines and artillery.

His remarks were heard by George II and the military gangsters. Some people suggested that Zhao Wenrui should simply host this new round of attacks against zombies.

But in the end, this proposal was rejected.

The first is not sure if there will be a third wave of corpses, even if there is, I don't know when it will be. As the saying goes, good steel is used on the blade, like Clevin Zhao, it is more appropriate for him to continue to develop.

Second, neither George II nor the military commander wanted to appear too incompetent. It seemed that the entire kingdom except Clevin Zhao would not fight anymore, and even the defensive work could not be done well.

However, this group of people did not intend to let Zhao Wenrui so easily, they were in love with the equipment of the assault infantry.

Rangers, they are not very attractive, but the assault infantry makes them shine. I feel that this kind of armored infantry has high defense, fierce fire, and range of killing. The combat endurance is also impressive, and it is more combative than the army of the kingdom.

The reason why the assault infantry is strong is mainly because of its good weapons and equipment.

Without much hesitation, Zhao Wenrui agreed to sell equipment to the outside world.

The shining system comes with its own repair function. After all, soldiers have the characteristics of high recovery from injuries. People can recover from injuries. What about weapons and equipment? Naturally, it depends on the equipment repair function.

If the weaponry of a soldier is completely damaged, the repair cost is 55% of the cost of retraining a soldier of the same type. One-time payment will not occupy additional grain production capacity.

Such a feature is that Zhao Wenrui can fully understand the purchase of weapons and equipment of the blaze system, which can be discounted by 45%.

The price of his external sales, converted into system resources, is almost 200 conscience price.

This is really the price of conscience. The entire weaponry of the assault infantry is excellent in terms of craftsmanship and technical content.

Zhao Wenrui feels that, in terms of practicality alone, the kind of exoskeleton combat uniform in 'Edge of Tomorrow' is not as good as this one.

This means that even in the beginning of the 21st century, it can be widely recognized for its excellent performance and mature technology.

Of course, individual soldiers' electronic equipment and even single weapons are a weakness.

But in any case, it really surpasses the equipment of Oboning's regular army and can bring a level of combat power.

Zhao Wenrui felt that he only made a difference of 145 and was really conscience.

Even so, the Kingdom's 3,000 sets of orders are still almost enough for him to be busy all winter.

The meaning of the military department is also to postpone the strategy for the new area. Zhao Wenrui can produce while resting this winter. At the same time, he can be used as a reserve army. Once the Tibetan Gold Valley or the Corpse Ranch is out of conditions, he can quickly support it.

Such an appointment, Zhao Wenrui is naturally not very happy. He must have a site and develop a shining system to be able to talk about accumulation and development, but the king and the military department mean that there are barracks and production facilities. Isn't that enough? Must we grasp military affairs?

Zhao Wenrui figured it out a little, and he understood. Obviously, the performance of the Battle of Hulukou allowed the King and the Military Department to recognize the real burden of the regular army, but it also gave him a precautionary mentality in advance, worrying that his power would expand too quickly, so he tried to limit it.

After thinking about it, he made a request to the military department, saying that whether it is production or the revision of the army, it needs high-end conditions that are different from the general situation. The kingdom must meet the conditions, or he will lead the department to open a station, or he will be removed from the field. , Who loves to do it.

As soon as he opened this condition, the situation immediately became a little nervous.

Although George II and the military commander could understand Zhao Wenrui's indignation to a certain extent, Zhao Wenrui's attitude showed them that the young general was a double-edged sword and he was right to beware.

Then the situation deteriorated further.

The specific cause of the deterioration is the selfishness of a big man in the military department.

Obviously the relationship was already very tense, but he took further provocative actions. Dispatched the Gendarmerie to the corpse ranch and asked Zhao Wenrui to return to the military department to report his job.

Zhao Wenrui looked blankly and solemnly, the arrogant look of the captain of the Gendarmerie, and the inner heaven and earth were fighting, and then he smiled abruptly. And said to himself: "Suddenly, I came to such a situation, really ..."

"Come here, grab all these people."

The captain of the Gendarmerie was shocked and subconsciously said, "Dare you! Do you know what you are doing?"

However, Zhao Wenrui's subordinates were all brainwashed systematically, and they were absolutely obedient to Zhao Wenrui. They immediately rushed to their respective targets and captured all the Gendarmerie.

Zhao Wenrui is not nonsense, he asked the captain of the gendarmerie directly: "Whose order did you specifically" please "me to report?"

The captain of the gendarmerie was very sturdy, and answered the non-questioned loud voice: "You are like treason!"

Then he shouted to the left and right: "Claivin Zhao dared to imprison the military police, and any Obonin soldiers and citizens are obliged to fight against the enemies of this country."

"That's good!" Zhao Wenrui said as he took the shotgun from one of the assault infantry guards on the side, approached the head of the captain of the gendarmerie, and pulled the trigger directly.

With a shot, the head of the Gendarmerie was directly shattered.

Zhao Wenrui then said: "All other military policemen will follow this example."

He did not say anything about the tiger and wolf men, and regardless of the target's begging or cursing, dragged the captives to the open space, blasted, and all were shot cruelly.

Zhao Wenrui's violent psychological activity was felt by Kane, who was far away from the Kaishen Palace. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help but wonder: "The anger is really heavy, go directly to the extreme, this is my true face. What? "

I have to say that the performance of the human avatar surprised C Kane too. He realized for the first time that his extreme and brutality was so serious.

Before, he didn't think the difference between this aspect and his deity would be so big. This time it is clear that this is definitely a pathological level.

Zhao Wenrui doesn't feel that he is arrogant.

As a traverser, when he came to this world, he had no sense of security, and at the same time, he did not have a sense of identity with the people of this world, the country of Oboning, and the Zhao family.

Correspondingly, he has absolute power.

The so-called absolute power does not lie in how many people there are, but in all his subordinates who obey him.

This is equivalent to having a sharp blade.

And Zhao Wenrui also likes to compare Yue Fei. It can be said that he is very sensitive, and the most unbearable is the monarchs like twelve gold medals.

He felt that he was very patient. After all, it was said that the rich and powerful group represented by the king only paid out in installments, and then distributed dividends after the victory. If they felt that the signs were wrong, then the cooperation was terminated.

But in reality? The longer the hand is stretched, the wider the matter is. The only two battles, the military department treated him and his troops in the same way as ordinary troops. The concept of ‘getting into the inch’ is most vividly performed.

This time when he proposed conditions to the king and the military department, he had already made the worst plan, and the result was that the gendarmerie came to ‘please’ him to return to work.

What job description? Is there anything good to say? He was so stupid that he didn't even have a reason to say that in the past, so he was treated as a prisoner and let him take it.

He knew there must be someone fooling around here. Most of them are jealous of his achievements, thinking that anyone in his seat can do things and want to replace them. Otherwise, it would not be so unwise, in the case of obviously only the last thin face left, initiate such a misleading operation.

But after some thought, he decided to take this opportunity to part ways with this so-called kingdom.

Although he can't talk about plumpness in the distance, but he has a shining system, but he can also be the king of the mountain. Why should he grieve himself for a bunch of greedy ancestors?

With this thought, he broke out completely.

He himself had considerable prejudice against the post of "Gendarmerie", and the first impression he mentioned was that he could not fight, but he was very good at home, and even using his power as a blessing was their masterpiece.

That's why he chose all the headshots. He felt that these eagle dogs didn't know how many soldiers were pitted. Only in this way could it be hatred ~ ~ was considered retribution!

After the killing of the Gendarmerie, the first thing Zhao Wenrui did was systematize the whole people.

The advantage of this is that the corpse ranch has become its own person from the civilians to the army, without traitors.

The price paid for this, in addition to the fact that the indigenous production system can no longer be carried out, also has to make up for a round of comprehensive construction.

Because the system does not approve the camps where 8 people live, such as dividing these people into effective labor, you must follow the rules of the system.

To say that Zhao Wenrui is also very cruel. Since he has torn his face, he no longer has any illusions in mind, and has completely changed into a hostile position.

Looking at affairs from this perspective, he does not need to be soft-hearted, but should take advantage of the first mover to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

So he began to prepare quickly, summoned the headquarter, and then directly took the afternoon train to return to Oboning City.

Because they pretend to be a military police and only bring a small number of soldiers at the same time, the main group is just a bunch of disguised engineering soldiers, so they passed the inspection relatively easily.

No one can think that Zhao Wenrui can subvert a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands by relying on such people.

Zhao Wenrui was distracting and eventually gathered at Zhao Valve's residence.

The Zhao family naturally recognized Zhao Wenrui, and they were excited and surprised. The excitement is that the second young master is now gaining fame, and they follow the light on his face. I was surprised that Zhao Wenrui would go home in such a low-key manner at this time.

Without waiting for the servant to get the word, Zhao Wenrui had entered straight in. After receiving the news, Mr. Zhao realized that the situation was unusual and went to the main hall himself. After seeing Zhao Wenrui, he asked, "What is going on? What are you going to do?"

Zhao Wenrui said: "Subvert this kingdom, start here." ......

Infinite Supreme Wizard

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