Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 150

After getting the ID card, Zou Yu's day was pleasant. The first thing you need to do is to get a copy of the booklet, which you can use for your own purposes, and the second thing you need to do is to get a copy of the booklet for yourself.

So for the next month, Zou Yu had been living deep in the hotel, browsing and searching for information about the world during the day, and going out in disguise to explore the city at night.

"The Chinese and foreign cultural exchange meeting at the Wanghai Baojia Li Hotel?"

Zou Yu looked at the latest pop-up message and mumbled, she had been in the hotel for almost a month, and although she hadn't learned more about the deeper aspects, she had learned about the things on the surface of this world. For example, the history of each country, the social system, the relationship between the international community, the superficial level of technology, and so on.

"Maybe we can take this opportunity to look for Wu Tong and Qiao Fei and the two of them."

With a change of heart, Zou Yu decided to go to the Sino-foreign cultural exchange meeting tomorrow. As for the invitation invitation invitation and such, it was completely out of her scope of consideration. It was in the same hotel, she was on the ninth floor, and the exchange venue was in the fifth floor ballroom, so sneaking in and all that, Zouyu was still confident!


The Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange, which is considered an unofficial official event, generally invites a wide and mixed range of people. However, in recent years, because of the world's cultural prosperity through the export of film and television entertainment, so now the focus is also partial to film and television entertainment curators, will generally invite more famous Chinese and foreign curators to participate in activities.

But before also said, this is an unofficial official activities, curry enough big brother look down on, curry enough newcomers can not participate. So most of the people who came to participate were people who were not up to par, they probably just wanted to plated gold and so on.

"Here we invite director Copiglas to come on stage and talk about his views on Chinese and foreign film and television culture, director Copiglas is the new 500 million director of the young generation in Europe! The last movie, "Rage," even grossed $760 million at the box office! It's expected that the next movie will likely hit a billion dollars at the box office!"

The foreign host on the stage invited, while introducing to the crowd in the audience.

Copiglass, who was about thirty years old, tall, brown-haired, high-nosed, and very European in style, walked up to the broad stage with a faint smile, took the microphone, and greeted the crowd with an awkward Chinese, "Hello, everyone."

"HI, Copiglass, the response to the last Rage you brought us was great. I hear you're planning to bring us a new one recently, I wonder if you could tell us a little bit about this one?"

"This time I bring you a sci-fi movie which is Civilization of Infamous Summer."

"Oooooh, sounds like a movie related to the Infamous Summer. Civilization Infamous Summer, is it about the Infamous Summer civilization? It's not easy to tell a summer story as a European. I wonder if Coppiglas could tell us a little bit about what the film is about? "

The host exclaims a couple of lines and then holds the question. The crowd in the audience was also mostly curious to see what kind of hot summer story this European could make.

"The protagonist of the story is David, a top retired soldier of the modern day Star-American Union country, who accidentally gets an unstable time travel device researched by a scientist and unintentionally triggers it, thus returning to the past of the Infamous Summer."

"Time travel, a retired soldier, and a hot summer in a foreign land, it seems like an interesting interplay of elements." The host commented a couple of sentences with interest.

"Yes, he goes back in time to the past, to the Yanxia Warring States period, and unintentionally saves a child who is treated as a god teacher by that child. With his modern insight, he created a new school of knowledge in those days, which greatly inspired all the lovers of wisdom at that time, and thus created a new school under his inspiration, one after another, all of whom regarded David as their father, and regarded themselves as David's sons, and all of whom showed their respect for David by carrying a son after their names. Like Lao Tzu, Confucius, Mo Tzu, and so on.

Then David, with his experience in warfare, helped that child train his army with the advanced military training program of the Star-American Alliance nations, and his army was invincible and invincible, destroying all other nations of the time and eventually creating a unified empire!

But the kid was brutal and became a tyrant when he became emperor! All sorts of harsh laws were enacted, and a man named Sheng Chen was beheaded if he was late!

But the kid had a lot of respect for David, after all, David helped build his country. So the child spends lots and lots of money and manpower to build a big, beautiful house called the Abode! Unfortunately, this house that was built for David was later burned down by a man named Feather Item.

And then that child went so far as to burn all his previous books in order to learn from David, his fairy teacher, and learn David's culture, language, and wisdom. Someone stopped him and he even buried them all alive. And there's a word for that, burning books, oh, what a brutal emperor!

By the way, that country is called Qin."

"Qin? Oh, is it that first country that unified Yan Xia - Qin?"


Hearing Copiglass's words, the brow of the Yanxia in the audience had begun to furrow, but they still maintained restraint.

The foreign host, however, inquired as if he was unaware of it with a flourish, "And then what happened?"

"Then a meteorite fell from the sky and the world traveler absorbed the energy, causing him to leave suddenly. The child then sent people everywhere to track down his godly teacher. That's when he realized he was in love with David and even went through life without making a queen for David. Finally he died on a cruise out of town because he missed David so much.

And then David he went to Tang, and it turned out that those people were a bunch of cowards who could bully anyone, and were often bullied by the neighboring countries of Goguryeo and Turkic. And David also happened to save the king of Tang, so he became the king's teacher again and was responsible for teaching them."

"Teaching? I wonder what is being taught this time?"

The host asked jokingly, and by now the host also realized that Copiagelas' claim of being a civilized summer was just a way to use the film to declare that the civilization of the summer was brought by Europe on the one hand, and to distort the history of the summer on the other. But it's none of his business, and even if it ends up being a big hit, that's Copiglas' business, and he might even become more famous for it!

The other people who came to the Chinese and foreign cultural exchange meeting did not expect this to happen, yet this is freedom of speech again, others can say whatever they want to say. Of course, they can also refute him, but unfortunately, the participants are some of the stars of the curiosity is not no less, want to speak, but worried about the impact of their image, and even more worried about the criticism after. But if you don't speak up, so many people present, even if you do get condemned that's not a person's business, the worst that can happen is to turn a big issue into a small one, basically the mindset of the crowd present.

He's just trying to take advantage of the criticism to generate some heat for his new movie. As long as there is heat, then there will be traffic, whether it is praise or abuse, the box office he gets his hands on. After causing criticism or even resistance, when the time comes, he'll say a few words in public, "How do you know it's a bad movie if you don't watch my movie?"

After they've gone in and watched it, after they've made enough box office money to get themselves into the billion dollar box office director category, they'll come out and say something like, "It's just a movie interpretation, it's not real, it's an artistic creation, you people don't understand art! Please respect the film artist's creativity!" Hire some more navy to control the reviews, and then the money will have been made and the name will have been earned, and it's beautiful to think about. It is said that these are also learned from some of the Yan Xia's directors, stars, and investors. But thinking of the tactics of certain directors, stars, and investors of Yan Xia, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he still had a lot to learn.

"It's well known that Europe is the world's number one in modern fighting arts, so he taught modern fighting arts to Tang's countrymen so that Tang's countrymen would gradually change from cowards who could bully anyone into real men who dared to fight! Under his tutelage, Don grew strong and became too much of a bully to be bullied.

He also brought the beautiful and elegant European dresses to the Tang, which they gradually improved themselves with. He also brought opera and minstrelsy to the Don, enriching their spiritual life, and only afterwards did they gradually adapt their own poetic culture."

That's right, all the praiseworthy aspects of the Yanxia in Coppiglas's Civilization Yanxia were brought there by David, who is the founder of the Yanxia culture, the ambassador of civilization, and even because of him, the Yanxia is what it is today! And the bad ones must be the hot summer people themselves!

"What a load of nonsense!"

Just as Copiglass was getting more and more excited, a cold, angry rebuke resounded throughout the venue, catching everyone's attention.

Chapter 135: Liu Tianxian: I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense! (Freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law)

The stage was immersed in his own commentary, and Copiglass, who had almost said the entire plot of the Civilized Summer movie, was also interrupted and froze.

Everyone looked to the source of the voice and saw a tall, tall woman at the end of the venue, dressed in white and black pants and a cap, slowly stand up.

Reaching out, she took off the cap and gently tossed her hair, revealing her stunningly beautiful and dignified appearance. It was just that the face that should have been full of smiles, but right now there was no hint of a smile, the face was frosty, and the dangling phoenix eyes still contained unexplainable anger!

"Hiss, Liu Tian Xian? Why is she here?"

"I didn't get word that she was going to attend before, how did this come out of nowhere?"

"Never mind how she popped up, the point is that now it looks like she's trying to dislike Copiglass!"

"No way. Isn't she casting for a big European movie? It's possible that popping up at this time could affect her casting for that movie!"

A group of people below were discussing, all extraordinarily shocked at the sudden appearance of Liu Tian Xian (Zou Yu).

At this moment, Zou Yu was both shocked and angry, shocked that someone actually dared to slander Yan Xia so openly, and angry that none of them had the guts to stand up and refute when someone slandered Yan Xia so much!!! This could never happen in Kai Ming, and even if it did, it would be straight up killed by a passerby in the first place! And there's no one to feel sorry for such mouth-breathers except to hail the passerby!

"Great for five thousand years, are you barbarians worthy to talk about civilization?"

"Three thousand years ago, the King of Zhou swept away the barbarians and vanquished the barbarians, and was revered by all the nations of the world! Where were we then?"

"Two thousand seven hundred years ago, the sons of the pre-Qin dynasty and a hundred schools of thought were contending for supremacy.

The Daoists were misty and still inactive, but the only thing they didn't fight for was the fact that the world couldn't fight with them.

Confucianism advocates ritual and benevolence, and the cultivation of one's moral character for the purpose of ruling the country and the world.

The Mohists love both non-attacking and fighting, and the Spring and Autumn Period stopped the chaotic warfare.

The legalistic potential of the Dharma family, which determines distinctions and stops contention, regardless of affinities or distinctions between noble and base.

The united and indiscriminate family is united and indiscriminate, and the world rests in peace when one is angry and the vassals are afraid.

The peasant family and the people are farming and eating together, and they are cooking and ruling.


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