Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 150 True and False Messenger

"What on earth is going on! Why is Zhao Chui's head in your hands! Isn't he your cousin!"

"General Li Dian! The main army camp is surrounded! The Shu army is huge! General Xiahou can't hold it anymore! I have to order my cousin Zhao Chui and I to lead the tiger and leopard cavalry to break through to find you for help! But we met on the road That fellow Huang Zhong led his men to intercept and kill him! My cousin...he..."

Looking at the dead and bloody human head on the ground, Qin Ming couldn't help but think of the previous scene of the boy chasing him, and suddenly he gritted his teeth.

"He was severely injured by Huang Zhong's sneak attack! The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were wiped out in order to cover us! Seeing that we have no hope of breaking through! My cousin Zhao Chui ordered me to cut off his head! Use this as evidence to invite the general to send troops! General!"

As Qin Ming's roar fell, Li Dian's eyes widened, he staggered backwards and sat down on the chair, muttering to himself.

"The camp was surrounded, Zhao Chui broke through and died in battle...No! No! You lied to me! The Shu army has been killed and dispersed! Where did they get the army from? They only have four to five hundred people in total!"

"I don't know this! I only know that they appeared overnight! First, they lured General Xiahou out of the city for a duel! Then the army suddenly launched a sneak attack! Only less than 10,000 of the 20,000 soldiers escaped back to the camp alive!"

"What?! Didn't I send someone to deliver a message! Didn't I warn him not to attack casually!"

"You mean the cavalry confidant named Li Yi?"

"Have you seen him?"

"I've seen it! General Xiahou met him in front of me!"

"Then why..."

"But General Xiahou didn't listen to your dissuasion! Seeing that the Five Tiger Generals showed up with only a few hundred people! The army immediately pressed forward!"


As soon as Qin Ming finished speaking, the furious Li Dian overturned the table with force and shouted angrily at the same time.

"Yuan Rang mistook me! Yuan Rang mistook me! This is obviously a trap! How dare he send troops! How dare he!"

Li Dian reached out to cover his forehead. At this moment, Li Dian's mind was in chaos.

The guy in front of him is from the Zhao family, and he has a body of steel and iron.

And not only did he have Zhao Chui's head, but he also knew the names of the cronies he sent out to report the news.

All kinds of information put together have shown that he is Xiahou Dun's man.

No wonder! No wonder Huang Zhong can lead hundreds of soldiers to chase and kill one person! No wonder he suddenly had so many more soldiers!

After working for a long time, they found reinforcements! What was once a large army has become a small army!

Slowly sitting back on the chair, Li Dian put his hand on his head and closed his eyes due to headache.

Qin Ming, who was standing below, saw that he suddenly stopped talking and hurriedly stepped forward and spoke.

"General! Hurry up and send troops to support! General Xiahou can't bear it any longer!"

After hearing the urgent call for help, Li Dian, who had regained his composure, slowly shook his head.

"There's no rush. You can go down and rest first. We'll discuss this later."

"But General! General Xiahou can't have an accident! He is Prime Minister Cao's cousin! He has been with Prime Minister Cao since he raised his army! If something happens to him! Then let's do it!"

"Shut up! I'll discuss it later! Get off!"


Qin Ming raised his hand and made a fist. Qin Ming, who was wrapped in blood-stained white cloth, turned around and left.

Li Dian, who watched him leave, raised his head with a headache and let out a sigh of relief.

He doesn't know what to do now. Should he go to the rescue now? Or should we continue to stay where we are?

Logically speaking, even a 20,000-strong army could not defend the enemy. The enemy's strength was extraordinary. If 3,000 of our own soldiers came to the rescue, they might not be able to turn defeat into victory. Otherwise, they might all join in, leading to a complete defeat in this battle.

Therefore, the best solution is for him to stand still and wait for opportunities to move.

After all, his camp is blocked on an important road. No matter where the enemy's soldiers come from, they have to eat food. As long as he blocks the food road, he will definitely deal a big blow to them.

But the problem is that the one being surrounded is Xiahou Dun! The kid named Zhao just now was right! Anyone can have an accident in this battle, except Xiahou Dun!

If Xiahou Dun died! Then don't expect him to hang out in Cao's camp! Even if Cao Cao doesn't mess with him! The generals of the Xiahou clan and the Cao clan will definitely exclude and suppress him!

Because Xiahou Dun is one of the leaders among the Cao family's children! The status is high!

If he doesn't save him, he might get into trouble with the Cao family and be resented by Prime Minister Cao, making it difficult for him to move forward in the future.

If not saved, the whole battle will easily be completely overturned, and the entire army will be annihilated.

Li Dian, whose eyes kept turning, finally made up his mind and suddenly sat up and raised his hand.

"Lieutenant! Go and gather the troops! All troops are dispatched! Get ready to rescue people!"


The deputy general on the side nodded quickly when he heard this, and immediately turned around and left.

Between maintaining the situation or taking risks to save people, Li Dian was forced to choose the latter.

After all, they could still run away if they lost the battle. Saving Xiahou Dun back had no merit or demerit.

But if Xiahou Dun dies, even if he wins the battle, don't expect to get a reward! If you don't do it right, you'll have to pay with your life!

In this situation, he can be saved even if he wants to, and he must be saved even if he doesn't want to! He had no choice at all!

He grabbed the spear beside him and adjusted his armor.

The aggressive Li Dian led the guards and strode towards the exit of the camp, preparing to lead troops to rescue people.

Just after taking a few steps, he saw his lieutenant running back in a hurry.

Looking at him running over, Li Dian frowned and spoke in a cold voice.

"Didn't I ask you to gather troops? Why are you here at this time!"

Hearing the general's scolding, the deputy general looked up at him with a strange expression, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"General, another confidant of General Xiahou has come outside the barracks."


After hearing this, Li Dian looked up in astonishment, and saw a cavalryman walking towards this side with a big stride under the guard and escort of several confidants.

And the clothes he was wearing were very familiar to Li Dian, because the style was exactly the ace elite of the Wei army! Tiger and Leopard Cavalry!

As soon as the talent approached, the elite cavalryman had already knelt on one knee, and at the same time took out an envelope from his arms, and solemnly raised his hand to hand it to Li Dian.

"I'm here to convey the order from General Xiahou! General Li! General Zhao Xiong, one of the Five Heroes, died unexpectedly at the hands of the bandits! The general asked you to be more vigilant! Guard the camp! Don't act rashly!"

Looking at the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry kneeling in front of him, and listening to his words, Li Dian's eyes gradually widened.

"You said, Zhao Xiong is also dead?"


"What about Zhao Chui?"

"Zhao Chui? General Zhao Chui is fine!"

"Is the camp besieged by the bandits?"

"Besieged? General, you're kidding. How can such a small army of remnants besiege our camp? The camp is safe and sound!"

"…………Deputy General! Go and call that brother Zhao Ming to see me! I have something to ask him!"

At this moment, Li Dian's face had completely turned cold.

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