Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 81: This Kind Of Power Is Not Human At All!

late at night.

At this time, there was a dead silence in the Kyogoku house, and it seemed that everyone had fallen asleep.

In the darkness, there seemed to be venomous snakes wriggling.

These are not poisonous snakes, but silk ribbons.

This is Luo Ji's blood ghost technique.

At this time, Fallen Princess was silently approaching the room where Esdesh was. After Luo Cheng and others bought the Kyogoku House, they stayed overnight in it.

Each person has a room, and Luo Ji clearly remembers the room where Estes is.

I can't wait to eat you alive.

I don't allow anyone to have the same look as me.

If I can eat you, my skin should become even more beautiful!

The smile on Luo Ji's face became more obvious, she controlled her ribbon to slip through the crack of the door, and opened the door silently.

By tomorrow, Estes will disappear mysteriously, no one knows where she went, and no one will suspect that she is powerless.

While thinking, Luo Ji walked into the room and closed the door gently.

The room was pitch black, and Luo Ji couldn't see clearly what was inside.

But Luo Ji felt a strange cold at the same time.

04 The night in Huajie shouldn't be so cold. Even though she is a ghost and her physique is far beyond that of ordinary people, Luo Ji still feels that the cold is unbearable.

what happened?!

The lights in the room suddenly turned on, and Luo Cheng, Esdes and others suddenly appeared in front of Luo Ji.

Only now did Luo Ji realize that she had stepped into a trap.


Was it from the Ghost Slayer?!

With a yell, Luo Ji released countless silks and satins, preparing to kill Luo Cheng and others.

As the sixth of the top string, Luo Ji has killed many swordsmen at the Zhu level, so she still has a certain degree of self-confidence.

But at this moment, Estes walked slowly in front of Luo Ji, and the high-heeled shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on the ground.

"Ghost Slayer, what is that?"

With a sly smile on Esdeth's face, he stretched out his slender fingers like a hosta.

Immediately, a gust of bitter cold wind gushed out, freezing all the silks and satins fired by Luo Ji into ice, motionless.


Luo Ji's eyes widened, completely shocked by the scene in front of her,

"Are you a ghost?"

In her heart, she thought that what Esdeth used was the vampire technique.

Ordinary humans can only use a special ability called breathing at most, how could they create such ice.

But Luo Ji was even more surprised, if the other party is a ghost, the strength is very powerful, why she has never seen the other party.


"Is that an insulting title?"

"However, in the previous world, some people called me a witch.

The smile on Estes's face became more obvious. She moved her finger lightly, and the silk that had just been frozen into pieces immediately turned into shattered pieces.

"Hey, I said, you should be considered a very powerful existence in this world."

"Can't you give me a little fun?"

"I am going to kill you!"

Luo Ji roared angrily, then released the ghost technique again and rushed towards Estes.

But in the next second, she fell directly to the ground heavily.

Luo Ji turned her head, a trace of panic appeared in her eyes.

Her legs had left her body, standing where she had just stood like ice sculptures.

Estes just froze her legs, and Luo Ji's acceleration just broke her legs.

And at this moment, Luo Cheng walked up to Luo Ji, staring at Luo Ji's eyes with cold eyes:

"I know you're watching, Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumi."

"We are not members of the Ghost Slayer team, and in a sense we have no vengeance."

"Come and make a deal."

"Otherwise, I will tell the Ghost Killing Team about the fake identity you used and the secrets of Infinity City."

"There are several members of the Ghost Killing Squad, who are in the building next door to us."

"Perhaps you would prefer us to visit you in person?"

There was a smile on Luo Cheng's face, and he knew that Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi was observing all this through Luo Ji's eyes at this time.

"You, you are not worthy to mention that grown-up's name!"

Luo Ji yelled angrily, her lower body hadn't fully regenerated, but she had released the blood ghost technique, and lifted herself up with her satin ribbon.

Immediately, these ribbons flew towards Luo Cheng.

Since he is not the opponent of Estes, Luo Cheng who has not made a shot must be a soft persimmon.

But in Luo Cheng's eyes, Luo Ji's movements were extremely slow.

Now he has the same physique as Esdeth, and has also inherited Tyrande's genes. Even if he doesn't use any weapons, he has reached a very terrifying state by relying only on the strength of his body.

What's more, Luo Cheng also has several Teigu bonuses.

"Haunted by evil spirits!"

Luo Cheng gave an order, and a blood-red armor covered his body in an instant.

This is Luo Cheng's own demon haunting.

He changed the appearance of the haunted ghost, and used system technology and Dotya's alchemy to fuse the haunted ghost with his body.

Therefore, Luo Cheng does not need to use a 237 dagger-like key to release the haunted ghost like Brand in the original book, but only needs to use his mind to call it out.

"As expected of Master Luo Cheng."

Estes looked at Luo Cheng's back with admiration in his eyes.

Silk and satin wrapped around Luo Cheng's body like a boa constrictor. Most people would definitely have their bones broken and their blood sucked dry by it, but he was not harmed at all as he was wrapped in a ghost.

Luo Cheng exerted a little force, and the satin on his body suddenly broke.

Although Luo Cheng usually uses his mighty army to deal with the enemy, but now his own power has reached a very terrifying level.

And at this moment, Luo Cheng Tianwu!


Like a flaming meteorite falling from the sky, Luo Cheng's iron fist hit Luo Ji's face directly.

The facial bone was instantly shattered and fractured, and the shattered bones pierced into Luo Ji's brain—but the exaggerated impact just now had shaken her brain into brains.

Luo Ji's facial features were twisted together, like dough that was disturbed, her eyes popped out, completely different from her previous prosperous appearance.

Even a ghost can only pale in comparison to Luo Cheng's terrifying power.

Just when Luo Cheng was about to punch again, there seemed to be a cry for help from deep in Luo Ji's throat.

"elder brother!".

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