Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 138 We are one, give him some face

It was already dark, and at the entrance of the camp, a team of soldiers was standing guard, including Qin Ming and Shuangqiangpo.

They had not been deceiving Zhao Shen before. This time, they were lurking in as members of a patrol team that fled after being attacked by the enemy.

There were basically one or two patrol teams that were attacked every day, and there was nothing strange about it.

Occasionally, the enemy would attack the camp, resulting in casualties.

This was also the reason why these defeated soldiers were temporarily thrown to the gate to stand guard, mainly because it was not safe here, and no one was willing to come.

As for the ten-man team they were in, who attacked them?

Well, guess where did they get the uniforms on them and the intelligence that the two-gun lady had answered fluently before...

Looking at the night sky, Qin Ming stood at the door with a broken gun, completely ignoring the soldiers who were lying around and thrown at the door as cannon fodder and cordon. He suddenly turned his head to look at the two-gun lady and whispered.

"Hey, is there really a chance to meet the five heroes of the Zhao family while standing guard? Is there something wrong with our plan?"

Next to him, the two-gun lady, who was also leaning on a long gun, couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard it.

"Then what do you think we should do? Rush in and kill the target, cut off his head and then walk away? Do you think you are Guan Yu or Zhao Yun? Wait for your chance."

"Tsk, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, with their attributes, I really can't beat them in a head-on fight, but with my defense, it would be difficult for them to kill me, everyone just has their own strengths."

"That's right! Who are you! You are the famous hyena! Thick skin! Solid head! Of course they can't take a beating like you!"

"I said you are in menopause, right! You keep telling me all day long. Why are you arguing with me!"

"You were the one who was not doing your job first! You are full of water in your head! I worked hard to come up with a plan here! But all you can think about are your breasts and legs! Taking risks with a bug like you! How can I not be in menopause!"

"If we can't reach an agreement, then we will break up! Just like how smart you are! In the next world, we will go our separate ways! I will never cooperate with you again!"

"Let's break up! You talk like I am willing to cooperate with you!"

At the door, accompanied by the sound of quarrels, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po started to tear each other apart, you pulled the collar and I pulled the helmet, and no one would give in.

The soldiers who were originally bored around, seeing that there was something exciting to watch here, immediately became excited and came over to watch.

Just when there was chaos here, the sound of violent horse hooves suddenly sounded from a distance.

Everyone who heard the noise turned their heads at the same time, and Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po, who were pulling each other's collars, also stopped their actions.

Under everyone's gaze, thick smoke suddenly swept in front.

The next second, a cavalryman rushed over in panic, followed by a whole team of cavalrymen.

And the team of people chasing behind! The armor on their bodies was the style of Shu Kingdom! The leader was a bald man holding a Han straight knife!

One of the protagonists! The Five Tiger Generals who were not among the Five Tiger Generals! Wei Yan! He appeared!


With an order, more than a dozen cavalrymen in pursuit simultaneously drew their bows and arrows and quickly shot arrows towards this side.

Caught off guard, the soldiers guarding the door screamed on the spot, some rushed forward in panic with weapons in their hands, and some dropped their weapons and turned around to flee, making a mess for a while.

Obviously, with this group of randomly assembled ragtag troops, there was no combat effectiveness at all.

The Wei army never expected them to form combat power, let alone stop the enemy.

They were just the first line of defense. The real camp gate and the elite soldiers guarding the gate were behind.

Seeing the surprise attack here, the soldiers in the distance quickly raised their weapons to form a defense line, and the messenger blew the horn suddenly.

At this moment, the pursued man who was galloping desperately on his horse finally rushed to the front of the camp.

With several arrows stuck in his back, he raised the flag of the Wei army and roared.

"I am General Li Dian's man! I have a letter to deliver! Save me! Save me!"

Hearing the roar here, Qin Ming stretched out his hand to pull the double-gun woman behind him and used his body to help her block several arrows. He grabbed the long spear in his hand without thinking and swung it out with a lower sweep.

With a click, the spear shaft swept fiercely on the hoof of the war horse, breaking the horse's leg on the spot.

The war horse fell to the ground with a bang, and the cavalry who was shouting desperately above was thrown up and plunged into the pile of soldiers in the rear.

Qin Ming, who had knocked down the cavalry with one shot, had already met a dozen Shu soldiers chasing him and was immediately hit by the second round of arrow rain.

However, the scattered arrows shot at him and could not break his defense at all.

Seeing the enemy rushing into the camp, Wei Yan, who knew that there was no hope of chasing and killing, immediately led his men to turn around and run away.

Seeing this, Qin Ming put down his hand that was blocking his eyes and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing the double-gun woman next to him rushing over, he waved his hand and signaled her not to chase.

"Okay, stop chasing, just act, after all, he is one of us, give him some face, there is no need to kill his soldiers."

Hearing Qin Ming's whispered words, the double-gun woman nodded slightly and raised her hand to put away the double guns.

Before she could speak, she suddenly heard a strong wind sound in her ears.

The next second, an arrow shot from a distance at high speed and accurately pierced Qin Ming's shoulder...

"Fuck you!"

Looking at the arrow trembling slightly in his shoulder, he looked up at Wei Yan, who had obviously run far away, but turned back and shot an arrow at him.

Qin Ming, with his eyes wide open, quickly recovered from his shock.

He broke the arrow on the spot, cursed, and pulled out his revolver to shoot.

After the bullet was empty, he raised his spear and threw it out, relying on brute force to penetrate the body of an unlucky cavalryman on the spot, causing him to fall off his horse.

The soldiers who came to support from all around stared at Qin Ming, a big soldier, with wide eyes, and he was furious. He picked up a weapon and dared to chase him alone, and he really killed an enemy. They couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.

Good guy! Dare to chase Wei Yan alone? Does he want to live? Aren't you afraid that the other party will turn around and rush back to chop him?

Even his own General Xiahou! He doesn't dare to do this casually! After all, in a one-on-one fight! He may not be Wei Yan's opponent!

This kid is so brave! Whose general is he!

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