Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 146: Shout out to the three armies! Huang Hansheng!

"Set up the machine gun! Get ready to meet the second group of enemies!"

Looking at the billowing smoke coming from afar, Qin Ming, who had reacted, waved his hand quickly.

After hearing this, the double-gun woman didn't waste any words and immediately ran towards the top of the hill with the machine gun, ready to re-occupy the advantageous terrain.

Qin Ming also took out the flamethrower again, came behind a burnt tree, hid with his back against the tree trunk, and tried to catch the enemy by surprise again.

The leader of the cavalry unit, Zhao Chui, who was chasing in this direction, had died in Qin Ming's hands, but this did not mean that the crisis was resolved.

On the contrary! The real battle has just begun!

After all, in terms of strength alone, this group of cavalry is indeed not as good as Zhao Chui. I'm afraid that ten people can't beat him!

But the problem is that on the battlefield, one person's courage is ultimately limited.

You can fight ten with one, can you fight one hundred with one?

Even if you can fight one hundred with one, can you fight one thousand with one?

Just now, Zhao Chui led only a small group of troops. There are several similar troops! Add up to four or five hundred people!

No matter how conceited Qin Ming is, he will never dare to brag that he can kill so many of them alone!

After all, steel bones can only withstand, but it does not mean that they will never get hurt.

When the injuries accumulate, he will still be piled up to death!

Just when the few people here were ready for battle, the cavalry troops who saw the smoke and fire below and rushed back to support quickly also launched an attack on this side without hesitation.

The sound of horse hooves was continuous, and hundreds of cavalry charged at the same time. The scene was spectacular!

But before the cavalry rushed to the foot of the mountain, there was a chaotic movement in the bushes on the side.

The next second! With the shaking of figures! A large number of archers holding longbows ran out of the woods! And they shot arrows while running! And the arrows were extremely accurate!

A series of screams rang out, and a large number of cavalrymen were shot off their horses on the spot.

And at this moment, a cavalry general rode out from the middle of the archer unit.

He rode his horse and whipped it, charging alone, pulling the longbow in his hand into a full moon, and raised his hand to shoot three arrows in a row!

Three arrows were fired at the same time! Hit the throats of the three cavalrymen in front! The arrows were all shot!

After shooting the arrows, the cavalry general threw out the long sword behind him, and while passing by two enemies, he swung the sword and cut off their heads on the spot.

Then, with the long sword swung out, it shot out, and the long sword tied by the iron chain swung in a circle! Killed several more enemy soldiers!

"Five Tiger Generals! Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng are here! Who dares to fight with me!"

The tiger roar spread throughout the forest, and Huang Zhong, holding a bow and a sword, rushed through the crowd, killing the cavalrymen screaming.

As soon as they heard that the newcomer was Huang Zhong, one of the legendary Five Tiger Generals and a famous veteran, the cavalry troops, which were originally aggressive, fell into chaos.

Screams came one after another. Looking at Huang Zhong charging back and forth in the crowd, and the archers in the woods, it was impossible to see how many people there were, but the rain of arrows never stopped.

Caught off guard, the cavalry troops, who were already leaderless, pulled the reins and hurriedly ran in the direction they came from.

They! Were scared away!


Looking at the enemy who turned around and fled desperately, Huang Zhong pulled the reins and stopped immediately, but did not choose to pursue the victory.

He put away his weapons, turned his head and looked at the hillside in the distance, and suddenly pulled the reins and shouted.

"On the mountain! Whose soldiers are you!"

On the top of the mountain, Qin Ming, who was watching the situation below, immediately opened his mouth to give a reply.

"General Guan Yu's men!"

"Oh? General Guan's soldiers? No wonder they are so brave! How dare they fight one against a hundred! This is not the place to talk! Follow me!"

After the words fell, Huang Zhong turned around and left on his warhorse, and the archers in the woods hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po nodded slightly. Qin Ming stepped forward and chose to follow, while Shuangqiang Po stayed behind with Talma, a plot character, and began to urgently clean up the battlefield...

Twenty minutes later, in the woods that were still burning with a raging fire, another group of uninvited guests arrived.

The remaining three of the five heroes of the Zhao family looked at the corpses of the cavalry lying on the ground and the corpse of their fifth brother who was also headless and fell in the middle of the corpses, and their foreheads were bulging with blue veins.

The fourth brother Zhao Chu, with his hands clenched, suddenly looked up at his eldest brother.

"Boss! What should we do now?"

Zhao Ming retracted his gaze after hearing this, his face extremely gloomy.

"Retreat, go back first."


"No buts! The enemy is very powerful! They can't be ordinary soldiers! There's a trick here! Go back!"


Amid the sound of horse hooves, the cavalry unit that saw the fire here and quickly brought people back, took Zhao Chui's headless body and immediately retreated towards the military camp, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, another team was moving forward in the woods.

They were Qin Ming, Huang Zhong and others!

The veteran Huang Zhong, who was walking on foot and holding his warhorse, was listening to Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po explain what had just happened.

Knowing that the two of them had set up a trap to kill two of the Five Tigers of the Zhao Family, Huang Zhong couldn't help but stroke his beard and nodded continuously, looking at the two with great satisfaction.

"I never thought that in such a critical situation, there would be two such capable people willing to help, and they would give such a big gift as soon as they met. What a trick you two have."

"Don't dare, don't dare. Compared with General Huang's feat of defeating three armies by himself, we are still far behind."

"Hahahaha, I just have a false reputation, it's nothing. Speaking of which, General Guan mentioned you to me, and said that the two of you made a military order that is difficult to complete. Now it seems that General Guan may also I underestimate you!"

Turning to look at Qin Ming and Shuangqiang Po with a smile, Huang Zhong suddenly had a serious look on his face.

"You two, just a few days after you left, our Five Tiger Generals have regrouped. Now that you have met me, let's go meet the others together! As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, and with you If there is anything I can help with in the plan, just ask!"

Hearing Huang Zhong's words and watching the other party's favorability soar to 300 on the spot after learning that they and others had killed the two Zhao brothers, Qin Ming and Shuangqiang couldn't help but look happy on their faces, and they quickly raised their hands and clasped their fists.

“It’s best to be so natural!”

"Well, then let's go together. However, when you meet other people, little brother, you'd better change your outfit. After all, your current look... Well, how should I say, it's a little bit cool. Offensive."

As Huang Zhong spoke, he looked at Qin Ming with strange eyes.

At this moment, Qin Ming, whose upper body was almost naked and only wearing a small red vest and equipment. From a distance, it looked like he was wearing a red bellyband. He couldn't help but his expression froze.

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