Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 24: The Sea Of ​​Corpses Floods In And Breaks Into The Jewelry Store

Luo Cheng's brows twitched slightly. This scene did not exceed his expectations. Compared with the suburb where the academy is located, the densely populated city center is really too miserable.

The densely packed zombies on the street were piled up together, and each other's limbs had to be inserted into the bodies of other zombies around them.

Many zombies have noticed the existence of the convoy and slowly moved towards the convoy.

"According to the plan, the decoy team will act first. You make noise, destroy the roadblocks, pass through the crowd of zombies, and then drive to the edge of the city to attract the zombies away!"

Luo Cheng used the system radio to command the channel.

This is the first step in Luo Cheng's plan.

Even though their convoy has slowed down and kept the sound down to a minimum, there is still a lot of noise, which will be noticed by the zombies and affect their actions.

So Luo Cheng decided to send a small team to distract the zombies and attract most of the zombies away, which would allow other teams to perform their tasks better.


On the radio, an infantryman responded, and two multi-purpose infantry vehicles rushed out immediately.

This kind of task is very dangerous, but the units produced by the system are absolutely loyal to Luo Cheng, even if they go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire.

The two multi-purpose infantry vehicles quickly flattened the waste vehicle in front of them, and then threw it aside with their mechanical arms, making way for the tank behind.

Such a move made a loud noise, and the zombies in the whole block were attracted by this movement, and they all focused on the two chariots, as if they were an ant colony that had been hungry for several days, and moved towards them rushed.

They were like floods that broke the embankment, submerging the two chariots in an instant, and the sharp claws in the depths kept scratching the chariots, and even many zombies climbed to the top of the chariots and beat the roof vigorously.

However, this kind of tank generated by the system is extremely tough, even surpassing the tanks in the world today.

Even surrounded by such an exaggerated number of zombies, these two multi-purpose infantry vehicles can still drive easily.

The machine gun turret on the top of it rotated violently, easily throwing the zombies lying on the roof out, and the huge impact directly blasted these zombies into a pulp.

At the same time, dense bullets sprayed out from the machine gun turret, blasting the surrounding zombies into a pulp.

However, this kind of dead thing does not have any thinking ability. Even if the surrounding ones of the same kind are killed, they will still rush forward without hesitation.

The two infantry vehicles moved forward almost carrying an exaggerated number of zombies, and the powerful cushioning system made them walk on the ground.

Under the wheels, countless zombies were turned into meatloaf.

Although the steel behemoth has an absolute advantage in the face of zombies, it still cannot stay in any place for more than a second, otherwise it will be surrounded by more zombies.

Even tanks can be overturned if there are enough zombies.

Therefore, the two infantry vehicles used as bait adopt the tactics of getting bigger and walking to ensure that they will not be surrounded by too many zombies.

Soon, most of the zombies in the city center were attracted by the decoy team.

There are still a lot of zombies left, but they are much less than before.

"The rest, act!"

Several other chariots also started to move at the same time. According to Luo Cheng's arrangement, they moved in different directions to their respective destinations.

The convoy of Luo Cheng and others went straight to the nearest jewelry store.

The infantry vehicle he took drifted directly to the nearest jewelry store, and blocked the door with his body to prevent zombies from surrounding him, while Luo Cheng and others could enter the store directly from the car door attached to the jewelry store.

The remaining six chariots also acted according to the plan, forming a semicircle, enclosing the infantry vehicle that Luo Cheng was riding in the middle.

Luo Cheng and the team immediately jumped out of the car door and entered the jewelry store.

The inside was already in a mess at this time, and what came into view was a vague object.

a corpse.

Although her long red hair obscures her face, Luo Cheng clearly sees that it is a young woman, and the knee-high chinos and flat shoes are still intact, although the blood-stained shirt hides the body. , but there seemed to be more than a dozen wounds—the wet clothes had been torn, and the bloody muscles underneath could be seen.

The victim's shirt was torn open, exposing the spine and chest. The spine with some meat remaining was bright red, and the ribs that formed the female's moving curves were mixed with the torn internal organs, as if someone had thrown them to the ground. Then... like being bitten crazily.

This person should be a teller in a jewelry store.

There were also several corpses lying around in disorder, all of which were in dilapidated condition, and the glass counter was stained with blood.

There is no living person in this building that symbolizes the power of capital, only a few zombies who face the wall and think about it.

Luo Cheng ordered his subordinates to kill all these zombies, and then turned his attention to the counter.

Although the counter was stained with blood, the glass was safe and the jewels inside lay quietly and unscathed.

Under the apocalypse, these precious jewels became worthless.

Everyone is running for their lives, and there is no time to estimate that these gold and silver jewels, even if it is just a bottle of water, are now priceless.

At this moment, the chariots outside the jewelry store had already opened fire, and the rest of the infantry stepped out of the chariots one after another, using the space surrounded by the chariots as their own trenches, and unleashed bullets on the surrounding zombies.

Even if more than half of the zombies were attracted away, the remaining number was still terrifying.

Zombies rushed towards them like an avalanche, but the bullets from infantry and tanks formed a line of fire to isolate them.

But with the continuous explosion of gunfire, more and more zombies will be surrounded and suppressed.

"Adjutant, set bullet replenishment to automatic."

Luo Cheng told the system adjutant that the bullets held by each soldier and tank are also limited, so gold coins or raw materials are needed to supplement them.


The system replied immediately.

Luo Cheng nodded, listening to the dense gunfire outside, he knew that he was racing against time.

If it was a little later, then the entire team might be overwhelmed by the tide of corpses.

Luo Cheng and the infantrymen opened all the counters, and immediately sent all the jewelry inside into the refining furnace in the base space.

Gold necklaces, bracelets, diamond rings and more.

In just a few minutes, Luo Cheng's system resources have exceeded 10000G.

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