Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 21: The Next Target, A Downtown Jewelry Store

【Unlock new buildings】

[Wall] Type: Building Cost: 100 gold coins

[Repair Factory] Type: Building Cost: 800 gold coins

[Air Command] Type: Building Cost: 1000 gold coins

[Battle Laboratory] Type: Building Cost: 2000 gold coins

The wall is the most basic defensive building, and its hard shell can resist the attack of ordinary firearms. In this zombie-infested world, the wall can well protect Luo Cheng's stronghold.

And Luo Cheng can also use this opportunity to further expand his stronghold.

The repair shop, as the name suggests, can be repaired. Vehicles damaged in battle can be restored in the repair shop. Not only tanks manufactured by the system, but even real-world vehicles can be repaired.

Of course, maintenance also requires gold coins, but if there are ready-made resources, maintenance does not need to cost gold coins.

Not only that, the repair shop can also directly decompose waste cars into useful materials.

Air Command allows Luo Cheng to unlock certain air units, gain air supremacy, and even launch spy satellites.

And the most important thing is this combat laboratory.

The combat laboratory is an advanced building, the most important of which is the ability to unlock more advanced units.

According to Luo Cheng's memory, after unlocking the combat laboratory, you can unlock advanced units such as spies, rocket vehicles, and apocalypse tanks.

All of these arms have special functions or powerful firepower.

It can be said that the combat laboratory is a key building for raising one's own technological level to the next level.

But now that Luo Cheng's gold coins are running out, he is more aware that the expenses will increase in the future.

You have to get more gold coins.

But now there are only more than 3,000 funds left. Naturally, Luo Cheng has no way to build an advanced and expensive air command and combat laboratory, so Luo Cheng is now building a maintenance plant first.

The price of the repair shop is low, and with the repair shop, Luo Cheng can convert the waste cars on the side of the road into resources that are beneficial to him, and can guarantee the production of his own base.

This will allow Luo Cheng's troops to obtain sufficient resources while clearing the roads and streets.

Soon, a huge mechanical arm rose out of thin air, and the repair shop completed the manufacturing in an instant.

Luo Cheng also knew that it would be a huge task to go to the downtown area to carry out the mission, and he might need to send out all his troops at that time.

At this time, the academy as a base must also ensure its defense.

So Luo Cheng then prepared to build a wall to further ensure the safety of the academy.

The walls around the academy were too crude before, so Luo Cheng wanted to strengthen his own defenses.

Moreover, it can expand its footprint and accommodate more troops.

Although the wall looks cheap, it only costs 100 gold coins, but it is only a part of the wall, and it will cost far more gold coins to enclose the entire academy.

So Luo Cheng is not going to become fat with one bite, but to expand bit by bit.

Starting from a certain corner of the college, towering walls were erected one after another.

The height of these city walls is more than ten meters, like rows of giants standing guarding the park.

With only 1000G left, Luo Cheng chose to make two engineers to speed up the progress of the road cleaning project.

The 7000G obtained today was also quickly swept away.

The next day, early morning.

"how did you do that?"

"If it were our country, it would take at least a year to make it..."

"Is Huaxia's technology so terrifying..."

"It's amazing."

Under the wall, people were talking about it. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed that Luo Cheng could build a miniature version of the Great Wall in one night.

But soon, everyone realized that they were surprised too early.

In another section of the playground, three multi-purpose infantry vehicles lay quietly on the ground like three sleeping giant beasts.

Is it reinforcements?

No one knows where they come from.

The only thing that can explain the miracle in front of us is that Huaxia has technology beyond the scope of ordinary people's thinking and Luo Cheng has a strong background behind him.


Soon, everyone started working on their assigned work.

Some teachers and students have to go out to collect materials, while others have to stay and assist engineers in the construction of various production facilities and the cleaning of roads.

Luo Cheng sent several squads formed by Huaxia infantry to go out to collect gold and jewelry.

At the same time, he himself led a small team to cover the people who were cleaning up the road and clean up the zombies around to ensure that no fish slipped through the net.

The three engineers sat in the multi-purpose infantry vehicle, and the original machine gun turret on the top of the latter began to deform, and it became two huge mechanical arms in an instant.

They came to the road leading from the academy to the city. At this moment, the road was full of scrapped cars that collided with each other.

The owners of these vehicles were all people who wanted to escape to a safe area before the apocalypse broke out, but they didn't expect that everyone else had the same idea.

The chaotic city made it impossible for vehicles to move forward, and everyone was blocked in the road.

A car accident that stretched across the entire road left these vehicles scrapped to form a huge obstacle maze.

This made it impossible for the passengers to escape from the clutches of the zombies.

Under Luo Cheng's order, the multi-purpose combat vehicle carrying the engineers began to operate.

The mechanical arm of the chariot is far more flexible and powerful than shovels and hydraulic pumps. The scrapped vehicles on the road were first crushed like soda cans and turned into a metal pie, stacked on top of everything.

Seven or eight scrap cars were compressed into a cube less than one meter high, lifted up easily by the mechanical arm, and sent back to the repair shop in the academy to be converted into other materials.

Around, other toolmen, teachers and students were also carrying lighter sundries and searching for possible materials in the abandoned cars.

As long as this road is cleared, Luo Cheng will have a road to go to the city.

At this moment, Luo Cheng heard a communication from the patrolling infantry.

"Reporting to the commander, this is Infantry No. 37. Our sixth team has discovered the existence of zombies. According to visual inspection, there are more than 20 zombies."

"Received, we will rush to reinforce immediately."

Luo Cheng replied, and then took the Huaxia infantry squad behind him to the location of the sixth squad.

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