Infinite Supreme Sorcerer

Chapter 978: Small farming

The environment shaped people. Zhao Wenrui finally survived until dawn, but was also seriously affected.

In a certain way, he was attracted to the shadow and further blackened.

Restricted by vision and pattern, this humanity avatar of c. Kane does not have the kind of lofty vision of the deity in the reincarnation period. After all, the background of the humanity avatar is just a man-made gold finger deliberately hidden, and the background of the deity is Vientiane door system of active and multiverse.

It is precisely because of the small pattern that the humanity avatar Zhao Wenrui did not consider some profound issues, such as thinking about the impact of blackening on him, or the struggle of ‘to control power, not to be enslaved by power’.

Poor people are short-minded, and he is now thinking about how to gain strength and how to become strong. Stimulated by the inefficient consumption of experience that occurred before, he subconsciously resisted the idea of ​​searching, and felt that the next adventure should be risky, and the muddy water should be drained, try to play as much as possible, and try to transform resources into real ones. Power, if it doesn't work, then die, and even if you die, at least you don't succumb, and try your best, there is no such thing as 'people are gone, money is not spent'.

Guided by such a core idea, he did not consider anything black or black. What about becoming villains and evil villains in the eyes of ordinary people? What are their qualifications? And why should he be required to be a good person for others?

On the extreme side, it can even be said that most people choose to be good, not because they are kind, but because they are weak.

Weak and weak, and have self-knowledge, only want to be a good person, and find ways to form a variety of rules to restrain others and increase the cost of being a bad person. It is through such a method that the basic needs of collaborative survival can be fulfilled, and as little harm as possible is required.

Then the other way around. When a person can live well without the assistance of others, then what is necessary to please others? Or to obey the rules of others?

It's like the 21st century mankind is worried about the replacement of manpower by automation. Once the capital owners have realized the fully automatic industrial system controlled by ai, is it necessary to care about the mood of ordinary people? Do you still use a special set of social benefits to support them? They do n’t need them to participate in production or even social operations. The ability to work has been replaced by automatic machinery. That ’s really a difference. Ordinary people do n’t care if they love life or death. Not bad productivity ...

How cruel! How desperate!

Zhao Wenrui's radical explanation has actually unveiled the veil of this universe to a certain extent.

In the general magic universe, gods, transcendents, and warlords (increasing in sequence) are ultimately a minority.

A small number means that even if there is such a luxury, there will still be resources for ordinary people to survive.

Even, because these core resources required for existence do not conflict with those required by ordinary people, they can coexist relatively harmoniously.

But in this world, the system of ascension and transcendence were once extremely developed, and there is a door to progress. In theory, everyone has the opportunity to transcend and become a god, and every such attempt is an excessive consumption of resources. This is the root cause of today's wasteland, which is also a kind of extraordinary runaway.

The bottom humans lived in the depths of the water, which promoted the prosperity of religion, and further led to two levels of differentiation. Except for those who became believers who exported their lives by faith, the rest were basically mobsters. The good people and good people in the universal sense in Zhao Wenrui's cognition do not exist. Bad money drives out good money. The environment is too bad. The good people and good people are dead. Only those who struggle to survive.

So this is a dark world. Many people seem to be okay. They are either being deceived or cheating, or they believe that they lack tolerance and endure.

From this perspective, Zhao Wenrui did not directly cross the densely populated place, which is also a kind of luck, otherwise it will probably be overcast.

The current blackening is tantamount to adaptation. In addition to adapting to the natural environment of this world, it has also adapted to the social environment.

It was dawn, and Zhao Wenrui was not in a hurry to make up for the san value. He felt that while he was in this state, he would take a look at the ruins of the mountain city, and there might be unexpected gains.

Facts also prove that this idea is great. In Shadow Vision (a mental patient's perspective with a san value below 50), the ruins of Mountain City are simply a graveyard of wandering ghosts and grotesque shadows everywhere.

Zhao Wenrui is not afraid of ghosts and ghosts, but is afraid of blackening his eyes. Now that he sees the "true face" here, he immediately feels excited.

He was suffering from discomfort, and spent most of the day observing. He is not too greedy, that is the area he is familiar with, repeated observations.

And in accordance with the principle that good memory is not as bad as bad writing, the observed information is recorded through the three-in-one method of text, numbers, and drawings.

In the afternoon, he went to collect the corpses for the hyenas. The weirdness in the ruins is not interested in flesh and blood, but in his hands, it is a valuable means of production and living resources.

All spellcasters actually use ‘knowledge’ as their primary productive force.

It's just that the method of acquisition is different, and the degree of mastery is also different. The users of the mysterious law represented by the mage rely on themselves and have the least water. Mastering is mastering.

The clerics of the Holy Law system represented by priests mainly rely on the background, which is more arrogant than standing on the shoulders of giants. This is about the case of gods doing endorsements.

The secret law department often hangs on the mouth, that is, ‘fully controlled by yourself, it is really your own, without looking at anyone ’s face. ’

The holy law system always emphasizes that 'practicality is king', life is short, but hurried dozens of cold and heat, and learning the world without boundaries, can't master it in life, and should focus on doing things. This is like not requiring every driver to know the details of the principle of car operation, and even having the ability to make private changes and innovations.

The knowledge of the Druid is somewhere in between, and it is self-taught, but the blessing of the power of nature makes ordinary people become masters of learning.

Zhao Wenrui enjoys the beauty of becoming a school bully.

What makes him more enjoyable is that the golden finger is equivalent to a giant. "Natural Collection" is like a parsing device. It can provide relevant information in real time. All he needs to do is to integrate and learn.

Like this hyena monster, after he dragged his body, there was a display in the "Natural Collection", called the spirit, which is a strange monster.

This means that its meat is inedible for ordinary people.

Even the druid is not suitable for regular consumption, it will cause negative Shen Ji accumulation, affect physical fitness, and even cause permanent damage.

Of course, after a series of methods, it is basically no problem.

Or as a protein feed, dry the ground flour, feed some beasts, take advantage of the powerful filtering ability of those beasts, and defeat the negative effects.

The vocal cords of the spirit are magic materials, as are the stomach, and the liver and lungs are extremely toxic. Even if they are just dried and ground into powder, they can also be used as radiation, and a little stain on the skin is a big trouble.

Therefore, the use of this toxic material is very dangerous, it is best to use the hands of the master to control it from the air, or wear gloves made of visceral envelopes. Of course, if you have latex gloves, it is estimated that a special coating solution will be applied.

The tail of the spirit can be flail.

But this is a bit wasteful. Moreover, flail weapons are similar to weapons such as chain hammers and nunchakus. They have high requirements on the use of skills. Otherwise, they will be hurt by poison and it will not be fun.

As an ashes vow, Zhao Wenrui can use its tail and bone together as a framework for ghosts and beasts.

To some extent, ghosts and beasts are similar to the thorn beasts used by Lucius.

Zhao Wenrui was deeply impressed by the thorn beast and the shadow crow. Even after figuring out the routine of the Ashes Oath, there are plans to copy the template.

The shadow crow, the thorn beast, and the poisonous vine that is as soft as a whip and as hard as a spear, these three axes are unique, unique, powerful, and well used. Can also have a place.

It must be said that the dark category is really cool and ruthless in terms of destruction and killing, which is very attractive to Zhao Wenrui. After all, he is most dissatisfied with his combat power.

It took three days before and after Zhao Wenrui handled the spirit properly. These little calf-like monsters, with an average weight of more than 200 pounds, were meticulously dealt with separately by category. , You can only spend more time on this.

This time, Zhao Wenrui did not restore the san value anxiously. As a result, after three days, it actually recovered to more than 100, and the recovery efficiency was very good.

This made him realize that the more he cared about some things, the more he did not know how to do it.

In a flash, it was days. The traces carved on the wall let Zhao Wenrui know that he had been in this world for 22 days.

After last night's rain, the signs of the coming winter became more obvious. Zhao Wenrui figured out that he had to work harder to collect the winter supplies.

Because there are some practical techniques, such as turning mud into stone, plastic wood, etc., which greatly saves labor and reduces the difficulty of making tools and utensils.

So up to now, Zhao Wenrui has used a number of practical tools and equipment, including woolen use, leather use and so on.

The biggest gain of these days is the discovery of natural salt wells. Although the storage capacity is not good and the appearance is average, it is more than enough to meet his needs.

With salt, and soil nitrate, leather has a foundation.

Planting, skinning, and herbal medicine are the three life occupations most suitable for the druid. The druid has its natural convenience. Whether it is self-sufficiency to spend a small life, or to find your own position in social groups, it is helpful.

As for the technique, the technique does not play the role of chai rice, oil, salt, but seasoning.

Over time, Zhao Wenrui's possessions became more and more, and the survival noose that was put on the nerve finally felt less tight.

Through the 30th day, Zhao Wenrui can officially announce that he has entered the post-stone age.

Pottery, polished stoneware, textiles and relatively simple fishing, hunting, farming and animal husbandry. This is a sign of the post-Stone Age, and Zhao Wenrui has it, and it is already a relatively mature version.

He did not burn pottery, but used a cave soil mixed with a certain proportion of grass and wood ash, and other auxiliary materials, and into mud, and after uniformity, he has been making clay, and then using the magic of turning mud into stone to make stone.

This kind of stoneware that is finally shaped into indigo blue has better performance than ceramic products in addition to being brittle and afraid of falling. For example, good heat conduction, uniform heating and so on. Even the first-level experimental tools are made with them.

The situation is similar for grinding stone tools. Instead of using flint all the time, it is a self-made tool stone with performance comparable to steel. With the handle made of plastic wood, the overall performance of the tool can be said to be very good, which can be compared with modern alloys. The tool is comparable. The only drawback is that the accuracy is much worse.

It was relatively early to get the textiles. Zhao Wenrui was also a networm, and his complicated knowledge was not lacking, including the famous Jenny spinning machine.

Later, because there was no time to review, the details were basically forgotten, but after becoming a druid, this knowledge was recovered a bit with the recovery of memory.

Of course, there are also his own factors that are extremely boring, hard to resist memory, and fight against the problem of the san value.

Farming, animal husbandry, fishing and hunting can be regarded as a prototype.

Mainly reflected in the exploration of that living cave.

Facts have proved that the druid has a keen sense of the environment. He felt early in the morning that the cave was connected to the dark area, and the result was really true.

The dark area can be said to be a huge three-dimensional cave world. Zhao Wenrui is lucky. Less than 2 kilometers away from the surface, there is a small dome, which is a typical living cave. There are even a few sunlight crystals, which originally occupied the dome. But it is a group of fearful claw beasts.

This habit is similar to the Velociraptor, but the ugly carnivore is not his opponent of the 13th-level druid. Observe first, then prepare, and finally do it. When he carries these specially prepared techniques with these guys, the three-axe of the Dreadclaw will soon be empty, and then he will be weak and slaughtered by him. .

In the end, he didn't keep one end, extinct this little group.

In fact, he can form animal partnerships with him, and even carry out large-scale breeding, and the dreadclaw beasts in the dark area can be regarded as a good helper for hunting, but they are too ugly.

Ugly is the original sin, but it is not the focus for Zhao Wenrui. The main reason he does not look at is the high cost of domestication and low cost performance. More importantly, what he is thinking about now is the cool and cruel series of shadows. He can't look at this beast that can only dominate in the cave, but also the shallow cave.

Dreadclaws are carnivorous, and each eats about twice as much as a wolf. Having such a small group of 7 means that this area can basically afford their hunting needs.

Relying on this very simple reasoning, Zhao Wenrui found the main food source of the Dreadclaw.

In fact, their nest vaults are guarding the first class, Dihe.

Dihe provides a newt fish and beast, which is a great food source for the dreadclaw beast.

Zhao Wenrui estimated that there should be a huge living lake in a region not too far away based on the throughput of this fish and beast per unit time.

However, he did n’t plan to explore the ground lake until he was able to transform into a powerful aquatic creature. The underground aquatic creatures are more terrible than the terrestrial ones. For example, the famous benthic devil fish looks like a fish in front and behind It is a bunch of sturdy and powerful tentacles, whether it is shape or combat power, it can be understood as a simple version of the Cthulhu monster.

Although fish and beasts are a stable source of food, they are more dependent on the earth lake. At least for the time being, they are not mature enough.

But another kind of mud rat can be raised like a pig.

This creature lives extensively in the main world of the extraordinary universe, like the dnd universe. However, they are not well-known there. Their cousin, the Ross beast, is also a pack animal, and also provides meat. It is similar to the surface cattle, but the size is much smaller.

The mud rat is even smaller, basically the badger.

Fortunately, this creature is not as "empty" as most fur animals. It looks okay. There is not much meat in the pinch, and the shape is mostly supported by the fur.

They are not. Their skins are more like fish skins, thin and sticky.

In theory, they are also considered a kind of warcraft, because such a thin skin is not enough to survive in the mud. Their shape and weight determine that they cannot be compared with loach.

So it is the effect of the spell-like talent that really makes the thin skin slippery.

It's just that the effect is so slight that even the trick-level buffs are not counted.

Zhao Wenrui attaches great importance. He knew that spells were also taught to nature, especially the druids. Observing all things in nature and getting inspired to invent spells was the main way.

Among them, Warcraft's spell-like talent is the main object of analysis and imitation.

Some spells do not look very good ~ ~ It is not that the spells are not good, but the power is not mentioned. This is the reason that once the ability of some insects breaks through the limit of insects and is enlarged to the animal level, it will be extremely powerful.

But for now, he is more interested in the goal of raising mud rats and treating them as protein providers. Mud rats can be pregnant up to 12 times a year, almost once a month, 5-10 in a litter, just for this reproductive ability, and also very valuable for breeding.

It's just that they are too picky about the environment, and there are more and better choices for the intelligent races in the dark areas, and there is no need to raise them.

The choice that Zhao Wenrui does not have right now can only be studied carefully.

The Druid has an advantage in this respect, and the Ashes Vow is even more advantageous, because the Mud Rat is actually a Shadow. Despite comparing the periphery, they do need this element.

This was discovered by Zhao Wenrui's experiment in trying to use the mud-flavored mud rat.

This discovery allowed Zhao Wenrui to directly grasp the most critical point in raising mud rats. So that while the breeding group is growing rapidly, it is also running in the direction of multiple categories.

The main reason is that mud rats ca n’t get their own way of obtaining shadow elements. From this perspective, they have been in a semi-hungry state. The difference is the wild oxen, which is so different from the artificially bred beef oxen, which is very intuitive and obvious.

Zhao Wenrui was happily indulging in his farming career. On that day, Ling's unique roar rang again in his heart.

This time Zhao Wenrui was not surprised and disappointed.

The heart said: "The last time is you, the one that hurts my experience value is called a low cost performance. I have long been waiting to hold this hatred. I am not afraid of your periodic harassment, or you are not coming. "

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