Lin Mo said sincerely.

Are you upset?

The girl was obviously stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said quietly: No, I have nothing to worry about. I just didn't bring an umbrella, so I had to walk back like this.

All right.

Lin Mo knew that the girl didn't want to say anything, so he didn't force her, because when the time came, even if she didn't say anything, he would go and help.

In that case, how about I give you a ride? If you just walk back like this, you will definitely get sick the next day. Lin Mo said with a gentle face.

In that case, how about I give you a ride? If you just walk back like this, you will definitely get sick the next day. Lin Mo said with a gentle face.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then nodded. She was originally wary of Lin Mo, but after hearing the names of Xiao Nagisa and Teacher Nangong, although she didn't completely disappear, she relaxed a little.

After getting the answer, Lin Mo waved her hand gently, and a transparent protective shield covered her body. When the raindrops approached her, they were automatically blocked.

Even if the spatial ability has dropped a few levels, there is still no big problem with this kind of ordinary ability.

The girl was obviously surprised, and her blue pupils looked at Lin Mo curiously.

The two of them strolled leisurely on the rainy day, and a series of scenes came into view clearly. The girl's strange senses made the girl look at the rain outside, inexplicably fascinated.

Lin Mo didn't want to break the tranquility. It wasn't until he was about to send the girl home that he said, Well, can I ask your name?

Out of trust in Lin Mo, the girl put her hands together and said softly: My name is Yeze Xia Yin, please give me your advice.

Natsune Haze? She really looks like an angel.

Lin Mo muttered, but it was obvious that Xia Yin heard it, and his face looked a little shy.

Indeed, Ye Lai Xia Yin's kind pity, that kind of holiness, that kind of sacred feeling, no matter from every aspect, can make people's eyes brighten, making people unconsciously have the urge to protect each other0 ......... Coupled with the system's tasks, Lin Mo had the urge to protect her even more.

Yes, the moment he met Ye Lai Xia Yin, the system issued a task to save Ye Lai Xia Yin. Even if he didn't say it, Lin Mo would do it.

Before the two parted ways, Lin Mo solemnly said: If you need help from me, just contact Akisa Nagisa! I will help to the end.

Ye Lai Xia Yin was slightly stunned. Although she did not know Lin Mo, the other party did show his true feelings. The heavy meaning in his words did not seem to be a lie. It was just the first time they met and he gave her a promise.

I will.

No matter from which aspect, Lin Mo moved her.

Watching Ye Lai Xia Yin disappear from sight, Lin Mo sighed quietly, turned around and left.

Make an angel...? When the time comes, I will help you to the end as I said before.

Although Lin Mo really wanted to kill Ye Lai Xiansheng now, Ye Lai Xia Yin would definitely not agree to the indiscriminate 3.3 attack. Besides, Lin Mo had just sensed this room and there was no one there. I had no choice but to give up.

When Lin Mo was about to go home, he suddenly remembered that he didn't buy groceries at home, so he had to turn around and go to the supermarket next door to buy some groceries. At the same time, he could get familiar with the topography of Gengami City, otherwise, something would happen by then. I couldn't find my way, and I really had no place to cry.

Afterwards, he carried a basket of vegetables home. As soon as Lin Mo went upstairs, he met an unexpected person.

Ps: There are only two updates today. I looked at the date and put the owed updates on Friday, at least 4 updates. .

459 Akatsuki Nagisa and Akatsuki Castle were conquered by food

Xiao Nagisa, what a coincidence? Lin Mo held the dish in his hand and looked at the figure in the stairwell with surprise.

Hello, Lin Mojun. Xiao Nagisa heard the voice and turned around with a cute and cute smile.

Have you just finished school? Lin Mo looked at Xiao Nagisa and walked towards them. His eyes occasionally turned to another figure.

Yeah! It's just that it rained heavily on the road, and I happened to not bring an umbrella, so my school uniform and shoes got a little wet. Xiao Nagisa didn't notice Lin Mo's gaze, but said with a resentful face, There are obvious water stains on her body, and if you look carefully, you can still see her young and delicate body behind the school uniform.

Nagisa, who is he?

On the stairs, another figure spoke, with a slightly mature voice. A white coat was tightly wrapped around his body, and he wore a hat. When he spoke, he turned sideways so that Lin Mo could see. His appearance.

Xiao Gucheng, the fourth true ancestor in the original work! It's just that in the current Xiaogu City, so many familiar beasts have not awakened in the body.

Ah, I forgot to introduce him. He is Lin Mo, our neighbor who moved downstairs. Xiao Nagisa then remembered that his brother was also here, and he stuck out his tongue and said a little embarrassedly.

21 Really? Hello, my name is Xiao Gucheng. Hearing this, Xiao Gucheng looked at Lin Mo with a hint of surprise. In his image, his sister would not trust others easily, let alone make friends.


Lin Mo also nodded with a smile. Although they are both true ancestors, he doesn't have much airs.

Although one of his missions is to defeat Akatsuki, the True Ancestor, one of the stipulations is that he must use a familiar beast to defeat him.

But now, does Lin Mo look like he has awakened a beast? So before that, there is no need to conflict.

Xiao Gucheng stared at Lin Mo, with a little doubt on his face, because in his subconscious senses, he vaguely noticed that Lin Mo was not simple. What exactly was not simple? Xiao Gucheng couldn't answer this. .

All he knew was that the beast in his body became restless from the moment it met Lin Mo.

Xiao Gucheng had never sucked blood before, and coupled with the deliberate suppression in the past few years, the familiar beast in his body was extremely weak. When he met Lin Mo, an opponent who was also at the level of the True Ancestor, he only showed a reaction. Being suppressed by Xiao Gucheng, I have to say, it is also a very sad thing in itself.

But there are also benefits.

It is already difficult for a True Ancestor-level opponent to suppress the opponent with the help of his bloodline, let alone make the familiar beast in the opponent's body go berserk. This is very different from the D-type vampire last time.

Otherwise, once the True Ancestor goes berserk, the consequences will be disastrous, and at least Akatsuki Sa will be put in danger.

I'm going back to cook now, do you want to come with me? Lin Mo asked the brother and sister.


Just as Akatsuki Kojou was about to refuse, Akatsuki Nagisa jumped out and said cheerfully: Okay! Okay!

Akatsuki's words were interrupted, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily: Nagisa, it's not a good time to bother others.

It doesn't matter. Anyway, the food at home is gone, and it's raining so heavily outside. Akatsuki pouted and glared at Akatsuki with dissatisfaction.

Xiao Gucheng laughed dryly, his expression a little helpless.

If you don't suggest it, you two can come together. Lin Mo raised the dish in his hand and suggested. Although she likes to be alone with beautiful women, she is not particularly familiar with Akatsukisa yet, so there is no need to rush.

Thank you then. Xiao Gucheng immediately had a good impression of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo opened the door, returned home, and started preparing dishes. Then he glanced towards the kitchen, with infinite emotion in Lin Mo's eyes.

The last time Asuna was forced to cook was that time, and it was that time that Asuna couldn't resist Lin Mo's food. It's quite funny to think about it.

Soon, there was a pinging sound in the kitchen, and the lingering fragrance spread everywhere. Lin Mo was almost done with the food. Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa who were staying in the living room smelled the smell, took a deep breath, and looked at each other in shock.

A minute later, the two of them couldn't help but swallowed when they looked at the delicious and delicious dishes on the table.

Did you do all of this? Xiao Gucheng couldn't believe it.

I'm the only one in the kitchen. Do you think I did it? It's just that I haven't done it for a long time and I'm a little rusty. Lin Mo curled his lips.

Is this still unfamiliar? How can you make those chefs embarrassed? Xiao Gucheng covered his face and smiled bitterly.

Lin Mo shrugged and said to Akisa Nagisa: Eat, there is no need to be restrained.

Lin Mo shrugged and said to Akisa Nagisa: Eat, there is no need to be restrained.

Then I'm not welcome. Staring at the exquisite dishes on the table that looked like they were carved by a master, Akatsuki Nagisa's little hands holding the chopsticks were trembling slightly.

Lin Mo ate without caring about anything.

Akatsuki Nagisa first picked up a dish and put it to his mouth with anticipation. Suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he couldn't stop, and he kept waving his chopsticks. The same is true for Xiao Ancient City.

At the entire dinner table, only Lin Mo's expression remained so calm.

Kojo, why do you think there are so many differences between people? After the meal, Akatsuki Nagisa said with some frustration.

Completely defeated!

She is a girl, but the food cooked by Lin Mo is not as delicious!

So unwilling.

Yeah, these dishes are completely different from what I eat outside. Xiao Gucheng just sighed with emotion when he was knocked down by Akatsuki Nagisa.

I'm talking about the difference between you and him!

Uh... Xiao Gucheng smiled sarcastically.

Lin Mo smiled faintly: You are my first batch of regular customers in these years. You may not be able to eat even if you want to.


As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, Xiao Nagisa shouted loudly, looking at Lin Mo pitifully, hoping that he could take back his previous words.

However, this little look was directly ignored by Lin Mo.

Just kidding, I am asked to cook every day. Is this what a lazy cancer patient in the advanced stage should do?

I have my own bottom line, bastard!

967 Thirty seconds later.

Unable to resist Xiao Nagisa's insistence, Lin Mo had no choice but to agree.

However, it was just a perfunctory sentence to do it when he had time, which made Akatsuki Sa's mood perk up again, and a happy look appeared on his playful face.

Although Xiao Gucheng didn't say anything on the surface, the anticipation in his eyes was indispensable.


Before leaving, Lin Mo said seriously to Xiao Gucheng.

When you go to school tomorrow, tell Nangong Nayue and tell her to stop chasing me all the time. Even if she isn't annoyed, I am too.

Hearing this, Xiao Gucheng's eyes suddenly widened: Do you know her?

Of course I know him, and he was taught a lesson by me. Lin Mo waved his hand nonchalantly, and he was indeed 'taught a lesson'.

Master! Xiao Gucheng immediately expressed his admiration for Lin Mo.

Thinking about Nangong Nayue, who had tortured her so much in normal times, Xiao Gucheng felt very sad. She washed her face with tears every day. Now, how could Xiao Gucheng not admire someone who dared to resist her?

He is simply a role model for us!

Don't worry, I will tell her the truth tomorrow. Xiao Gucheng patted his chest, looking at Lin Mo who was confident, he suddenly felt a little confident in his heart.

Well, a little bit...

That's fine, by the way, don't tell her where I live, otherwise you will be even more unlucky. Lin Mo raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he thought of Nangong's appearance that month.

Ps: One more update. .

460 What is backbone? Can it be eaten?

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and today's Gengami City is still so sunny. There is still cool jade dew in the air, which makes the morning on Gengami Island not feel hot. But I believe that it won’t be long before the sweltering temperatures will descend on this land again.

Somewhere in Li Caihai College, Lin Mo crossed his legs and looked at the sky that was so white that there was no existence. There was hot sweat on his head, and he was walking on the street while complaining.

What the hell kind of weather is this? It's almost drying people out and it doesn't even drop the temperature. His words attracted unanimous approval from passers-by.

Lin Mo casually threw the popsicle in his mouth back. The popsicle drew a graceful arc in the air and accurately entered the arms of the trash can.

Huh? Someone is following me?

Lin Mo had just walked a few steps and frowned slightly. Feeling the aura behind him that always kept a certain distance, he couldn't help but ponder in his heart.

But on the surface, his expression was still as if nothing had happened, and he walked forward. After passing a glass clothing store, Lin Mo's steps slowly stopped.

The figure following him also found a place to hide, with only a small head exposed and secretly staring at Lin Mo behind the wall. Pedestrians passing by couldn't help but show a strange look when they saw it.

It's her!

After Lin Mo saw the figure in the reflective mirror, he shook his head with a smile, and then walked towards home as if nothing had happened.

As expected, the Taoist image stared at Lin Mo, and she followed him wherever he went. When he was about to reach home, Lin Mo turned slightly and walked into the alley beside him.

What's he doing here?

The figure following him looked confused, but still tightened the box tightly and walked up in small steps. When she turned into the area where Lin Mo was going, the scene in front of her made her face quickly turn red.

This, this, this...

When seeing the scenes on the left and right, the innocent Xuecai lowered her head shyly.

Walking straight ahead in this alley, there are pink fonts, and people boldly wearing revealing clothes are soliciting customers. Some of them have cat ears on their heads, and some are in maid outfits, but nothing more than that, they all They have one common advantage, that is, the flesh on their chests is too big!

It's no wonder that Ji Hiiragi Xuena, who rarely comes out, has such an expression. It's really unspeakable.

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