Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Let Me Be Your Subordinate!

The gunshots echoed in the forest, like thunderstorms, and the dangerous species hidden in the woods fled one after another, instinctively staying away from the location of the gunshots.

And the screams of those mountain thieves were drowned out by the gunshots, and they were blasted into a pulp without even a chance to escape.

They thought that Luo Cheng and others were just lambs waiting to be slaughtered, but they didn't realize that they had provoked a terrifying monster.

The flames from the muzzle almost lit up the sky, and the lush forest was blasted to the ground in an instant.

After dozens of seconds, all the gunfire stopped at the same time.

The entire forest became silent, like deathly silence.

The thirty or forty bandits just now had turned into dilapidated pieces of meat, and the remains of different people were mixed together, exuding a strong smell of blood.

Even the dangerous carnivorous species didn't dare to approach this place at all at this time. The instinct of being beasts told them that there was a terrifying existence here.

"Report to the commander, all threats have been eliminated."

Boris walked up to Luo Cheng, gave a military salute, and reported the situation just now.


Luo Cheng nodded, looked at the mess around him,

"It seems that we need to leave here temporarily and camp in another place."

Beside Luo Cheng, Tazmi and others have not recovered from the scene just now for a long time.

"Too, too strong, to the level of terror..."

Tatsumi said tremblingly.

Although he has the confidence to escape from such a large number of bandits, he can only choose to avoid the battle.

The number of opponents is several times that of your own, so it is not wise to take the initiative to choose to fight.

But he didn't expect that the strength of Luo Cheng's subordinates would be so terrifying.

Only a few people, after all, dozens of bandits were wiped out.

It took less than a minute, and the opponent didn't even have a chance to get close.

This made Tazmi even more shocked by the strength of Huaxia.

How terrifying would it be if the troop strength was expanded ten times and a hundred times.

When he came back to his senses, Luo Cheng and others had already walked in front of him.

"Time to go, Tatsumi."

"Many, thank you."

Tatsumi nodded. If they hadn't accompanied Luo Cheng and others, the trio might have faced a serious crisis.

"It's amazing, Mr. Luo Cheng, I've never seen such a powerful fighter."

"How many fighters like this do you have in China?"

Tatsumi was a little curious.

"About 9 million. If there is an emergency conscription, it should be 20 to 30 million."

Luo Cheng said with a smile,

"Our Huaxia Kingdom has something even more powerful. These soldiers are just a drop in the ocean."


This made Tazmi even more surprised. He originally thought that Luo Cheng was an elite among the elites of their Huaxia Kingdom, but in the eyes of the other party, he seemed to be just an ordinary fighter.

And Tazmi couldn't even imagine what an army of more than ten million would look like.

"Do you want to see what Huaxia looks like with your own eyes?"

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes, and his words were more meaningful.


Shayou next to her spoke first, nodding her head like a metronome.

Through the previous chat with Luo Cheng, she was full of curiosity about the appearance of Huaxia Kingdom.

"After Mr. Luo Cheng goes to the imperial capital to finish his work, can we go to Huaxia?"

Shayou said curiously.

"No, it's fine now."

Luo Cheng said with a smile on his face.


After hearing Luo Cheng's words, Tazmi and others were puzzled.

"The technological level of China is far beyond your imagination."

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, and opened the portal to the world of Apocalypse Academy.

The brilliant light began to rotate and gradually turned into a huge ring.

"This, what is this?"

The surprised expression on the faces of the trio has not dissipated since the beginning.

"Come with me."


After passing through the portal, Luo Cheng brought Tazmi and others back to the world of the Academy of Apocalypse, and they were directly transported to the top floor of the combat laboratory.

"Well, it's amazing!"

Shayou looked at everything around her in disbelief. She was clearly on her way to the imperial capital not long ago, but now she has come to another world.

The decoration layout here is completely different from the world they are in.

"Is it all metal?"

Tatsumi stretched out his hand and gently stroked the wall. The village where they lived were all simple wooden houses, which was completely different from here.

Luo Cheng walked to the window and turned to look at the three of them:

"Let's see what Huaxia looks like."

Tatsumi and others immediately came to the window where Luo Cheng was, looking down.

Underneath is a dense army, a uniform army of soldiers, and various chariots parked by the roadside, like a sleeping lion.

On both sides of the army, there are towering buildings, which are like works of art in the eyes of Tazmi and others.

Although Luo Cheng controlled the replicants to act in the world of the Crimson Pupil during this period of time, the development in the academy world did not stop at all.

In just two days, many surrounding cities were recovered by Luo Cheng, and more survivors became Luo Cheng's subjects.

And Luo Cheng's troops are also continuously expanding.

The current Luo Cheng not only has supplies from several cities, but has also set up multiple sub-mines in farther places, and the amount of resources he gets every day is quite exaggerated.

Not only that, Luo Cheng also unlocked more technologies of the coalition forces during this period.

Explosive trucks, radiation sappers, terrorists, and more.

"Oh my god......"

Shayou couldn't help exclaiming, her eyes widened as if she wanted to imprint the scene in her mind deeply.

For her, such a scene was unimaginable even in her dreams.

The same is true for Tatsumi, who was deeply shocked by the appearance of Huaxia Kingdom.

Thinking of the fact that the village he lives in is completely different from Huaxia Kingdom, Tatsumi couldn't help pursing his lips.

The gap is simply too great.

Even the survival of the villagers in their village has become a problem, and it is just a delusion to have enough food.

A bold idea also came into Tatsumi's mind.

"Mr. Luo Cheng, may I venture to ask a question...."

Tatsumi swallowed and looked at Luo Cheng.

"Say it."

Luo Cheng always kept a smile on his face.

"May I ask if the villagers in my village can join the Huaxia Kingdom?"

Tatsumi wants to improve the plight of the village, which is why he went to the imperial capital.

After he finished speaking, Tatsumi immediately realized that his request was a little too much, so he immediately added,

"If not, please let me be your servant, Mr. Luo Cheng! I want to follow you, Mr. Luo Cheng!"

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