Who knows! Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders, intentionally or unintentionally putting aside the topic.

Who knows! Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders, intentionally or unintentionally putting aside the topic.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't tell him the answer, Shokuhou Caoqi had no choice but to say

Then what's the name of the person you're talking about transferring to Tokiwadai School? You can't help but tell it, right? It would be bad if others find out what's going on!

You're talking about her! Her name is Kasugano Qiong... Lin Mo replied honestly.

Where does she live now?

Live in... Lin Mo's face suddenly froze, and what he saw was Shokuhou Misaki's face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Why do you ask this? Lin Mo said warily.

I'm not doing anything! I just wonder who the girl is that makes you put so much effort into it! Shokuhou Caoqi stared at Lin Mo's eyes closely, and then said...

This has nothing to do with you! Lin Mo tilted his head.

Oh? Shokuhou Caoqi circled around Lin Mo a few times: If I guessed correctly, she should live in your house!

Women's intuition is really scary! Can you tell this? Lin Mo cursed inwardly.

Stop talking? Did I guess it right? Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Lin Mo with big eyes.

So what?

Shokuhou Misaki laughed when she heard the sound, and she smiled very happily.

Not much, but...as a condition of helping you, I have decided! I will go to your house tonight! Meet that little girl... Shokuhou Misaki said with a smile.

Hey, you're not planning something, are you? Lin Mo looked defensive.

What's the intention? Don't think so bad of others, okay? Shokuhou Misaki said pitifully.

Haha! Lin Mo's eyes were full of contempt.

I know! If you're not allowed to go, then I won't go. But correspondingly, it's getting late. As a gentleman, do you want to send me, a lady, home? Shokuhou Misaki Tightly wrapped around Lin Mo 4.6's arm, and said extremely charmingly.

Lin Mo patted his head: Whatever, can you stop holding my hand all the time... Although it's quite comfortable, your washboard...

Do you have any objections to my figure? Shokuhou Misaki smiled and reached out to touch Lin Mo's waist...

No objection! Lin Mo waved his hand quickly and said.

That's good! Let's go! Shokuhou Caoqi took Lin Mo's hand and walked in a certain direction.

Shokuhou Misaki silently wrote down these words, and at the same time was annoyed: This idiot! Didn't you notice that my breasts have grown a little?

(2/15, please place your first order and everything else!).

70 An embarrassing scene

On the way home, Lin Mo got goosebumps when he thought of what happened just now.

When Shokuhou Caoqi was sent back to the dormitory, he was surrounded by the escort team. The number of people... Lin Mo shuddered when he thought of this.

Moreover, there were some terrible things mixed in among them. Led by Shokuhou Misaki's Queen Faction, Lin Mo also saw someone shouting Misaka Mikoto's name.

It seemed that for his sake, the two factions that were at odds with each other suspended their truce and switched to fighting to deal with him. Lin Mo had to sigh, the power of faith is really powerful...

Time flies by and the sunset arrives in the blink of an eye.

When Lin Mo returned home and opened the door, he saw an empty room.

Qiong! Are you there?

Lin Mo shouted loudly.

Hey! Brother... why are you back so early! A panicked voice sounded from his room.

Uh... Lin Mo scratched his head awkwardly, as if he didn't want me to come back.

What are you doing in the room? Lin Mo walked to his door and asked doubtfully.

Wait! Qiong heard the sound close at hand and quickly tried to stop Lin Mo from opening the door.

But the first word was still not spoken after all. As the door clicked, Lin Mo gradually saw the scene inside clearly...

Qiong was wearing only black pants, walking barefoot on the white floor, rummaging through the closet in a panic, as if looking for something, looking very anxious.

When he saw Lin Mo's expression, his face was startled, and bursts of blush suddenly appeared on his delicate face, and then spread to his neck.

My mouth was trembling and I wanted to say something, but I couldn't say it...

Even Lin Mo froze on the spot, his throat rolling as he looked at Qiong Mei's body that looked like a young girl's.

Qiong came back to his senses, stretched out his hands to protect the important parts of his petite body, and said angrily

go out!

Lin Mo quickly said sorry and closed the door. Qiong's seductive body lingered in his mind...

This should be my room, right? Lin Mo was suddenly confused. He walked down the corridor repeatedly and looked at the door in front of him. After confirming that it was correct, he looked puzzled.

Why is Qiong in his room? He's only wearing fat clothes...

Lin Mo couldn't figure it out, so he had to wait until Qiong came out to talk about it!

You can come in...

Hearing Qiong's voice, Lin Mo straightened his body, coughed deliberately, opened the door and walked in.

Hearing Qiong's voice, Lin Mo straightened his body, coughed deliberately, opened the door and walked in.

The first thing that caught his eye was the bright red beside Qiong's cheeks, and the men's clothes were randomly mixed and matched on his body.

Her silver hair was wet, and a charming fragrance lingered in the room. Lin Mo even saw the heat radiating from Qiong's body.

Lin Mo just sat not far from Qiong and looked at her awkwardly.

Um, Qiong...why are you in my room?

After Qiong heard the voice, he didn't dare to look at Lin Mo anymore. He lowered his head and whispered softly.

The water heater in the bathroom of the room was broken, so I borrowed the water heater in this room...

Looking at Qiong's lovable look, and thinking of the scene with Xiang Yan earlier, Lin Mo had already roughly guessed what was going on.

When I came to my room to take a shower, I only brought the NeiKu I needed to wear and forgot to bring my normal clothes. I happened to be back again...am I right?

Qiong's head lowered even lower, and the bangs on her head covered her face, making it difficult for people to see her outside clearly. If anyone can see her face, it must be as red as a tomato...

Lin Mo was helpless. It was the first time he encountered such a bloody thing. Sure enough, if there was a sister at home, the treatment would be very different...

Then change your clothes quickly! It's not too late. I'm going to cook first...just find someone to fix it... Lin Mo stood up and walked out.

Qiong also pulled the corner of his clothes and returned to his room.

This dinner was quite peaceful. It was probably the quietest and most embarrassing meal Qiong had ever had in 797's history.

Qiong, let's go to the beach in a few days! Lin Mo said while washing the dishes.

Yeah! Qiong De replied happily.

Oh, by the way! A friend of mine is coming then, so it shouldn't matter, right? Lin Mo said.

There was a hint of disappointment in Qiong's eyes, but he didn't say anything and agreed after just a few words.

Lin Mo was surprised by Qiong's calm performance. In his impression, although it was not a matter of life and death, it was definitely a matter of showing a little temper...

However, Lin Mo didn't know that it was precisely because Qiong Tai cared about his thoughts that he didn't dare to ask for more requests, for fear that he would think that he was a fool. This is exactly what Qiong cannot accept, so she chooses to be tolerant...

Even though I say this, jealousy is definitely inevitable...

If Lin Mo knew about it, he would definitely lament that what else could he ask for?


71 Daily life at school and monitor…

The next day, Lin Mo went to school early. There was nothing he could do, there were final exams in the past few days! As a struggling high school student, it’s hard not to think about it.

Especially when being warned over and over again by a cute head teacher. Lin Mo has been absent from class for several days. If he doesn't go, he will be expelled!

Although Lin Mo has certain privileges in school, he can't afford to spend it like this.

Lin Mojun, although I know you are a unique genius, if you skip class every day, you will be easily caught up! I hope you understand! By the way... are you listening? The cute head teacher looked distracted. Lin Mo said angrily.

He held the book and wanted to pat Lin Mo on the head, but the sad thing was that she was less than half his height! Even if he stood on the stool, he couldn't reach Lin Mo. So this thought was thrown into her mind, and she could only sit in her seat angrily and lecture by speaking.

Lin Mo picked his ears, looking impatient, and just listened quietly to what this strange class teacher said.

Teacher Xiaomeng, what do you want from me? A young man with a short hair stood outside the office door, looking helpless.

Kamijou! Come here too. The head teacher said seriously, but with her small face, no one could feel the slightest awe.

Hey! Isn't this Touma? Lin Mo greeted.

Huh? Lin Mo? Have you been called to the office too? Kamijou Touma said doubtfully.

Cough cough cough! Stop making noise! Teacher Xiaomeng pretended to cough a few times, attracting the attention of both of them.

You are really grasshoppers tied to the same boat! The reason for being called here is also for absenteeism! Teacher Xiaomeng glared at the two of them.

It's okay, Lin Mo. At least he got first place in the whole grade, but what's wrong with you Kamijou! You all failed the class! The teacher is not in the mood to watch anymore... If you fail the final exam, just come to me. Tuition!”

Hey! It's unfair! Kamijou Touma cried out sadly: Why doesn't Lin Mo come to tutor! Even if he is the first in the grade, Mr. Xiaomeng, you are taking too much care of me!

Pfft! You bastard, you will be the first in your grade in the exam anytime soon. I don't mind if you ask me to make up lessons 24 hours a day, as long as you can get the first in your grade! Lin Mo said with disdain.

You guys are so infuriating! Kamijou Touma said unhappily.

Hey!! Mr. Lin, don't get too carried away! If your final exam scores drop this time, just wait and see! Teacher Xiaomeng finished speaking angrily and sent the two of them away.

If it weren't for that hateful nun at home, my grades wouldn't be so bad! Kamijou Touma said angrily.

Haha! Lin Mo expressed disdain for this.

Haha! Lin Mo expressed disdain for this.

Lin Mo! You guys have been running there again these days!

There was a female voice in front of him. The first thing that caught Lin Mo's eyes was the pair of huge balls, followed by the black hair, high forehead, and big breasts.

After hearing the voice, he probably guessed who the other party was...

Squad leader, what are you doing for me? Lin Mo said helplessly. In school, what bothers him the most is the kind of people who are both above and below ten thousand people... That's right! He is the kind of person who has the greatest say in the class when the teacher is not around!

Obviously, the woman around me is this kind of person! He likes to be nosy, but at the same time he is bold and unrestrained, but this situation only works for Lin Mo, and even he himself is confused. I don’t know since when, this squad leader has been having sex with him.

Huh? What's the matter with the deep disgust in your eyes? Do you really hate me so much? Fukiyose Siri said with an unhappy look on her face, her arms crossed.

With her black hair parted to her ears and a broad forehead, coupled with her proud figure, and her wild temperament that comes out from time to time, there is no doubt that she is a standard beautiful girl.

.‖ Then squad leader, I'm going back first. You guys can chat slowly! Seeing that the situation was not good, Kamijou Touma said in a hurry and ran away in a crawl.

There was no one in the usually bustling corridor. Only Lin Mo and Fukiyose were confronting each other, and a strange atmosphere unfolded here.

So good... our squad leader is both beautiful and intelligent, how can we hate the squad leader? Lin Mo said.

You can talk! You haven't answered my question yet. Where have you been these past few days? Could it be that you lost track of time while playing with a certain girl? Fukiyose looked at Lin closely. ink.

(Money) How could it be! Lin Mo quickly shook his head and denied, daring to tell the truth in this situation, unless that person's brain was short-circuited.


Fukiyose Jiri stretched out her head and looked closely into Lin Mo's eyes. A pair of big breasts were hanging in the air unconsciously...

I don't even dare to lie, let's go! Hurry to the classroom! Class is about to begin! After Fukiyoshi said this, regardless of Lin Mo's reaction, he forcefully carried him away. You read that right! Just hold it and walk! The domineering appearance attracted many onlookers...

(4/15, please be the first to order! And please take the initiative! I have modified it here. Fukiyoshi is the chairman of the life committee, not the squad leader. The plot requires it, so please be considerate...).

72 Misaka Mikoto’s little temper

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and with the hurried sounds of classes ending, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The burden on their shoulders was light. After finishing the exam, they were now waiting for the results to be released. At the same time, I am also looking forward to the next summer vacation...

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