Infinite true path

Chapter 88 Questioning the Heart

All eyes were focused on Huan Yin, including Karen Ye and his master Duan Yun.

"Yin'er, are you okay?" Duan Yun was a little surprised. If Huan Yin's cultivation hadn't recovered, he shouldn't have appeared here.

Huan Yin bowed to Duan Yun and Karen Ye: "Uncle, master, disciple is ready!" At this moment, he looked excited, and anyone could see that he was in a good mood.

When Huan Yin said he was well, he naturally meant that his cultivation had completely recovered. Karen Ye's consciousness was slightly released, and she could see clearly Huan Yin's condition - he was indeed well.

Duan Yun sighed a little. It seemed that Huan Yin's burning soul this time was indeed unique. Even his cultivation could be restored so quickly.

Karen Ye nodded without any expression. However, she was actually far more surprised than Duan Yun. Although she didn't know why Huan Yin's cultivation dropped before, there were only a handful of reasons why a monk's cultivation dropped. No matter which one, there was no reason why he could recover within a month. There are too many mysteries in Huan Yin, and it is impossible to judge based on common sense. Although Karen Ye was surprised, she was somewhat used to it. This junior always makes people around him see through.

Huan Yin stood behind Duan Yun, turned around and looked at the disciples who had accepted the call, and was immediately startled by the crowd in front of him. Then, he found that almost all of these people were looking at him curiously, and he felt a little more confused.

"Excuse me, is this Senior Brother Huan?" A voice in the crowd finally couldn't help but asked despite Karen Ye's pressure.

Huan Yin didn't see who was asking the question, but he still stepped forward and bowed to the crowd: "I have met all of you fellow disciples. My younger brother is Huan Yin."

As soon as Huan So spoke, there was a low discussion among the crowd. Even the disciples who were supposed to leave in the distance stopped moving and stopped to watch.

"It's really Senior Brother Huan. Why isn't he as tall and heroic as I thought? But he is really polite and humble. He is worthy of being the number one among my Wuliang Sect disciples!" A male disciple's voice came out.

"Are you blind? Senior Brother Huan is so handsome. If only... if only..." The voice of a female disciple came out again.

"It turns out that Senior Brother Huan is like this. If I can see Senior Brother Huan today, even if I didn't come in vain!"

"I want to join the Sword Pavilion and learn sword energy from Senior Brother Huan!"

"Okay everyone, let's get started!" Duan Yun saw that Huan Yin was a little embarrassed, and Karen Ye frowned again and hurriedly spoke out.

This time, the disciples didn't say anything. They all followed Duan Yun's arrangement and went through "mind reading" and "fortune telling" one by one to test their character and aptitude.

Although there were many people participating in the test, the test was carried out in an orderly manner and very quickly. In less than an hour, all the disciples who participated in the test completed the test.

After this round, only eighteen disciples passed. Most of the disciples who participated in the test were eliminated by the qualification level. It's no wonder that the Wuliang Sect is weak, and most of the disciples who join the Wuliang Sect have mediocre qualifications. In addition, Jiange requires the minimum qualifications to be above Wuliang. How many disciples can meet the conditions?

After the test, Duan Yun politely invited the failed disciples back, and then he said to the remaining eighteen disciples: "Now, all of you left behind are rare talents in our sect. It's just that , My sword pavilion lineage can continue to this day, not only because the disciples in my pavilion are good at cultivation, but also a more important reason is that all the disciples in my sword pavilion can make swords!"

"If sword repairing is the soul of my sword pavilion, then sword making is the soul of my sword pavilion!" At this point, the smile on Duan Yun's face was no longer there, but was full of seriousness, solemnity and pride.

"The sword is the core of my sword pavilion. Everyone in my sword pavilion practices swordsmanship and kills demons with swordsmanship. In the past years, they have made immeasurable contributions to our Wuliang Sect. However, I want to To truly understand the sword, it is not enough to just practice it. To make a sword is to create the shape of the sword, understand the spirit of the sword, and condense the meaning of the sword.”

"A weapon master is the person who gives the sword shape, spirit, and meaning. Only by giving the sword shape, spirit, and meaning can one's swordsmanship truly have charm. If a person only knows swordsmanship but cannot make swords, To him, the sword is nothing more than a magic weapon. If a person has extraordinary swordsmanship and is proficient in making swords, the sword is his soul, and he is the god of the sword. The soul and soul are united, and he can do anything! "

These words were what Qi Juezi said to Duan Yun when he first became a disciple of Qi Juezi. Unexpectedly, he would be able to convey these words to his descendants one day.

Although the eighteen remaining disciples all knew that Duan Yun was Huan Yin's master, they knew clearly that Duan Yun had not been practicing for many years. They came here either because of Karen Ye or because of Huan Yin. However, the words coming from this person with no cultivation left them deeply shocked.

If without Huan Yin and Karen Ye, Jiange would not have the momentum it has today, then without Duan Yun, there would be no Jiange today. Duan Yun is the real hero who has worked so hard to maintain Jiange and is the foundation of Jiange!

"If you want to enter my sword pavilion, you should know that you have to pass a trial in my pavilion. This trial is to test whether you are suitable to become a weapon master. So now, please come down the mountain with me. Trial!"

Having said that, Duan Yun was about to lead a group of disciples down the mountain when suddenly a disciple asked: "Uncle Duan, I remember you said that no more than five disciples will be recruited this time. If more than five people pass the trial, then What to do?”

Duan Yun turned around and smiled when he heard his words: "Oh? If there are more than five, then my Sword Pavilion will accept them all. However, I am afraid that even five are not enough."


To the west of Qingchuan River, there is a black boulder in the river that is two people high. At this moment, twenty people are standing in front of this boulder. They are Huan Yin, Duan Yun and the eighteen disciples who passed the previous round of tests.

This boulder is the one with sword marks on it that the old Taoist Ci Yuanling instructed Huan Yin to wait for Duan Yun.

Duan Yun walked up to the disciples and said loudly: "This boulder behind me is called the 'Sword Testing Stone'. When the young disciples of my Sword Pavilion cast their first sword, they will come to this stone to test the sword with the stone."

The disciples looked at the countless sword marks on the black boulder and were extremely shocked. They didn't expect that the Sword Pavilion, which was regarded as a waste in the sect, had so many disciples.

"Today's trial is to test the heart. The heart refers to the sword heart. All the disciples of my Sword Pavilion have a sincere sword heart, so when they forge swords, they will also integrate their thoughts into the swords they make. Different sword hearts will result in different swords and different sword marks." "In a while, Huan Yin will take out fifty swords. These swords are the first swords forged by the ancestors of my Pavilion after they became qualified weapon masters. Although these swords are not of high quality, they are full of their original sword hearts. If you want to pass the trial, choose one from the fifty swords, find the sword marks on the boulder that match it, and tell the sword heart you have realized. If everything is correct, you pass!" Duan Yun said, and signaled Huan Yin to take out the sword. Huan Yin stretched out his hand and the Qiankun bag flashed with golden light. A series of swords flew out of it and landed in front of everyone in an orderly manner. Duan Yun saw the swords were ready, and then he said: "I will give you one stick of incense to observe the sword marks on the boulder and comprehend the sword heart of the predecessors of the Sword Pavilion. Then, I will give you ten breaths to choose a sword. After choosing a sword, go forward and try it one by one. Then, let's start!" As soon as Duan Yun finished speaking, the eighteen disciples participating in the trial all moved. They quickly ran to the boulder and carefully examined the sword marks on the boulder. The test of conscience given by Duan Yun was really not simple. Only someone like him who had practiced swordsmanship in the Sword Pavilion for decades could think of such a test method. The sword marks on the boulder were long and short, thick and thin, deep and shallow, and there were many overlapping and interlaced, and even a large sword mark contained a small sword mark. How could these marks accumulated by the predecessors of the Sword Pavilion for countless years be kept in the heart by memory? What's more, they haven't seen the sword Huan Yin took out yet, and those swords are of different sizes and lengths. After seeing the dazzling sword marks, they have to face fifty different swords. After doing all this, their hearts are probably already in chaos. How can they find the sword that corresponds to the sword marks?

Duan Yun gave such a trial, naturally not to test the memory of the disciples. In fact, he wanted to select disciples who have the same sword heart as the predecessors of the Sword Pavilion. The predecessors of the Sword Pavilion are all elites. Their understanding and perception of the sword are far better than ordinary monks, so when they forge swords, they will integrate their sword hearts into the swords they forge.

Sword heart, in the final analysis, is the sword forger who places his own perception and hope in the sword. Different people have different sword hearts, so even if the same materials and the same process are used to forge swords, the resulting swords will be different. Sword heart is a feeling, ethereal but not empty, so as long as you can understand the deep meaning of the sword marks on the boulder, and then find a sword with the same feeling among the fifty swords, it will naturally fit.

Soon, an incense stick of time passed. After the disciples finished looking at the sword marks, they ran to the other side and looked at the swords on the ground one by one.

At this moment, almost all the disciples' foreheads were sweating, and some even had bloodshot eyes. They all wanted to join the Sword Pavilion, so they tried their best.

Finally, after ten breaths, the disciples held a sword in their hands. This was the sword they had chosen to try to match the sword marks.

"Okay, everyone, please start!"

With Duan Yun's shout, the trial began!

Do you understand the trial of the Sword Pavilion? The second update is here!

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