With a thought in Lin Mo's mind, the entire world that turned into ice melted away. Priscilla on the side had already woken up.

But the first time she saw her, she was looking for her sister in the venue.

Sure enough, they saw the fallen Vampire Queen at the side, and Lin Mo and others walking towards them.

Although Priscilla didn't understand what had just happened, she knew from the potholes on the field and the broken scythe sealed by ice that they had lost!

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359 Preaching

Lin Mo let go of the lightsaber in his hand, and the next second, the weapon turned into dots of starlight and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

The game is over!!! Winners, Lin Mo \u0026 Julis!!!

With the end of the horn, this tragic game officially came to an end.

Although the school emblem of the vampire girl was not destroyed, she fell into unconsciousness. Therefore, in this match, it was naturally determined that the opponent could not fight, so Lin Mo won.

The sound of the end of the game was not only for the audience to hear, but also brought Julis back from her daze.

Lin Mo! Nothing happened to you?

Lin Mo looked at Julis running from a distance and said with a smile: What else can I do? I just consumed too much, just take a rest!

Really? That's good. Speaking of which, you just...

Lin Mo knew what Julis was going to say and said, I'll explain it to you when I get back later!


After saying that, Lin Mo walked towards the direction of the vampire girl and looked at the two sisters with an indifferent expression.

You lost!

The vampire girl woke up from a coma, with a hint of bitterness on her lips.

Yes, we lost. Although we are not willing to accept it, it is a fact. What? At this point, do you still want to come and appreciate the posture of the defeated?

No, you are wrong. Lin Mo looked at him condescendingly, his pupils deep and dark.

I just came here to teach you.

Huh? Preaching? The vampire girl looked confused.

That's right. Although we won, I felt uncomfortable looking at your embarrassed figure. Maybe you just lost consciousness and didn't know anything. However, it is undeniable that you hurt your sister. Lin Mo glanced at Priscilla beside her.

Really? The vampire queen, also known as Yirenai, fell into silence after hearing Lin Mo's words.

Although she was unconscious, she could still know a thing or two about the outside world. I also understand that it was because of me that I hurt my sister.

Sister, it's okay. I can't blame you for what happened just now. Priscilla said quickly.

Yes, I don't blame you for all this. After all, it was to protect Priscilla that the next scene happened. But I still want to say, if you really cherish her, then take good care of her! Lin After Mo finished speaking, he left directly regardless of their faces.


Yirenai stopped Lin Mo.

Lin Mo turned his head and looked at Yireina behind him.

Any thing else?

Yirena shook her head, Thank you for what happened before! If you didn't help, I don't dare to think about the consequences. I also admit that all of this is my fault.

Yirena shook her head, Thank you for what happened before! If you didn't help, I don't dare to think about the consequences. I also admit that all of this is my fault.

The vampire tyrant finally let go of her proud neck.

Since you know, it seems that I don't need to say anything else. Lin Mo had a smile on his lips, and then turned his back to the two of them and left.


Back in the lounge, Todo Kirin had been waiting for a long time and handed Lin Mo a towel: Senior, thank you for your hard work!

Thank you, Qirin!

Lin Mo accepted it generously. Wiped his sweaty forehead.

This game was really difficult. I'm afraid no one expected that last scene. Julis sat next to Lin Mo and sighed.


Lin Mo nodded undeniably.

By the way! Lin Mo. What kind of ability did you use in the last scene? Julis suddenly thought of the previous scene and couldn't help but ask.

This ability is a built-in ability of my pure Xinghuang weapon. If used, you can freely control the ice ability. However, after using it, it will fall into cooling down and cannot be used again until a month later. Lin Mo said .

I see, can you control ice freely? It's just the opposite of my ability as a witch. It's incredible. Julis thought of the previous scene. It was indeed true, but when she thought about the consequences of cooling down for a month, she really felt... It's a pity.

Well, so I decided not to let the Tianhen Sword appear in the next games. Lin Mo said mysteriously.

You mean...

Julis naturally knew that Lin Mo had another weapon, the Black Furnace Demonic Sword. But except for her and the student council president, no one seems to know this news, which can become 447's secret weapon!

Lin Mo, what are you talking about? Why can't we understand? Todo Kirin said with a confused look on his face.

You will know this later. Julis smiled and decided not to tell the two of them for the time being. This made Sasha Miya Saya and Todo Kirin pouted with dissatisfaction on their faces.

Okay! Get ready for the next game. As you can imagine, the road ahead will be more difficult. At least you will be targeted by many people. You have to deal with it well.

Lin Mo agreed with what Julis said: That's right! But the good news is that my ability is full of many unknowns, and the major colleges probably don't know about it yet, so we can make good use of this.

Well...if there's anything we can do to help, just say it, we'll do our best! Todo Kirin said with a red face.


Lin Mo touched Daoteng Qirin's silky hair and let everything happen naturally!

After all, this kind of thing can't be rushed.

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360 Battle! Qualification places for the quarter-finals

Oh, it's true, it spread to this extent in just one day. Julis said helplessly as she looked at the window news emerging in the void.

Indeed, after the battle with the vampire queen, Lin Mo's strength and specific abilities became more and more mysterious.

People from all walks of life are inquiring about Lin Mo's abilities.

There were also various comments on this much-anticipated battle.

But overall, for Lin Mo and the others, it's not a big problem. It will just have some impact more or less, that's for sure.

People from major colleges have ranked Lin Mo's danger level.

Julis waved her hand with a look of displeasure and turned off these annoying news, then asked in a related tone: Is this attack really not burdensome to your body?

Absolutely not, don't worry Julis. Lin Mo spread his hands.

That's good!

Julis sighed, and then listed two lists: Our opponents for the next game have been determined. They are the combination of the 20th and 23rd world dragons.

They are the student council president of Jielong and the direct disciples of the 'Wanyou Tianluo'. They are masters of close combat and their strength cannot be underestimated.

Lin Mo touched his chin and said, Twenty and twenty-three? It shouldn't be difficult to solve.

It's not difficult to solve, but there will be some trouble, because I have a proposal~~. Julis came over and said something in Lin Mo's ear.

I see.

Listening to Julis' plan, Lin Mo also felt that it could be implemented.

But, I'm afraid the plan you made won't be needed by then! Lin Mo smiled slightly.

Looking at your appearance, are you sure? Julis said strangely.

What else? I'm the best at 1v1. Lin Mo pulled Yulis, who was close to him, into his arms and blew a gentle breath of hot air into her ear.

Victory... belongs only to us, and I will not show mercy for this.

you you you…

Julis was shocked by Lin Mo's bold behavior, but soon came to her senses, and it was Julis who was extremely ashamed.

A charming blush covered her face like sunset, and then she broke away from Lin Mo's arms, like a frightened rabbit, unable to do anything.

Julis is really cute. I just played a little prank on her.

Lin Mo said with a smile. He actually wanted to know how Julis treated him, but from her performance just now, he saw many problems.

Lin Mo said with a smile. He actually wanted to know how Julis treated him, but from her performance just now, he saw many problems.

Julis, who broke away from Lin Mo's arms, suddenly turned dark after hearing Lin Mo's words, and a fireball appeared in her hand.

If you dare to make such a joke next time, you should understand, right?

Julis said warningly, but it was not difficult to see clearly that there was still a trace of rosiness on her face.

I know, don't be so harsh. Lin Mo said innocently.


Julis withdrew the fireball in her hand, snorted coldly, sat down next to Lin Mo, and turned her head away, with a childish look on her face, which made Lin Mo dumbfounded.

Okay, okay, don't be angry. At worst, I can treat you to a meal some other time. Lin Mo said with a sneer.

That's what you said! But you don't have to ask me to do it. Just cook it yourself! Julis pouted.

Okay, you have the final say. Lin Mo smiled nonchalantly, and then continued to talk about the next opponent with Yulis, who had regained her mood.

Although the opponents are only ranked 20 and 23, be careful and Wannian Ship is always right.

Lin Mo showed off the Black Furnace Demonic Sword so quickly. After all, not many people knew about this thing. It was very suitable as the finale.

Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, on the main stage.

The cheers echoed throughout the entire venue like a thunderbolt from the blue.

The commentator enthusiastically introduced the people present.

¨`The last match of the first round of the Phoenix Star Warrior Festival.

Let's wait and see which team wins the last spot in the top 8!

First of all (Wangwanghao), the top seeds of this competition, Alcante's latest and strongest pseudomorphs, Aldi and Limxi! They are participating in place of Enesta \u0026 Camila This competition!”

The next introduction is the duo that Jielong Academy is proud of. Lin Mo was in the background, listening carefully to every character, not missing anyone who could become his opponent.

After the introduction, the lights in the audience suddenly turned on, and amid cheers, Lin Mo and Yulis finally appeared.

At the same time, they also met their opponents from the stage.

People ranked twenty and twenty-three in Jielong Academy!

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370 Cooperate and start the battle!

The two of them were wearing relatively ancient martial arts clothes, and both were tall.

A bald man with a pigtail looked like a martial arts practitioner in ancient times, his face full of seriousness.

The other person had an upright face, and the exposed muscles on his shoulders were like hard stones. It looked like they had been trained through a lot of training. Standing in front of him, you can often feel his strong pressure.

His hair color was red, his face remained expressionless, he straightened his chest, holding a slender stick, and stood opposite Lin Mo.

Which team will make it through the fifth round and advance to the quarterfinals? Let's look forward to it!!!

The eighth round of the fifth round of the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, the game begins!!!

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