Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 212: Lord Luo Cheng! Please Take Us As Apprentices!


In the eyes of the god of death, what Luo Cheng said was nothing more than a bluff.

But the moment he stood up, streaks of ice rose from the ground, directly restraining Death God's body, making him unable to move.

The strange cold feeling makes even the god of death unbearable.

"what have you done?!"

Death let out a hysterical roar.

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, but did not speak.

On the other side of Death's huge body, a young woman said slowly with a smile on her face:

"It seems that he is another guy who is not easy to die."

"Very suitable as a new toy."

The person who spoke was Esdeth, and the appearance of the little bird just now has long since disappeared, replaced by a biting murderous aura.

"I originally wanted to spend this rare night with Master Luo Cheng."

"But you guys ruined my time with Lord Luo Cheng."

"Got to try all my tortures on you."

There was a malicious smile on Estes' face, even the god of death felt that the woman in front of him was very dangerous.

At the moment when he was dazed, countless sharp ice thorns suddenly rose from the ground and entered the body of Death God. .

At this moment, the god of death was dying in pain, screaming continuously, and his qualifications as a god had already been lost.

But even so, the god of death did not die, and the god of death who controlled the power of death would not go away so easily.

On the other side, Monk Mengxin and Master Mibao looked at the god of death, a little confused.

"If you run now, will it be too late?"

At this time, countless engineers came to the scene in multifunctional combat vehicles, because they were special units of engineers [the front end of the multifunctional infantry vehicle turned into countless huge mechanical arms.

Using various tools, they began to dismantle the body of the god of death, and the latter was controlled by the ice of Esdeth at this time, unable to break free at all, and could only let Luo Cheng's troops take it bit by bit Click dismantling.

The god of death, who claimed to be unkillable, was divided into countless pieces by Luo Cheng and sent to the combat laboratory for testing.

And Luo Cheng turned his head, just in time to see the three monsters, including Batwan, running away.

Looking at the three monsters who had already run a long distance, a ray of light flashed, and Luo Cheng disappeared in place again.

It rang in three different places one by one. Bat Pill, Green Snake Pill, and Leopard Yao Pill, who had just escaped halfway, were bombarded by the imprisoned village rain in less than half a second.

Inside the village, Luo Cheng also set up countless defensive buildings hidden underground, which were more powerful than those outside the village. In a net of heaven and earth, there was no way for the three monsters to escape.

So before the three of them even had time to counterattack and dodge, they were completely killed in midair by Luo Cheng.

Without any doubt, the three monsters who were not weak were quickly covered by the poison and their lives were taken away.

"As expected of Lord Luo Cheng!"

"Long live Master Luo Cheng!"

"Thank you Lord Luo Cheng for saving us!"

After Luo Cheng killed the three monsters and took the God of Death away for research, the villagers stood up one after another and applauded Luo Cheng. The applause was like thunder, resounding all over the world.

Although Luo Cheng had rescued Jugendosa before and transformed the village, this was the first time the villagers had witnessed Luo Cheng fighting.

Being crushed so easily makes the people feel more secure.

After eliminating the enemies, Luo Cheng was about to leave when he heard a rush of shouts

"Lord Luo Cheng, please stay."

Master Mibao and Master Mengxin got off the back of Goubiao.

Master Mibao made a Buddhist salute to Luo Cheng with a smile on his face, his tone was extremely respectful,

"We are monks who have traveled the world. The poor monk's name is Mibao, and he is Mengxin. 1111

"What's the matter with you two?"

Luo Cheng asked, narrowing his eyes, knowing the plot of the original work, he naturally knew the identity of the other party.

Luo Cheng noticed the existence of these two people just after the battle.

Hearing the introduction of the two, Luo Cheng, who had no impression of the two at first, suddenly remembered the identity of the two, Mi Le's grandfather Mi Bao.

He is the author of "One Spirit and Four Souls", and defined the theory of four souls. The so-called four souls are the wild soul, harmonious soul, strange soul and happy soul.

This is one of the most basic settings in Inuyamata's world.

The composition of the human spiritual world is divided into one heart and four souls. One heart means that there are two kinds of souls, straight spirit and quling spirit.

Straight Ling corresponds to good people, Qu Ling corresponds to bad people. This theory can be created, in fact, it can be seen that Mibu can definitely be regarded as a very knowledgeable and talented person in the world of Inuyasha.

However, looking at the faces of the two of them now, Luo Cheng could tell that the two in front of them were still in the stage of accumulating strength, but they already possessed very powerful strength.

"`~We want to worship under your door and learn from you!"

Master Mibao, who stopped in front of Luo Cheng, bowed seriously to Luo Cheng, bending his whole body over ninety degrees.

His tone was unusually respectful, full of awe.

"Master Luo Cheng, please accept us!"

"Mibao, you..."

Seeing Mi Bao's movements, Meng Xin, who had been standing by the side, froze in place. When they came just now, they had clearly discussed it. They came to contact Luo Cheng to learn about each other's strength and ability.

Because Luo Cheng's strength is too powerful and unique.

After witnessing the scene of the battle just now, such thoughts in Monk Mengxin's heart also became stronger.

He defeated the god of death so easily (getting money is good), and Luo Cheng's subordinates are all very powerful existences.

After knowing Luo Cheng's strength, they wanted to discuss with each other about building a temple in Luo Cheng's territory.

Now Luo Cheng's territory is developing very rapidly, if a temple can be built here, it will definitely have a great influence.

This is why the two of them came here in the first place.

But what Monk Mengxin didn't expect was that Mibao actually changed his mind temporarily and wanted to worship Luo Cheng as his teacher. .

Monk Mengxin looked back and forth between Luo Cheng and Master Mibao, and he was caught in a tangle for a while.

But it didn't take long, he followed Mi Bao's example and bowed down to Luo Cheng.

In Monk Mengxin's memory, Master Mibao liked to look for beauties on the street very much, and was very lustful—but when it came to serious matters, he never asked this very thoughtful person. .

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