It's just to achieve the effect of hiding from others. Lin Mo said.

That's right, now the people's attention will turn to the fireworks, and Lin Mo and a few of us will take the opportunity to take them down. Remember, don't let them die. As soon as Nangong Nayue finished speaking, in Over the distant tower, two golden streams of light were constantly colliding.

Ps: Second update, this chapter took 2 and a half hours to write. It’s not easy for people with disabilities. Please give me a monthly ticket for flowers. Happy New Year’s Day to everyone! How much can be updated today? .

501 Suppressing Haise Xia Yin

Two golden streams of light were constantly colliding in the sky. Laser-like beams of light shot out from their wings. When they hit each other, they would be automatically bounced away by the protective shields on their bodies, heading towards Fall down.

The beam fell to the ground, bringing with it continuous explosions and black smoke. Fortunately, the crowd in the area had been evacuated, and there were no casualties.

Coupled with the cover of fireworks and firecrackers, no one noticed the fighting in the sky.

Every collision between the two is accompanied by the friction of fire between metals. It is conceivable that if this endless fighting continues, the cities in this area will be destroyed sooner or later.

I didn't expect it to come so soon. Nangong Nayue's face sank when he saw this scene.

Xue Cai looked at the two fighting figures and said in surprise: What is that?

From a distance, you can barely see clearly. They all have masks on their faces. One has black hair and the other has silver hair. They are about the same height. From their body shapes, it can be seen that they are two girls.

However, their bodies were covered with golden light, and their two wings were shining with rainbow-like light. If they didn't have the weird masks on their faces, they would look like legendary angels.

It's time for us to appear. Nangong Nayue said as she looked at the two flying figures.

Lin Mo nodded, and the next moment, their figures all disappeared from the roof of the building, and came to the building directly below where the two figures were fighting.

Space transfer magic! As soon as the figures fell down, Xuecai thought of something and subconsciously said it.

Lin Mo was not too surprised. After all, his abilities were largely similar to those of Na Yue. Then he raised his head slightly and looked at the two figures.

Two figures were fighting in the sky at extremely fast speeds, intersecting like meteors. The sound of metal collisions clearly reached Lin Mo's ears.

Beams of light and golden current filled the sky. The protective shields on their bodies were always on, deflecting incoming attacks one by one.

But at this time, the silver-haired girl's speed would suddenly increase, and a sonic boom could even be heard in the tail light. There was a huge electric current in her body, blasting towards the black-haired figure.

The black-haired girl can only dodge attacks quickly. According to the current situation, the silver-haired girl is stronger. Sometimes the other person can only passively defend or avoid the attacks launched.

One of them is handed over to you, is that okay?

The battle intensified and they could no longer watch the battle. Nangong Nayue's eyes turned to Lin Mo.

No problem. Lin Mo nodded in agreement.

Himeira Yukina, follow me to deal with the black-haired masked man!

Okay! Xuecai took out the Xuexia Wolf from behind with a solemn expression. Immediately afterwards, there were faint ripples around Nangong Nayue, and crimson chains shot out from the void, towards the two The figure attacks.


The sound of breaking the air and the sound of chains coexisted, and two figures were tied up. Xuecai took the opportunity to jump up, followed the chains, and rushed towards the black-haired girl.

Xuexia Lang's spear flashed with a sharp cold light and stabbed straight towards the black-haired girl.


Facing the attacking Xuexia wolf, in front of the girl, dazzling golden electricity suddenly exploded from her body!

The tip of Xuexialang's spear collided with the golden electric current. The sound of the electric current kept ringing, and spread out after a moment. The violent air wave even blew Shelly away.

But fortunately, she didn't suffer much damage and landed steadily on the building.

But fortunately, she didn't suffer much damage and landed steadily on the building.


The black-haired masked man hissed, and immediately the crimson chain broke inch by inch, and soon the chain was completely broken.

No! Lin Mo, go and stop the silver-haired masked man. Nangong Nayue looked shocked.

At this moment, the energy in the chest of the black-haired man was gathering, and so was the silver-haired figure. The next moment, there was a loud bang, dazzling light filled the sky, and terrifying energy rushed toward each other. , in the dazzling luster, blasted all the buildings on the opposite side into ruins!

In the light, the two figures staggered and bounced away again. Lin Mo didn't care about anything. The figure suddenly appeared in front of the silver-haired woman and punched her mask. On the other side, Shelley and Nangong Nayue were holding back the black-haired figures.

···Ask for flowers···· ·········

Although this punch caused an explosion, it was not very powerful. It only needed to make the opponent lose his fighting ability.

But Lin Mo still underestimated the imitation angel.

In front of the silver-haired girl, an inexplicable energy spread around. Although it could not completely block Lin Mo's attack, it was enough to delay the attack for about two seconds.

In just two seconds, more than a dozen rays of light condensed on the wings, and they shot out towards Lin Mo in unison. At such a close distance, it would be difficult for an ordinary person to avoid them, but Lin Mo had spatial abilities. , the figure quickly dodged before the beam arrived.

Then it appears on the side of the silver hair.


I'm sorry, I can only suppress you for the time being. Lin Mo said apologetically, and punched her downwards with terrifying magic power.


The violent air waves rushed away in an instant, and the void seemed to be groaning. A dull loud bang hit the silver-haired girl's abdomen, pressing down.


The silver-haired masked person fell downwards, and a force pressed down on her like several mountains, but the silver-haired masked person did not give up. A colorful halo of light quickly lit up around her, like an aurora. It lit up the entire sky.


Immediately afterwards, a roar rippled out, and the silver-haired masked man was resisting. When Lin Mo saw this, he could only sigh quietly, and the strength of his hand increased a bit again.


The terrifying power exploded again, and while the void was distorted, sonic booms roared, and Lin Mo's hand violently pressed the masked man to the ground.


On the ground, a deep pit more than 10 meters high suddenly appeared. Not only that, it even caused a slight tremor on the entire Genkami Island.

On the ground in the distance, cracks could still be seen emerging. The impact was so great that even Lin Mo himself did not expect it.

Ps: The code is so fast, what a tragedy for the author! These chapters took more than two hours to write, and other authors gave me a hard time. T.

502 Natsune Haze regains consciousness!

Although the silver-haired girl was knocked to the ground, her hands and feet were still struggling, but she still underestimated the injuries on her body and remained indifferent even if she struggled.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to fight with you originally. Lin Mo sighed and reached out to take off the mask on her face. What came into view was a pair of lifeless pupils.

Yase Xiayin...

Lin Mo murmured to himself, trying to wake her up. The silver-haired girl lying on the ground, after hearing the name, her struggling movements gradually became smaller, and even her roars became fainter and fainter, and her eyes were blurry. There was a hint of sparkle in his pupils.

Are you...Senior Lin Mo?

Soon after, Ye Lai Xia Yin opened her thin lips slightly, and a mosquito-like sound reached Lin Mo's ears. However, the pain and sadness in her eyes were unconsciously revealed.

Yes, it's me. Lin Mo looked at the pitiful girl and felt very uncomfortable. She no longer had the holiness and beauty of the past, and her current expression was as pitiful as that of a helpless girl.

Hearing this, Ye Lai Xia Yin raised a nice smile at the corner of her mouth, but this smile was more far-fetched.

Immediately afterwards, her head tilted slightly. In Yeze Xiayin's eyes, she saw the completely destroyed city and the blazing fire. Her heart trembled slightly, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

Sorry, I…

Yeze Xia Yin tried hard to speak, but her voice was weak and weak, so that in the end, nothing could be said.

I know that these are not your original wishes. Have a good sleep! I will solve the rest. Just like what I said back then, I will help to the end. However, this time, I may have to You are good at making decisions. Lin Mo said with a gentle smile.

After Ye Lai Xia Yin heard this, she could no longer bear the fatigue on her face and fell into a deep sleep. In her sleep, she seemed to recall a person she had killed with her own hands.

Their blood, their screams, and the helplessness and hesitation they showed when they woke up at the last moment were all imprinted in her mind like a nightmare.

However, these were obviously not what she wanted to do, but it was because of her weakness that the tragedy happened. Every time she thought about this, even in her sleep, she could not avoid showing remorse and pain.

When Lin Mo saw this, he sighed.

You have your will, and no one can force you to do anything. Even if you fall into endless darkness, I will bring you the light you need. I don't think a person who is not willing to abandon a kitten can be so bad. Where to go, so stop thinking about it.

Lin Mo's voice sounded like magic in Ye Lai Xia Yin's heart.

Pity? gentle? Still feeling distressed? These are no longer important. These words made Xia Yin, who was originally in pain, gradually calm down, and in the end, his breathing was completely stable.

Then, a faint smile hung on her lips, as if it came from the heart, finding a direction for her confusion, and in Lin Mo's dazed eyes, two crystal tears fell at the same time. It slid down her cheek.

Lin Mo knew that the other party had looked away, so he gently picked up her body and prepared to look for Na Yue and the others.


Suddenly, a tender voice came, interrupting Lin Mo's thoughts, and found that it was Nangong Nayue and Shelley who were rushing here, leaving only time to find each other.

Senior, are you okay? Shelley panted and looked at Lin Mo, his eyes suddenly noticed the girl in his arms, and said in disbelief.

Yase Xia Yin! Why is she here? Could it be...

Yase Xia Yin! Why is she here? Could it be...

Lin Mo nodded and said: She is another masked person, but now she has regained consciousness and is not in danger for the time being.

Why do you say temporarily? Because in the hands of Ye Lai Xian Sheng, there is also a controller that can control Ye Lai Xia Yin!

If you want to truly solve this incident, you need to find Kensei Yeze. Otherwise, Kensei Yeze can use the controller to make Natsuki Yease fall into unconsciousness again.

The unconscious Natsune Haise only knows how to obey orders and is a pure battle doll.

Normally, as long as there is no order or activation, the magic power in Yeze Xiayin will automatically converge and be sealed in the body, which will not cause any harm to ordinary people and themselves...

For example, the wings she saw at the beginning were gradually formed by magic power. Now, the moment she regained consciousness, they completely disappeared, and so did the magic power on her body.

Therefore, Kensei Hayase is an indispensable character.

Now Xia Yin Ye Lai is a time bomb, and Kensei Ye Lai is the one who detonated the bomb! So we have to deal with each other as soon as possible.

Although Nangong Nayue was a little surprised as to why the masked person was Ye Lai Xia Yin, it was not too late to ask her herself in the future.

By the way, have you taken care of the other masked man? Lin Mo asked doubtfully.

It's not solved, I just let her run away, damn it. Nangong Nayue gritted her teeth.

Lin Mo was able to capture someone on his own, but the two of them let each other run away. Doesn't this mean that their combined fighting power is not as good as Lin Mo's? It hurts one's self-esteem.

Fortunately, Lin Mo had the identity of the True Ancestor of Vampires, so Nangong at least got some comfort that month.

However, she forgot that during the whole scene, Lin Mo never let go of a single beast! Relying purely on magic power and physical body, he is a half-baked True Ancestor.

By the way, I forgot to ask you something. Nangong Nayue looked at Lin Mo with an unkind expression.

What's the matter? Lin Mo asked blankly.

Do you always make such a big fuss!!! 5.0 Nangong Nayue gritted her teeth and looked at the ruins around her, her heart bleeding.

Lin Mo smiled coquettishly: Missed, missed. The power was too small to suppress her, but the power was too great for fear of hurting Ye Lai Xiayin, so I could only transfer most of the power to the ground. That's why you looked at At this point.”


Nangong Nayue sighed as if accepting her fate.

Although it takes an astronomical amount to repair, it is much better than the last two times.

Nangong Nayue's expression softened. I don't know why. Ever since the Fifth True Ancestor and the Fourth True Ancestor were born, the island has been in trouble. Nangong Nayue almost made Nangong Nayue think that the two of them were the reincarnations of broom stars! It's really frustrating.

Ps: As an author who lives in a hot water, my coding is so slow. I want to speed up, but I can’t get up! .

503 Spiritual Center

What are you going to do next? Nangong Nayue looked at Ye Lai Xia Yin in Lin Mo's arms and asked.

Well... Lin Mo lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: Let's take Ye Lai Xia Yin back for treatment first! She suffered a lot of injuries when she fought with me.

how about you?

Nangong stared at Lin Mo that month, and when she saw his thinking look, she knew that he seemed to have some plans in mind. ‘

Of course I'm going to solve this matter! Lin Mo shrugged.

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