Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 8: Protest? I Am The Rule Here

For Luo Cheng, except for a few people who are closely related to him, the other students are currently just tools under his command, who can help him establish a temporary base.

In the original book, this group of people should have died by the zombies today.

Tools that are not handy have no value at all. If someone disobeys his ideas or hinders him, Luo Cheng will get rid of them without hesitation, and he can also leave a lot of material expenses for himself.

"If no one leaves, you must obey my orders honestly from now on. I should have told you about the consequences of disobeying my orders."

While Luo Cheng was speaking, the infantrymen behind him waved their guns at the same time.

Listening to Luo Cheng's words, these students hesitated very much, they knew that Luo Cheng was threatening them at all.

But they had no choice. Whoever had the courage to leave the protection of the academy could only walk back from the rooftop in despair.


Soon at night, Luo Cheng asked his subordinates to start distributing supplies. The college has its own cafeteria and a small supermarket, so the amount of supplies stored is quite considerable.

But at this end of the world, materials are very precious. Even if a certain amount of materials is stored in the college, if the amount of distribution is not controlled, after being distributed to so many teachers and students, there will be very little left.

Therefore, Luo Cheng does not allocate much food to each teacher and student. It is difficult to eat completely, but at least it can fill the stomach and reduce hunger.

And when the food was distributed, there was a discordant voice.

"There's so much food, and so little is given to us!"

"I'm afraid Luo Cheng hid the food himself, let's enjoy it for himself!"

"What a selfish fellow!"

The speaker is an ordinary student.

But beside him, there was a grown man wearing glasses with a smile on his face.

Wisteria Koichi.

Although he is a teacher in the academy, he is actually a ruthless and treacherous person.

In the original plot, after he led a group of students to escape from the school, he brainwashed them like a cult, making them regard themselves as the existence of a leader, and guiding their thoughts in a dangerous direction. And any student who goes against his will will be directly abandoned by him.

Moreover, Rei Miyamoto was originally going to be a grade higher than Luo Cheng and others, but because her father was a local police officer and was investigating the father of Koichi Wisteria, who was a member of parliament, Koichi Fujimoto wore a small dress for Rei Miyamoto at school. The shoes made her repeat a grade.

It can be said that Koichi Wisteria is a cunning, cold and bottomless scum.

After seeing Luo Cheng taking control of the academy, Koichi Koichi, who is extremely controlling, couldn't sit still.

Moreover, when the gold and jewelry were confiscated earlier, Koichi Wisteria almost broke out with the soldiers, which made him even more dissatisfied with Luo Cheng.

However, Koichi Wisteria also knew that Luo Cheng's subordinates had guns, and if he recklessly resisted the opponent, he would definitely end badly.

So he was going to use other students as a shield.

Just now, Koichi Wisteria deliberately complained about the food distribution problem in front of several students, provoking their emotions, and finally made them say such words

He wanted to give Luo Cheng a blow, shake his authority among teachers and students, and then look for an opportunity to replace him.

Wisteria Koichi is best at bewitching other people's minds.

And he expected that Luo Cheng would have nothing to do with him, because the person who spoke was a certain student and had nothing to do with him.

"You are talking nonsense, Luo Cheng is not such a person!"

Hearing what Wisteria Koichi said, Takashiro Saya was furious, and hurried forward to reason.

"That's not necessarily true."

Wisteria Koichi finally spoke, and the smile on his face became even more malicious. He stretched out his hand and pushed his glasses, turned his head to look at Luo Cheng, and then turned his head to look at other people around him,

"What do you say?"

"That's right!"

Beside Koichi Wisteria, many students believed his words and complained loudly.

"I said, in the academy, I am the rule."

"Your doubts and disobedience are not allowed."

"Since you choose to stay, you must obey my orders, otherwise there is only one dead end."

But at this moment, Luo Cheng said with a blank face.

Luo Cheng's tone was calm, like the windless sea surface, but below the sea surface, it was full of whirlpools that could swallow people's names.

Knowing the plot of the original book, he naturally knows what kind of wisteria Koichi is, and it is likely to become an unstable factor in his academy stronghold.

Luo Cheng knew clearly that what the students complained about the material distribution just now was definitely instigated by Koichi Wisteria.

He was about to get rid of Koichi Wisteria, and the other party just came out to make trouble.

court death.

"Get him up."

Luo Cheng said flatly, pointing to Koichi Wisteria.


Before Wisteria Hao could react, an infantryman beside Luo Cheng rushed forward, ready to catch him.

Of course, Koichi Wisteria would not sit still and was preparing to resist—but he completely underestimated the power of the Chinese infantry.

The strength of the Chinese infantry created by the system can be said to be stronger than the most elite troops in the world, and the thin wisteria Koichi cannot be the opponent of the Chinese infantry at all.

In less than a second, Ziteng Haoyi was lifted up by the Huaxia infantry. He struggled desperately, trying to break free from the opponent's shackles, and kept kicking the opponent.

But the Huaxia infantrymen were wearing hard armor, and they also had a boulder-like physique, and Koichi Wisteria's kicks were like a breeze.

"It's ugly."

Luo Cheng shook his head disdainfully,

"Break his legs."

"Don't let him make a sound."

Hearing Luo Cheng's order, the soldier immediately raised his foot and kicked Koichi Wisteria's knee hard.

This blow, like a huge boulder fell directly on Koichi Wisteria's leg, his knee was bent and deformed directly.

At the same time, Koichi Wisteria was about to scream, but the foot soldier stretched out his giant palm and covered the opponent's mouth.

Koichi Wisteria wanted to shout, but couldn't make a sound at all, his five sense organs twisted together in pain.

And all the people present were shocked by the scene in front of them, and there was no sound.

The student who was bewitched by Koichi Wisteria at the beginning and complained about the distribution of supplies could only lower his head and sneak into the crowd without daring to make a sound.

No one expected that Luo Cheng's attack would be so ruthless.

"Throw him out."

Luo Cheng's words were extremely cold.

The soldier carried Koichi Wisteria, who was almost fainted, to the school wall as if he were carrying garbage.

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