Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 146

And like in the past when Hermione and the others saw Buckbeak beheaded, they only saw the executioner's decapitation with a pumpkin underneath blocking their view, they didn't see Buckbeak die, they just mistakenly thought that Buckbeak was dead. In fact, there were two outcomes of the executioner's chopping motion: one was that Buckbeak was killed, and the other was that Buckbeak was rescued. Neither outcome was witnessed by them in the past, so Buckbeak was the equivalent of Schrödinger's cat to Harry, Hermione and the others in the past. This is how there exists a future where they travel back in time to save Buckbeak and complete the historical timeline that Buckbeak witnessed in the past!

After this conclusion came out, there were three hundred and thirty-two top scientists who went completely insane, and fourteen hundred and fifty-two scientists switched careers.

But after that Gurrenza quickly turned into excitement, this time converter, change it to a time causality weapon of the group Nobita Nobi ah! However, the imagination was beautiful, the reality was harsh, the Time Turner, apart from the complex architecture of the alchemy array and the materials required, many of which were not even available in this era, more importantly, contained a trace of time power.

Or in other words, the most important function of the Time Turner was to ensure that this trace of time power would not disappear with the passage of time before it was triggered to return to the past.

Even if they could create the Time Turner as an alchemical item, they wouldn't know how to access that sliver of time power. Even if Gurrenza collected the entire wizarding world's books, or even awakened the oldest portrait at Hogwarts, they couldn't find a way to access the power of time. All the time converters in the world today were handed down from long ago. Even with Gurensa's current half-step Sunshine strength, he could not touch time, and even Gurensa suspected that even if he had reached the level of Sunshine, he would still be unable to touch the concept of time.

After that, Gurrenza tossed with those scientists and alchemists for a long time, only then did he tossed out the present "World Crossing Time Reverser". Its function was simple: to travel to the parallel world of Hogwarts when Snape was nine years old.

However, no matter how much research and testing Gurenza and the researchers had done, they had only produced a semi-finished product that was theoretically possible. After all, no results had returned after using several previous test items, and they had run out of experimental material.

"You know, it's only a half-finished product and none of the previous tests have returned any results whatsoever. In other words, if it fails, it dies!"

Gurrenza looked at his old friend seriously, wanting to talk Snape down even though he knew it was unlikely he would be able to talk him down.

Snape sneered, "How different am I from dead now?"

Gurrenza was silent, only looking up in a half-hearted voice and saying, "Take another look at Draco and the others, their children will be entering Hogwarts to study this year as well."

Although Hogwarts had reformed into a high-end school that imparted profound wizarding knowledge, it still retained the habit of admitting a few young wizards, after all, some of the most gifted young wizards were also more likely to grow up to be excellent wizards if they were trained from a young age.

Snape didn't say anything, but by the look of him Gurrenza knew he agreed. So he touched the arcane mark he had made with Draco and the others and asked them to bring a family over to him.

Two days later, Lucius and Narcissa and Draco and Hermione came to the Wizarding Tower with their son Scorpius and his family of five, and Harry came with Autumn Chang and his son Siwa Potter.

Forty years had passed and some things had changed, but some things had stayed the same. Harry didn't end up with Ginny, but managed to catch up with Autumn Chang thirty years ago and soon married, when he was still the officiant of Gurrenza's wedding. Draco and Hermione went around and around for thirty years before they finally got together ten years ago, and their wedding was also officiated by Gurrenza when they were married.

As for Pansy, she eventually gave up on Draco and got together with Blaise twenty years ago. Ron had also gotten together with Lavender thirty years ago.


"The Godfather..."


Lucius, Draco, and Harry shouted out as they watched Snape, who was holding a "World Time Travel Reverser".

Both Lucius and Draco could not bear the thought of their best friend/Godfather committing such a suicidal act, but both knew they could not persuade Snape of his own choice.

And Harry was more than at a loss for words, after all, he really didn't know what to say about this kind of upperclassman thing. Persuade it, feel sorry for his father, not persuade it, or feel sorry for his father. And he couldn't say anything in the face of Snape, after all it was all about his mother, and this felt really bad for him! Even with Draco at the helm of the Council of Augenos hadn't been this bad.

Snape looked deeply at everyone in the room, finally stopping at Gullensenza with a long-awaited bright smile on his face.

"Thank you, Gurrenza."

Snape then pressed his hand on the "World Travel Time Reverser".


Severus Snape disappeared from the world completely, and Gurrenza sighed long and hard as he watched Snape's life paper in his hands fade to ashes.



In the other world, Snape opened his eyes leisurely, blinking several times before they adjusted to the sunlight. He felt like he'd been in the dark for a long, long time, and then suddenly he was kicked out.

As Snape adjusted to the sunlight, a piece of paper with all sorts of additional toughness, hard to wear, and viewable only by those of a certain bloodline, floated leisurely down in front of Snape.

Snape picked up the piece of paper and the lines on it leisurely lit up to reveal the contents.

"Hi, Snape.

I'm really glad when you see this piece of paper, because whether or not you made it across the world, at least you're alive! That's worthy of my pleasure, hahaha....

Okay, listen carefully to what I'm about to say. If you did cross over to another Hogwarts world, then look to see if you've turned into a little boy of about nine years old, and if so, then it's estimated that there's an eighty percent chance that you've crossed over to another Hogwarts world where you were nine years old."

Seeing this, Snape quickly looked down at his own body, and instead of being a big, tall man with a two-meter height and a two-meter aura, he was a small douchebag of about one and a half meters. Snape suppressed his ecstasy and continued to look at.

"If so, then I really congratulate you; even if not, well live it up, it's an old friend's request.

Yes or no try to get stronger first, and don't forget that if you do cross over to another Hogwarts world and you're still nine, you're a little wizard who can't even use a fluorescent flicker! And in the long term, let's not talk about the future, first of all, you have to try to kill Voldemort's grandson, otherwise he might attack your Lily one day, how can you tolerate that?

Don't look at how easily I killed Voldemort before, that's because he only has a residual soul, his full strength should be similar to your peak strength before you crossed over, or even slightly better!

As for what happens in the wizarding and non-wizarding worlds after you take out Voldemort, it doesn't matter if you want to mess with it or not. After all, if you do engage, it's not too much of an exaggeration to say that you're an enemy of the world, and you don't have as much hard power as I do, so I'm worried that you'll be brought to your knees by the backlash of the two worlds, and then it'll be your Lily's turn to cry. Anyway, you watch, the conflict between the two won't erupt in your generation just yet.

Just tear up this page when you're finally done reading it, it has some of the alchemical items I gave you to use in your defense and some other legacy and miscellaneous stuff.

Peace be with you, my old friend.

--Gurrenza Augenos."

"Hiss", the paper from which Snape tore, a storage ring fell out of it.

Snape familiarly tithed to acknowledge the owner, then mentally probed inside and found that besides a pile of books on arcane inheritance, there were all sorts of potions, such as Perfect Bliss, Refreshing Potion, and Corrosion Potion, as well as alchemical scrolls inscribed with various disposable arcane spells, such as Arcane Shockwave, Flame Wave, and other spells.

Finally, in a small corner of the storage ring, there was also a small pile of books with covers that read "Four Waves of Truth", "Thirty-Six Tactics to Pick Up Girls", "What Kind of Boys Do Girls Like", "Psychological Analysis of Girls", and so on. The sight of these books made Snape's mouth water.

After taking inventory of the ring's contents, Snape breathed a sigh of relief and said a word of thanks in his heart. Then looking up, he prepared to walk towards the dwelling in his memory. But a short distance away, a little girl with turquoise eyes was coming up to him.


Chapter 131: The End of the Hogwarts Mission World

After Snape's disappearance, Gurrenza was even more silent, and other than a space gate to the Institute to see how research was going, he mostly stayed out of his mage tower on weekdays.

So time passed by leisurely, and in the blink of an eye it was already the fiftieth year that Gurensa had come to the world of Hogwarts.

Gurrenza stood outside the balcony of the top floor Mage Tower without any protective spells, the golden hair on her forehead and sides blown by the wind, her turquoise pupils reflecting the vast sea of clouds in front of her.

"Perhaps it is time for us to leave, Mithus."

Fifty years had passed, and even though his face was still around twenty years old, the vicissitudes of the passage of time were still inevitably etched on his heart after all.


Sitting on Gurrenza's shoulder, Michaux responded softly, the passage of time didn't feel much to it though, elemental elves were all long-lived species, their growth period took as little as hundreds of years, as much as thousands of years, and their lifespan after the growth period was even tens of thousands of years. A mere fifty years was small potatoes to it.

When Draco, Harry, and Luna received the summons from Gurrenza's seal and arrived at the Wizard Tower, they looked at each other with some bad suspicions in their minds.

"Hello teacher."

"Long time no see Sensei."

"Good day Sensei."

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