The faces of the players on the stage changed one after another, some were jealous, some envious, and some held grudges.

This feeling was infinitely amplified when they saw Lin Mo, who was the most conspicuous alone.

Kirito's head bowed deeply, because there was no difference between what Kibaou said and what he did!

Seeing that the players' emotions were guided by him, Kibaou smiled proudly, and then pointed to where Lin Mo was standing without any concealment.

Is that you? Beta tester! Obediently hand over what you have in your hands! And you must kneel down and repent to the two thousand people who died! This way we can depend on each other for our lives!

That's right! That's right! Beta tester! You must hand over all the equipment and props in your hands! Kneel down and repent to the two thousand people who died!

The players shouted loudly.

Tiebeiru was helpless. The situation had now reached this point and he could no longer stop it. If you insist on standing on the cusp of the storm, you won't be able to be seen.

How will you choose?

Tiebeilu looked at the expressionless figure in the stands and murmured.

Under the gaze that was aimed at and pointed at by thousands of people, Lin Mo slowly spoke.

I seem to be seeing something wrong?

I seem to be seeing something wrong?

Do you still want to make excuses now? You murderer!

Kibaou roared angrily.

Murderer...? What a nice title.

Lin Mo chuckled lightly, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes. Before anyone could react, the figure suddenly disappeared and appeared in the audience.

Looking at the face so close to him, Kibaou was startled and stepped back involuntarily.

Kirito looked at what happened, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

So fast!

Even he didn't notice when Lin Mo appeared in the audience.

Yes, I am a murderer. But so what? I don't know how many bastards like you I have killed, and even I have forgotten the specific number. But I want to emphasize one point, that is , you... are also worthy of being my teammates? Tsk, this is really laughable!

Lin Mo glanced at the crowd on the stage contemptuously.

The players stared angrily, as if they couldn't believe that Lin Mo still had such an arrogant attitude.

Killing...Hey, I heard you right just now, this guy seems to have killed people in real life!

397 players looked at Lin Mo in shock.

You murderer, what qualifications do you have to stand here, get out!

Kibaou came back to his senses and pointed at Lin Mo angrily and said,

Get out!

I don't know who shouted, and the remaining players shouted angrily.

Since they are siding with a murderer? Players feel particularly angry at the thought of being stabbed in the back without knowing the circumstances.

Kibaou looked at him sinisterly, and the uncontrollable pride in his eyes made Lin Mo sigh slightly.

Then he suddenly pulled out the blue sword behind him and put it on Kibaou's neck.

I have already said that I have killed countless bastards like you. Killing one more is not a big problem for me!

(Ask for automatic subscription and flowers, 3/4!).

203 Conversation under the night sky

You two, please calm down!

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Tiebeiru quickly came out to smooth things over.

Kibaou didn't even dare to take a breath now, fearing that Lin Mo would cut his neck with the sword in his hand if he wasn't careful.

Kibaou's worries are completely unnecessary. Even if Lin Mo wants to kill him, there is nothing he can do at the moment. Because killing is not allowed in the town.

Withdrawing the sword in his hand, Lin Mo snorted coldly and kicked out with lightning speed.

Kibaou's body hit the steps like a parabola. There was a loud noise.

You should be glad you stayed in a town.

Then he turned to Tiebeiru with an expressionless expression.

Can you sell me a copy of the information you have?

Yes, yes, but what do you want to do? If you want to defeat the BOSS, the probability of success may be much higher if you work with everyone.

Tiebeilu said dissuadingly.

No need. Besides, do you think they will team up with me if they look like this?

Lin Mo glanced sideways at the players on the steps and said calmly.

All right!

Although he said that, Tiebeiru only told Lin Mo the attack form of the BOSS, and did not point out the specific room of the BOSS.

In other words, if Lin Mo wants to attack the BOSS, he must follow Tiebeilu tomorrow.

After Lin Mo exchanged the information in his hands, he walked straight away into the distance. For him, this is just a small episode.

Yaou witnessed Lin Mo's departure with his vicious eyes, and the nails in his hands dug into the flesh without even realizing it.

Wait! I will definitely avenge this shame!

Lin Mo naturally noticed Kibaou's gritted teeth and smiled nonchalantly.

If you want to cause trouble for yourself, then I won't kill you!

He slowly left in the angry eyes of the players.

After that, the news that Lin Mo was a murderer accidentally leaked out, which immediately attracted widespread attention.

Since there is a murderous maniac beside him? Why didn't this attract their attention? Whenever he saw Lin Mo, he would put on an expression of disgust and stay away from him.

After all, they don't want to have too much communication with this evil star. Keep a distance from him.

Lin Mo had nothing to do about this, as no one would come and send inexplicable guild invitations.

In the evening, Lin Mo looked at the stars in the sky in SAO, sighed quietly, sat on the bench, tapped lightly in the void, took out the burger he made, and started eating.

Lin Mo's current chef level has slowly begun to rise. In the process of making food, he can be said to have paid off the colorless and tasteless food.

The first time I made delicious food, I almost burst into tears on the spot.

Tap tap tap...

The sound of walking on the stone road suddenly caught Lin Mo's attention.

Under the dark night sky, his whole body was wrapped in a red cloak, making it difficult to see his specific appearance.

Under the dark night sky, his whole body was wrapped in a red cloak, making it difficult to see his specific appearance.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing the person coming. Then he walked away as if nothing had happened.

Asuna, who was draped under her cloak, didn't say anything, and just sat quietly next to Lin Mo, keeping a certain distance from him.

Why are you sitting here?

Lin Mo asked aloud.

Can't you?

Asuna replied calmly.

Lin Mo's mouth twitched.

It's not like I can't. Aren't you afraid that I will be like the rumors?

I don't think you are that kind of person. The so-called murderous maniac is just an excuse you made out of anger...

Lin Mo looked at her in astonishment, and then felt dumbfounded.

In desperation? Make no mistake, I have really killed people, and there were more than one!


After just two words of reply, a dead silence fell between the two of them.

There was only the sound of Lin Mo eating.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Mo found that although the other party didn't speak, he kept staring at the food in his hand.

Although he couldn't see the other person's face, the trace of desire in his eyes couldn't be hidden at all costs.

With a slight tap in the void, he threw the food he had just summoned to the other party.

Eat! I'm quite confident in my cooking level.

After Asuna took it, she put it in her nose and smelled it.

The aroma surrounded his nose, making him shrug hard. Then without saying a word, he opened the package and started eating.

I swallowed it in a few mouthfuls, and I didn't forget to lick my fingers. It seemed to have an endless aftertaste (Qian Zhaohao).

After eating tasteless bread for nearly a month, she finally realized the beauty of food again.

Lin Mo took one out of his backpack and threw it to her again.

Asuna caught it steadily, this time it was different from last time. One bite at a time, I ate it carefully.

Lin Mo looked helpless.

In a few seconds, he finished the food in his hands, patted his butt, and was ready to leave.

Wait a moment!

Have you really decided not to team up with us to fight!

Asuna couldn't help but asked.

Lin Mo was startled for a moment, then waved his hand and continued to walk slowly towards the distance.

(Please subscribe, flowers.).

204 The first level guard boss!

Early the next morning, Lin Mo followed the team at the end, and the players around him cast disgusted looks from time to time.

Lin Mo was used to this.

Under the leadership of Tiebeiru, everyone walked through the green woods and came to a dusty gate.

Everyone, I only have one thing to say, I must win!

Tiebeilu looked seriously at the work being done.

Exaggerated by this heavy atmosphere, the players no longer had time to take care of Lin Mo, and responded one after another. Then he placed his nervous and sweaty hands on his own weapon.

Tiebeiru took a deep breath, then turned around and reached out to push towards the door stained with the glory of time.


The door with carved patterns was slowly pushed open.

The only two flames on the left and right sides sparkled and illuminated the nervous faces of everyone.

The players moved forward step by step, and a vague figure appeared directly in front of the players!

At the same time, the originally dark room began to be illuminated by colorful lights.

This huge contrast made the players subconsciously squint their eyes.

When everyone got inside, the door slammed shut!


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