Infinity Anime: Red Alert System

Chapter 94: Since You Want An Army, I'll Give It To You!

"I said, are you kidding me?"

Elsa looked at the tiny wound on her body with a hint of puzzlement in her eyes.

Roswaal was also very puzzled.

What is the significance of such wounds?

Could it be that the other party showed mercy?

Or did he not take Elsa seriously at all?

Elsa has the blood of a half-vampire and a special protective effect. She can be resurrected several times, and ordinary tricks can't kill her at all.

And when the two were puzzled, Elsa noticed an unforgettable pain from her wound, as if countless poisonous insects had entered her wound.

She desperately lowered her head to look at her wound, only to find that a strange spell was crawling on her wound like a boa constrictor, gradually entwining ~ her entire body.

As the spell moved, Elsa felt an unbearable itching.

At the same time, an ominous premonition grew in Elsa's heart.

She struggled desperately, but the ice created by Estes was so hard that it couldn't compare with the previous hardness. Even if Elsa broke all the bones in her body, she couldn't break free.

The ominous premonition grew stronger.

Soon the spell covered Elsa's whole body, devouring her life continuously.

Even if Elsa can regenerate, there is a limit to the number of times, and the effect of the poison on her body cannot be cleared.

The cursed poison constantly devoured Elsa's life, dying, resurrecting, and dying again, and soon exhausted Elsa's resurrection times.

Finally, Elsa finally ushered in the end of death, as if the body favored by heaven had no life at this time.

Roswaal on the side was shocked by the scene in front of him, which completely exceeded his expectations.

Esdesh's strength is so powerful, and the weapon in his hand is undoubtedly an artifact beyond common sense.

And Estes is just one of Luo Cheng's subordinates.

This made Roswaal even more curious about Luo Cheng's identity. Even if it was determined that Luo Cheng was a traverser from another world, the power displayed by the other party had already surpassed any

"Roswaal, do you need to make up a reason to explain it?"

With a smile on his face, Luo Cheng cast his eyes on Roswaal,

"Are you still going to test me according to the instructions of the Book of Wisdom?"


The heavy clown makeup on Roswaal's face could not hide his inner astonishment. As an existence that has survived for more than hundreds of years, he has been able to hide his emotions and thoughts.

But at this moment, Roswaal could no longer hide the surprise in his heart.

He felt that everything about him had been seen through by Luo Cheng, who even knew the existence of the Book of Wisdom.

"I know everything about you Roswaal, you want to support others to ascend to the throne, and then wait for the opportunity to kill the dragon, right?

While Luo Cheng was speaking, he walked slowly towards Roswaal.

"We can help each other."

Roswaal couldn't help taking a few steps back, with an awkward smile on his face,

"Your purpose does not conflict with mine."


"Do you know what my purpose is?"

While Luo Cheng was talking, the smile on his face gradually disappeared,

"Whatever your reason."

"If you send people to attack us, it can be regarded as a declaration of war on Huaxia."

"Can you afford the price?"

Luo Cheng's tone became cold. In the previous world, the revolutionary army was the Nine Xia Kingdom that provoked Luo Cheng ignorantly. In the end, it was destroyed and suffered the anger from the Nine Xia Kingdom.

But now, this anger has burned to Roswaal.

Roswaal was keenly aware of the terrifying murderous aura on Luo Cheng's body, and his hands were already open, ready to fight.

"Mr. Luo Cheng, I don't think there is really a need for a war between us."

"It's something that benefits no one."

"Besides, please don't underestimate my strength."

"I believe that with the strength of the few of you [may not be able to easily defeat me."

Roswaal's words are not bluffing, he does have very powerful strength.

The reason why he was appointed by the kingdom as the border chief was precisely because he wanted Roswaal to be used as a combat force to resist monsters and possible foreign enemies.

Roswaal is adaptable to all six types of magic attributes, and has the ability to fully master any kind of magic, so he can become the chief magister.

0...asking for flowers...

His fighting power is no less than that of the Guang army.

If you want to fight recklessly, even the strongest Estes in the last world needs to go all out to do it.

So although Roswaal was a little surprised by Luo Cheng's omniscience for a moment, he now believes that the initiative is still in his own hands.

"Mr. Luo Cheng, you should have heard that my fighting power is comparable to that of an army."

"This battle is meaningless. Let's eliminate the barriers and have a good communication. Maybe we can reach a consensus in many aspects.

"We still..."


Luo Cheng smiled and interrupted Roswaal's words,

"I'm sorry, our Jiuxia Kingdom never negotiates with forces that are hostile to us.

"You are not qualified to negotiate with us."

"Since you said that your combat power is comparable to that of an army, then I will give you an army."

"Do you think you can take it?"

While speaking, Luo Cheng stretched out his hand and summoned a huge portal.

Countless troops emerge from the portal!

This time the troops are stronger and more elite than the ones attacking the Revolutionary Army before. [All the troops have been enhanced by fashionable cutting-edge technology and Dokya alchemy!

Apocalypse Tank, Prism Tank, Laser Tank

Rows of heavy tanks were parked in front of Roswaal, and the terrifying cannons were aimed at him.

At the same time, there were countless infantrymen standing around the chariot, aiming their weapons at Roswaal as well.

In just an instant, more than 10,000 troops had already appeared in this forest, driving all the surrounding trees to the ground.

Roswaal's brows twitched slightly. He had never seen such an army. There was magic in this world, and all the weapons used were cold weapons.

And he didn't know exactly what method Luo Cheng used to suddenly summon such a terrifying troop into this world.

"What exactly is going on?"

Roswaal's expression became more and more serious. .

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