Infinite Travel in the Second Dimension Author: My Desire Collision

Pick up girls in dimensions and travel through infinity!

The ability to collect comes to every world in an absolute manner.

Lin Mo, who was pregnant with the system, came to a chaotic world with a catalog of forbidden magical words, Qiong Mei, Misaka Mikoto, and Gabriel.

As time goes by, the chaotic heaven and the hell that covets the human world will come again!

The prelude to the war between science and the magic society in the forbidden word list is quietly beginning...

(Newcomer’s first work)

Current world progress: Supercar + Directory of Magical Banned Words (Main World) → Dating → Sword Art Online → Battle City → Seven Magicians → Blood Devouring Raid Season 1 and 2 (in progress)

1 My sister is Misaka Mikoto?

Hey! Did you hear that? That person is Misaka Mikoto's older brother! A girl in school uniform pointed at a man who was about 16.7 years old.

Really? He's the brother of the rumored railgun? Another woman following her said in surprise.

That's right! I'm telling you some exciting news! That LV0 and can't do it!

Is it true? Isn't this just like a loser? Are the two of them really brother and sister? The younger sister is obviously so good...

Ridiculous words like this kept coming to Lin Mo's ears, and he was used to it. He sighed slightly and looked up at the endless sky...

Lin Mo was not originally from this world, but he was involved in an accident. He was about to die and was brought into this complex and dangerous world by a system called The Strongest Girl Control Training System.

Superpowers, magic, and supernatural beings in this world are no longer fantasy things, but truly exist in this world.

Including the two-dimensional characters that Lin Mo was familiar with in his previous life also exist in this world. And Misaka Mikoto is one of the characters he is most familiar with. What’s even more ridiculous is... he is a complete waste after time travel. Compared with Misaka Mikoto who shines like the bright moon in the sky, he is more than one step behind. The most ridiculous thing is that He is also Misaka Mikoto’s older brother!

In fact, is Lin Mo really a waste like the legend? No! totally not! During his time traveling through time, he inexplicably awakened the two abilities of time and space! It's just that he has been hiding it all these years, and he still understands that the wind will destroy the trees that are beautiful in the forest.

Unlike Shirai Kuroko's half-hearted space teleportation in the original work, his space system ability encompasses everything! It’s not just the ability to teleport!

After several years of exploration, Lin Mo has almost completely discovered the ability of time system. He has not chosen to carry out extremely dangerous experiments like going back to the past or going to the future, unless he arrives. He would only use it when he had to.

As for the Strongest Girl Control Development system in his body, Lin Mo didn't bother to complain. He often asked him to complete some particularly weird tasks, such as lifting his sister's skirt, having a sudden night attack at night, and other examples. Peeping on my sister while she was taking a shower. All in all, it is useful for everything.

As for the results, the system rewards really benefited Lin Mo a lot, making his abilities in both systems reach the top level of LV5.

The downside is...the relationship between him and his sister is at a zero point, so when Lin Mo was 10 years old and Misaka Mikoto was 8 years old, they separated naturally...

Misaka Mikoto began to be trained as an ability user, but Lin Mo was completely abandoned and left to fend for herself. If it weren't for the relief money given by his cheap mother, Lin Mo didn't know if he would have survived. 'season finale'

Six years later, this relationship remains unchanged.

Recalling every detail of the past few years, Lin Mo wanted to curse. If it weren't for this damn broken system, I would have been a good brother who was a role model at home, okay?

Hey! I'm crying if I talk too much. Lin Mo sighed faintly, Where are we going to eat tonight? My wallet seems to be running out of money... Lin Mo murmured to himself.

Boy! My brothers are a little tight lately. You should know what to do, right?

Several bad boys gathered around Lin Mo. Pedestrians couldn't help but speed up their pace after seeing what was going on here.

Hearing this, Lin Mo froze for a moment and showed a slightly meaningful smile, Okay! But there are a lot of people here.

Hearing this, Lin Mo froze for a moment and showed a slightly meaningful smile, Okay! But there are a lot of people here.

The meaning is self-evident. Several bad boys looked at each other and showed a knowing smile. They put their hands on Lin Mo's shoulders and led him into a bottomless alley...

Is this how much money you need? How about sending beggars away? Huh? Lin Mo nodded at the banknotes in his hand and stepped on several people he praised as cash machines...

Brother, I really have no money. This is all my belongings... Several people said tremblingly with sad faces, as if they had been greatly wronged. They had forgotten who they were robbing just now.

Forget it, get out of here. Lin Mo waved his hand like he was shooing away flies, and said with a disgusted expression. He didn't have a good impression of these little gangsters.

After hearing Lin Mo's words, several people's expressions looked as if they had been relieved from extreme torture, and they rolled and crawled out of this land of right and wrong.

After several people left Lin Mo's sight, he walked out slowly, and he could still vaguely hear the young man's complaining words...

Hey! I have to find a way to make some money... I wonder if I can survive a month with this little money? It hurts!

This is an island called Academy City, a veritable city of schools...

This school city includes dozens of universities and hundreds of elementary schools, junior high schools and high schools, with a total of more than a thousand large and small research institutions. The population is nearly 2.3 million, and 80% of the residents (more than 1.8 million) are students. Academy City has the most cutting-edge technology in the world, which is 20 to 30 years more advanced than the outside world. It is a leader in the scientific world.

Most students in Academy City obtain superpowers through drugs, hypnosis, and electrical stimulation. There are various types of abilities, divided into range and power.

(Level 0), incompetent person (Level 1), low ability person (Level 2), super ability person (Level 3), great ability person (Level 4), strong ability person

(Level 5), superpower

There is also a person (Level 6) who only exists in theory, a person with absolute abilities.

At the same time, on another side of the world that is little known, an extremely gorgeous magical fight was staged...

Since he has not touched his bottom line, Lin Mo is too lazy to offend them. His character is that of a peace of mind attitude. As long as others don't come and cause trouble for him, he doesn't bother to care about them. Of course ! Not necessarily if someone close to you is hurt.

Lin Mo took out the Nokia in his arms... and looked at the time, 2 p.m.! To be honest, he had cared about it a long time ago, because Academy City, which is more than ten years ahead of the outside world, doesn't even have a fucking smartphone!

School starts tomorrow? The summer vacation passed before I knew it. Thinking of this, Lin Mo felt in a daze. One month had passed like this without doing anything?

(Newbies and new books, please collect them, flowers, and your support is my biggest motivation. The protagonist’s ability is based on this book. If you have anything you don’t understand, you can ask in the book review area.)

2 Misaka Mikoto is on the verge of breaking out as soon as she appears on the stage

Night falls quietly...


On the quiet street, a scream like a slaughtered pig broke the rare tranquility. Lin Mo, who was walking alone on the street and lamenting his life, came back to his senses. When he turned around, a young man was being raped by a group of bad boys. Chasing.

Asshole! Don't run away if you have the guts!

Damn it, I asked you to meddle in your own business! I finally came out to chat with a girl, but I am embarrassed!

Don't run away, you bastard! I'm going to cut you into pieces!

Hey! Isn't this Touma? Are you in trouble? Lin Mo raised a hand and said hello.

Are you...Lin Mo? Why are you here? Kamijou Touma said breathlessly.

Before Lin Mo could speak, Kamijou Touma spoke again: Now is not the time to talk about this! Run! The group of people behind is about to catch up!

After Kamijou Touma finished speaking, he stopped and started running again, leaving Lin Mo alone in the air...

When Kamijou Touma disappeared, Lin Mo silently withdrew his greeting hand and said with a sullen face, Asshole! If you dare, don't let me see you at school tomorrow, or you'll be dead!

Boy, are you that man's companion?

Get out of here! Don't block my way!

What a shame... Lin Mo was very unhappy now. Just as he was about to teach these annoying flies a lesson, a purple electric light flashed across the sky, and several bad guys fell to the ground with twitching faces.

Oh? Lin Mo's pupils narrowed and he looked at the visitor with amusement. She has shoulder-length brown hair, a handsome and handsome face, and a petite figure. She is wearing the summer school uniform of Miss Tokiwadai that Lin Mo is very familiar with. There is no doubt that the person coming is Misaka Mikoto.

Is it you? Misaka Mikoto's face was startled, and she looked at the young man standing not far away from her with a slightly disgusted expression.

Kamijou Touma hid in the corner and secretly glanced at everyone present. When he saw several delinquents who were chasing him fall down, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked out with a guilty conscience: Brother, Are you OK?

What do you think? Lin Mo looked at Kamijou Touma with murderous eyes.

Kamijou Touma was horrified by the sight and said with a sneer, How about I treat you to a meal and forget about today's affairs...

Well, I happen to have no place to stay to eat at night, so it's great to have the help of an enemy like you!

Seeing Lin Mo's face change in an instant, Kamijou Touma didn't know whether to cry or smile. He only knew that... his wallet was going to be in crisis again.

I said...leave me aside, what are the two whispering? Ah! Misaka Mikoto glared, and purple electric currents erupted from her body, causing the two of them to turn their eyes to her again.

Kamijou Touma took a step back and whispered in Lin Mo's ear: Brother, I think our current situation is very bad. Let's count to 3.2.1 and run away together later?

Hearing this, the word # appeared on Misaka Mikoto's forehead, and the burst of purple lightning became much brighter again.

Do you think you can escape from my LV5 hands? Misaka Mikoto laughed angrily, reached out and took out a coin from her pocket, and aimed at the two of them: Have you ever heard of railgun? Another name is railgun. ! Using Fleming’s laws of motion, cannonballs fired in the form of electromagnetic energy, well... in short, that’s it!”

Misaka Mikoto flicked her coin, and purple electricity wrapped around her slender little hand, gently moving towards

Misaka Mikoto flicked her coin, and purple electricity wrapped around her slender little hand, gently moving towards

Pushing forward, an orange laser rushed towards the two people with lightning speed.

Kamijou Touma's expression was suddenly startled, his pupils dilated instantly, and by the time he wanted to stretch out his right hand, it was already too late.

1 second, 2 seconds, Kamijou Touma touched the parts of his body, but fortunately there was nothing wrong. Kamijou Touma breathed a sigh of relief. But after seeing the scene in front of him, he was stunned.

The orange laser seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, unable to move even half a step forward no matter what.

Not only Kamijou Touma was stunned, but even Misaka Mikoto was confused. What happened just now? How could my power be blocked by an invisible barrier?

Looking at Lin Mo who looked innocent and did nothing, Misaka Mikoto shook her head vigorously, Impossible! I must be overthinking. He is a LV0 incompetent person! How could he block my blow? Even if I show mercy, I can't just block it casually! Then... there is only one answer! Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth and looked at Kamijou Touma.

But what Kamijou Touma said next made her stunned once again.

Brother, what did you just do? Kamijou Touma asked curiously.

Who knows! Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly with his hands in his belt.

It's really interesting! Misaka Mikoto crossed her hands on her chest and looked at Lin Mo with interest.

Speaking of which, I am also your brother in name, so can't you respect me for a while? Lin Mo helplessly spread his hands in the direction of Misaka Mikoto.

Haha, you still have the nerve to call yourself my brother. The kind of things you did when you were a child...that kind of thing...are enough to kill you 100 times! Bastard! Misaka Mikoto blushed and shouted loudly.

I don't know if it was their misunderstanding, but the electricity wrapped around Misaka Mikoto's body seemed to be a little stronger...

Hey! Do you two have any ulterior secrets? Kamijou Touma looked at the two of them nervously with an expression that said you understand.

Seek death! Lin Mo covered his face with a look of helplessness.

It seems that you really want to die? Misaka Mikoto lowered his head so that no one could see his expression. Then, an indifferent word slowly came out of Misaka Mikoto's mouth.


Kamijou Touma swallowed, and the sweat on his forehead couldn't stop flowing down. He quickly ran behind Lin Mo with a flattering expression, Brother, save me. If you save me, I will pay for your meals at school for one month from now on!

Is this true? Lin Mo's eyes lit up.

Ah! Seriously! Kamijou Touma glanced at Misaka Mikoto, who was already on the verge of explosion, and gritted his teeth, his heart bleeding.

OK, I'll help you solve it! Lin Mo patted Kamijou Touma on the shoulder, looking at Kamijou Touma with an expression of drawing a sword to help his brother, and feeling contempt in his heart.

Am I only worth one month's food expenses? Huh? Misaka Mikoto smiled very happily, but of course the consequences were also very serious.

(Newbie, new book, please collect it and send flowers, thank you for the 100VIP reward from Death.)

3 brief confrontation

In the dark night, the silence was eerie. The wind outside howled coldly. From time to time, you could hear the rustling of leaves, and the biting cold wind blew across the faces of several people.

Misaka Mikoto had a gloomy face, the electricity around her was stirring together irregularly, and she looked at the two of them quietly.

Brother, can you handle it? If not, let's run away... Kamijou Touma scratched his head and said with a smile.

Don't worry, you can go first! I'm chatting with a certain tsundere about my ideals in life. Wouldn't it be nice to do some ulterior things casually? Lin Mo said with a smile.

Kamijou Touma looked at Lin Mo, who had no expression on his face, and an emotion called admiration radiated from the inside out. Then I'll leave first, and you will be my eldest brother from now on! Big brother, if you can come back alive, say yes One month later, I will never break my promise!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Kamijou Touma ran away.

Only Lin Mo and Misaka Mikoto were left at the scene.

Who are you calling a tsundere? Misaka Mikoto said in a low voice. The surrounding sand rolled rapidly with Misaka Mikoto's words. Particles as small as beads gathered together and surrounded them. Misaka Mikoto's side.

Isn't it you? Lin Mo said with a smile on his face without any sense of dangerous tension.

I'm Academy City's NO.3! Are you looking down on me? Misaka Mikoto stood in the middle of the iron sand and sneered.

I'm so scared! Lin Mo pretended to be scared and patted his chest and abdomen.

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