When Xuecai saw Lin Mo's expression, she covered her mouth and laughed softly: Really? I don't know who deceived me last time.

Lin Mo scratched his cheek, feeling a little ashamed in his heart. God knows, he really didn't mean it.

Xuecai thought of the scene when she first saw Lin Mo in embarrassment, and a nice smile appeared on her lips. However, when she thought of Lin Mo's body hidden behind tattered clothes, there was always a hint of shame in her eyes as she spoke. Come, there is a sense of coquettishness in it: Okay, I don't blame you for this matter, but you have to help me well next.

0·········Please ask for flowers···· ········

No problem! Lin Mo raised his hands in agreement.

That's right! Walking on the road, Lin Mo looked at the curious baby in front of him who was looking around, with a smile on his lips: You should know my name, right?

Lin Mo...jun? I understand, but you are older than me, so I'd better call you senior,

Shelley read aloud, then corrected his attitude, bent slightly, made a ceremonial gesture and said, My name is Ji Hiiragi Yukina, please give me your advice next time.

The two of them crossed the roads and soon arrived at their destination. Shelley led Lin Mo to his residence. Lin Mo looked at the familiar building in front of him without any surprise in his heart.

........ 0

This building must have been investigated by people from the Lion King Agency in advance. In this Demonic Special Zone, the Lion King Agency personnel are all over Xian Shen Island, and it is not strange to want to know where Lin Mo lives.

And Lin Mo always felt something was wrong when he came here on the first day.

Even if the original tenant here wants to transfer the house, he shouldn't be able to sell it at such a cheap price, right? Even if he had to turn around, it wouldn't be Lin Mo's turn. Then the answer is obvious, the Lion King agency intervened!

The sublet of the house that Lin Mo saw happened to be the one that the Lion King agency had circulated specifically for him to see. The purpose was to put Lin Mo in a place where he could be monitored at any time.

Although the original surveillance personnel were sent away by Lin Mo with a severe lesson, it didn't matter anymore. What they were waiting for was Shelley's arrival.

This also explains very well why Ji Hiiragi Xuena lives here.

Your Lion King agency really spent a lot of money. In order to let you monitor me, you completely tied me up. Lin Mo said casually while carrying Xuecai's few luggage.

Thinking about the original work, the existence of the Lion King organization is similar to that of a matchmaker. In order to get what they want, they will sacrifice the people they have trained since childhood to get closer and gain the trust of the other party.

Although the Lion King Institution did benefit from this, it also resulted in the people living in the Lion King Institution having no freedom at all, which not only maintained their innocence, but also stifled their freedom. The funny thing is that they don't know that they are being sold. Shelley is a good example.

Ps: An update will be delivered. .

463 Surprised Xuecai, the temptation of food is as great as ever!

Ji Hiiragi Xuena's luggage was not much, and it took Lin Mo a little time to move it all. Although he said this, the time was already past noon.

And Ji Hiiragi Xuena's home is right next door to Lin Mo, so that the two of them can meet each other as long as they take a step. After moving the luggage, Lin Mo wiped his sweaty head and looked at the hottest sun from the window of Ji Hiiragi Shelley's house.

It's almost done. I just need to accompany you to buy some furniture tonight. Lin Mo turned his head and said to Ji Hiiragi Xuena.

Not only Lin Mo was filled with enthusiasm, but even Ji Hiiragi Shelley was feeling the same at the same time. The cute school uniform has already been wet, and the patterned underwear underneath can be vaguely seen.

Well, thank you, senior. Ji Hiiragi Xuelai bowed and thanked, but this 510 mark made Lin Mo clearly see the hook inside.

It's okay, I have nothing to do anyway. Lin Mo waved his hand, paused, and said, Also, I think you should change your clothes. Everything underneath is visible.


Xuecai's eyes were full of doubts. She lowered her head slightly following Lin Mo's gaze. Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment. With a sound, she quickly moved her hands to protect her chest and looked angrily at Lin Mo, who was staring at her. ink.

Senior is indeed a pervert! Please go out first.

When Lin Mo heard this, he shrugged and said innocently. This is force majeure, okay! Can you blame me if your clothes get wet? As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo turned around leisurely when the latter glared at him, and closed the door of the room when he went out.

The sound of changing clothes soon came from inside. Lin Mo kept having a thought in his mind, should he go and take a peek, or should he go and take a peek? But think about the consequences, let’s forget it! After all, Shelley who gets angry is very scary. Take a handful of Snow Xia Wolf and chase you all over the street. Thinking about that scene makes him ashamed.

Before even a minute was up, the closed door was opened, and Shelley grabbed his clothes and walked out with a nervous look on his face, his face still slightly rosy.

We didn't prepare much furniture, but we did have a lot of clothes, which is a pity. Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, looked at Xuecai who had changed into a school uniform, and said with a slightly regretful tone.

On Xue Cai's delicate face, she said with a look of embarrassment: Don't mention what happened just now! As the true ancestor of vampires, can't you be more serious?

Sorry, I can't. Lin Mo said neatly and curled his lips: Besides, although I am the True Ancestor, not a single beast has awakened.

After Xuecai heard this, her mouth opened wide. The previous shyness disappeared in an instant, and she said with a surprised look: You haven't awakened any of your companion beasts, so why do you have such terrifying magic power?

The true ancestors of vampires are usually old monsters who have lived for a long time. However, Lin Mokong has magic power but no companion beast. This is incredible to outsiders!

Generally speaking, the true ancestor of a vampire has magical power that exceeds that of other vampires. Once he signs a contract with a familiar beast from another world, his magical power will grow explosively, several times more than before!

In addition, it does not mean that the more beasts signed, the magic power will increase infinitely. The beasts themselves have bottlenecks. Moreover, not every beast from another world can be that powerful.

Even vampires that live longer and longer grow their magic power in a slow way, and the signing of a familiar beast is more like a cooperative relationship.

Even vampires that live longer and longer grow their magic power in a slow way, and the signing of a familiar beast is more like a cooperative relationship.

People like Lin Mo are really weird in the true ancestor world.

Can't you? If you really want to say that, I am still a 'virgin' among vampires! Lin Mo smiled nonchalantly.

Xuecai blinked her big eyes and looked at Lin Mo's face that didn't look like he was lying. She was immediately defeated: Okay, you win. I'm afraid I won't be able to find another person like Senior.

Lin Mo spread his hands indifferently.


Suddenly, someone's stomach made a rumbling sound. Lin Mo was startled, and then he couldn't laugh or cry and said to Xuecai, who wanted to find a place to get in, Didn't you eat this morning?

Well... Shelley made a mosquito-like voice, Not just in the morning, but also yesterday...

Lin Mo covered his face, already guessing what was going on... In that case, you can come to my house! Fortunately, Akisa Nagisa is not here, otherwise it might not be your turn.

Xuecai blushed in embarrassment, and then followed Lin Mo to his room. Fortunately, their rooms were very close to each other, and Lin Mo still had plenty of ingredients at home. After a while, an exciting dish appeared in front of Shelley.

Just one bite can make people have endless aftertaste. After Yukina ate Lin Mo's cooking, as expected, she was as completely unforgettable as Akatsuki Nagisa, with a face full of enjoyment.

It's delicious!!! Lin Mojun, I think you should carry forward this advantage of yours. Shelley looked at Lin Mo seriously and said, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all, sweeping over the table like a wind and lingering clouds. .

Lin Mo pointed helplessly at the dish on Xuecai's mouth and said, If you want to eat it, just say it! But even if you say it, I'm too lazy to keep cooking it.

Shelley picked up the napkin and wiped her mouth. After hearing Lin Mo's answer, she said a little unhappy. Why!

No reason, just because I'm too lazy to do it. Lin Mo waved his hand, feeling once again that the cooking skills rewarded by the system were awesome, and no one could stop the taste.

How come 3.6 is like this... Xuecai showed the same pitiful expression as Akatsuki Nagisa. Lin Mo couldn't bear to see it, so he had to say: I'll cook it when I have time at night! But there is one condition, that is you You have to help me pack my things.”

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, Shelley nodded eagerly: Of course it's no problem! I often did this kind of thing when I was in the Lion King agency.

That's okay! Lin Mo sighed. Sure enough, he still couldn't stop the cute girl's request? His eyes looked at Shelley who had a cheerful face, but that wasn't a bad thing.

Ps: One more update. The author has been having some health problems these days, so there have been few updates. He feels a little better today, so I will update more today. .

464 happy day

On the streets at night, charming neon lights flash, and the crisscrossing sections form the blood and skeleton of the city. The influx of pedestrians adds a bit of life to it. The lights that bloom exclusively at night make the sky less lonely, and the light yellow street lights reveal a touch of warmth.

The city is always more lively at night than during the day, there is no doubt about this. As if an agreement had been reached, the scorching temperature dropped suddenly in an instant, reaching only about half of what it was during the day. This Demonic Special Zone looked bright and beautiful on the surface, but in fact there was an undercurrent surging every day.

Lin Mo had just finished shopping in the supermarket with Ji Hiiragi Shelley. When he looked at this girl who suddenly became lively, the corner of his mouth twitched twice.

Along the way, Ji Hiiragi Xuena was like a curious baby who didn't understand anything, constantly asking questions. Although Lin Mo answered patiently, some things were really hard to explain.

For example, when you see a prohibited item.

What is this? A toy? Ji Hiiragi Xuena's big eyes flashed, holding a round thing in her hand, and looked at Lin Mo with a look of curiosity.

What? Let me take a look... Lin Mo was absent-minded just now. When he heard Xuecai's question, he turned his head lazily. He didn't know what to look at, and he jumped and cursed in his heart.

Damn it, this supermarket still sells this kind of thing? No one comes out to take care of 09? Lin Mo felt extremely contemptuous.

Having said that, after seeing Xuecai shining with excitement, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and explained with some hesitation: This is a toy, but its purpose is a bit special, um... don't worry about it for now. Go see something else!”

Lin Mo hurriedly put the things in Xuecai's hands back to their original places and looked up at the sign on the supermarket. It turned out that they had unknowingly entered the 18-ban item section.

Oh! Is it a toy? Also, what are these things? Why does it say 18 banned... Shelley tilted his head and asked with a blank look on his face.

Ahem, cough, cough. It won't be too late for you to know this later. Let's go out now! The sights around us are a bit... Lin Mo couldn't bear to look directly at him. He could already feel the envy and jealousy on the faces of passers-by. The expression of hate and resentment.

This is normal. After all, bringing a young girl here is a winner in life no matter how you look at it.

Okay, since Lin Mojun said so. Xuecai said with a pity tone.

The two came out of the specialty area soon. Lin Mo took Shelley to see a lot of things, but Shelley always seemed to think that metal and sharp things were weapons. Lin Mo spent a lot of words to explain clearly.

Although there were scenes like this along the way, Lin Mo felt much lighter when he saw the happy Shelley.

Ah! I had so much fun. It turns out there are so many things in this world that I have never seen before. Shelley exclaimed in surprise. The youthful and cuteness that belongs to a girl is especially clearly reflected in Shelley, who is cheerful and joyful. The atmosphere was such that even passers-by could not help but be affected.

As long as you like it. Lin Mo put his hands in his pockets and followed Xuecai.

Suddenly, Xuecai's eyes were attracted by the claw machine on the side. To be precise, she was attracted by the dolls inside.

What? Are you interested in this? Do you want to try it together? After seeing this, Lin Mo walked to Shelley's side and suggested.

No... no need. Xuecai seemed to be afraid that Lin Mo would misunderstand that she was a child who would never grow up, so she waved her hands quickly, but her eyes were always on the doll in the claw machine.

Lin Mo laughed and said: Shelley, you are really dishonest! Let's go and see together.

Xuecai's face blushed slightly, but she still followed Lin Mo obediently, her eyes always focused on the doll's body, with a loving light inside.

Xue Cai, have you ever played with a claw machine? Lin Mo asked, looking at the side of the girl's face.

No. Xue Cai shook her head, her eyes sparkling, as if recalling the past days, and her tone became much gentler: The meow bear Tan inside has always been very popular in school, so I know a little.

Really? Lin Mo touched his chin, stared at the doll inside, and suddenly said: In that case, leave it to me!

Really? Lin Mo touched his chin, stared at the doll inside, and suddenly said: In that case, leave it to me!


Don't worry, leave it to me! Lin Mo patted his chest and did not look at Xuecai's surprised and expectant eyes. Instead, he looked at the doll inside with a confident face and murmured to himself.

I haven't played it for a long time. I don't know how it feels. Misaka Mikoto used to pester me every day to catch Guita... Lin Mo thought about this, threw in a coin, and started to try.

However, for the first time, Lin Mo was a little exhausted and worked hard to catch it. It was not particularly difficult. A white doll fell from below. Lin Mo grabbed it and handed it to Shelley.

Thank you, Lin Mojun. Shelley reached out and took the doll, holding it in her arms lovingly, as if she had obtained a valuable treasure, she became cautious.

Lin Mo smiled and put in another coin. With the first experience, it became very easy the second time. He simply grabbed a black doll and moved it to the exit.

One is enough for me. Shelley said quickly when he saw Lin Mo grabbing another doll.

Lin Mo shook his head slightly and raised the black doll in his hand: Since it is white, there must be a black one, otherwise the white one will be a bit pitiful.

Shelley was slightly startled when he heard this. A certain string in his heart was severely touched at this moment. Just when he was about to say something, a figure suddenly appeared here.

I thought who was wearing our Caihai Academy uniform so late at night, but it turns out it's you! A speechless voice rang out. Nangong Nayue stood under the light, holding a closed parasol in his hand, and knocked it gently. In the palm of her hand, judging from her expression, she was very unhappy now.

I also want to know why you always linger. Lin Mo's brows had black lines.

Tch, I still want to ask you! Nangong Nayue curled her lips, glanced at the two of them, and said thoughtfully: On the street, a man and a woman alone, it is difficult for me to imagine whether you are plotting something evil.

Lin Mo's brows jumped: What about you, are you worried that you can't find a man at the age of 26, so you are trying your luck outside?

What did you say! Nangong Nayue looked at 260 Lin Mo angrily: Don't think that because you are the True Ancestor, I won't dare to deal with you.

Then you're coming? Lin Mo shrugged, looking indifferent.

Nangong Nayue took a deep breath and calmed down. She finally understood that it was best not to talk to this person with a brain problem. No matter how they argued, she would definitely be at a disadvantage, so she snorted coldly and turned around. Just leave.

Then you should be careful. I heard that this area is very uneasy. I saw a report on the TV station the other day that a certain true ancestor died suddenly and inexplicably when he was involved in an accident.

Thank you for reminding me, but I will always be alive and well, so you don't have to worry anymore. Lin Mo looked at Nangong Nayue's back, seemed to have thought of something, and said loudly: If you really can't find the right person, you can consider me!

Nangong stumbled that month and almost fell down. He glared at Lin Mo angrily. The meaning was obvious. Let's see in the academy tomorrow!

If he hadn't estimated his authority among the students, he would have fought with Lin Mo for 300 rounds at this moment.

After Nangong left that month, Shelley said softly: Is this really good?

The corners of Lin Mo's mouth raised slightly, That's enough. Nangong Nayue, the other party, can't be too weak sometimes. Okay, let's go on...


Before Lin Mo finished speaking, there was a violent explosion in the distance. Flames filled the air and sirens sounded at the same time.

Ps: Second update. This chapter has a bit too many words. Please subscribe and reward me. There will be two more chapters later. .

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