Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 62: Under The Mushroom Cloud, No Survival!

Outside the Empire, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

At this time, the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army were waiting in the headquarters.

They were seated around a round table, on which was the rest of their tea.

Logically speaking, they should have received news from Najieta today.

What was the outcome of the negotiations?

Will it go to war with Nine Xia Kingdom or cooperate?

"What is the origin of Jiuxia Kingdom?"

A man put his legs up on the table and said absently.

"Who cares, if only they could be our support."

Another said lightly,

"It's like fooling foreign nations in the West, first pretending to agree to success and then ceding the land to them, and then we will consider the next thing after the revolution succeeds."

"If they don't agree to cooperate, then we can also find ways to kill them, and then pretend to be what the empire is doing. This is what the night raid team is best at.

Said the third, with a smile on his face,

"No matter how powerful that Luo Cheng is, he is just an ordinary ambassador.

Wait, did you hear something?

Suddenly, a person uttered a voice of doubt.

The wooden table seemed to be shaking, and the water glass on the table was also shaking.

Moreover, the shaking became more and more violent, and countless water cups rolled to the ground and were smashed to pieces.

At the same time, they could also hear a huge roar, as if it was the roar of a giant dragon.

what happened?!

"Is there any dangerous species?"

The key members of the revolutionary army rushed out anxiously.

They raised their heads and saw a high-speed moving object rushing towards their location.

That was the nuclear bomb launched by Luo Cheng!

The nuclear bomb disintegrated in the air, releasing a huge light, which became more and more dazzling in a short period of time. A thunderbolt appeared suddenly like a swimming dragon, almost filling the entire sky, and the light spread rapidly, dispelling the impact and heat. Lean out.

Members of the Revolutionary Army are only now realizing that this will be a terrible punishment from God.

The shrill screams exploded from the crowd, and the terrified crowd flew out to the surroundings like fragments of the explosion. Immediately afterwards, the buildings in the stronghold were crumbling and groaning weakly, as if they would crash down in the next second. .


There was a loud noise, and a fiery wave rushed out of the sky. Accompanied by the earth-shattering noise, billowing thick smoke rose into the sky like an overwhelming sandstorm, accompanied by scarlet flames blooming enchantingly, like blossoming enchanting and gorgeous flowers. The flowers on the other side are competing for splendor.

The sound of violent explosions was endless, and pieces of houses collapsed one after another. The shattered tiles and bricks fell like a meteor shower, mercilessly hitting the fleeing crowd.

The bright red blood splashed everywhere, splashed onto the fragmented glass curtain wall, and flowed onto the torn apart stone road, as if the red roses in full bloom were alluring and eye-catching.

But this is only the first shock.

Next will be the heat released by the entire nuclear bomb

The sudden dazzling white light made the ground tremble, twist, crack, and swell. The temperature continued to rise, and the heat was biting. Countless unfortunate soldiers were caught in the heat wave and turned into coke.

The charcoal shadow of a human figure is printed on the white wall like graffiti.

In the entire stronghold, there is no possibility of surviving, and even leaving a piece of wreckage is just an extravagant hope.

Not only that, this land has been polluted by nuclear radiation, even after hundreds of years, no living things can survive on it.

Above the stronghold, a huge mushroom cloud was set off, like a heavy hammer dropped by a titan, which could be clearly seen tens of kilometers away.

A single nuclear bomb will instantly destroy the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

In the Jiuxia embassy, ​​Luo Cheng used the spy satellite to clearly see this scene.

The revolutionary army disrespected Jiuxia, which was Jiuxia's counterattack as a big country.

The revolutionary army has no qualifications to bear it at all.

Moreover, Luo Cheng's nuclear bomb attack this time is not only to fight back against the revolutionary army, but also to deter other nations.

This is a military exercise to inform the world of the strength of Jiuxia Kingdom.

After seeing the scene where the Revolutionary Army headquarters was wiped out, Luo Cheng nodded.

But Luo Cheng knew that the Revolutionary Army not only had a headquarters, but also countless branches.

Weeding must be rooted out.

Since the Revolutionary Army and Jiu Xia are ready to tear each other apart, there is no need for Luo Cheng to keep you alive.

"Prepare to start the hyperspace transmission.々transmission"

Other members of the Revolutionary Army who were dozens of kilometers away from the explosion looked at the huge mushroom cloud, and were all surprised and speechless.

The members of other branches never thought that the headquarters with the most rigorous defense and the most hidden location would be wiped out in an instant.

~What the hell is going on?!"

"Has the headquarters been wiped out?"

"How is this possible, the headquarters should not have been exposed?!"

"The only ones with that kind of destructive power are Estes or Bud..."

"No, Esdes is still on the northern border, and Bud is also in the imperial capital. Who the hell..."

"Could it be, Nine Xia Kingdom?!"

Just when these members of the revolutionary army were still in shock, a huge flash of light suddenly appeared in the sky!

A giant portal!

Its height exceeds 100 meters, as if another world is about to enter this world from a crack.

At the same time, there was a loud noise from the other end of the portal.

"What's that sound?!"

The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army were shocked by the scene in front of them, and everyone stood there blankly as if they had been frozen.

And in the next second, they finally saw the figure appearing from the portal.

Nine Xia's army!

(Good Zhao) Luo Cheng already had a terrifying army size in the Apocalypse of the Academy, and now he has directly transmitted part of his army power to this world.

Now that the revolutionary army has messed with him, Luo Cheng must also teach them the most painful lesson.

The size of the army this time is not just a few thousand people like before.

But one hundred thousand.

The mighty infantry company walked out of the portal with uniform steps, and everyone's movements were completely consistent without even a single mistake.

The ground shook as they moved, as if a huge mountain collapsed at this moment.

Each of them has the level of fighting power of Tazmi and Heitong, and the number is so terrifying that it is like a wave, capable of submerging the entire army of the Revolutionary Army.

On both sides of the soldiers, there are countless chariots and tanks.

A tank company of this size can overwhelm the revolutionary army even without firing artillery. .

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