Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 91: Please Enter The Urn, The Intestine Hunter Breaks In

If Luo Cheng can mass-produce the Supreme Throne, it will be a huge improvement for them.

The Supreme Throne has the destructive power no less than a nuclear bomb, and it can also carry out continuous operations.

If it can be mass-produced, it will be a very terrifying army.

However, Luo Cheng also noticed that the use of the Supreme Throne is limited, that is, the driver must have the blood of the royal family.

In this world, only today's little emperor still has royal blood.

However, this is not a problem for Luo Cheng, he just needs to find a way to bring the little emperor back to his stronghold and perform gene extraction.

Luo Cheng immediately added the High Throne to his research queue.

At this moment, Luo Cheng heard the voice of the adjutant.

"Commander, Tanya has sounded the alarm."

"There is a possibility of enemy attack."

Even though separated by different worlds, Luo Cheng can still receive the radio information of his unit and adjutants.

Luo Cheng narrowed his eyes 04, Tanya has been ordered by him to guard Roswaal's mansion.

As soon as Roswaal left, an intruder arrived, and he knew what was going on without even thinking about it.

Luo Cheng smiled, and immediately sent his consciousness back to another world.

The world from scratch, Roswaal's mansion.

At this time, Luo Cheng has moved his consciousness to the body of this world, and Tan Ya's voice came from his ear:

"Commander, someone is approaching outside the mansion."

"The target person is a female, very fast, and dressed in black."

"Women in black, are they fast?"

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, and immediately knew the other party's identity.

It could only be Elsa the Bowel Hunter.

I'm afraid she was ordered by Roswaal to test her own strength.

But the so-called temptation is assassination.

"Don't expose it for now."

Luo Cheng gave the order with a smile,

"We invite you into the urn."

At this time, Emilia was sitting in her room, looking at the night scene outside the window, thinking about everything that happened during the day.

If there is no Luo Cheng, I am afraid that I will lose my badge and also lose the qualification to participate in the king's election.

"But why does it feel like Lord Luo Cheng doesn't have a good relationship with Roswaal?"

"Shouldn't they be meeting for the first time?"

Emilia was a little puzzled, but couldn't find the answer.

And at this moment, Emilia vaguely saw out of the window, a ghostly figure flashing past in the courtyard, with a blood-red cloak like the double silver of a bat.

A very evil looking woman.


Emilia was a little puzzled, and hurriedly opened the window, trying to make sure if she had misread it.

And the moment the window opened, another gust of night wind hit, and the purple-red cloak was blown with a rustling sound.

But amidst this voice, the woman full of evil aura suddenly disappeared in front of Emilia.

It was like a ghost, as if what happened just now was just Emilia's hallucination.

But Emilia can be sure that what she just saw is definitely not a hallucination!

And Emilia was already overwhelmed by that voice at this moment, and she was already extremely nervous at this moment.

The seemingly safe room was like a cage at the moment, trapping her tightly inside.

And she didn't have the courage to rush out, after all, Emilia hadn't figured out where the enemy was, so it would be irrational to act rashly.

However, Emilia also began to slowly activate the magic element on her body at this time, and she looked around very vigilantly, trying to confirm the enemy's aura.

At this time, Parker, Emilia's elf, has returned to the spar. It has a limited time to maintain its physical form every day. Like a civil servant, it is from nine to five. Now it is late at night, so it is naturally dormant to replenish its magic.

Emilia can only rely on herself now.

Although she kept telling herself in her heart to calm down, her heart beat faster and faster instead.

Looking at the dark environment outside, Emilia was both nervous and worried.

Emilia didn't know what the other party's purpose was, so she wanted to remind Luo Cheng who was traveling with her to be alert to the attacker.

After all, this kind-hearted girl [doesn't want to see the people around her being murdered silently at all.

However, she was also afraid that because of her rash actions, she would startle the snake, and Luo Cheng, who was originally safe, would encounter an accident.

If the other party's target is her, then her warning may drag Luo Cheng into a dangerous situation.

All of a sudden, Emilia fell into a dilemma.

And just when Emilia was in a state of extreme tension at the moment, amidst the hidden wind, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came.

A dagger stabbed towards Emilia's throat like a poisonous snake that had found its prey.

If it wasn't for Emilia's elven blood, I'm afraid she wouldn't have noticed it at all.

At this critical moment, Amelia turned her body slightly, and the sharp blade was directly inserted deeply into the wall.

The moonlight poured onto the blade of the dagger, making the cold light particularly irritating.

Emilia was a little surprised. The figure was still in the courtyard just now, so why did she arrive in her house in less than a minute.

483 counts as the opponent has agility, but this speed is too fast.

It was as if she knew the layout of Roswaal's mansion very well.

"The response is quite fast..."

A miss, the tall figure immediately jumped out from the darkness.

The purple-black cloak was blown by the night wind passing through the window, like a vampire.

And right at this moment, an ice pick with a shining cold light pierced the place where the person was dormant just now.

In front of this attack, the solid wall was as fragile as paper, leaving only a deep black hole.

But it didn't hit.

"Is it a killer sent by others?!"

Emilia questioned the other party, she thought the other party was coming for her.

After all, he is a half-elf, and has the same face as the envious witch, which has caused countless people to hate and hate him.

What's more, Emilia is now the heir to the throne, and she has established quite a few political enemies. It should not be surprising if she wants to assassinate herself.

But she still didn't know how the other party came to Roswaal's mansion accurately.

"Is it because of my identity that you come to kill me?"

"What is your identity?"

"Who cares?"

The uninvited guest smiled and said that she was Elsa the Intestine Hunter. .

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