Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 32: Multi-Line Operation Possible? Clone Technology

Luo Cheng's current system resource is more than 9W, which can explode a lot of units.

With a wave of his hand, 100 terrorist robots have been added to the production queue.

With the blessing of the industrial factory, the horror robot with the original price of 500G only needs 375G. Even if a hundred of them are built, it only costs less than 40,000G.

In an instant, dense crowds of terrifying robots appeared in front of Luo Cheng.

They are small in size, but the multiple mechanical legs supporting the body make the horror look like a spider, and the mechanical legs are equipped with sharp blades, which can easily chop metal.

The reason why Luo Cheng chose the terrorist robot is precisely because it has a terrifying lethality to biological units, almost all of which can be killed instantly.

In addition to being cheap, this kind of terrorist robot attack and movement will not make a loud noise, and will not cause a riot of zombie groups, and it moves very fast and can travel through various narrow terrains.

In a sense, these terrorist robots are more efficient than ordinary tanks when facing zombies.

What's more, they are remotely controlled and do not require human presence. There is zero risk in the face of zombies, and they can automatically perform tasks at night when the vision is blocked.

After creating a large number of terror robots, Luo Cheng sent them all out at once.

Horror robots came out, moving in different directions, like a swarm of insects falling apart, and the huge sharp blades on their legs reflected bursts of metallic luster.

Then Luo Cheng produced a lot of tanks and infantry. When the infantry was produced, an identical unit would appear in the replication center at the same time.

Soon a mighty force appeared around the combat laboratory.

The frontline stronghold has been expanded by Luo Cheng in advance, so it is more than enough to accommodate these troops.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded again.

"Commander, new technologies have been unlocked, please check."

Luo Cheng immediately called up the technology options.

【Unlock technology】

[Super Weapon. Coalition Nuclear Bomb] Cost: 50000G Unlock: [Nuclear Bomb Silo]

[Super Weapon. Iron Curtain Device] Cost: 25000G Unlock: [Iron Curtain Device]

[Copy Center. Duplicant Technology] Cost: 25000G Unlock: [Copy Ontology]

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the three newly unlocked technologies.

The first two are the super weapon technology he obtained after unlocking the coalition technology. The coalition nuclear bomb has terrifying destructive power, can easily destroy the entire area, and turn the entire area into a dead place full of nuclear radiation. No creature can live on it Survive, but all mechanical units produced by the system are immune to this nuclear radiation.

The iron curtain device can create a huge barrier to protect all buildings and mechanical units within the range.

It can be said that these two technologies have very terrifying capabilities.

But for Luo Cheng, super weapons are not needed at this stage.

Using super nuclear bombs to deal with zombies is completely killing chickens with a sledgehammer. While wasting resources, it will also turn that area into a dead place, and even the resources stored in it may be damaged by nuclear radiation.

And Luo Cheng now had enough firepower, the zombies were no longer a threat, they were just dealing with slightly troublesome weeds, and there was no need to use the Iron Curtain device.

However, Luo Cheng is somewhat interested in replicant technology.

The duplication center can duplicate soldiers, so what is the significance of this duplication technology?

Luo Cheng called out his adjutant and asked the question in his heart.

"This clone technology is to allow the replication center to replicate your body, Commander."

the adjutant replied.


Luo Cheng stretched out his hand and gently rubbed his chin,

"Copy myself?"

"That's right, after the research of this technology is completed, you will be able to create a copy of yourself, Commander, and you can control him remotely."

The adjutant said,

"Replicas can also construct buildings and units in the real world."

Such words gave Luo Cheng a lot of new ideas. In this way, Luo Cheng can also perform multi-line operations.

Since the created replicants can be controlled remotely, and can also use and build buildings in the same way, wouldn't it be possible to send replicants to farther places in advance to open mines in mines with gold?

Now Luo Cheng has a spy satellite that can monitor the entire world, so he can easily find gold veins.

At that time, Luo Cheng will be able to command the troops to recover the main city of Bed, and at the same time, send his own replicants to open the sub-mines, and build refining furnaces and mine carts at the location of the gold mines, greatly improving efficiency.

Luo Cheng now has about 35,000G left, but he still didn't hesitate, and immediately chose to research the clone technology.

This technology costs 25000G, but the strategic significance it brings is far greater than this value.

"The research is completed, and the copy ontology technology has been unlocked."

At the same time, a new option appeared in Luo Cheng's eyes.

[Body Duplicant] Type: Creature Cost: 10000G

"Do you want 10000G?"

Luo Cheng looked at the options in front of him, smiled and shook his head.

A Duplicant costs more resources than a Kirov Airship or an Apocalypse Tank.

But this is also reasonable, the strategic significance of duplicating people cannot be measured by money and resources.

Luo Cheng immediately chose to add the duplicant to the production queue, and the resources obtained today have almost been spent.

Soon a duplicate body exactly like Luo Cheng appeared in front of him.

Whether it is fingerprints, interpupillary distance, or even DNA, they are all exactly the same.

"Commander, you can control him now."

The adjutant said,

Immediately, Luo Cheng gave the order in his mind, and the replicant made the same action.

Not only that, what the replicant sees and hears will also be shared by Luo Cheng. It can be said that this replicant is just a body of Luo Cheng that can be controlled remotely.

And this kind of body can be consumed, allowing Luo Cheng to handle more dangerous things instead.

"very good."

Luo Cheng nodded, and immediately found the nearest mineral vein on the spy satellite.

Although Neon Country is small, it has world-class mines.

After Luo Cheng marked the location, he immediately dispatched a group of his own soldiers, boarded the Nighthawk helicopter with his clone, and headed for the mine.

"Commander, you have unlocked new technology."

After dispatching the clones, the adjutant spoke again.

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