Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 144 Fighting in the Fire

Amid the roar, the double-gun woman who had placed the light machine gun on the stone pulled the trigger without hesitation! Instantly, the flames connected into one piece!

As she started to fire, the protagonist of the plot, Talma, who was sitting next to her, quickly threw away the cigarette in his hand, picked up his upgraded silver light machine gun, and started to shoot crazily.

The two machine guns fired crosswise, forming a dense firepower network on the spot, instantly hitting the cavalry team at the foot of the mountain screaming continuously, with blood splattering on their bodies, and people kept falling off their horses.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Chui in the cavalry team was furious, and immediately flicked the whip, leading the cavalry to rush up the hillside crazily.

However, the speed of this cavalry rushing up the mountain will inevitably be greatly reduced, and it is not easy to rush up.

Not to mention that there are two machine guns on the top of the mountain!

The sound of "da da da da da" resounded throughout the forest. Looking at the cavalry team that was constantly charging, the double-gun woman and Talma held machine guns, and their expressions looked extremely ferocious under the reflection of the firelight.

The cavalrymen, under the hail of bullets, kept closing the distance and were about to rush to the position where the two were.

At this moment, Qin Ming, who was standing halfway up the mountain, leaning against a big tree and resting his eyes, finally opened his eyes at this moment.

After taking a deep breath, he casually threw away the cigarette he had snatched from Talma.

Qin Ming, with bulging veins on his neck, suddenly turned around and walked out of the bunker, appearing in front of the cavalrymen who were rushing up.

He just stood in front of the crowd alone, holding a flamethrower in his hand, and pulled the trigger hard!


With a piercing whistle! A nearly five-meter-long fire snake gushed out from the muzzle! It immediately ignited the bodies of several cavalrymen who were caught off guard in the front!

They turned into firemen in an instant and fell from their horses with screams.

The war horses that were also ignited neighed wildly and began to run randomly, and the flames on their bodies instantly ignited more things.

Holding the flamethrower, with his finger firmly on the trigger, Qin Ming sprayed whatever he encountered.

Grassland! Trees! Cavalry! Warhorse! In just a blink of an eye! The surroundings had turned into a sea of ​​fire!

Qin Ming, who was standing in the sea of ​​fire, did not even dodge, letting the flames burn his body, while stepping forward, he continued to pull the trigger tightly!

Fire! It is the most restraining thing for wild beasts! Jackals, tigers and leopards are afraid of fire! Warhorses are also afraid of fire!

Facing the sea of ​​fire in front of him, and the monster standing in the sea of ​​fire, still madly spraying fire and burning itself.

The warhorses that rushed up began to disobey orders and fled in all directions.

The cavalry above were also thrown off, taken away, and even dragged forward by the warhorses, and even began to be trampled by other warhorses!

Just when Qin Ming, holding a flamethrower, formed a line of defense alone and forced a large number of cavalry to retreat.

A sharp roar suddenly came from the cavalry unit that was wailing and screaming.

The next second! A strong man over two meters tall! He also ignored the raging fire around him! He raised his arms and rushed towards this side frantically!

One of the Five Tigers of the Zhao Family! Zhao Chui!


When Qin Ming heard the noise, he couldn't dodge anymore. He was hit directly by Zhao Chui and flew several meters away on the spot.

Zhao Chui, who successfully hit the target with one blow, roared with a fierce expression, and once again launched the wild collision skill, rushing towards Qin Ming frantically.

"Bastard! Give me back my second brother's life!"

Hearing the roar in his ears, he looked at the big man rushing towards him like a locomotive.

Qin Ming jumped up from the ground with a carp jump, and suddenly swung his hand and punched the tree trunk next to him.

The tree trunk that had been set on fire broke with a sound. Qin Ming, who was holding the tree trunk with both hands, roared and swung the four or five-meter-long tree in a circle on the spot, sweeping it towards the enemy who was rushing over with all his strength!

With a loud bang! The burning tree hit Zhao Chui's body fiercely!

As a result, the tree broke with a sound! Zhao Chui's footsteps did not stop at all! In the stunned eyes of Qin Ming on the opposite side! He hit him again!

B-level skill! Zhao's body training method!


With a roar, Zhao Chui grabbed Qin Ming's head and directly pulled Qin Ming's legs into the air, and rushed forward with him.

Zhao Chui even stretched out his arms and used Qin Ming in his hand as a shield. Along the way, he broke four trees with Qin Ming!

After finally stopping running, he pulled Qin Ming's head and swung him crazy against the stone in front, making a muffled bang bang bang sound.

Several consecutive collisions directly caused a large number of cracks on the boulder.

Qin Ming, who had suffered a series of attacks, finally fought back at this moment.

Charged version! Sonic hand knife!

With a buzz, a cold light flashed in the air.

Zhao Chui, whose body was invulnerable to swords and guns and could withstand the impact of a big tree without any damage, suddenly screamed.

A flash of fire cut his chest directly, causing blood to drip from his chest. He threw Qin Ming away with all his strength.

Looking at Qin Ming who was rolling to the ground, and then looking down at the injury on his chest, Zhao Chui stood in the fire and roared to the sky.

"Bastard! I'll tear you apart!!!"

After the voice fell, Zhao Chui put his arms in front of him and launched the wild collision skill again.

Qin Ming, who was on the opposite side, slowly got up from the ground. After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he first spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground beside him. Then he pushed the ground with his feet, suddenly spread his arms and put on a force-bearing posture, intending to fight head-on!

Another loud bang spread out, and the surrounding flames were even severely deformed by the air waves generated by the collision.

Zhao Chui, with one shoulder on Qin Ming's chest, lifted Qin Ming up again and took him to crash into the trees behind him.

Qin Ming, who crashed into the big tree uncontrollably and broke several big trees in succession, looked hideous at this moment.

Instead of struggling, he opened his bloody mouth and bit Zhao Chui's ear!

Blood flowed out of his teeth on the spot, and Zhao Chui's facial features were distorted in pain.

He hurriedly stopped charging and pulled Qin Ming, who was hanging on his body, hard, trying to pull down this biting guy.

After a lot of tearing, the good news is that he finally succeeded in pulling the enemy away and threw him to the ground.

But there was also bad news, that is, Qin Ming, who was forcibly dragged down, forcibly tore off one of his ears...

"Ahhhhhh! My ear! My ear!!!"

Covering the bleeding ear, Zhao Chui's facial features twisted in pain.

Opposite him, with the essence absorption ability successfully activated, Qin Ming, whose injuries had healed at this moment and whose body rapidly expanded to two meters away, also stood up quickly.

He opened his mouth to spit out the ear in his mouth and wiped the blood on his mouth vigorously.

Qin Ming, with red eyes, suddenly roared and launched a counterattack, and hit Zhao Chui with one shoulder!

The rumbling sound was continuous! After forcibly knocking down several large trees against Zhao Chui, Qin Ming's two arms were wrapped with flames and air waves, aiming at Zhao Chui's big face close at hand, and came up with a series of hooks!

After the combination of punches, he kicked the crotch again, and then grabbed with both hands, forcibly lifted the strong man high above his head, and then smashed it hard at his knees!

With a crisp sound, Zhao Chui screamed as his spine hit his knees hard. However, before the sound could be heard, he was hit in the face again!

Full force! Football kick!

With a loud bang, Zhao Chui, who was hit in the head, spun like a top and slid several meters before finally stopping.

With blood all over his face and body, he fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

On the opposite side, Qin Ming, with a hideous face, stretched out his hand and ripped his clothes hard, forcibly tearing the already burned coat into pieces, revealing the small red vest inside.

"Who the hell gave you the courage! You want to play close combat with me! I'll tear you apart!!!"

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