I accept the challenge!

As soon as he finished speaking, a rather dazzling light emitted from the gem on the hilt of the weapon, and then a complete lightsaber formed from the front of the hilt. Lin Mo waved forward slightly, and immediately left the special sound of the lightsaber in the air.

As soon as he finished speaking, a rather dazzling light emitted from the gem on the hilt of the weapon, and then a complete lightsaber formed from the front of the hilt. Lin Mo waved forward slightly, and immediately left the special sound of the lightsaber in the air.

very good.

Julis also took out her own Huang-style weapon. It was a small red lightsaber called the 'Corolla Sword'. It was Julis' exclusive weapon. Unlike Lin Mo, the weapon in his hand was about the same as a cabbage.

Everyone can go to the academy to receive a Huang-style weapon of their own. The matching degree with the sword determines whether the sword can fight alongside you in the following days.

At the same time, they also have an exclusive special function... As for what function it is, Lin Mo doesn't know yet, because each sword has a different style, so various swords have been derived. Function.

A virtual shape slowly appeared on the ground. After rotating for a while, it disappeared under the feet of the two people, which meant that the duel had officially begun. Similarly, in the air above them, a name and information belonging to themselves appeared behind the two of them.

Destroying the opponent's school badge is a victory! Is that okay? Julis asked.

No problem, it's not a life-and-death duel. After the duel, I hope to ask you out tomorrow to have a chat. How about it? Can you give me a favor? Lin Mo said with a smile.

Julis was stunned for a moment, and then said: Yes, but the premise is that you have to defeat me!

If that's the case, then it's better to be respectful than to obey!

After Lin Mo finished speaking, the countdown started in the void. Both sides were ready to wait for the end of the countdown. During this period, Lin Mo took a deep breath, and his eyes were slowly illuminated by a pair of icy blue rainbows. The light filled her eyes, which were like colorful pupils, making Julis's body tremble slightly.

The cold breath gradually emanates from the eyes, like the prayer of death, and will harvest his life wantonly in the next second.

Under the gaze of these eyes, Julis could even feel that she would die anytime and anywhere. Then he shook his head, put aside all distracting thoughts, and seriously waited for the end of the countdown to the game.




Game start!

(5/5, um, Julis has changed back to Julis!).

314 Bloom gorgeously! Sharp Spear White Flame Flower!

With the countdown to zero horn, the game finally kicked off. The voices of the audience rose and fell one after another, rising like waves crashing against the rocks. Being able to witness the duel between the top twelve people was very lucky.

Especially the ‘Flame Witch’, who is ranked fifth in the academy and is known as Her Royal Highness outside, and her opponent, a newcomer who has only recently begun to become famous.

The strength of both sides is extremely strong, and some people have already used the power of the star pulse to record the battle between the two.

But all the noisy sounds outside could not affect the two people in the center at all.

Now that the competition has begun, let me take a good look at your strength. Bloom gorgeously, sharp spear white flame flower! As soon as Julis finished speaking, the 'Corolla Sword' covered with flames rose in the sky of Void 18 Waved a few times. It brought up bursts of tail flames.

A few seconds later, not only did the tail flames not dissipate in the sky, but they quickly condensed into several flower-like spears and aimed at Lin Mo. Julis raised the corner of her mouth slightly, waved her hand, and the sharp spear-white flame flower condensed in the void struck Lin Mo like a falling red meteorite.

Lin Mo did not panic, but concentrated his energy, using his eyes of death to capture the trajectory of the sharp spear Bai Yanhua.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and dead lines gradually brightened in his sight. Every dead line represents a sharp spear and white flame flower.

At the same time, the line of sight slowed down like a movie tape, and the trajectory of the sharp spear Bai Yanhua became extremely clear!

The Demonic Eye of Direct Death did not have the ability to slow down objects, but Lin Mo's powerful mental power caught Julis's attack in an instant. In the eyes of others, Lin Mo seemed to be stunned and stood motionless, as if he had no intention of hiding.

Even Julis looked puzzled.

Suddenly, Lin Mo's arm slowly moved in front of everyone's eyes, and the sword light he swung out in an instant was as eye-catching as a shooting star in the dark night!

The sharp spear Bai Yanhua was suddenly cut in half when it came into contact with the sword light! As if they bumped into each other on purpose, they dispersed to both sides before encountering Lin Mo's figure.

All the sharp spear Bai Yanhua seemed to have been forcibly moved away by external forces, and fell behind Lin Mo, creating a scene like a flame explosion.

The strong wind blew against Lin Mo's back, but his tattoo didn't move! The tip of the sword pointed diagonally at the ground, and he walked towards Julis step by step.

Did any of you just see him swinging a sword?

Did any of you just see him swinging a sword?

I don't know who shouted, and there was an uproar in the crowd. They only saw the incredibly fast sword light. Apart from this, I don't even know when Lin Mo moved his sword.

His swordsmanship is so powerful!

In the crowd, a petite figure looked at the two people in the venue with surprise. Behind her was a knife wrapped in cloth. Her white hair cascaded down her back. There is a timid expression on his face from time to time, which can especially arouse the desire to protect others.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly, sighed quietly, and left quietly.

Lin Mo, who was in the middle of the battle, didn't notice her departure at all. Even if he did, he would only look at her once and look away.

At this time, Julis felt Lin Mo's strong pressure, her face changed, and she took a step back slightly.

I...since I feel scared? No, I must not retreat! For everyone, I must win this game! And then win the Star Warrior Festival championship! Julis shouted in her heart, with an unswerving attitude , which made her flinch a little, and stopped.

I will increase the speed this time. If you can continue like before, then give it a try! Julis snorted coldly, and the sharp spear White Flame Flower appeared in the sky again. But this time the shape is thinner, more pointed, and faster at the same time!

The sharp spear Bai Yanhua, which concentrated its energy to the extreme, rushed towards Lin Mo with the sound of breaking through the air! Just like a bullet coming through the air, it is hard to guard against.

Lin Mo still maintained his forward posture, as if he had not seen the incoming attack, but just when he was about to touch the corner of Lin Mo's clothes, the lightsaber in his hand was like a master who had seen through all the mortal world in the world, killing him mercilessly. Go down.

Everyone thought that this time, Julis's attack would be cut off like last time, but they didn't see the light in Julis's eyes that her plan had succeeded.

I knew you would take my attack head-on. Explode! Sharp Spear Bai Yanhua! Julis clenched her fists and shouted. As a witch with the power of fire, it is not strange to be able to control the flames she emits at will. It is precisely because of this natural advantage that the witch has when dealing with melee players! That's why they were beaten and couldn't fight back.

The gap between geniuses and ordinary people is clear at this moment!

(Please subscribe, flowers, and a new book will be published tomorrow, also with a two-dimensional theme.)


315 Julis’ favor

Before the sharp spear Bai Yanhua came into contact with Lin Mo's body, it instantly turned into thick smoke and exploded. A powerful shock wave directly hit the side of Julis's face.

But she had no time to care about this and stared closely at the center of the explosion, trying to see if Lin Mo had fallen. But it quickly became disappointing. A white figure flashed out from the center of the smoke unscathed. Like the speed of sound, it left shadows on the field!

Lin Mo disappeared like a ghost in the dark night. But he could see his purpose, which was Julis who was stunned in place!

Julis didn't even have a chance to react before a long sword was clamped around her neck so fast that no one even reacted. They only saw a silhouette, how could the battle end?

Julis was a little disbelieving, even a little sad. After all, he was defeated so easily...

Time seemed to be silent for a few seconds, but just before Lin Mo spoke, he caught several arrows flying through the air in time. The long sword clamped on Yulisi Hiroko instantly withstood all attacks with a strange move.

Clang Clang Clang!!!

Several white lightsabers struck the silhouette of Lin Mo's sword.

What! Someone attacked?

Julis was shocked and looked towards the direction where the arrow was shot, but there was no one there.

That arrow was obviously aimed at me.

Her brow wrinkled slightly. Who is it that wants to put her to death? Although this attack was easily blocked by Julis's flames, there was no guarantee that something similar would not happen again in the future.

Lin Mo took back the lightsaber, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: Are you okay?

Called by Lin Mo's voice, Julis waved her hand quickly: It's okay, it's just about winning this game...

Although I feel uncomfortable being disturbed, how about just treating it as invalid?

Julis was about to declare victory, but Lin Mo's actions made her very surprised and puzzled: It's invalid? But in the end, it's obvious that you were almost winning...

Although I can win, Julis, you must still have some moves that you haven't used, right? Since I was disturbed, forget it! We will discuss it when we have time. Besides, the academy didn't pay attention to making such a big noise. It won’t work anymore.” Lin Mo smiled bitterly.

Julis didn't understand what he meant yet, but the next second, she knew what Lin Mo meant.

Student President Claudia Enfield walked over from a short distance away, clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention, and said with a smile: Is the competition between you over? If not, I will become the Student President. permission to prevent this match.

It's so early in the morning, you guys are making so much noise!

After speaking, Claudia glanced at the large number of students who had gathered around her, intentionally or unintentionally.

After speaking, Claudia glanced at the large number of students who had gathered around her, intentionally or unintentionally.

Okay, now that the student council president has intervened, I'll let it go, but Lin Mo, I will definitely beat you next time! Although I am not willing to do so, I still have to admit that you are powerful. After that, Yuli Si left unwillingly, and at the same time she kept muttering something in her heart.

Only Claudia and Lin Mo were left on the field, and the surrounding crowd gradually began to disperse.

Claudia refused to speak, and Lin Mo felt quite helpless. It always felt like he was being targeted by a tigress. Although Claude didn't say anything, standing in front of her, Lin Mo felt like his whole body was being seen through.

Lin Mo had this feeling when we met a few days ago, and it's even stronger now!

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Mo couldn't bear it anymore and said aloud: If nothing happens, I will go back first. Class will start soon. It will be bad if you are late on the first day.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo flew away. A smile slowly appeared on Claudia's lips. He neither stopped nor left. He just looked at Lin Mo's back and refused to leave until she disappeared from sight.

Finally left. But there was a doubt in Lin Mo's heart, and it always felt like she knew him.

After thinking for a while, Lin Mo couldn't figure it out, so he had to bury his doubts in his heart. After taking a look at the time, he headed to his class.

As soon as he entered the class, he saw Yuris sitting in the back row. Julis also noticed Lin Mo, but she was not particularly surprised on the surface, as if she had known that she would be with Lin Mo.

What a coincidence, the seat was right next to Julis. On the right side of Lin Mo, there was another empty seat. The other party is already late or does not plan to come today.

. Oh, we met so soon, we are really destined!

Lin Mo sat down and said hello.

But this fate is not what I want to see.

Julis turned around and said, although she was reluctant on the surface, secretly Li had already inquired about Lin Mo's news.

Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders and had a general understanding of Julis's character. Smile slightly to show that you don't care.

By the way, I'm very grateful to you for saving me. Although it doesn't sound like I want to build a good relationship, I'm still very grateful. So, I owe you a favor! Julis pouted. , said.

A favor? It doesn't sound bad. Lin Mo smiled lightly.

That's right! And... after school tomorrow, I'll come and listen to what you want to say. Julis said with a sudden blush on her cheeks. Since she came to Seidoukan Academy, she hasn't looked at anyone for a long time. She doesn't know what happened today, since she took the initiative to say it! Even Julis had a particularly absurd feeling in her heart.

In that case, it's settled.

(1/3, please subscribe, flowers.).

316 Participate in Huang-style weapons selection?

Early the next morning, as soon as Lin Mo came to school, he saw Julis sitting alone on a stool. He walked over and sat down next to her: Good morning, Julis!

Well, good morning.

Although it was an ordinary greeting, it caused a large number of people in the class to be surprised.

Did you hear that one just now?

Since the princess has responded?

What's going on? Since the princess who rejects people thousands of miles away will respond to the new student's words for the first time.

After hearing this, Julis stood up angrily: You guys are so rude! Even I will greet others! After saying that, she sat down. But judging from the reactions around her, it was obvious that she didn't believe Julis' words.

As classmates who had been promoted from junior high school together, they already had a full understanding of Julis's character. Ordinary 540 people have to be careful even when they come up to say hello, because they are afraid that the princess will get angry if she is in a bad mood. There have been many such cases in the past.

They all kept a distance from Julis. That also shows that the others are chatting together in twos and threes, and only Julis looks a little pitiful.

Of course, maybe Julis was also happy and at ease in her heart.

It seems they don't have a good impression of you. Lin Mo said looking at Julis' side face.

Tch, it doesn't matter to me whether their image is good or not, they are just classmates anyway. Yuli said without caring at all,

That's right... Lin Mo smiled helplessly. At this time, a person next to him caught his attention. He had short blue hair and a dazed expression on his face from time to time, looking at Lin Mo like a (bich) cat that had just woken up.

If Lin Mo remembered correctly, wasn't this girl his opponent in the entrance exam? The name seems to be Shasha Miya Saye?

It's you! Are you in this class too? Lin Mo said in surprise, looking up and down at Shasha Gong Saya.

Ah, I'm a little surprised. Saya said while rubbing her eyes.

The world is really small. Lin Mo said with a smile.

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