Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 123 Special Golden Pistol

The five free attribute points were finally added to strength by Qin Mingquan to make up for his lack of attack power.

Main body and secondary force, this is the strengthening route set by Qin Ming.

When the strength reaches 20, which is the limit of the first stage, it will not be too late to consider strengthening other secondary attributes.

After strengthening his skills and attributes, Qin Ming looked at the various equipment on the table, his eyebrows furrowed, and he began to have difficulties again.

He took out his revolver and looked at the old man who was following him, his expression gradually became tangled.

To be honest, after these few battles, he has found that this revolver can't keep up with his combat power.

This gun is indeed an artifact when facing mobs.

But when facing the BOSS, the three younger brothers summoned by it seemed useless.

This gun is already on the verge of elimination.

So Qin Ming is now facing a decision, that is, whether he should continue to strengthen it.

If it is strengthened, the risk will be very high. After all, no one knows whether the revolver upgraded to golden equipment will be mutable.

If it happens, it will be like a carp leaping over the dragon gate, completely reborn, and once again becoming the main force of Qin Ming.

But if it didn't happen and it was just an attribute increase, that would be embarrassing.

After consuming two ordinary silver weapons, all he got in exchange was a useless revolver.

Not to mention that the three elite monsters summoned are of no use, and the fixed attack power of the revolver also conflicts with the sonic hand knife skill. This will definitely be a loss-making business...

Reaching out to rub his forehead, Qin Ming closed his eyes and was silent for a long time, looking at the gun he had made his fortune with.

When he finally opened his eyes suddenly, a look of determination appeared in them.

He chose to strengthen! After all, this gun followed him all the way! Never throw it away like this!

Even if he doesn't strengthen it, he will always keep this gun. After all, it means a lot! This is the trump card that he relied on to make his fortune in the first place!

He took out the longbow and bolas, first fused them with each other, and then placed them next to the revolver.

Flashed with dazzling light! The two rays of light are intertwined with each other!

Wait until the light dissipates! A shining golden pistol had appeared on the table.

At the same time, Qin Ming heard the reminder sound from the nightmare space.

"Ding dong! A qualitative change has been detected in the equipment numbered 441985! Please choose the evolution route!

Route 1: Give up special effects and strengthen attack power

Route 2: Give up attack power and strengthen special effects."

Qin Ming was startled by the sudden sound in his ears, and made a decision immediately after reacting.

"Choice two!"

As the sound fell, the appearance of the pistol on the table quickly changed.

The barrel has become shorter and the firearm has become smaller. The original large revolver has shrunk directly into a small pocket revolver, which is no longer than the length of a hand.

And its attributes were completely fixed at this moment.

Name: Hyena's Teeth

Category: Weapons (dark golden plot)

Effect 1: Fixed attack power 10-15

Effect 2: Hyena Call (summons a hyena member to join the battle, the target that can be summoned: undecided)

Introduction: These are the fangs of the adventurer's hyena. Whether they are sharp or not depends on the user.

(Note: The firearm has not yet completed the final enhancement. Please select the head of a plot character for fusion to complete the final transformation)

The revolver that evolved into golden equipment had its attributes not enhanced, but severely shrunk. This was something Qin Ming did not expect.

The special requirements for the equipment made him feel extremely stunned.

The plot character’s head? What the hell is this!

If he remembered correctly, the plot character's head seemed to refer to a special prop! The chance of it exploding is very low! The effect is also extremely special!

This thing is similar to a unique attribute-enhancing potion. After use, it can inherit part of the main attributes of the first-level owner. The higher the quality of the head, the more attributes it will inherit.

The more advanced ones can even inherit the other party's skills.

Consumables like this that can increase basic attributes are not enough for low-level adventurers themselves, and there are a few who will sell them.

He is in this low-level adventurer area, where can he get the brains of this plot character! Isn’t this embarrassing?

Could it be that his pistol has been strengthened and useless?

Looking at the pocket pistol in his hand, Qin Ming's face collapsed on the spot.

Before he could recover from this huge disappointment, there was a sudden knock on his door, and the reminder sound of the nightmare space came to his ears again.

"Ding Dong: No. 400631 requests to enter the room. Do you agree?"

400631? !

Qin Ming was stunned when he heard this number, and quickly agreed after realizing it.

As the door opened, a familiar figure walked in from the door.

And this person is the double gun woman.

She started looking around as soon as she entered the room, sighing repeatedly.

"Your house really has no decoration at all, it's original."

"As long as I have a place to live, why should I bother with it? Have you brought the money?"

"Don't worry, I brought everything, and I also brought this."

Sitting down on the bed unceremoniously and taking out a scroll from her arms, the two-gun woman grinned.

Qin Ming, who reached out to take the scroll, lowered his head and looked at it, looking at the special effects of the scroll, his eyebrows trembling slightly.

Name: 2P Character Ticket

Category: (Blue Consumable)

Effect: Designate an adventurer and sign a contract with him to let him follow the target into the same world as a teammate. The effect lasts for 1 world, during which both sides reduce the damage to each other by 90%

Introduction: Friend, insert the coin! Number 2 enters!

Looking at the special props in his hand that he had never seen before, Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh.

"You have so many treasures in your hand! You have all these things!"

"I didn't copy them. I bought them with money. They are expensive."

Stretching out her hand and flicking the scroll, the double-gun woman smiled brightly.

"Sign it, I have already written the content of the contract. The fee is 10,000 points, and another 10,000 points will be added for completing the task. You can choose a piece of loot at will, and we will split the rest."

"No problem."

After confirming that the content was correct, Qin Ming immediately chose to activate the scroll in his hand and announced that he had officially formed a team with the double-gun woman.

After doing all this, he looked up at the Double Gun Lady, then looked down at the revolver in his hand, and suddenly raised his head with a stern face and spoke.

"Let me ask you a question. Do you know where to sell the heads of plot characters?"

"The heads of plot characters? Why are you asking this? What? Are you short of attributes?"

"Almost. Are there any for sale in the low-level adventurer area?"

"Very few, very few. Low-level adventurers are just a bunch of poor guys. They have no money and no attributes. They use such good things themselves when they get them. How can they sell them?"

"That's true."

"But if you really want it, there is a way."

The Double Gun Lady, with her hands crossed in front of her and legs crossed, squinted and smiled.

"Because I often sell equipment, I am quite familiar with a group of teams. They should have it. Do you need me to help you connect?"

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