Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 148 The Scheme of Self-Inflicted Injury!

This time, Qin Ming played really big, but the bigger the game, the bigger the gains.

The most obvious benefit is that the Five Tiger Generals, whose favorability to him was only around 200, now have a favorability of over 300! That is, the level of friends!

After all, who would not like such a brave man?

Half an hour later, near Li Dian's camp, a large number of troops were ready to go in the woods.

Qin Ming, who was checking his equipment, first straightened the small red bellyband on his body, and then put on the Wei army armor for camouflage. After confirming everything, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the double-gun woman next to him.

"Don't follow me in this time, I'll go in alone to deliver the letter."

Hearing this, the double-gun woman frowned.


"There is no but. You know my ability. If the matter is exposed, I still have a chance to rush out alone, but it is absolutely impossible to take you with me."

"I understand. Be careful... By the way, take this! It's best not to use it!"

While speaking, the double-gun woman raised her hand and handed over something.

Qin Ming took it and looked down. After seeing the attributes clearly, he couldn't help but twitched his eyebrows.

"Yes, it's best not to use it......"

Name: Game Coin Exchange Voucher

Category: Consumables (Dim Silver Quality)

Effect: After use, you can force the mission to end and return to the nightmare space, but all your attributes will be deducted by 5 points. If you are insufficient, other attributes will be randomly offset.

Introduction: Game over! You are dead! Please re-insert the coin! Start the game from the beginning!

Looking at the small scroll in his hand, Qin Ming quickly stuffed it into his arms, but he didn't say anything to thank the double-gun woman.

After all, the two of them are now grasshoppers on a rope. They will rise and fall together. It's useless to make those empty ones.

Saying a hundred words of thanks to her is not as good as helping her complete the promotion task!

After putting on his armor and taking the scroll, Qin Ming climbed onto the warhorse beside him.

Before he set off, Guan Yu suddenly came over and handed him something.

"Take it."

"General Guan?"

"Guan said just now that you will get a reward if you answer well. I am very satisfied with your previous answer. This is your reward. Remember to come back alive and don't die in there. I am very optimistic about your loyalty and bravery."

Reaching out and stroking his beard, Guan Yu's expression was as arrogant as ever.

However, this arrogant guy had the highest favorability towards Qin Ming at this moment, reaching 345 points!

Qin Ming took the thing and looked down, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

Because what Guan Yu handed over was actually a roast chicken!

Name: Roast Chicken (Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2)

Category: Consumables (Blue Quality)

Effect: After use, it can restore 60% of its own status, and the cooling time is one minute (shared with other consumables)

Introduction: This is the best blood-replenishing item in the world of Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2, and the effect is outstanding, but please don't be stupid and eat it all! Unless you have time to taste it slowly! Otherwise, you can just take a bite and throw it away, and it can also exert all the effects.

Putting the roast chicken into his arms, Qin Ming nodded heavily to Guan Yu, then shook the reins and rushed towards Li Dian's camp in front.

He had just rushed out of the woods, and the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time in the back had already shouted at the same time to start chasing and killing.

Arrows flew all over the sky! Figures gathered like the sea!

Hundreds of people chased one person and rushed out of the woods, and some guys even threw their spears!

Qin Ming, who couldn't distance himself from them at all, was hit by several arrows on the back.

With arrows stuck in his armor, he desperately controlled the warhorse to sprint forward.

He rushed! The Shu army chased! And the Shu army suddenly dispersed from the pursuit! An old general rode a warhorse and rushed up from the back!

And he had already drawn the bow and arrow as soon as he appeared! Pull the longbow into a full moon! Shoot an arrow with a whoosh!

"The thief general, don't run! Do you recognize me, Huang Hansheng!"


A flash of cold light passed by, and the arrow pierced through the armor, brushed Qin Ming's skin and flew past, accurately inserted into the head of the warhorse.

The warhorse, which was hit hard in the vitals, neighed and rolled down on the spot.

Caught off guard, Qin Ming, who was thrown out, got up and continued to run forward, shouting as he ran.

"I am General Xiahou's confidant! I am asking for help under the general's order! Ask for help!"

The chaotic movement here naturally attracted the attention of the soldiers in the camp.

After receiving the news, General Li Dian, who was standing on the watchtower at the moment, came quickly and frowned as he looked at Qin Ming who was being chased by a large number of enemy troops.

The deputy general standing next to him also frowned.

Seeing that Qin Ming was about to be caught up, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at his own general.

"General Li Dian! He is dying! Should we send troops to rescue him?"

Li Dian had no expression on his face when he heard this, but just raised his hand and waved.

"Don't worry, be careful of fraud."


"Well, according to the information I have collected, the remaining troops in the hands of the Five Tiger Generals are only a few hundred in total, and Huang Zhong alone! Where did so many soldiers come from!"

"What do you mean..."

"Be careful that Guan Yu and his men are disguised as soldiers hiding in the pursuers, waiting for us to rescue them so that we can seize the flag and kill the generals."

"Guan Yu? That arrogant guy can do such a thing?"

"Normally, he shouldn't, but who knows if he will put aside his dignity and attack me when he is forced into a corner."

Looking at Qin Ming, who had been caught up by the soldiers and surrounded on the spot, Li Dian reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword at his waist, his eyes were very sharp.

"Notify the soldiers to gather, but don't act rashly. This kid was caught by Huang Zhong, but he was able to force his way here. He must be very capable and won't die so easily. See if Huang Zhong really wants to kill him! If he does, save him! If not, just ignore him!"


The adjutant raised his hand and clasped his fists, and quickly went down to gather the troops.

General Li Dian stood alone on the watchtower, continuing to silently observe the situation in the distance.

Outside the camp, Qin Ming had already fought with the Shu army, a real fight!

Among the hundreds of soldiers, only Huang Zhong and his confidants knew that Qin Ming was their own, and the others didn't know at all!

So these guys did not show any mercy, and every move went straight to the vital point! They were really determined to kill Qin Ming, the Wei army!

They were ruthless, and Qin Ming was equally vicious, with no intention of holding back!

He dodged the spear's stab sideways! He grabbed the spear and smashed it hard with his other arm!

With a click, the spear broke, and Qin Ming, holding the broken spear, turned his hand and stabbed it directly into the chest of another soldier!

After kicking the soldier's body away, before Qin Ming could continue to attack, spears from all directions had already stabbed!

Countless Shu soldiers roared, and the spears crossed from all directions, directly holding Qin Ming in the middle.

More soldiers raised their spears and stabbed! They took the opportunity to stab Qin Ming's body frantically!

Qin Ming, who was shot more than a dozen times on the spot, roared, grabbed the spear that trapped him with both hands, and swung it with all his strength!

Accompanied by a burst of crackling sounds, the soldiers surrounding him were directly thrown down by him.

Qin Ming, who had a large number of spears under his armpits, raised his spears and thrust forward, waving them back and forth randomly, trying to force back the enemies around him.

However, just as he forced back the people on the left, the people on the right had already taken the opportunity to rush up.

Just as he swept back the soldiers on the right, the soldiers on the left had already charged with guns.

Surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, Qin Ming had nowhere to rush or retreat, and was directly buried by the sea of ​​people.

Looking at Qin Ming, who was alone in the crowd, he managed to hold on for a long time without falling down, and instead killed several people.

On the high platform, Li Dian's eyes suddenly flashed.

"What a hard body! What a tough skin! It's a member of the Zhao family! It's one of us! Deputy General! Lead the troops to rescue him immediately! Bring him alive to see me no matter what!"


The deputy general, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately ordered the soldiers to open the city gates after hearing this.

The next second! Thousands of soldiers raised their weapons! They rushed madly towards the battlefield in the distance!

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