Infinite true path

Chapter 1612 Dao Sect

Huan Yin's use of the Xuanyuan Divine Sword suddenly failed, leaving everyone onlookers stunned, even Dong Huang Yu'er was no exception. As for Huan Yin himself, he fell into silence. It was obvious that this failure made him feel at a loss and a little confused.

However, at this moment, everyone may be at a loss, everyone may lose their mind, but the overlord who is still falling from the sky will never!

As a result, the suction force from the Overlord continued to grow stronger, but because both Huan Yin and Donghuang Yu'er were distracted, or because of Huan Yin's failure, the Overlord's wish was fulfilled. Something we didn't want to see happened.

The terrifying suction power of the Overlord had already made it extremely difficult for De Huan Yin and Dong Huang Yu'er to hold each other's hands, but this time they were distracted and the two of them inadvertently lost their strength. It was these few points that became the last bit of strength that completely separated the two.

"Husband!" The first person to react was Donghuang Yu'er herself. The moment their hands separated involuntarily, she felt that her entire body was completely weightless and she could no longer control herself. Then her expression changed drastically and she exclaimed.

This cry woke up all the absent-minded people, and also woke up Huan Yin. Huan Yin's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw Donghuang Yu'er flying into the sky at an extremely fast speed, getting farther and farther away from him, and getting closer and closer to the terrifying overlord. He felt that there seemed to be some moment. Take away his soul!

"Yu'er, no!" Huan Yin subconsciously propped up his body and extended his hand to Donghuang Yu'er. But he couldn't fly, and because he suddenly became excited, he spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his whole body became even more depressed!

I can't catch it anymore, Huan Yin no longer has that ability. Just like the overlord had long since taken away his ability to save the Three Realms, now, the overlord has taken away his ability to capture his only woman, and taken away his woman...

Further and further away, Donghuang Yu'er gradually became a little smaller, and Huan Yin could no longer see her face clearly. Huan Yin couldn't save her, and no one could. At this time, everyone in Shanxian City is already in danger. Who else can save whom? Who dares to save whom?

"How could this happen, how could this happen! Isn't it enough for Mangino to leave? Can't even Yu'er stay?" Huan Yin cried. It was the grievance he shed after being extremely angry and unable to change his fate. tears. There were too many emotions in Huan Yin's heart, surging like stormy waves. But he has been practicing Taoism for three lifetimes, but this time, he can't use the sword in his hand to vent his anger, but can only use the tears in his eyes...

Huan Yin had never felt so powerless. Even when he faced Luo Hu's palm in the human world, he could still look determined and fearless. But this time, the overlord has become so powerful that he cannot find a way to resist, and is already unable to resist. He can only blame his fate!


Huan Yin's life was not good since he was a child. He was just the son of the concubine of the Huan family, and his mother was killed when he was born. He grew up in a motherless family and was ostracized. He went against fate, against heaven, and against Rahu, and finally he is where he is today.

Huan Yin never believed in fate, but this time, fate forced him to bow his head!

As he cried, Huan Yin gradually became a little crazy. As he looked at the shrinking Donghuang Yu'er, his reason was gradually clouded by anger and despair. He hates so much, hates himself, hates the world, and even more hates his ancestor, Venerable Infinite!

If only the Infinite Venerable had not passed the "Infinite Sutra" to him, maybe he would have died in some unknown corner long ago. After entering the reincarnation, he might have another hard life, die again, and be reincarnated again. What's the difference between then and now?

Huan Yin seemed to have an all-powerful life, with endless scenery and endless fortunes, but in the end, didn't he become what he is now? It would be better if you don't practice Taoism. You may experience many deaths and many despairs at the end of reincarnation, but you won't be so desperate.

The most important thing is not to harm others.

If Huan Yin does not enter the Tao, no one will threaten Luo Hu. Even if Luo Hu finally dominates the three realms, Mangino does not have to die, and Donghuang Yu'er may be able to live alone somewhere. The entire Three Realms will not eventually perish due to the invasion of the overlord.

If you can't know Mangino and Donghuang Yu'er, then you can't know them. Huan Yin is willing to be an unknown person who doesn't need to make a splash for himself or thrill others. Everyone will live well, so what does his life and death mean?

"Oh, what a great "Infinite Sutra", what an infinite true path! Patriarch, Patriarch, you calculated the heavens and the earth, calculated all my life, Huanyin, how I should cultivate your great way, but you calculated me Will it happen today? Have you counted it?" Huan Yin suddenly roared wildly, his hair disheveled, as if he had lost all his mind.

Everything in the past, everything related to the "Infinite Sutra" flashed through Huan Yin's mind one by one. They were the results of unconsciously searching in his mind after he was so filled with hatred, as if he was trying to kill his biggest enemy. Catch it!

Donghuang Yu'er has been pulled up thousands of feet into the sky, but Huan Yin can't see her because Huan Yin doesn't even look!

Now, Huan Yin, who is like a madman, only has the past in his heart, mind, and eyes, only everything about the "Infinite Sutra", and only regrets!

However, only a moment later, a word from the Infinite Venerable entered Huan Yin's mind. It was the original words of the Infinite Venerable that Biyi's remnant soul conveyed to him when he was in hell!

"If you want to relieve your own difficulties, you should step into the three realms and experience three lives horizontally. When you are done vertically and horizontally, the three souls will gather together. The destiny has returned and you have come freely. The Taoist door has appeared and cannot be refused!"

One sentence made Dehuan Yin feel like he was enlightened, and he suddenly woke up!

This is the only complete and clear prophecy left by Venerable Wuliang for Huan Yin after he deduced the world!

"When you step on the three realms, you will experience three lives horizontally. When you are done vertically and horizontally, the three souls will gather together. The destiny returns and freedom comes." Huan Yin murmured, and unexpectedly found that the words of the Infinite Venerable back then were completely fulfilled. Hasn't he now traveled through the three realms of heaven, man, and earth? Didn’t he go through three reincarnations? After experiencing three lives and three lifetimes, his soul was already complete. Only then did he step into heavenly cultivation and reach the ultimate realm of Nine Origins! The phrase "return of destiny" means that his heavenly soul has returned. In this way, he will be at ease, and the three realms will allow him to roam freely!

Yes, this is correct! Huan Yin's cultivation is now invincible in the three realms, isn't it?

However, Venerable Wuliang seemed to be wrong again. If the "freedom" he talks about is just cultivating to be invincible in the three realms, then how can he be free in Huan Yin's current situation?

"Still... the 'freedom' mentioned by the Patriarch is true freedom, great freedom! If so, then everything depends on the last sentence!" Thinking of this, Huan Yin murmured: "The Taoist door is now available and cannot be refused... The Taoist door has appeared and cannot be refused..."

He didn't understand this sentence. Because he didn't see any "door", never had one. However, this made De Huan Yin faintly excited. Since most of the words of the Infinite Venerable have been fulfilled, will the last sentence that has not yet come true also definitely come true?

In other words, this sentence is the source of his freedom, the ultimate revelation left to him by the Infinite Venerable!

No matter what the "Tao Sect" is, Huan Yin has now reached the time to find out this "Tao Sect"!

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