Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 66: All Staff Brainwashed, Night Raids Have Become Loyal Subordinates

After Luo Cheng finished dealing with some matters in the world of the Academy of Apocalypse, he again transferred his consciousness to the copy body in another world.

The current Academy of Apocalypse hardly needs any more intervention by itself, Takashiro Saya and others will recover all of that world by themselves and become an important mine for Luo Cheng.

It's all just a matter of time.

After returning to the world of cutting the red pupil, Luo Cheng can feel that his body has also been strengthened a lot.

Although it's just a copied body, it still retains 50% of Tyrande's enhancement effect, which shouldn't be underestimated.

Not only that, after Luo Cheng fully dissects a certain Teigu, he can mass-produce it.

The same goes for hauntings.

[Ghost haunted. Operation armor] Type: Equipment Cost: 4000000G

The amount of resources spent is no less than inheriting its genes. Luo Cheng has just built a lot of naval units, and now the remaining resource 04 is less than tens of millions, so at present, he can only create a few ghost hauntings.

However, haunted by evil spirits also has the ability of continuous evolution, and can also fly, invisibility and other functions, Luo Cheng believes that it still has a lot of strategic significance.

Luo Cheng immediately added the ghost haunting to the production queue.

Moreover, Luo Cheng used the research results of analyzing Teigu to improve the haunting of evil spirits, which greatly reduced the side effects of haunting evil spirits and reduced the consumption of mental and physical strength.

Moreover, Luo Cheng can transform the appearance of the evil spirits to suit his own body.

He also dyed the evil spirit haunting red that belonged to Jiuxia Kingdom.

Luo Cheng immediately wore the evil ghost entanglement on his body. He seemed to be able to hear the roar of the giant dragon coming from around him, and countless chains wrapped around his body, and then transformed into red armor.

The surrounding air began to flow rapidly, and Luo Cheng could feel his body becoming light and unburdened, as if a gust of wind was lifting him up.

The haunted ghost seems to have become a part of Luo Cheng's body. With a little manipulation of his mind, his legs have left the ground and floated in mid-air.

Luo Cheng came to an open space, ready to further experiment with the power of evil spirits.

He clenched his fist and hit the ground hard.


The ground shook, and even though Luo Cheng's iron fist smashed a huge hole, many surrounding trees were almost uprooted, and the leaves were scattered all over the ground.

The current Luo Cheng's strength is probably far superior to that of a chariot.


After completing the research and experiments, Luo Cheng returned to the embassy and went to a special building.

It was the temporary prison built by Luo Cheng.

The survivors of the night raid team were all held in this place.

All of them already knew the fact that the revolutionary army was wiped out, but they were powerless to change it.

Luo Cheng came to the prison to deal with them in the end.

If they can come in handy, Luo Cheng can consider keeping them alive as his own tools. After all, there are never too many tool people.

As long as the mind is shaken, Luo Cheng can use Yuri X's mind control ability to brainwash them.

Yuri X has a more advanced mind control ability, able to permanently and completely rewrite their minds.

But if not, Luo Cheng is ready to clean them up.

"Lord Luo Cheng."

At the gate of the prison, Heitong smiled when he saw Luo Cheng's arrival.

"Come with me, Black Eye."

Luo Cheng brought Hei Tong into the prison, and the members of Night Raid cast their eyes on him. Many people no longer had any other emotions in their sights, and Song was left with emptiness and despair.

"Luo Cheng, your Nine Xia Kingdom clearly possesses such strength, why do you want to collude with the empire!"

Najieta, who was detained, accused Luo Cheng in an angry tone after seeing Luo Cheng's arrival.

The scene where Lubbock was killed is still vivid.

And Luo Cheng smiled slightly, and said lightly:

"What kind of eyes did you use to see that I and the Empire are in the same boat?"

"Have I persecuted the people of the empire?"

"On the contrary, I should have assisted many people in the empire."

During this period, Luo Cheng took in many refugees from other places after taking in the villagers in Tazmi village.

He regarded these people as tools for his own development, but he also provided them with shelter and food, keeping them away from the persecution of the empire.

So these people in the original empire are very grateful to Yu Cheng.

"What contribution did your revolutionary army make?"

"Besides burning the flames of war on the common people, your revolutionary army probably didn't do anything meaningful."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Luo Cheng's voice.

Najieta was speechless for a while, trying to refute but couldn't find any reason.

After hearing Luo Cheng's words, the other night raid members also fell into deep thought.

Luo Cheng noticed the hesitation on their faces, smiled slightly, and then called Yuri X over.

Now the members of the night attack team are no longer Teigu envoys because Teigu has been captured by Luo Cheng, and their will has been shaken, so they can become the objects of Yuri X's mind control.

After the order, Yuri X, who was riding the levitator, arrived in the prison 587 soon.


Yuri X nodded respectfully towards Luo Cheng.

"Yuri X, rewrite their thinking and make them my loyal subordinates.

Luo Cheng gave the order.

"As ordered."

Yuri X activated his own ability, and the machinery connected to the head began to operate, releasing rays, which connected to the members of the night attack like a puppet's string, and began to rewrite their thinking.

Soon, mind control is over and their minds have been completely changed by Yuri X.

"Report Commander, their thinking has been rewritten."

Yuri X nodded.

At the same time, the members of Night Attack knelt down towards Luo Cheng.

"Night Raider is willing to obey Lord Luo Cheng's orders!"

Now they are no longer the remnants of the revolutionary army, but loyal subordinates of Luo Cheng.

Looking at the few people in front of him who were already loyal to him, Luo Cheng nodded with satisfaction, and now all external enemies have been resolved.

The revolutionary army has been completely disintegrated, and the foreign nationalities that were previously united with the revolutionary army have bowed their heads to Luo Cheng and become Luo Cheng's vassals.

The next goal is to start preparing to deal with internal affairs.

At this moment, a line of information appeared in Luo Cheng's eyes. .

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