Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 126 Sublimation-like Strengthening

Name: Talma's Head (Metal Slug World)

Category: Consumable (Brilliant Silver Quality)

Effect: After use, the strength limit +10, and you can get an additional random skill of Talma.

Introduction: Talma's head has been strengthened by special means. I am afraid that even he himself does not know that his head will be so hard one day.

Name: Cyclops' Head (X-Men)

Category: Brilliant Silver Consumable

Effect: After use, the mental limit +10, and get a random skill of Cyclops.

Introduction: A head that can emit lasers. Even if it is dead, the laser in the eyes still does not dissipate, but becomes more powerful.

Looking at the two heads in his hand, Qin Ming hesitated for a while, and still chose to fuse the head of Talma, the master of guns, with the pistol.

As for the other Cyclops head, he was going to use it on himself to strengthen his mental shortcomings.

With the flash of light, the golden-quality pistol and the silver-quality head instantly merged into one. The next second, the properties of the pistol that had followed Qin Ming all the way underwent a drastic change on the spot.

Name: Hyena's Tooth

Category: Weapon (Dim Gold Plot)

Effect 1: Fixed attack power 10-15

Effect 2: Hyena Call (can summon the plot character Talma to assist in combat)

Introduction: A special pistol that has merged with Talma's soul, which enslaves the soul of a plot powerhouse.

Looking at the pistol whose properties have completely changed, Qin Ming's eyes lit up and he quickly raised his hand and fired a shot.

With the sound of gunfire, the light flashed in front of his eyes, and a figure immediately appeared in front of Qin Ming.

A strong body of muscles, loose short hair, sunglasses on his face and camouflage uniforms on his body.

The man with a backpack and a light machine gun pulled the bolt hard as soon as he appeared, and raised his hand to salute with a serious expression.

"Lieutenant of the First Route Army of the Peregrine Squadron: Talma Robin! Meet the Commander! Always at your command!"

Name: Talma Robin

Strength 15

Constitution 15

Agility 40

Spirit 10

Skills: Vehicle Driving Modification Technology (B-level) Heavy-Firearms Mastery (B-level) Close Combat (C-level)


H-type submachine gun (silver quality, comes with 500 rounds of ammunition)

Destroyer grenade (blue quality, 24 pieces)

Military pistol (blue quality, comes with 300 rounds of ammunition)

Military dagger (blue quality)

Introduction: One of the four main characters of Metal Slug! Master of heavy firearms and mechanics!

Looking at the tall man in front of him, Qin Ming couldn't help but smile brightly.

After taking back his gun, with the flash of light on the gun in his hand, Talma's head was separated from the gun again.

The head of this plot character is like an accessory! It can be disassembled again!

Qin Ming tried to install Cyclops' head and summoned the other party, and also quickly looked at Cyclops' attributes.

Then after a comparison in his mind, he finally chose to use the head of Talma.

The reason is very simple. Cyclops' attributes are somewhat conflicting with his own.

Cyclops' fighting style is still mainly melee, and only one trick, the laser eye, can bomb remotely, and the range cannot be too far.

In terms of medium and short distance, it is Qin Ming's own home court, and he does not need help from others at all.

Therefore, in this case, even if Cyclops's combat power is theoretically higher than Talma's, and his attributes are more versatile, he was still abandoned by Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who is not short of melee means, now urgently needs a long-range helper, a shooter who can cooperate with him in combat, and the gun master Talma is undoubtedly very suitable for this positioning.

What's more, Qin Ming's strength value has reached 19 points, and it is not worth it to continue to strengthen it. The so-called increase of 10 points of strength will only become an increase of 5 points on him.

In this case, it is undoubtedly more worthwhile to make up for the shortcomings of mental power at this time.

With the use of Cyclops' head, Qin Ming's mental power, which originally had only 10 points, jumped to 20 points, reaching the first stage limit on the spot, even 1 point higher than the main secondary attribute of strength.

The most important thing is that he also successfully obtained a skill of Cyclops by fusing the head!

Number: 441985

Title: Elite Steward (Blue Quality, Constitution +20)

Strength: 19 (28)

Constitution: 21 (55)

Agility: 10

Spirit: 20

Defense: 19 (Completely immune to 11 damage)

Active Skills: Thick Skin (A-level) True-Sonic Knife (B-level) Super-Essence Absorption (A-level) Shiranui Bloodline (B-level) Infrared Perception (C-level)

Passive Skills: Military Combat Mastery (B-level) Military Firearms Mastery (B-level) Military Cold Weapon Mastery (B-level)

Equipment: Hyena Fang (Dim Gold Plot) Dinosaur Glasses (Ordinary Silver Quality) Bloody Butcher's Intimate Little Cotton Jacket (Dim Silver Plot) Percival Combat Pants (Blue Plot) Ace Bodyguard's Gold Belt (Blue Plot)

Looking at his newly acquired infrared perception skill, Qin Ming couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He knew that he was not a lucky man, and as expected, he did not get the B-level skill Cyclops by chance this time.

However, this infrared perception skill is also quite good. It can automatically form thermal imaging capabilities to confirm the enemy's traces, and it can't hide behind the bunker.

Counting this infrared perception ability, Qin Ming has exactly five skills, and the skill bar is completely filled.

Because the level is not up to standard, it is temporarily unable to merge with each other, so I can only take this skill that is better than nothing.

After improving the equipment and strengthening the attributes, Qin Ming quickly returned to the real world with the remaining 10,000 points in his pocket just in case, in case the mission is really messed up and he has no money to pay off the debt and his attributes are deducted.

It's a long-lost relaxation of nerves, and a rest time after the mission.

Only after returning to reality and staying away from the nightmare space can Qin Ming completely relax.

But this kind of relaxation can't last too long, at most one month.

If you want to continue to rest, you have to spend an extra 2,000 points per month.

Qin Ming can't bear to spend this money, not to mention that he has a contract this time.

Therefore, one month later in the morning, he entered the small room in the nightmare space early and quickly sorted out his belongings.

He was fully equipped, and the 10,000 points for special situations were also ready.

In addition to a frog orb for emergency use, there were also medieval gold coins worth 6,500 points in his pocket.

Qin Ming did not choose to exchange these gold coins for points, but planned to carry them with him all the time.

After all, money makes the world go round. With this money, it will not be difficult to build a good relationship with the characters in the plot.

As long as the relationship is good, their value cannot be measured by a few thousand points.

Their potential value! Higher than points!

After confirming that everything was correct, Qin Ming took a deep breath, raised his hand with a stern face and pushed open the door of his house.

Outside the door, a figure was standing against the wall with his hands folded on his chest, and had been waiting there for a long time.

She was the double-gun woman, Qin Ming's partner in this mission world!

The next goal! Promotion mission!

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