Infinite Terror of Others

Twenty Four Abandoned Son One

(I said it in the book review section! I had no idea to continue writing before, and I had no idea for the next horror movie. Now I have everyone’s approval and I have started to write. I always have to watch the movie first to find out the subject matter. Everyone Don't rush me, otherwise the quality will not be guaranteed.

I watched the first episode of Death Again today, and I thought the sequence of deaths in the first episode was a good idea. I decided to write this horror movie. Please give me your support by counting your votes and help spread the word. I'm already working hard on coding. There will be chapter broadcast after 6 o'clock! )

Several people moved to stand in the light, and all four of them heard the same voice in their heads. "The teleportation target is locked, Death is coming 1, start teleportation...

At the same time, Jiang Hai and Zou Hang looked at each other. Jiang Hai's eyes were full of fear, but Zou Hang had a weird smile. Life and death didn't seem to scare him. He just wanted to face challenges so that his calculations could perform perfectly.

It was both real and illusory, as if he had entered a dream again, and his body seemed to be wrapped in a kind of warmth. The body's senses are fully aware of everything around it, but it seems that the brain just can't determine what is going on. Some are like radar being interfered with by special frequencies.

It should only be a moment, or it could be a long time. Anyway, it is unknown to several people in the team.

As soon as he woke up, Zou Hang began to quickly check the surrounding scene. A bright room of about 20 square meters, surrounded by a lot of cargo and luggage, it looks like it should be in the cargo hold on the plane...

Bai Hong and Chen Jianzhou both looked around excitedly. But Jiang Hai frowned, looking very upset. And there were really several men and women lying on the ground. I think they are the newcomers this time, but in terms of number, there are seven people lying horizontally and eight people lying crosswise and scattered, and if you add the four people in the team, there will be a total of 20 people. . It has reached the upper limit of the number of people in horror movies mentioned by Jiang Hai.

So this horror movie is really a tomb for everyone. Bai Hong saw Jiang Hai's depressed look and asked him what was wrong. Jiang Hai sighed and said: "This time we are in danger. With 20 people, I'm afraid none of us can survive."

Jiang Hai's words shocked Bai Hong, but Bai Hong asked in confusion: "I have seen the movie 'Death is Coming 1'! It's not as scary as you said! There are no zombies or monsters!"

Jiang Hai smiled bitterly and complained: "Fart, do you know what is the most terrifying thing? It's these inexplicable deaths. If there are monsters, no matter how many there are, at least we know where the enemy is, and maybe the weapons in our hands can still Destroy it. And this God of Death is coming, and we can only wait to die!"

Chen Jianzhou on the side was still excited. The ion stick he exchanged before had never been used in actual combat. It was too dangerous in paradise, so he could only fight with Jiang Hai with a wooden stick. But I just heard a few people say something wrong and asked: "What's wrong? Is this movie difficult? I've never seen it. I basically didn't watch movies before. Can anyone tell me."

Bai Hong looked at Jiang Hai, who was still frowning. Bai Hong looked at Zou Hang again, and Zou Hang nodded to indicate to her. Bai Hong then spoke: "Actually, I'm not very familiar with it. After all, the first episode of The Coming of Death was released in 2000. I was still in school at the time and just watched the DVD at a friend's house that I rented and missed many parts of the plot. Probably high school student Alex Browning was boarding a plane bound for Paris with his classmates in French class. All the passengers had boarded and fastened their seat belts, and the plane was about to take off. Suddenly, Alex With a strong ominous premonition, he seemed to see the plane explode in the air shortly after takeoff and turned into a ball of fire. The frightened Alex made a loud noise and asked everyone to leave the plane, which triggered a fire in the cabin. There was a scuffle inside. In the end, 7 passengers, including Alex, were kicked out of the cabin. After returning to the airport, Alex was surrounded by 6 other passengers, including his friends Billy and Todd , a young girl named Claire, Carter and his girlfriend Terry who had struggled with Alex, and Luton, a female teacher who voluntarily stayed to take care of Alex and other students. Just as people were worried about being unable to make the trip to Paris When Alex was furious during the trip, Alex's terrible premonition was tragically confirmed. The plane exploded violently in mid-air, and no one on board survived. In shock, the survivors all wanted to know about Eric. How did Si foresee this tragedy? Some people are very interested in his special powers, but most people are very afraid. The agents also came to question Alex, but Alex felt extremely guilty and confused. Puzzled, he wanted to forget this tragedy and return to a normal life. But what Alex saw was death coming continuously. The survivors began to die one after another, and the causes of death were very strange. Alex finally Understand that Death cannot be deceived, and he and his friends must unite to change their destiny!"

Bai Hong only told the general plot, and there were many places that were not described in detail, such as the causes and processes of the deaths of several deceased people. However, although Zou Hang had deliberately studied the film "Death Is Coming 1" a few days ago, UU Reading, he was too lazy to give her additional explanations.

"Have you really finished reading it? What's the ending?" Jiang Hai asked Bai Hong in a rhetorical tone.

Bai Hong thought for a while and said with relief: "I really haven't finished reading it yet. I read half of it that day and rushed to class. But my friends said it seemed that three people were alive in the end!"

Another careless person!

"Do you know that the last three people died. No one can escape the death arranged by the God of Death for them!" Jiang Hai said coldly.

"Jiang Hai, how much do you know about this movie?" Zou Hang finally spoke.

"Do you know the second episode of Death Comes? In that movie, my previous team of 15 people were wiped out, and I was the only one who escaped? Unexpectedly, I entered this series again. It seems that this is also fate. I finally escaped. It’s not out of the God of Death’s arrangement!”

"How did you escape if the group was destroyed?" Hearing Jiang Hai's words, Zou Hang suddenly felt something was wrong. Jiang Hai's origin was too vague. Zou Hang also tried to trick him in Paradise, but he always said he didn't remember and shied away -

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