Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the physical improvement liquid, and the reward will be drawn immediately... Congratulations to the host for getting it...

(1/4, when Shokuhou was doing the twisting part first, I felt helpless and struggled with whether to make Shokuhou’s breasts bigger. If you have any suggestions, please share them in the book review section or my Q group, I will be there! )

35 Happy Qiongmei

Congratulations to the host for getting the ice ability.

Ice type? What level is that? LV5? Lin Mo was surprised in his heart.

No! Host, please don't confuse the abilities rewarded by the system with the abilities of this world. The system's tone was full of disdain.

The abilities rewarded by the system can be improved without a level limit, but it becomes more difficult to upgrade later. The initial ability level is LV5.

What the hell, are you so awesome? Why does it always feel stronger than my time and space powers? Lin Mo said in surprise.

If you want to improve your time and space abilities, the host must meet certain conditions before you can upgrade. The current host does not have those conditions. If the conditions are met, the system will automatically remind you.

Okay! Lin Mo couldn't help but fell silent after hearing what the system said. The dual abilities of time and space are undoubtedly very powerful, powerful enough to crush any opponent of the same level. But promotion is also particularly difficult. This can be seen from the fact that Lin Mo was perfect without any improvement after being promoted to LV5.

However, after this battle with Accelerator, Lin Mo was pleasantly surprised to find that his understanding of time and space had improved a lot.

Although Lin Mo was eager to try out the power of ice ability users in a deserted place, there was still a more important thing waiting for him to do.

Lin Mo followed the route in his memory and came to the hospital where Qiong Mei was located. After touching the body-improving liquid in his arms, he walked in.

Standing outside Qiong Mei's ward, Lin Mo knocked on the door. After receiving a response from inside, he opened the door and walked in.

You're here!

Qiong Mei sat alone by the bed with a lonely expression. When she saw that the person coming was Lin Mo, her inner excitement was self-evident.

Since Lin Mo met Qiong Mei, he came to the hospital to visit Kasugano Qiong from time to time, so the relationship between the two has improved by leaps and bounds, and they are no longer so cold to each other. Now the two can basically be called brother and sister.

Of course, this is inseparable from Lin Mo's efforts.

Lin Mo responded to Qiong Mei's words with a smile and walked to her bedside, holding the fruit he just bought in his hand.

How's it going? How are you doing lately?

Yeah! It's just that I got out of bed and walked away because my hand was so weak that I could only stay in the hospital bed! Qiongmei sighed faintly.

Really? Lin Mo said regretfully, but the next words made Qiong Mei's heart become active.

I found a way to restore you!

Really? The sudden news made Qiong Mei feel excited for a moment. She never doubted what Lin Mo said from beginning to end, because she believed that Lin Mo would not lie to her!

Lin Mo chuckled lightly, took out the physique improving liquid and handed it to Qiong Mei.

Qiong curiously opened the mouth of the medicine bottle. In an instant, a faint fragrance came out from inside, making the two of them take a deep breath.

Qiong curiously opened the mouth of the medicine bottle. In an instant, a faint fragrance came out from inside, making the two of them take a deep breath.


As Lin Mo nodded, Qiong drank it without hesitation, without even the slightest hesitation in his eyes.

A black liquid suddenly penetrated Qiong Baize's skin, making her suddenly startled. This was simply unimaginable for Qiong, who loves beauty, and she quickly pushed Lin Mo out who was stunned.

I'm going to take a shower first. You stay outside for now and don't come in!

After that, he closed the hospital door with a bang.

Kasugano Qiong picked up the clothes and quickly walked towards the bathroom and toilet that came with the ward.

Ten minutes later, when Lin Mo was almost impatient with waiting, the red-faced Qiong Mei opened the door and promised Lin Mo that he could go in.

Lin Mocai finally walked in.

Thank you, brother! I feel like my body is no different from a normal person now! Qiong Mei jumped up and down excitedly.

Really? That's good! Lin Mo was sincerely happy for Sister Qiong. Seeing the smile radiating from inside, Lin Mo felt that it was worth it!

Suddenly, a burst of fragrance hit her nostrils, and Qiong Mei could not help but throw herself into Lin Mo's chest.

The particularly soft object made Lin Mo's blood swell, and he almost lost control. He took a deep breath, suppressed the primitive desires deep in his heart, and felt much better.

Although I don't know what your bottle of green liquid is, it must be very precious! Qiong Mei held Lin Mo's arms warmly for a while and then let go.

It's okay, it's not a big deal, Lin Mo said calmly, waving his hand.

Well... Qiongmei shook her head and continued under Lin Mo's puzzled gaze, I can feel that not only my body has improved, but there is also some kind of mysterious power entwining in my heart. It's just that Now I don’t know what that is…”

This time it was Lin Mo's turn to be shocked, Are you talking about... ability?

Yeah! Qiongmei nodded.

Really! After finally getting Qiong Mei's answer, Lin Mo felt particularly excited, but he didn't have any regrets.

So all this is your function! Brother... Qiongmei blushed, and before Lin Mo could react, she tapped Lin Mo's cheek like a dragonfly touching water.

(2/4, please collect some and send flowers, Qiongmei~)

36 Gabriel, heaven?

When Lin Mo came out of the hospital, he carefully reviewed Qiong Mei's words as if he were waking up from a dream.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason, so he had no choice but to give up. He looked at the time in a good mood. It was only afternoon. He hadn't been to school for two or three days. The pink-haired loli mascot wouldn't be right. Are you dissatisfied?

Lin Mo thought secretly, he was already absent from class today anyway, let's go again tomorrow! Just in time for a good day's rest.

Lin Mo stretched out comfortably. The incident came to an end, and he who was physically and mentally exhausted couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

What are we going to do today? Why don't we go back and have a good sleep? Lin Mo thought as he walked home.

Wait...cough cough cough, robbery!!

A blond-haired girl kept chasing an uncle in front of her who was about 40 years old. She was so desperate that the robber had to pass by Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked left and right. A group of passers-by had already moved aside, and Lin Mo was the only one standing in the middle of the road.

Out of helplessness, Lin Mo knocked the robber to the ground simply and roughly. He calmly picked up the pink bag that fell on the ground and handed it to the girl who had just ran over.

Thank you! Thank you so much! It's my first time in Academy City, and I didn't expect to encounter a robber in the blink of an eye...

The blond-haired girl gasped and took the pink bag. After checking that there was nothing wrong with the items inside, she said gratefully.

Lin Mo quickly waved his hand and said, It's okay, it's okay. When the road is rough, draw your sword and help!

Really! I've been in the human world for three months, and it's great to meet such a kind-hearted person for the first time! The girl said something to herself that Lin Mo couldn't understand.

Just call the police to deal with this guy! I'll leave first if I have something else to do! Lin Mo said. He didn't want to be called by the police to question him and take notes.

Yes! The girl nodded gracefully.

Yes! The girl nodded gracefully.

Gabriel, have you got your bag back?

The girl with dark purple hair and the girl named Gabriel who were wearing the same school uniform said with concern.

I got it back. Thanks to the help of a good person. If I had known better, I wouldn't have come to Academy City. This is the first time I encountered such trouble. Public security is so bad! Gabriel changed her previous image of a young lady. He said lazily.

The girl with dark purple hair said in a lecturing tone, Since others have helped you, you should also thank them properly! Do you hear that? Have you completely forgotten all the etiquette taught to you by the heavens?

Hey! The girl named Gabrielle waved her hand impatiently like she was shooing away flies.

Oh! There's really nothing I can do against you! The dark purple girl with short wind said helplessly.

By the way, no one has discovered your true identity!

Probably not... Gabriel gave a vague answer.

Well, forget it, the humans in this world are really not simple! Magic, superpowers... No wonder the heaven sent us down to learn the knowledge of the human world! The girl with dark purple hair said with a sigh.

It's not bad! Anyway, I'm already a fallen angel, so it doesn't matter what I study... Gabriel yawned and said nonchalantly.

Of course, Lin Mo didn't know all this. Even if he knew, he would only treat the two of them as chuunibyou patients... He was walking leisurely on the street, looking at the scenery leisurely, and eating leisurely what he had just bought as a treat. own food…

(3/4, please collect some and have some flowers! Well, regarding Shokuhou's breasts, they will definitely grow. You can rest assured that the author has his own plans when writing, and once again hehehehe! laughter……)

37 Qiong girls who lived in Lin Mo’s house with integrity

When Lin Mo came to the hospital the next day, he finally understood the meaning of what Qiong Mei said yesterday.

I already know what happened from Qiong's mouth. Thank you for giving such a precious thing to Qiong. Qiong's parents bent down and thanked him.

Lin Mo quickly touched the two of them and waved his hands, It's okay, that's not a valuable thing, not to mention that it can restore Qiong's body. Isn't that the effect of that potion?

Qiong's parents looked at each other, nodded to each other under Lin Mo's puzzled gaze, and then turned their heads in the direction of Lin Mo.

So I have something to discuss with you...

What's the matter? Lin Mo asked confused.

Actually, it's like this. We originally planned to wait for Qiong's body to be cured and then return to our city. After all, we don't have any serious jobs here, and our job is the kind of job where we always travel around. It may be a little inconvenient to reach the dome.

So after the two of us discussed it with Qiong, we made a unanimous decision, so please ask Qiong to stay in your home for the time being!

Huh? Lin Mo was confused for a moment.

After all, the two of us still have to go to work, so we can't take care of Qiong's child all the time... Qiong's parents glanced at Kasugano Qiong with pity.

But, wouldn't this be a little inappropriate... Lin Mo said with a bit of pain.

Don't worry! We will pay Qiong's living expenses properly. At the same time, we also want her to transfer to the school here so that you can take care of each other. The middle-aged woman said slowly.

That's not what I'm talking about. If a grown man like me is alone, Qiong will definitely have some suggestions! Lin Mo said awkwardly.

Well... I don't have any problem, as long as you don't suggest it, brother... Qiong blushed and said weakly.

Well... I don't have any problem, as long as you don't suggest it, brother... Qiong blushed and said weakly.

Qiong's parents exchanged glances, as if you understand and I understand. At the same time, their expressions looking at Lin Mo became more and more satisfied.

Okay! Lin Mo agreed as if he was discouraged, but when he thought of being able to live with Qiong Mei, his heart gradually became hot again.

Since there are so many rooms in our house, it won't be a problem even if we have an extra Qiongmei.

When Qiong's parents left with a smile, Lin Mo couldn't help but feel helpless. As a result, Qiong actually moved into his home, and at the same time received a large amount of financial assistance from Qiong's parents.

Qiong was rummaging around in Lin Mo's room like a curious baby, as if he wanted to be fascinated by something. When he saw that he didn't get the results he wanted, he lowered his head in disappointment.

But when he thought about being able to live with Lin Mo in the future, he regained his vitality again. At least in Lin Mo's eyes, he wouldn't be as dull-eyed as before.

Qiong, go out and buy some daily necessities for you later! Let's just settle for lunch. Lin Mo said to Qiong.

Yeah! Qiong naturally said there was no problem.

I have to help Qiong find a better school. We can't let her stay at home every day, right? After all, I have to complete my studies. If my mother finds out that I am absent from class every day, will she beat myself to death? Lin Mo Thought secretly.

(4/4, please add some collections and flowers, I will make up a temporary chapter at night!)

38 Misaka Mikoto’s solution?

At noon, Qiong was wearing a white princess dress with two black bows on her head. She was holding a black rabbit-shaped doll in her hand, holding Lin Mo's hand, and looking at her with two big eyes. around.

Well... let's buy some daily necessities first! Lin Mo held Qiong's hand and said after thinking for a while.

Hmm! Qiong naturally didn't make any sense.

Lin Mo directly led Qiong Mei to the largest local supermarket and bought many things, including Qiong's daily necessities, as well as snacks that Qiong liked.

Ever since Qiong moved into Lin Mo's home, he had to start thinking about three meals a day in the future. He wouldn't necessarily have to eat out every day, right? In the past, he might not have cared much about it, but now that Qiong Mei is here, he naturally has to pay attention to some things...

Qiong, let's go shopping again and get familiar with Academy City? Lin Mo said softly.

Yeah! Qiong's little head nodded slightly in agreement, holding Lin Mo's hand and still not letting go.

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