Infinite World Exchange Group

Infinite Worlds Exchange Group Chapter 221

Dr. Briff was very sincere, and Bulma and Nobita Nobi also both looked as if they were just going to study it themselves.

Giving only tentative credence to what they were saying, he then turned to the crowd and snapped his fingers.


A Digital Evolution Machine appeared in front of everyone, pointing at the one in their hands and introducing it.

"This is the Digital Evolution Machine, which can identify the various digital beasts you encounter, and can see the evolutionary branches of each digital beast's current digital world history. The most important thing is that you can use it to transfer your spiritual power to the digital beasts, so that they can evolve from infancy to adulthood, maturity, full body, extreme body and super extreme body.

Of course, if you are a member of a group that has reached the Infinite Four, you can also transfer your spiritual power to the digital beasts without using this Digital Evolution Machine. But you can also receive the digital beasts into this digital evolution machine to store and rest, and release them when needed."

This digital evolution machine was created by Gu in reference to the digital tyrannosaurus machines of the chosen children and the evolution of another Elf Ball from the world of Pokémon.

"This world, we will stay for ten days, within ten days you can look for and choose any digital beast you like, and let them evolve as far as you can. Because I'll keep their powers so that they won't fade in power as they leave this world, a small gift to you all!

I have left a mark on the back of your hand, this mark can protect you, this is for those who are less than Infinite 4th rank. Also after you leave, you can use this mark to return to the Zurich, or return from the Zurich to the place where you have been.

Lone, if you don't intend to search for a digital beast, you can transform your large carving into a digital beast and then cause it to evolve, it would be a good choice for it as well."

Then Gu added as if he had remembered something.

"By the way, if you guys meet a humanoid digital beast named Daimonda, you might consider sparring with him, after all, he's known as the strongest digital beast in history, Daimonda! That's it, free range."

"Seems like fun, come on Nami, let's go find a digital beast, we must evolve a super powerful one!"

The naval marshal Luffy set off towards one side with Nami's face in high spirits, and Nami waved towards the crowd with a helpless forehead.

"Barbarian-sama, let's set off as well."

Barbarian Kat also looked at Barbarian-sama with an expectant face.

"Fine, we'll set off as well, we must evolve a super strong digital beast!"

Brute Man was also excited, using his spiritual will to promote his partner's digital beast to evolve digital, it was so much fun!

"Jun Bao, let's go, let's go find an interesting digital beast too!"

Guo Xiang pulled Zhang Sanfeng in the other direction.

The rest of the group either set off in groups or on their own to find their own digital beasts.

And as Gu watched everyone set off on their own, he gradually disappeared. When the will appeared again, it was already in a dimension above the intersection of the digital world and the real world.

At the moment, whether it was the digital world or the real world, both worlds were in full view of Gu Zhuanghuan.

The second travel world that Gu Zhuanhuan and his group had come to was the Digital Baby World, if we look at the so-called plot. Then it was now in the fifth Digital Baby Savior plot, and still leaning towards the end.

The story told in this period is also relatively simple, probably about the inspiring story of a flying subgoose that fights the world tree and kicks the Royal Knights in order to become the strongest trainer in history and its partner, the strongest digital beast in history, the Great Gate Beast.

But for the time being, leave the protagonists of this period of the world out of it and return to the world itself. Combined with the information observed by the observer's body melting into this realm for a long time, it seemed to Gu that the world's initial world will was really a lot of tricks!

The initial world will in Gu's eyes did not refer to the so-called world tree or constancy of these, but rather the initial world will that dominated the opening and evolution of the outside world, the human society.

The initial World Will of this world had decided to take the ordinary route of technological evolution in the beginning, using technology to drive the world's advancement. However, I don't know what stimulated the original World Will, who felt that such a world promotion was too slow, and suddenly wanted to go back to the individual transcendent world.

But the real world of technology has been opened up for an unknown number of billions of years, and you only now suddenly feel that such a world evolution speed is too slow and want to change the world promotion route again, don't you think it's too late? The world's origin had been smashed since the world's inception!

The original world will of this world told us, No, no, it's not too late! I'll show you what I can do!

When the real world of technology entered the generation and the first computer was invented, the original world will decided to use the remaining 332 world source combined with the birth of the first regiment of information to recreate a world virtual digital world!

After the birth of the virtual digital realm, the initial world will of the world's depleted source was imprinted in this world for the development of the next era: "Gather faith, refine the false into the true, and merge the two worlds!"

That's right, it's the same set of tricks that sucked in the Infinite Diversity Void Sea again. But on the other hand, if it's a bad pattern, it's also a good one!

The routine isn't afraid of the old, it's important that it works!

Spiritual beliefs were something that seemed ethereal to the average person, but in reality, individual practitioners who had reached the Infinite Fourth Stage were aware that spiritual beliefs also had real and unreal power, but most people were unable to make use of them, or only made crude use of them.

But for the initial World Will, that was perfectly fine. When the original world will set the will to be transformed into a real and unreal power rules. Then the virtual code world born afterwards, as long as enough spiritual belief power was gathered, then the corresponding digital beast, or even the entire virtual code world could gradually coalesce and manifest itself.

After the keynote is set, then the subsequent development to throw away the complex appearance, in fact, one of the ultimate purpose is to resonate with the human spirit and beliefs of the digital beast, and then to make the digital beast and the digital world to become real and not virtual existence.

The evolution and confrontation between the three attributes of the digital world, the virus and the vaccine, the divergence between light and darkness among the digital beasts, the conflict between constancy and the world tree, and the accidental discovery by constancy that human spiritual will can promote the evolution of the digital beasts.... These may seem like individual choices, but in fact they are all ultimately step-by-step developments towards the destiny or general trend laid down by the will of the first world.

From the first generation's divine plan to promote the evolution of digital beasts through eight divine emblems: courage, friendship, honesty, love, knowledge, innocence, hope, light, and gentleness; to the fact that digital beasts can appear in the real world and produce destructive power; to the fact that the Daimon Daimon, called humans, can now defeat digital beasts with a single punch using only the power of their beliefs. This shows that the digital world is becoming real, and that the rules between the two worlds are merging.

Like in the future under the threat of the world tree that was going to destroy the human world, the people and digital beasts of the human social world and the code world had put their spiritual beliefs on the Great Gate Beast, and at that moment the Great Gate Beast had even given him the power to defeat the world tree with one punch when the will of the two worlds beings was added to him and he represented the two worlds monstrous power.

But then again, even when he didn't have the Will of Faith of the other humans and digital beasts added to him, he could still manage to kick the Royal Knights with just his own Will of Faith, and the Daimon Great Beast's spiritual conviction was indeed terrifying! This should be the addition of the undefeated beliefs cultivated by his fights for two hundred consecutive victories.

And this time in the original world line, the tentative fusion of the digital world and the real human social world failed, though it failed because the Great Beast of the Gate punched down the World Tree, forcing the World Tree to change its mind and fall asleep. But in the not too distant future, there would eventually be another time and the next time something like this would happen, until the digital world completely turned into reality and merged with the real world.

These things actually had nothing to do with Gu Qihuan, and he had no interest in interfering in the world's affairs. After all, he didn't need to intervene, just the Daimon Beast, the strongest digital beast in history, would be enough to overthrow the World Tree, and he had even less interest in disobeying the rules of world development laid down by the world's original world will.

However, based on the development set by this world's initial world will, when the digital world and the human world completely merged into one, what would the new world be like?

At first, Gu Zhuanhuan didn't think about this aspect of the matter, but after the observer's reminder. Gu Zhuanhuan suddenly thought of a very interesting speculation, and even though it was a speculation, Gu Zhuanhuan was 70% to 80% certain.

The new world after the fusion of the digital world and the human world was the Elven World!!!!

When the digital world merges with the human world, there is no doubt that digital beasts are no longer rare and feared, and it is even possible to have a digital beast for every person. In the world of Pokémon, almost everyone can get a Pokémon of their own as long as they wish.

As the digital beast can evolve, so can the Pokémon.

A human's faith and will can promote the evolution of his partner's digital beast, and a human Pokémon trainer can also promote the evolution of his own Pokémon!

And there are very similarities between digital beasts and Pokémon, such as.

Pocahontas Sunflower Monster and Digital Beast Sunflower Beast.

Pocahontas pangolins and digital pangolins.

Pocahontas hippopotamus and digital beast shellfish.

Pocahontas Scales Dolls and Digital Beasts of the Ancient World....

Digital Beasts are the relatively ancient Elves Pocahontas!!!!

As for the fault lines in the world's history, the Pocahontas world has absolutely no reason for the history of the digital beast and the previous human society.

Gu Gu guessed that either the new worlds merged, and after the world's origin was restored, the initial world will awakened, then destroyed the current new world, and then used the new world after the previous fusion of the digital world and the human world as a data template to reopen and evolve the Elf Pocahontas world. Either that or the new world after the fusion started a war due to the ambitions of humans or digital beasts, eventually burying everything, and then vicissitudes gradually redeveloped the Pokémon World on the ruins of the old era's civilization.

Chapter 193: Digital Beast = Companion Spiritual Treasure?

Regardless of whether it was the current Digital World or the future Elfworld was interesting, but what Gu really cared about was the Digital World itself.

Because when he saw the digital world, he thought of another solution to complement the potential of the creatures of the Supreme True Realm.

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