Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 953: Burst is optional

The principle of "swallowing" is actually a high-track real-time analysis target of the Huohuo Zhinao, and then feeds the technical information or soul element to Zhao Wenrui to let him master the skills or get the spell-like effect.

In order to cover up the truth, when "Engulfing" is performed, the sound is amazing, attracting eyeballs and inspiring people.

As the two Leopards disintegrated and burned, Zhao Wenrui was covered with a scarlet light. At first glance, it was very similar to the Leopard's blade.

But there are actually great differences in details.

C Kane hasn't gotten enough to let Zhao Wenrui mess up and be able to stand up.

Although the Evil God Cell is almost above all biological alienation and can hold it, do n’t forget that the Evil God Cell does n’t break free, it was born out of the spoils of Black Kane ’s spoiling in the universe of the old dominator. Digestion is not complete.

This means that c Kane's own deconstruction is also in danger. His original appearance is like a tentacle in the lower body, which is the best proof.

He did not have the habit of deliberately playing cool and engaging in alternative art. If he could, he wouldn't leave the normal human form unused, but made it look like a ghost.

Salary King gave c Kane's small gift, there are some relevant experiences of Black Kane. According to the salary king's statement at the time, even if Black Kane did not die, he would eventually become a member of the old dominator.

Of course, this does not mean that confluence is contaminated. The old dominators are also constantly torn apart. The black kane and Shabu, one of the three-pillar gods, will be torn apart for who is the Lord of Darkness. This is the so-called one mountain, two tigers.

However, these basically have nothing to do with the Kane deity, or even the c-Kane's avatars of special missions, so Black Kane is actually equivalent to inheriting and entrusting his own years of relevant experience to C Kane.

In addition, without the deed's actions, c Kane cannot be a dark contractor. Black Kane also said in a small gift that he ca n’t do it either. Taking the dark route and devouring the technology of the old dominator system is very easy to catch fire, and he is an example.

So c Kane took the genetic route of life, and to a certain extent eliminated the hidden dangers of the old dominators. Fortunately, Kane had struggled with the old dominators in that world for more than 3000 years, and it was normal to achieve some results.

Even so, Zhao Wenrui could not be allowed to mess up.

After all, the golden finger given to Zhao Wenrui is, to a certain extent, equal to that the genetic chain is always on. Once some bad elements have been swallowed and the monster becomes monster, how can you still play?

So c Kane came up with something plausible. Simply put, it was the trial of the Huo Huo Zhi Nao first, rather than really swallowing it directly.

And the salary will feedback in three ways.

The most basic kind is to really swallow. Certain transcendent elements can indeed be extracted from the target body, proposed, and fed back to Zhao Wenrui.

The second kind is skill unblocking. According to the actual situation, Zhao Wenrui was given plausible skills.

The third kind is soul element activation. The core of Zhao Wenrui's body is also Evil God Cell, which activates the corresponding traits, giving Zhao Wenrui the feeling that his strength has become stronger, his ears are clearer, etc.

The spitfire Zhinao played is such a grandfather who does not intervene and does not bb, only to see the experience value feedback and deliver "dry goods".

If it can't figure it out, he will ask c Kane for instructions.

Therefore, it seems that Zhao Wenrui, who seems to be bitter, is not fighting alone.

Like this time, Zhao Wenrui actually obtained not the extraordinary power of the Leopard, but the power of dark destruction of the Kane family.

C Although Kane does not take the dark road, but with the relevant knowledge he inherited, it is naturally more than enough to deal with the current Zhao Wenrui.

And for Zhao Wenrui, he is now in a state of 'overeating'.

To put it plainly means to swallow weakly and eat hard. There is a considerable amount of power that cannot be digested and absorbed, so that it becomes a buff effect.

To some extent, this is equivalent to letting him experience the ‘future feeling. ‘If he is further strengthened, one day, this buff state can become normal, and this day is not particularly remote.

And this setting, in the words of c Kane, how can you not have the ability to explode if you take the one-man superman approach?

He is very clear that his personality is relatively ‘cold’. It is not the kind of explosive barrel that is always on the face and looks like a kind of fire. After the outbreak, his emotions drive it and enter the category of super play.

So he used technical means to give Zhao Wenrui the possibility of obtaining similar effects.

This is actually already suspected of inspiring Zhao Wenrui to take the one-man superman route, and he has lost his neutrality.

But that's how he did it. His explanation is: People always have to face temptation, don't they? Should we stick to our nature, rather willing to seek near and far, but also take the power of ideals, or proceed from reality, adapt ourselves to local conditions, and change ourselves.

Zhao Wenrui himself knows the state of overeating, and can only let him pretend to be 3-5 minutes, whether he can get out of sleep, mostly depends on the performance in these few minutes.

Rushed to the battle group of Transcendence and Leopard as soon as he landed.

At this time, he was very fast, and a bit of the style of Omega Werewolf cultivated by the Kane deity in the dark hp world. Behind him with the fading scarlet image, it was cool and pulling the wind, and it was full of style.

And the strain of the leopard was not bad. Almost Zhao Wenrui just brutally killed their kind. They tacitly let the four leopards entangle the extraordinary, and the remaining ten or so rushed to Zhao Wenrui. Obviously I want to try Thunder Kill.

At this time, the extraordinary can't help Zhao Wenrui too much. Although the energy absorption protection he currently uses greatly improves the protection performance, it also has many negative effects. For example, he is also affected, and his audiovisual perception and even his ability to move are greatly reduced. It is only suitable for close combat, and if he is a little further away, he can't perceive it.

This kind of power blindness is obviously designed to target the leopard man who is good at being close to the body and hacking.

So in the eyes of c Kane who was secretly observing, the captain of the sentinel and the leopard clone were obviously old opponents, and there were some battles. But Zhao Wenrui expressed the wrong sentiment, especially Zhao Wenrui, who came by himself and repeatedly attracted firepower, but in fact it was not necessary.

Said in a further step, in the high-end battle situation, he is still far from being able to analyze and grasp the key points, and he did not break out on the points.

Facing the leopards from the siege, Zhao Wenrui had less than 1 second to react.

And what he can do is actually very limited. It can even be said that there is only one, that is, to believe in golden fingers.

‘Dark glory! ’

At least the skill given by Golden Finger sounds very secondary but also very good. As for whether it is true, he has never used it, naturally there is no spectrum.

Had drawn the mountain knife from his back waist when he charged, and at this moment he launched this extraordinary active skill with all his strength.

The scarlet super-large light blade shoots out from the knife, just like a crescent moon appears in the main area in front of his body.

Several of the leopards slammed their heads during the hedging process, and all they could do was fight against them with their own chaotic swords.

Overeating state made Zhao Wenrui's comprehensive literacy comprehensively, so he saw clearly that the reason why the Leopards can easily send out a dazzling number of swords is that they use a finger.

Sword can be understood as a beam of energy emitted by a specific tool. It turns people's hands into big claws, which are the old thin witches in cartoons, or thin, long, deformed and long finger claws such as ghosts.

The Leopard people flexibly use their fingers and control the energy ejection of the special equipment at the fingertips, so that the sword of extraordinary power can expand and contract freely without interfering with each other.

It can be said that this is a set of professional finger sword fighting skills, very strange.

Can hardly carry the dark glory, and the knuckles will kneel directly.

The scarlet light on Zhao Wenrui looks similar to the extraordinary power used by the leopard, and even the rough perception is exactly the same, but it is actually not a class.

This is the destructive force in the three branches of the Kane Department of Darkness. It is the most powerful force among the extraordinary forces.

Saw that the Scarlet Moon was like a magic soldier cutting grass, and actually cut off the leopard's sword light.

How to collide, just like a cut-off method, this is a sharper cutting energy than the cut-off water, and then even up the space.

Sword breaks, people die!

The Leopard ’s finger swords ca n’t be carried, nor can the ‘fence armor’ on them!

Throughout the process, it can be said that nothing can block the integrity of the Scarlet Moon, and everything that collides with it seems to be worthless. The Moon Blade is always the Moon Blade, and there seems to be no loss, but several Leopards are like The plate cut by the high-pressure waterjet is complete here. In the past, there were several sections, and the incision was very neat and smooth.

Must say that at that moment, the leopard people were frightened. I did not expect such a result at all.

The remaining few of more than a dozen people, almost instinctively chose to flash outward instead of the original roundabout.

As a result, Zhao Wenrui rushed out of the encircling circle formed by the Leopards with a residual image.

But this is not the end. You must know that the Leopard's skill cd time is very short.

In fact, the principle is the combination of ten-finger sword power, and there is a considerable part of the credit for tools or instruments.

The 6 leopards who dodged, twisted their heads, the momentum was not reduced, but the people corrected the direction in the air, and then from different angles, slashed towards Zhao Wenrui to charge the attack.

And Zhao Wenrui is like a mad cow running, he can't turn in time. Even he himself is a bit ruthless at the moment, why did he use this trick of "residual shadow charge" before, the leopard people are not mentally retarded, and the hatred of the transcendental people is not stable. How to take it for granted to solve the crisis of the extraordinary.

But now it is not useful to pull these horses, he ca n’t play any emergency brakes, there is no related cattle breaking skills, and it is too time-consuming to force it. He can rely on shifting the center of gravity of the body and cooperating with twisting to play a reflexive slide. Such a process, for this high-speed battle, is tantamount to sending his face to the opponent to beat him, too slow! The flaw is too big!

He can only continue to rush. After all, there is no leopard man directly behind him at this moment, so as long as he is fast enough, even if the leopard people use what kind of long-range stored energy to cut, he can escape.

So, Zhao Wenrui bit his teeth and continued to charge forward. The target was still the Transcendental War Group. He did n’t plan to hit this time, but he wanted to pass the shoulders and scrape a knife, just like the cavalry charged.

Unfortunately, this line of thinking is also taken for granted.

Although none of the leopards were directly behind him, the hacking method of accumulating flying choppers was controllable, either vertical choppers, diagonal choppers, or horizontal choppers.

It can be said that when several leopards attack the target simultaneously with stored charge, it is equivalent to an enlarged, long-range slashing attack. There is basically no possibility of evasion, only carrying.

Zhao Wenrui did not carry.

After all, he only broke out to this level temporarily, and Goldfinger could not give a complete set of skills at once.

He is now a high-attack low-defense glass sword, sharp, but also fragile.

Become a ‘blind man’ who ca n’t save him, neither Emma nor Owen can save him. The one who can save him at this moment is c. Kane.

C Kane is also helpless.

He also knows the truth of "pretending to be cooler than the moment, and hard to close afterwards".

But compared to restarting the entire project, he felt that it was still a rescue. Although he was suspicious of his own family, he would surely be like a throat, and he would not die if he did n’t check out the situation. Even his mentality was changed or distorted to a considerable extent, but it was still worthwhile. Give it a try.

In general, there is still a margin of mental tolerance. As long as it is not too distorted, the result is credible.

So, at a critical moment, there was a loud bang!

Someone's debut!

This explosion caused some crowbars to be thrown into space, inertia + speed, and the smell of hitting the ground hard.

The energy catharsis caused by successfully counteracted the stored energy of the Leopard people.

For Zhao Wenrui, it was an ordinary shock wave.

Of course, no matter how ordinary, the shock wave is a shock wave, and it is replaced by an ordinary person, which has long been ruptured by the internal organs of the earthquake.

But for Zhao Wenrui, who is overeating, the situation is okay. After all, the composite index has improved, and his "glass" attribute refers to the fear of strong and extraordinary blows of points and lines. Large-scale uniform blows like shock waves are not very stupefying.

In an emergency, c Kane did not put someone on the scene. It was recovered because he couldn't play it. It was later used as a nuclear fusion experiment to kick the sentry boy Billy into the ball, and even tortured the sentry soldiers. Rennes.

Speaking of this, the former lighthouse country special soldiers are typical of being broken. He failed to get the same treatment as Winter Soldier Bucky. After being a bodyguard for a few days, he was finally ‘released’ and joined the First Order, becoming one of the Standing Committee members.

His self-consciousness has never been restored. It can be said that when the cloned Black Panther and the US team used the energy cannon of the Vakanda aircraft to explode a car in the car into ashes, the true Rennes consciousness died. , It is impossible to recover anymore.

After waiting for a nuclear fusion experiment on him, even the flesh and blood golem regained the virtual soul through spiritual rejuvenation, and the possibility of free consciousness was lost.

C Kane will not allow such a self-propelled humanoid super nuclear bomb that involves very high-end biological experiments to be out of control ~ ~ There is one Sentinel enough, no need to come again.

So Ren is the life of weapons, and has been modulating, modulating, and modulating in the cultivation tank for 100 years.

Was later transferred to the Huohuo as a weapon for suppressing the project.

After a hundred years of modulation, Rennes today is not as ugly as it used to be, but the bio-energy crystal on his body is still a little bit more.

Looks like a cuticle-like biological battle armor surface, decorated with clear gem beads. But this is actually his skin.

This kind of skin can prevent not only external shocks but also internal energy bursts. It can be said that Rennes is actually a fusion reactor complex bound by a special protective cover.

There are more than 4 billion biological fusion reactors all over the body. If it explodes, it is a powerful home run for this planet. Even if it is not broken, it will directly become a wandering earth ...

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