Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 965: Settlement

Kane used the alien coordinates just obtained by capturing the Spirit of the Withered Demon on Zhao Wenrui.

A fiery white beam fell from high altitude, covering Zhao Wenrui.

Immediately afterwards, the anti-gravity effect appeared, and within the envelope of light, objects including Zhao Wenrui rose.

This ascent also has a clear decomposition effect. Zhao Wenrui's body, as well as the surrounding masonry soil, are dissipating, from large to small, from small to invisible.

However, this sudden situation did not attract too much attention and surprise for a long time, because Kane took the opportunity to help Zhao Wenrui forcibly unravel the entanglement of 'Black Vortex'.

Rennes was very cooperative in launching a blow from the air. Before Zhao Wenrui completely disappeared, he cut the two with a knife.

Of course, it's actually just a look.

Immediately after that, Ren, who seemed to succeed Hu, changed hands and threw a dump of black matter to Jack Rogers.

Jack's response was also quick, thanks and he immediately turned on black hole protection.

This move not only absorbs damage, but also isolates a special area for him to perform his surgery.

He performed a technique similar to 'Any Door' in it, and jumped out of the circle of mirror worlds of the Mystic Masters, and immediately fled.

In the process, the Leopards who had always been wary of Jack tried to obstruct. But it was blocked by Rennes.

The moonblade in Rennes ’s hand fluttered continuously, several magnificent light blades flew down, and the leopards dared not even carry it hard. They fled like dogs and dogs to avoid escape.

Following Ren Ha ha smile, Yan Yue knife stabbed up and stabbed up, the whole person seemed to be pulled by the invisible rope, pulled out of the air, and flew towards higher places.

The first order of transforming fighters followed, and after leaping into the air, he transformed into a fighter plane and rushed straight up.

The next three represent the Avengers. Although the costumes they control look bloated, they have greater mobility and flexibility than the original steel armor.

But they are not chasing Rennes, but the Pegasus flying into the air.

Just now, the summit has sent a message, this time the temporary task is over.

It is not satisfactory, but the problem is not with these people who came to the show, c Kane is still relatively fair, everyone who came to support, everyone has a prize.

The reward is the Ulujin artifact.

Nick Fury is more pleased, because there are two copies of S.H.I.E.L.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, and UEF's part will certainly be available in the end. After all, ordinary people don't use such extraordinary weapons.

In this way, there are three artifacts to arm a new generation of Avengers, which can significantly improve the overall strength. Not to mention that they also made some extra money.

As for the first order, a Wulujin artifact is nothing to them. They do n’t rely on this kind of magical soldier. They are only made by the black gods. It is still very good for the first order with a strong religious atmosphere. meaningful.

The first three people, like Rennes, are ships heading straight to high altitude orbit.

It's just that Rennes is going to pay the fire.

Zhao Wenrui went to the outside world, the Huohuo will also follow, and the first hitman Ren will also go. These two constitute the main body of Zhao Wenrui's gold finger.

Of course, the most important thing is Kane, but even if God, cross-domain exerting divine power, there is still a fulcrum that is more secure, in case there is interference in an emergency, there is something delayed, it is boring.

As Zhao Wenrui wore a stranger, Kane's line completely withdrew from this incident.

However, when throwing ‘Black Vortex’ to Jack Rogers, Ren was still allowed to do a little bit to facilitate tracking.

After all, he also expects this line to generate more value and open up more outsiders.

The outside world is a very general statement.

Some are just distant in distance, such as one in the Milky Way and another z8 galaxy 30 billion light years away, and special methods make it possible to achieve a wormhole-like jump effect, spanning this distance in one fell swoop.

Others are not in the same universe, but belong to a universe, a galaxy and a planet under the multi-universal system.

This two-point shuttle of the concept of ultra-distant wormholes exists in the extraordinary field, and involves the concepts of ether and astral, because from this perspective, it is not an incredible thing to cross the universe. b. If you must use the scientific analysis, it may be the distance from one universe to another.

Zhao Wenrui jumped quite far this time. Even far away, c-Kane, a big dog farmer who had been successfully farmed, had some pain.

The pain point is that it takes a lot of money to deliver the Firebrand in place, and the cost of this ultra-remote control is also quite expensive. He even used the power of the supreme gem of Infinite Gem One. Before opening the channel, let the Huohuo pass smoothly.

At the same time, in the vicinity of the White Rock area of ​​New York, the Qunying Association, which was triggered around the 'black vortex', was officially opened.

The mystic masters are inevitable, they regard the seal "Black Vortex" as an important task that will be completely completed soon.

Star Yaohui did not give up. Although Jack Rogers ran away using the teleportation skills, he was just a game of catching thieves from the general situation. The countdown first let the other party run for a while. Xingyao will have a tracking method, and there is no shortage of manpower.

The rest want to participate, it is a bit difficult, but they are not willing to fall behind.

They mainly rely on the power of the group.

Just as a group of people matched Kane's acting, more support forces were already in place. Ships, aircraft, intelligence groups, elite teams ... everything is there, and because of this, they are not in a hurry to show their fangs. It's mainly tracking.

The most unremarkable is actually the gang of greenskins. They tasted the goodness of the 'black vortex' and wanted more, but they couldn't get started.

The nickname brain demon's nest owner and the green skins are hard brothers and brothers. It is also the king in this area. As a result, it was slashed by Rennes and suffered heavy losses.

There are even worse, dead people.

"Black Vortex" was only one step away from them.

And the truth is that this step is actually a chasm. With the self-consciousness of 'Black Vortex', they learned to pick fat and choose thin bodies, and the corpses were not optimistic about it, otherwise it would not be that they had engaged in the ceremony for a long time but could not wait for the 'Black Vortex' to appear, and Zhao Wenrui and his party strayed Favor ...

The corpses tossed through, and lost their soldiers, but they didn't get any benefits. They could still face the brain demon's liquidation afterwards. After all, they use technology to summon the brain demon's subordinates to be a foul fodder. This matter can be large or small. Now that the brain demon's hair is not smooth, then they have to be out of luck.

There is actually a more declining team, the Titans to the High Race.

They also received the evil broadcast of ‘Black Vortex’, but they delayed their time because they caused the mourning of the nest owner in another area, and failed to play the role of soy sauce, which became a joke for the whole incident.

However, for all forces aspiring to the 'Black Vortex', this group gathering has just begun, and whoever laughs to the end will need to ride a donkey to see a sing book.

In addition, the incident also spawned three anomalies, Emma, ​​Owen, and Old Nick.

None of the three were dead. Old Nick seemed the luckiest, and SHIELD took it away.

But he is actually quite unfortunate, because Lucius's reverse position is actually still behind.

From the moment Old Nick was entangled in a thorny beast, he became a puppet that Lucius used at will.

Lucius's black sorcery is very strange. It cuts the soul and arranges it on the thorn beast. The two thorn beasts can also become the resurrection Horcrux at the critical moment.

The man chasing Zhao Wenrui was killed by Jack Rogers, but chasing the old Nick was barely completed the mission.

So Lucius was not completely dead, but lurked in old Nick.

Emma and Owen became monsters, and in the eyes of everyone, they belonged to small characters. But they themselves feel that they are the protagonists of destiny, they survive through chaos, the reinforcement of the black vortex is not complete, and there are huge loopholes in the corresponding control, especially they are strengthened as a subordinate of Lucius, a considerable part of the contract The right is in Lucius, and as soon as Lucius dies, they are liberated.

The two became special extraordinary, embarking on a unique path. The only thing that is not beautiful is that each game is ugly, which also makes the two men's chests filled with resentment. The blacks became the two of the villains, determined to be a **** stick, so there was still some drama.

If anyone said that he got a bargain in this incident, Zhao Wenrui could barely count.

The most reluctant thing is that Kane's account must be separated from his account, otherwise he will be compensated.

He was crossed and lost his body.

He was quite indifferent to this. Although he was not a veteran driver, he was not a novice. The important thing is that this time, the capital is much stronger than last time.

The extraordinary power gained from the two swallows, and even the power of the "dry goods" that the "black vortex" first gave to the dry goods, were also acquired.

This made him even feel so blessed by the disaster and beautiful.

Mainly because Kane was too strange to the alien world, afraid he would hang on the ground, so he was generous.

From Zhao Wenrui's point of view, it is the side effect of the main skill of the Golden Finger, "Engulfing", which just happened to be a secondary struggle with the gift of "Black Vortex", and finally cheapened him.

This is also Kane's statement that he was worn.

As he forced the second engulfment while the cooling of the engulfing skill was not over, side effects broke out. Encountered by unknown power interference, because of collapse and soul exile.

The Golden Finger System determined that such punishment was far beyond the limit, so it was compensated after accounting. That is, the gain of engulfment, and the dry goods from the "Black Vortex", after they were all "cleaned", turned into experience value hoarding, which can be used by Zhao Wenrui.

If this experience value is regarded as money, then this time is equivalent to an oil belly man with an annual salary of less than 50,000. After a series of car accidents, he received more than 10 million compensations. The deceased turned into a middle class, and most people couldn't dream of this ending.

So Zhao Wenrui felt okay, he didn't play well in the last game, played gg and reopened, this time not only accumulated experience, the start was equivalent to sending a **** costume, I believe it can make a difference.

If there is any regret, he still has n’t been able to choose a new body in person. After experiencing the weird feeling of long and short confusion together, he waited until he could see, hear, and breathe. The body.

In fact, this body is a clone specially prepared by Kane for Zhao Wenrui. The core is the stem cell of the evil spirit level. It is used to generate a special soul box for the soul to refuge. It is a brain tumor of the size of a soybean.

Feeling unwell, I felt like drinking 2 pounds of inferior wine, and was beaten up again, and then fell asleep for half a night. Now, the bad influence of the wine is looking for the back account, and the bruises that have been beaten have also scattered. The pain from the inside to the outside is painful at every move.

Zhao Wenrui was willing to use the experience value to ease it, but after thinking about it, he refrained.

Zhao Wenrui doesn't think this is stingy, but careful calculation.

He told himself that before he has the ability to earn a lot of experience, he must control consumption, otherwise he will lose!

It is calculating how to use the experience value to complete the first round of strengthening. ‘Boom! "In a dull blasting sound, a cloud of smoke exploded not far in front of him.

The smoke dissipated, revealing a rickety old woman with loose skin, many folds and deep, big yellow teeth in the blood basin with buck teeth. The greasy robe and the large wide brim, and the patched wizard hat on the top of the sharply curved hat are like a evil witch coming out of the animation world.

In the face of such a monster, Zhao Wenrui is still calm. He tried to keep himself smiling and praised: "Your lip ring is very beautiful."

"Gquack!" The witch laughed like a night owl, and the voice was more like scratching the blackboard with a shovel. The gems on it were made with the soul of a 5-year-old girl! "

Zhao Wenrui felt the first weirdness that he spoke Chinese, but the other party could understand it. The language used by the other party, he has never been in touch, but can understand.

"Oh, it seems that you still don't have enough understanding of this world." The witch seemed to be able to read the mind, seeming to explain and seemingly meaningful: "Language is never the point, the heart is."

Zhao Wenrui was a little bluffed and said: "Does this mean that there is no secret for others before the corresponding method is obtained!"

The witch grinned again, and said yin and yang strangely: "It looks the same, isn't it good?"

Zhao Wenrui also laughed: "It's good to be consistent, but if there is only one-sided frankness, it makes people feel very unfair."

The witch groaned and said, "I wanted to give you one or two, but it seems that you will not accept this kindness, then follow you. However, since you appear in my area, remember that I am your Grim Reaper. My name is Mimei. "

The witch said again: "I still want to remind you that it's better to find something to eat before dark. Don't run around at night, quack ..."

Say, ‘Boom! ‘As when I was here, my body was hidden in a burst of smoke, and the smoke disappeared and everyone was gone ...

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