To some extent, Lucius has successfully disgusted Qunying.

The first order and the SHIELD board shot, but they failed to win it.

And Lucius can also coquettish mad dump skills, while responding to the blow, but also give Emma and Owen extraordinary protection, and hunt for the old Nick and Zhao Wenrui.

This is the power of ‘Black Vortex’? The ants turn gorgeously and become high-end combat power?

In addition to the magic of the ‘black vortex’, the soldiers who shot were somewhat dissatisfied.

This sentiment is almost the same as the main reason why Kane couldn't get used to the sentry.

I ’m not as good as my luck, I ’m not convinced!

With such thoughts, the shot is more open than before.

Agents of SHIELD directly changed bombs, and this time shooting at Lucius, it was not tickling.

Lucius suddenly found that his bark barrier could not stop this glowing bullet, and shot a black hole!

His woody body is the same. The special bullet of the bullet will not leave substantial traces, but will be transformed into energy spillover, which makes him very painful. His super healing and efficiency are greatly reduced.

The first order came with five, but only two shots were made. At the moment, after being unwilling, a flip in the air was completed, and the parts of the limbs were exploded and separated, and then they were reorganized at a dazzling speed and incarnate Floating tanks, pouring firepower to Lucius.

One of the main reasons why the shape of the tank is so durable is that it is a good firepower platform, and at the same time, it is okay to set up a long gun and short artillery grenade launcher on it.

The floating weapon of these two transformed into a floating tank, whose main weapon is a plasma cannon, which looks like a sci-fi version of the electric fork of the electric fish. The arc flickers between the two sharp cones. The cone brightens quickly, and then jets out a blazing high-temperature plasma plasma mass.

This weapon is obviously highly controllable, and the other transformed warrior sprayed not plasma plasma but electrical rain.

It is like atomizing water with high pressure, but this is not water, but electrical energy.

The directivity of this mist is very strong, covering an area like a wave of rain.

Faced with this rain of light, Lucius's crow and those spear-like vine tentacles were extremely depleted, and some simply burned up.

Lucius didn't care about it anymore, but the mass of plasma came to him. If he was hit, he had to be detonated.

"Hey!" Lucius's howl, his arms wide open, the whole person had a bizarre change, as if a monster's shell.

This monster has a humanoid form, the head of which is a ram head with bone texture, and where the horns should be born, there are huge antlers with reindeer, iron-like density, but obvious wood texture.

The most eye-catching is the monster's big claws, which have sickle fingers, which are perfectly natural, and emit a brilliant green glow.

As soon as this monster appeared, it was just a dim imaginary shell, but it was solidified quickly. It is estimated that without being disturbed, it could not be used for even two seconds, and he could completely wrap Lucius and replace it.

Kane, who saw this scene through the eyes of Rennes, couldn't help but say: "It's a little interesting!"

Others failed to understand it, but he had a cosmic cognition. It was clear that Lucius was clearly playing killing with a knife.

The voodoo monster he summoned is a bit of a witch creation in the "Abyssal World".

The abyss world is the world in which Kane is entrusted by God Eugen to send a secondary avatar, Kane Sun, to deal with Eugen's old opponent Niederhog.

The witch lineage of that world, belonging to the dark Druid genre, is very unique and impressive. Kane Sun also learned several skills for this, and was able to build it in the underground Druid Temple. reflect.

Kane Sun has sent technology and resources to the deity several times. Black Kane is aware of this. Sending C Kane to the Marvel Universe will tell the relevant technology and information.

Because the druid system depends on nature, as long as it is a life planet, even a devil-free world, it can also rely on the interaction of nature, and be a child of nature.

While C Cain invaded Asgard at the beginning, Xiaolu had his hands.

In fact, the foreshadowing of the past has now thrived, and it can be called a towering tree.

The reason is that Asgard, in Kane's eyes, can be regarded as a place in the universe of Zhong Ling Shen Xiu, destroyed like the original historical line, it is a pity.

So, through the root of the giant tree, he established a special meridian for that piece of ice crystal, making it stronger like reinforced concrete.

He naturally ventilated this with Odin.

He smiled at Odin: "You always claim that the Nine Realms are built on the world tree system, then I will let you see some clues of this tree." ...

So now when I go to Asgard ’s underground treasure trove and prison area, the landscape I see is not the scene of the past that is filled with tiny light stars like the lonely deep sky, but the root of the tree, the cold light .

The super-giant tree root dome system is like a huge cage, and on the thick branches that make up the giant cage, there are a lot of cave plants.

Moreover, there is a gravity field through Asgard ’s rotation, which can be used as a normal walk on the earth, but from the bridge to the treasure house or prison, it looks like walking on the side wall or hanging upside down. On the zenith.

A similar design is actually useful in the colonial satellite city. Looking at it is eye-catching, but it can't be classified as divine.

This giant tree is also connected to the vegetation on the surface, and participates in the natural operation of the entire Asgard, sharing the fate with the breath, making the whole world a tree country.

The temple of the Valkyrie in the past has also become the hall of the Holy Tree.

This is not what Kane is fighting for, but Odin's move.

Odin is a playable man. A big cow like Kane, he would rather make a huge sacrifice and hire him as a guest secretary.

Kane, like an honorary professor, has always had a place in Asgard, and even the former Valkyrie heroes have also borrowed the corpses in the temple to be resurrected and become the Templar.

With his intervention, Asgard has developed very well over the years.

Odin divided his heirs out:

Hella went to Nievolheim with Haier Hades and Ice Hades.

Rocky was sealed to the frost country Yodenheim.

Thor, Thor, went to Musbelheim, where the flames started.

There is also a less secure place, Swativheim, where the dark elf was born, is guarded by Kane, the guest secretary.

As a result, the lower four realms have become more solid. And Odin did this precisely because he had a chat with Kane once and was inspired by the story he said about the ‘Tian Zi Shou Guo Men’.

As far as the heirs are concerned, they are actually not a problem.

The fist is hard enough and there are enough sweet dates, so there is no wild and untamable.

The specific approach is also simple and rude. Kane defeated them one by one with the best abilities of Hella, Thor, and Rocky, suppressing them like a big mountain, and also gave them a goal to surpass.

And Odin took the opportunity to make a profit, which roughly means to give you the site, as a foundation, work hard to develop and then defeat the man.

Of course, not all of them are farming materials. Oding ’s three heirs, and Hella ’s idea of ​​a little management, is still a typical tyranny.

Thor went to Musbelheim and failed to build a decent country. Instead, he didn't know any other natives. He became friends and was not lonely.

Rocky would never do things on the ground, believing that they were done by stupid people. He always thinks about drilling camps, thinking about fighting others to kill and kill, so that he can benefit from it.

For Kane, he is also considered a new hatred and an old hatred. He used to be a good deed by Kane before he was killed. Now he is exiled to a cruel place like the ice world. He is thinking about revenge.

Of course, this is exactly what Kane wanted.

He just wants to use Loki's ability to get things done, and pull out the potential evils in this universe.

Unfortunately, for many years, Rocky's performance is not very good.

This reminded him of the sentence: "Let the world come together, the hero is not free to transport"

Although Loki is good at taking advantage of the situation, he can't afford it.

The situation in front of them is different. Godhead, the maker of the 'black vortex', is an uncompromising ancient god, and he has the ability to cross the multiverse itself, at least in the Marvel multiverse.

Instead, he has not mastered the trick.

The call of Lucius in front of him is equivalent to showing an unknown world in front of him, which aroused his interest, which is greater than the interest of peeping at the sentry, even if it is purgatory, he is willing to go and see.

The battle continued on the field, Lucius skillfully released the curse. Unidentified cursed monsters thought they had a chance, and wanted to devour Lucius completely, but they became a substitute shield for Lucius.

A large mass of plasma bombarded the cursed monster, and the energy formed a crack in the form of veins on its surface and inside the body along a certain trajectory, and then it burned and shattered.

The plasma mass fired by this First Order Transfiguration Warrior is obviously not pure natural energy.

This is due to the gift of salary king Kane.

Salary King Kane once dominated the universe in the dark and old days, and contributed to the transformation and leap forward of the human civilization of that universe. Many of the information is valuable.

When Salary King left the universe, he gave away the related information when he presented a star-class battleship that was later named "King's Palace".

Because there were many similar places on the earth at that time, they were interrupted by strong external forces and faced with the choice of adaptive change.

C Kane laughed at the kindness of salary king Kane, but instead of handing over to the UEF, he chose the first order.

Therefore, the core guiding principle for the development of the First Order is to connect technology and magic.

The weapon used by this Transfiguration Warrior is one of the concrete achievements. Plasma extraordinary, is of great significance.

The extraordinary plasma went deep into the interior, directly hitting the demon, and the body from the virtual to the real collapsed directly. The soul was like steam, and a considerable part of it was evaporated. The remaining part wanted to escape, but was used by Rennes who suddenly shot The beam is fixed.

This beam of light was emitted from a crystalline core of jujube-like energy in the center of Rennes's forehead.

When it was retracted, a layer of phantom in Lucius's body that seemed to be different from his body was pulled out.

Lucius screamed with sorrow.

That's the shadow of his soul. The curse has bound his soul to the wither's soul to a certain extent. Now when Ryan wants to extract the wither's soul, he will bring out this part of the soul. The pain is beyond imagination.

Ryan wouldn't 'pity the fragrance and cherish the jade' at this time, and he finished the tearing roughly. Nearly half of the shadow of Lucius's soul was completely pulled out of the body. This has an impact on it. The beating is bigger.

Agents of the SHIELD saw this opportunity and immediately rushed to grab someone.

Seeing that Lucius was about to be captured, he heard how Lucius whistled, and his body flashed with light, and he switched places with old Nick.

It turned out that old Nick wanted to get out of the pit, but he couldn't do it because the red-eyed zombie blocked the way.

Before he could come up with a solution, the thorn beast hunted was here.

This monster looks stupid, but in fact it is very fast and flexible, and it is difficult for Old Nick's weapons to cause serious damage to it. He shoots three shots and two vertical shots, and knocks down Old Nick.

Then there is entanglement and binding, like putting a shell on a person.

Later, the old Nick suddenly found that he was kidnapped by this vine and could not help but go back, as if wearing a power armor suit controlled by an external command.

However, without taking a few steps, the vines suddenly developed long spines, which penetrated into his body like acupuncture.

The severe pain attracted his attention, and he felt that the flower in front of him was pushed down and pressed on the ground before he could see clearly.

When I could see it clearly, I found that I had returned to the ruin where Lucius was killed and blackened. The two places have a distance of at least 300 meters, and they just crossed.

In fact, this is a trick of Li Daitao's stupidity. Lucius replaced himself to the position of the old Nick, and let the old Nick go to his position.

This trick even has a short-term illusion of illusion, but it is also due to the transformation of the First Order and the Aegis Bureau agents who are holding the purpose of the capture, otherwise the old Nick may be killed at this moment.

Kane was surprised when he watched secretly, and said in his heart: "This magic mirror is really a good thing. After people use it, even the mind is soft and secret."

Lucius joined the small team of Zhao Wenrui in one hand, in order to be able to have a young and **** "crash disaster", let Zhao Wenrui experience hardships, and then see the nature clearly.

Therefore, what kind of temperament Lucius is, no one present knows better than him.

Such an honest boy, when he hunted Zhao Wenrui and Old Nick, was clearly and secretly arranged, and he did both in one fell swoop.

You know that Lucius used the thorn beast to hunt, but he used four tricks in a very short time, and he used the shadow crow, the vine spear, and sheltered Emma and Owen, plus the pursuit of Zhao Wenrui. And old Nick, there can be such a layout, this is really a super-level super play, but it is amazing.

"My hands are tickling, is the dark druid so sharp?"

Of course, Kane's real consideration is not this. He still has a say in the Druid's long and short board.

In a word, the druid is adaptable, but lacks profound skills. In other words, there is no Druid seat in the truly extraordinary high-end combat power.

Although the dark druid appears more stunning, it is mainly uncommon. The mysterious and unknown characteristics that are not known are played a trick. It is really a trivial analysis.

And the dark druids are generally extremely weak.

Like World of Warcraft, although there is a flame druid, it is actually caused by the element, which has been out of the way of the druid, but is using the power of the element. It is very similar to the ascendant, and the ascendant also seems to take the shaman. The road is actually based on the power of the four elements, and no longer follows the shaman's animism.

Kane felt this time, in fact, mainly to consider how he wants to explore the world where the demon is located.

He is now holding the withered ghost remnant, just like the black Kane discovered the Kun-type fighter from Marvel 199999, it is equivalent to holding the key to another world.

So what kind of combatants should be sent to explore? Kane thought about the dark druid, and felt that it might be more popular.

As for the moment, he felt that he could end the farce in stages, and if he continued to do so, he might get out of control, which is not what he wanted to see.

So he put in the Ulujin artifact, Yanyue Dao.

Obviously this is the game's work. Suddenly on a whim, I feel that such a magic weapon appears on the modern battlefield, which is very unusual. It was made.

This knife also tried to transplant the permission of the Sun Gate.

The specific operation is a bit cruel. The person who originally had the authority was born into the alchemy and the soul alchemy ~ ~ and then merged into this knife, which made the knife very powerful while holding the power of the sun.

Moreover, the evil spirit merges with the fire poison, so even if it is only swept by the wind of the sword, it may be poisoned by burning, which is difficult to eliminate. If ordinary people lack extraordinary protection, they will directly become dry corpses.

Therefore, such a weapon is not suitable for the world.

Now, it appears as a meteor drop, in order to give Renn a head start and press down all the sloppy guys on the scene.

As for ‘Black Vortex’, Kane is not prepared to take it for himself. But he didn't want to let any forces present get. Rather, it is prepared to restrict its circulation, but it can be used by it in order to bring more sweetness like the demon.

He wondered, if the enemy did not show up patiently, then he could do something for himself. For example, get the right of way in the Marvel Universe.

The cause of the super-sacrifice virus, after so many years, he has almost figured it out. He still has some ideas about the couples of men and women from Riddellz and Susan Stone from the zombie universe.

As for the acquisition of the right of way, he pinned on the 'Black Vortex'. He believes that if he goes to a few other places like the world of the demon, he should be able to find commonality, sum up the rules, and then master the boundary shuttle The Law ...

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