Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 968: Dog box

The isolated mountain covers an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers, and it rises up to thousands of kilometers. If this place is empty and unobstructed, the wild wind will endlessly day and night. I believe that if you climb to the top of the mountain, you can feel the beauty of the 'cloud sea floating island' .

The employment of Druid greatly enhanced Zhao Wenrui's ability to understand nature.

Combined with the details of his knowledge, he has reason to believe that when the city at the top of the lonely mountain was glorious, the creatures here saw the galactic river, the cloud sea, and the magnificent scenery below.

However, nothing is eternal and immortal, with prosperity there is decline. The magnificent scene is now only desolate, and there seems to be some cursed little tail left.

Zhao Wenrui is actually interested in these.

But he was afraid that his curiosity would lead to death.

In the end, he persuaded himself to walk the road under his feet first, and then talk about others.

In the final analysis, the so-called footsteps are nothing but food, clothing and shelter. These four points are indispensable for people to live.

So he suppressed the curiosity in his heart, did not explore in depth, but searched on the edge of the ruins.

In the specific search process, he increasingly confirmed that the destruction of this mountain city is extraordinary.

Because there are too many traces of objects, although most of them are decaying to the point of being shattered, their existence can explain many problems.

If it is normal to leave, it will inevitably pack up and pack all the items in the packing car.

Even if it is a general disaster, it will come back afterwards to regulate it, and how much can be collected by the family.

But looking at the situation here, it didn't even have this action, people suddenly left, and never came back.

The greatest possibility that Zhao Wenrui can think of is that the city is destroyed and people are dead. This has become a place of curse, and no more creatures are willing to come close.

Anyway, he didn't see any creatures here, let alone birds, or small animals like rabbits and mice, even insects and ants.

In addition, his San value is already below 100, and he can also see "ghost shadows" and hear "ghost words" in the daytime, and the whole world is gray in his eyes, so he walks here, and soon Hairy, as if caught by something dirty.

After a period of time, he even found a way to use the gold finger properties panel for early warning.

The specific method is to manually select a list of data that can be fed back instantly, always present in the corner of his retina.

There are five values.

The hunger value and the hunger value correspond to food and drinking water, respectively. The upper limit is 100, and now they are all below 50, which is yellow, indicating that the situation is not very good and there is an obvious demand.

Then there is the comfort level. This value includes cold and hot, and whether the equipment fits, and even the weight affects this value.

Then there is the health value. Although this seems to be the endurance data, he now has 12 endurance and the upper limit is 120. He is not injured now, this value is full.

The last is the San value, which is now below 100, yellow, indicating that it has begun to suffer from adverse effects.

He found that when he approached some dangerous things, this San value showed that there would be a downward arrow, floating up and down, meaning that he had started to lose the San value.

Although the frequency of this arrow is always the same, there are three forms from thin to thick. The thickest one has a San value of about 1 point per second.

This happened when he approached a well.

At that time, he heard a rumbling voice from the well, as if there was a big guy swimming, and there was a cold and cold squirting out of the well. His bones were chilled by the cold.

But such a negative situation gave him an unprecedented feeling of 'stimulation', a strange feeling of refreshment, and there was a desire in his heart to be awakened, urging him to look near the wellhead, or even down into the well. Think about it afterwards, it is like a legendary evil.

Thanks to the instant feedback of the data on the gold finger panel, he saw the thick black arrow drove his San value in seconds, and the spirit was awakened and flew back quickly, so he escaped.

After that, it took more than 10 minutes for the beating heart to stabilize as the emotions eased.

Then there is fear.

It was ignorant at the time, and I couldn't even care about it.

Then, he thought of a way to pay attention to the change of San value, so as to achieve the purpose of early warning.

Once there is a small downward arrow, it means that there are terrible things nearby. Although it is invisible, it is definitely there. Be careful. It is best to leave this area.

After this experience happened again and again, Zhao Wenrui also summed up some experiences.

That's where the sun can't directly shine, which is often unsafe. Such as houses.

The houses here are all stone. Because they live for creatures about 3 meters in height, for ordinary humans, even the most common ones are large houses, and the entrance hall is often like a small canteen.

Some of these stone houses collapsed, some did not, and those that did not collapse, there were dark areas inside, and a considerable part of them seemed to have problems.

As for the large buildings in the distance close to the central area, Zhao Wenrui has no desire to explore at present. God knows what demon and evil things are there.

He estimated that the danger in the dark room was most likely a ghost.

The cursed soul failed to die out completely, remained in the dark, and twisted into a negative thing over time. They are a group of complex energies. For humans, it can be understood as nuclear radiation that will not spread. Will cause harm.

He tried to use a pole, picking a homemade torch, and dived into the darkness.

Facts have proved that this is also a way of doing things. Those who have problems, the range that the torch can illuminate is obviously much smaller. It seems that it is not ordinary darkness, but it is penetrated into the black mist.

Some will even extinguish the torch. Take it out and see it, as if it has been extinguished by water, and the water is dripping.

Interestingly, it seems that those with problems have ‘good things’ inside.

This made Zhao Wenrui realize that the ruins of this mountain city were not really unattended, but in the long years, all the easy to search were all searched.

At noon, Zhao Wenrui planned to leave.

So far, his evaluation of this world is a thriller rather than a horror movie. There are no monsters that startle you, but the more you are immersed in the environment here, the more you feel creepy and spontaneous. Inner fear.

He realized that if the darkness here would make people lose San value, it means that he lost San value last night.

If the same thing happened again tonight, he would n’t die until tomorrow morning, and he would be crazy to die.

So he had to build a nest for himself to make a fire.

Firelight is not equal to sunlight, but it is stronger than nothing.

And the fire at night will probably attract something terrible.

At that time, because the witch was so badly sold that he was preconceived, and he felt contemptuous, and even felt indecisive, so he advised him not to listen in.

Now that I want to come, the other party is clearly asking him to do daytime activities, raise food, water and other necessary materials, and find a safe nest to hide at night. This is really Jin Yuliang's words.

However, when he was leaving the ruins of the mountain city, he was suddenly attracted by a strange noise.

The main thing is that the sound here is too monotonous. Except for the wind, there is not even the sound of birds, mosquitoes, so the abnormal sound is very prominent.

Something seemed to be beating, and the whine of grievance was beaten. There is also a thumping sound, like a big stick smashing.

Zhao Wenrui couldn't help but be curious and approached secretly.

Then I saw it, in a corner of the temple where a corner collapsed.

This palace is not grand in comparison, but it is not an ordinary house. It has a little meaning of carving beams and paintings, and uses a lot of copper.

Let's call it copper, there are similarities in appearance and nature.

But the copper here does not rust, it seems to be some extraordinary material.

He rumbling all morning, the biggest harvest is a shield made of this copper.

For the semi-giant who originally lived here, that is, a small arm shield, oval, like a football cut vertically.

But for humans, the length of this shield is almost catching up with the diameter of the shield of the US team.

He was better than a bit, and felt that it was still reluctant to use this gadget as a small pot. If he could be more concave and add two erbiums, it would be completely appropriate.

Because he did some simple tests on this material and proved that it is very strong, has excellent thermal conductivity, and is dense and light. He once thought it was legendary fine gold.

In front of the temple, this kind of material was used a lot. The base of the column and the beam were wrapped with it. Some of them fell and twisted as they collapsed.

But now the most eye-catching, it is a weird battle.

The beating party is a very strange monster. Its outline looks like a small rice cooker. Its fur reminds Zhao Wenrui of the Shar Pei dog he raised while on earth.

The legs are similar, the short and thick legs are about 10 cm, so that the overall look is very Q version.

The monster ’s mouth is slightly horrified, and it can really be opened like the lid of a rice cooker. However, if you look closely, you will find that its structure is similar to the crocodile mouth. (The body is regarded as the jaw).

The rice cooker monster has no eyes, and there are only two slightly curved horns on the top of the head like a lid.

To be honest, this monster does not look like it was raised naturally, but more like an alchemy.

The tentacles hit it, these tentacles have a gray-purple skin, like frog skin pimples, the most frightening thing is that there are a series of sharp teeth on the tentacles, like a shark's teeth in a triangular shape Yes, it is reminiscent of a string saw, and there are eight rows of sharp teeth on a tentacle, which gives a terrifying and disgusting feeling.

Tentacles dance like a whip beating rice cooker monster, and every time this rice cooker monster is beaten, it will make a whimper of grievances, being pumped badly, and will stick out its tongue.

But this guy still insisted on running towards the goal.

Zhao Wenrui noticed that it was a mess of things. Bottles, cans, bracelets and rings, in terms of volume, far exceeded the body of the rice cooker monster.

The most special thing is that on this pile of things, there is a small bone stick, which is the magic wand level used by the wizards in the Harry Potter series, and it seems to be the leg bones of some kind of beast.

But what is more special is that one of its heads bears a sphere. This sphere also has this small and small corner, and it is like an eyeball, and it is the kind that can blink, and the black pupil inside can also go up and down. Moving left and right, it feels like a one-eyed gurgling in a joke.


Zhao Wenrui immediately understood what was going on.

Guy because of his ashes vows is to play with totems, and has a bonus in making and using magical artifacts.

Zhao Wenrui realized that this rice cooker monster should be a pet-like activation dimension box. And that eyeball bone stick is the totem that controls it.

Where the totem is, the dog box is.

However, after understanding, new questions arise again.

He can understand the dog box chasing the eyeball cane, but why is it happening now that he was hit by the beating scene?

After a moment, he understood.

Because the dog box was killed, again.

This thing is obviously very rough, and there is a faint light from time to time, it seems to be recovering. But it is not immortal after all.

The most important thing is that this guy is not very smart, so he has to go straight to the bones and understand the dead, like the dashi it can't cross, but it has no sense of living things.

Then it triggered the tentacles emerging from the ground, whipped, beaten and beaten all the way, then, bang! Explode!

The core is like a small black hole, absorbing the debris and eventually disappearing.

At the same time, the eyes of the orbicular cane were closed, and the sphere became hyperemic.

Obviously, he was able to encounter this incident, although it happened by chance, but more importantly, similar to the kind of dog box hitting he saw this time, in the past years, I do n’t know how many times it has been repeated. .

Every once in a while ~ ~ the strength condenses, the dog box will reappear, and then it will come to the eyeball bone stick, then be hit by the tentacles, and enter the rebirth cooling CD again and again.

And he just happened to see one of them.


Zhao Wenrui naturally pretended to be coveted, not for the function of a dog box, just because he was too lonely by himself, and wanted a partner who was not annoying.

As a druid, he should have chosen an animal partner.

But one is that the current conditions are not allowed, and the other, the general animal buddies, he also does not look down upon.

The animal partners at the beginning of the Druid were limited, and they could only choose ordinary small animals such as badgers, rats, snakes, and dogs.

Only level 4 or above is required to select larger ones, such as pythons, wolverines, wild boars, leopards, etc.

At level 7 and above, you can choose lions, tigers, bears, and animals of the violent line.

For the likes of Tyrannosaurus and giant squid, you need to be at least 16th level.

In addition, the Druid generally cannot choose Warcraft as an animal partner.

But the Ashes Oath can, but the conditions are also more demanding, not only the Druid itself needs to meet some conditions, but also the selected Warcraft must also meet some conditions.

The animal companion grows with the druid. Correspondingly, if it dies, the druid will also be affected. A special ceremony is required before the animal companion can be re-selected.

Zhao Wenrui does not intend to focus on this one at this moment. In this case, the dog box is obviously a good companion, and he may not come up with such a thing if he wants to get into sex. It can only be said that his encounter with the dog box was very fateful.

Therefore, Zhao Wenrui's exploration of the ruins was indeed an accident, but it was a good thing. A person, a dog, people are very special, dogs are also very special, this beginning is very classic, very fantasy ...

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